


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rst transmembrane region) and Thr-338 (sixth transmembrane region).
2 d mctp (Multiple C2 Domain Proteins with Two Transmembrane Regions).
3 a kinase domain, which are interconnected by transmembrane region.
4 iles for sodium and chloride ions inside the transmembrane region.
5 hare 40% sequence homology in the C-terminal transmembrane region.
6 on with 2 helices intertwined throughout the transmembrane region.
7 nel with a unique hydrophobic double-helical transmembrane region.
8 olated transmembrane helices of the targeted transmembrane region.
9 l cytoplasmic domains as well as the central transmembrane region.
10 protease domain and the C-terminal predicted transmembrane region.
11 distal segments of the Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) transmembrane region.
12 nto the plasma membrane independent of their transmembrane region.
13 structural and functional constraints in the transmembrane region.
14 nd binds the extracellular face of the seven transmembrane region.
15 transcript lacking exon10, which encodes the transmembrane region.
16 h the sterol-sensing domain (SSD)-containing transmembrane region.
17 , inhibition in vivo requires the Kek1 juxta/transmembrane region.
18 pendently mediated by its cytosolic tail and transmembrane region.
19 secretases that cleave APP N-terminal to the transmembrane region.
20 nine cluster ((40)MMMMPM(45)) closest to the transmembrane region.
21 in is much less conserved than the remaining transmembrane region.
22 nal flexibility within the carboxyl-terminal transmembrane region.
23 ertebrate RyRs, including a highly conserved transmembrane region.
24 sence of a solvent-exposed cavity within its transmembrane region.
25 M-score of the I-TASSER models by 37% in the transmembrane region.
26  domains located in the N-terminus and 5(th) transmembrane region.
27 the residue at a single GluN2 site in the M3 transmembrane region.
28  critical arginine or lysine just before the transmembrane region.
29 ttached complexes between the N terminus and transmembrane regions.
30 e into four-helix bundles, and often precede transmembrane regions.
31  of PfRh2a and PfRh2b, not the ectodomain or transmembrane regions.
32 rmini of short proteins containing predicted transmembrane regions.
33 ein-cofactor interactions in the hydrophobic transmembrane regions.
34 ain leader sequences and putative C-terminal transmembrane regions.
35 s between the alpha and beta subunits in the transmembrane regions.
36 acids that are located adjacent to predicted transmembrane regions.
37  helices and six of them form five potential transmembrane regions.
38 ease that cleaves its substrates along their transmembrane regions.
39 olymer through a channel formed by their own transmembrane regions.
40 s thought to be on the cis side of the known transmembrane regions.
41 ructure between the third and fourth helical transmembrane regions.
42 eptors, have identified binding sites in the transmembrane regions.
43 protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) with seven transmembrane regions.
44 es a novel protein with putative ankyrin and transmembrane regions.
45 rs share a conserved region composed of five transmembrane regions.
46  explanations, such as intrinsic disorder or transmembrane regions.
47  for E and were especially erroneous for the transmembrane regions.
48 ng subsites, receptor subunit interfaces, or transmembrane regions.
49 energy of the lipid-facing residues in their transmembrane regions.
50 s different YidC residues in four of the six transmembrane regions.
51 (hyg-B), (iv) amino acids 118-148 comprising transmembrane region 1 (TM1) of NS3 are critical for Gol
52 ) deletion of amino acids 156-181 comprising transmembrane region 2 (TM2) of NS3 has little to no aff
53 , binds in an extended vestibule formed from transmembrane regions 2 and 7 (TM2 and TM7) and extracel
54 e, because the highly conserved DRY motif in transmembrane region 3 has evolved into DRF.
55 tify key residues (Met(547) and Thr(550)) in transmembrane regions 3 and 4 (TM3/4) of rat and human T
56 e in the membrane-associated stretch between transmembrane regions 3 and 4 of the GlyR alpha3 subunit
57               We have studied how aspects of transmembrane region 5 (TM5) of the dopamine D(2L) recep
58  of beta-adrenoceptors highlight residues in transmembrane region 5 that initially bind specifically
59                 E-Syts contain an N-terminal transmembrane region, a central juxtamembranous domain t
60 otetramer, with each monomer consisting of a transmembrane region, a stalk, and a globular head with
61 st of a periplasmic ligand-binding domain; a transmembrane region; a cytoplasmic HAMP (histidine kina
62 2 or 24 residues between the SNARE motif and transmembrane region abolished the ability of synaptobre
63 a-amyloid precursor protein (APP) within the transmembrane region, after prior processing by beta-sec
64 e coevolutionary signal was strongest in the transmembrane region, although the distances between coe
65 ean square deviation (RMSD) of 2.2 A for the transmembrane region and 5 A for the second extracellula
66 gella T3SS consists of a cytoplasmic bulb, a transmembrane region and a hollow 'needle' protruding fr
67  from other chemokines because it has both a transmembrane region and active, soluble chemokine forms
68 each protomer, namely one for protons in the transmembrane region and another for drugs in the peripl
69                                    Thus, the transmembrane region and cytoplasmic tail of TIM-4 are d
70 ncated version of glycoprotein B lacking the transmembrane region and endodomain [gBDeltaTM], phospho
71                          The position of the transmembrane region and ensemble of membrane structures
72  by tight coupling of the SNARE motif to the transmembrane region and hence forcing the membranes int
73 at depleted of FKBP12.6, particularly in the transmembrane region and in the clamp structures.
74 lated when it lacks its cytoplasmic tail and transmembrane region and is secreted from the cell.
75 studied a 38-residue M2 peptide spanning the transmembrane region and its C-terminal extension.
76  function is the binding of Cu(+) within the transmembrane region and its coupled translocation acros
77 ide insertion in exon 5 corresponding to the transmembrane region and no cytoplasmic tail, was increa
78 , four methionine pairs-three located in the transmembrane region and one in the periplasmic domain.
79 ds, that establishes the organization of the transmembrane region and proximal coiled coil of the com
80 the N terminus of the peptide to contact the transmembrane region and result in receptor activation.
81 oorly characterized neck region coupled to a transmembrane region and short intracellular tail.
82 due at the beta"+"-alpha"-" interface in the transmembrane region and the beta(Y143) residue near the
83 o lysosomes in liver and that the N-terminal transmembrane region and the C-terminal CBM20 domain are
84 hrough at least two independent domains, the transmembrane region and the CRAC activation domain (CAD
85 gest that other regions of gB, including the transmembrane region and the cytoplasmic domain, may be
86 ndings indicate that the organization of the transmembrane region and the stability of the quaternary
87                    These sites reside in the transmembrane region and tune the spectral sensitivity o
88 uitous synaptic vesicle protein, comprises a transmembrane region and two C2 domains.
89 nd other predicted sequence features such as transmembrane regions and coiled coils.
90 ted to be a membrane-bound protein with nine transmembrane regions and conserved functional domains s
91 the kinase domain with the extracellular and transmembrane regions and is essential for EGFR activati
92 apping of cavities and ligand binding sites, transmembrane regions and protein domains.
93            The Pob protein contains putative transmembrane regions and protein-sorting signals.
94 chored in the membrane by two closely spaced transmembrane regions and represent Ca(2+)-binding but n
95       The sequence and number of Ig domains, transmembrane regions and signaling motifs vary between
96 ty of the OpcA protein family with conserved transmembrane regions and species-specific polymorphism
97 e that conserved charged residues within the transmembrane regions and the intravesicular glycosylati
98 rameters indicate that both the well-defined transmembrane regions and the less structured intramembr
99 mbrane-tethered AICD (i.e. AICD coupled to a transmembrane region) and not free AICD (i.e. soluble AI
100 ify cysteines substituted for Leu-102 (first transmembrane region) and Thr-338 (sixth transmembrane r
101 t of a putative N-terminal binding domain, a transmembrane region, and a C-terminal catalytic domain.
102 llular region containing three Ig modules, a transmembrane region, and a cytoplasmic region.
103 ion containing two sets of two Ig domains, a transmembrane region, and a previously unreported cytopl
104  signal sequence, an extracellular region, a transmembrane region, and a short conserved cytoplasmic
105 III fibronectin (FN) domain, followed by the transmembrane region, and a short cytoplasmic tail.
106 mains, namely, Ig-like domain, stalk region, transmembrane region, and cytoplasmic domain.
107 ted between the fourth EF-hand and the first transmembrane region, and one C-terminal (PBR-C), betwee
108          S1R has a GXXXG motif in its second transmembrane region, and these motifs are often involve
109 g of an amino-terminal cytoplasmic domain, a transmembrane region, and three collagenous domains flan
110 tidomain extracellular N-terminal region, 11 transmembrane regions, and a short C-terminal region.
111 e N-terminal sequence, three C2 domains, two transmembrane regions, and a short C-terminal sequence.
112 e both cytosolic, implying an even number of transmembrane regions, and ferroportin was mainly locali
113 mino acids 82-87 in the putative cytoplasmic/transmembrane region appear to be critical for the oncog
114 ere, we find that nine of the putative inter-transmembrane regions are accessible from the extracellu
115                             Several putative transmembrane regions are identified using hydrophobicit
116 creased interhelical packing interactions in transmembrane regions are promoted by increased receptor
117 nds in soluble proteins and membrane protein transmembrane regions are statistically identical.
118 operly folded ECD independent from the seven-transmembrane region as a thioredoxin fusion protein in
119 urs due to a CxC cysteine motif found in the transmembrane region, as determined by mutagenesis studi
120  Following their release we propose that the transmembrane regions assemble into beta-hairpins via to
121            The S5-P linker was docked to the transmembrane region based on data from previous NMR and
122                              Thus, the Hrd1p transmembrane region bears determinants of high specific
123 eviously unrecognized structural constraint: Transmembrane regions bury more residues than extramembr
124 ive drugs, XAP044 does not act via the seven-transmembrane region but rather via a binding pocket loc
125 ive protein-protein contacts within presumed transmembrane regions, but whether this is the case for
126 d extracellular (EC-II) loop closed over the transmembrane regions by making a disulfide linkage betw
127 es to a family of proteins that contain four-transmembrane regions, called tetraspanins.
128 due to either the translocated region or the transmembrane region can switch the insertion requiremen
129 and that the predicted ECSCR cytoplasmic and transmembrane regions can each confer association with K
130 ta suggest an extended binding pocket in the transmembrane regions close to the second extracellular
131 plification with degenerated primers against transmembrane regions conserved in the GPCR superfamily.
132 a three-bladed propeller shape with a curved transmembrane region containing at least 26 transmembran
133  residue 238 in the D2 domain and 320 in the transmembrane region contribute to the difference in rec
134 rstood: How is the information sensed by the transmembrane region converted into a rearrangement in t
135 tic alanine replacement of putative loop and transmembrane region cysteine residues (Cys(4), Cys(81),
136 glucoside showed decreased alpha-helicity in transmembrane regions, decreased alpha-helical packing,
137 e LRRs of Kek1 in conjunction with its juxta/transmembrane region direct association and inhibition o
138                                          The transmembrane region encapsulates a hydrophobic cavity,
139                          Openings within the transmembrane region expose the pore to the lipid bilaye
140 ocated at positions 191 and 192 in the juxta-transmembrane region exposed to the cytoplasm.
141 e counterion one alpha-helical turn into the transmembrane region from the native position.
142 ent of gp120 (residues 252 to 482) linked to transmembrane regions from CD4 showed b12 binding compar
143 sidues at the luminal interface of the third transmembrane region function specifically in promoting
144 has a PAS domain, while CetA has a predicted transmembrane region, HAMP domain and the HCD.
145 re consistent with alternating access to the transmembrane regions, however with the open state facin
146                          The contribution of transmembrane regions I, II, and III of the Rickettsia p
147 oop I with downstream signaling dependent on transmembrane region II.
148       Here we show that the first of the two transmembrane regions in human SAC1 (TM1) functions in G
149                  A possible function for the transmembrane regions in integrin signaling has been pro
150                       Hence, each set of six transmembrane regions in Nav1.5 likely constitutes a Sig
151 actor receptor (NGFR, p75; extracellular and transmembrane regions) in a dominant manner.
152                                          The transmembrane region is a novel alpha-helical barrel.
153  proinflammatory mediators and show that the transmembrane region is critical for adhesion-GPCR funct
154 hilic residues, and peptide backbones in the transmembrane region is essential to restrain thermal is
155 US11 is modified with ubiquitin, whereas the transmembrane region is integrated in the ER membrane, a
156 racellular surface of the NBCe1-A C-terminal transmembrane region is minimally exposed to aqueous med
157 ) of RTNLB13, we show that the length of the transmembrane regions is directly correlated with the ab
158 , we show that the precise sequence of these transmembrane regions is not essential for in vivo YidC
159          Here, we show that the evolution of transmembrane regions is slowed by a previously unrecogn
160  of an ankyrin-repeat domain and a predicted transmembrane region, is a necessary positive regulator
161 s 20 to 38, which are upstream of a putative transmembrane region, is luminal.
162 epitope and "helix-breaking" residues in the transmembrane region just upstream of the peptide, indic
163 e show that cholesterol bound to the TCRbeta transmembrane region keeps the TCR in a resting, inactiv
164 evealed a hydrated pathway in the C-terminal transmembrane region leading from the ion-binding sites
165 ate recognition site and the fourth membrane transmembrane region (M4).
166  A coordinate root mean-square (CRMS) in the transmembrane region main-chain atoms.
167 GPI)-anchored molecule containing no peptide transmembrane regions, making it an attractive candidate
168 protein-protein interactions mediated by the transmembrane region may be required for YneA activity.
169 D values to the native of 2 A or less in the transmembrane regions) may be obtained for template sequ
170 d somatic mutations, commonly located in the transmembrane regions, may induce constitutive activatio
171      This suggests that one of the predicted transmembrane regions might be re-entrant.
172 ues, extracellular domain of 198 residues, a transmembrane region of 21 residues, and a cytoplasmic d
173 tosolic domain of a mammalian Kir3.1 and the transmembrane region of a prokaryotic KirBac1.3 (Kir3.1
174 of sildenafil within the large cavity of the transmembrane region of ABCB1.
175 her with a portal between two helices in the transmembrane region of ABCB10, assist transport substra
176 epitope hidden in fibrillar Abeta and in the transmembrane region of APP might be a better choice in
177 three inhibitor classes, suggesting that the transmembrane region of CCR5, a key interaction site for
178 cholesterol depletion and do not require the transmembrane region of CD47.
179 lti-protein complex, then cleaves within the transmembrane region of CT99 to generate the C termini o
180  a highly conserved glutamate residue in the transmembrane region of E. coli TatC, which when modifie
181                                          The transmembrane region of FtsLB is stabilized by hydrophob
182                Chimaera containing the S1-S6 transmembrane region of HERG showed functional and pharm
183      Alanine substitution of residues in the transmembrane region of human T1R3 revealed 4 key residu
184 le depends on only a few residues within the transmembrane region of human T1R3.
185 rminal 21 amino acid residues and C-terminal transmembrane region of IFITM3 are required for its anti
186                        Mutation F427I in the transmembrane region of JUNV envelope glycoprotein GP2 h
187 se results highlight the significance of the transmembrane region of Kit in activation of the molecul
188  gutless adenovirus vector revealed that the transmembrane region of m4/gp34 was required for efficie
189 ane Gly122, Gly126, and Gly130 in the fourth transmembrane region of mammalian APH-1aL are part of th
190 r" triplet in the distal region of the third transmembrane region of most G-protein-coupled receptors
191 roduced cysteines clearly indicates that the transmembrane region of NBCe1-A contains 14 transmembran
192     Our findings suggest that the C-terminal transmembrane region of NBCe1-A is tightly folded with u
193 can calculate the folding free energy of the transmembrane region of outer membrane beta-barrel prote
194  bind to a hydrophobic pocket located in the transmembrane region of SERCA near the biomembrane surfa
195                                          The transmembrane region of TARM1 contained a conserved argi
196 tward-facing hydrophobic residues within the transmembrane region of the AT1R.
197 rs containing a point mutation in the second transmembrane region of the beta3 subunit (beta3N265M).
198   Subsequent gamma-secretase cleavage in the transmembrane region of the C-terminal fragment induces
199 tein that transforms cells by binding to the transmembrane region of the cellular platelet-derived gr
200 uld result in the direct interactions of the transmembrane region of the channel protein with the lip
201 tial substrate-binding surface groove in the transmembrane region of the complex.
202  contributed to the density representing the transmembrane region of the complex.
203 ant MACV containing a single mutation in the transmembrane region of the glycoprotein.
204 y crystal and solution NMR structures of the transmembrane region of the M2 homo-tetrameric bundle bo
205                                Models of the transmembrane region of the NaChBac channel were develop
206 rrected a previously identified error in the transmembrane region of the original cryo-electron micro
207 id bovine papillomavirus E5 protein bind the transmembrane region of the PDGF beta receptor tyrosine
208 as a probe for small molecule binding to the transmembrane region of the PPR, driven by the assumptio
209                                          The transmembrane region of the proteins is then surrounded
210 d, whose N terminus then penetrates into the transmembrane region of the receptor to initiate signali
211 ins non-covalently associated with the seven-transmembrane region of the receptor, as indicated by co
212  engage with TAK-013 upon its binding to the transmembrane region of the receptor.
213 specific microdomain interactions within the transmembrane region of the receptor.
214 terally between helices I and VII within the transmembrane region of the receptor.
215 ther analysis showed that the C-terminal non-transmembrane region of the SKOR protein was required fo
216 substitution just outside the second helical transmembrane region of the SLC25A40 inner mitochondrial
217 multaneously altering the cytosolic tail and transmembrane region of the STcys isoform.
218 f the distribution of water molecules in the transmembrane region of these GPCR structures and find c
219 ut two chlorides and no cations bound in the transmembrane region of this anion-selective channel.
220 everal binding poses of FPR2 agonists in the transmembrane region of this receptor.
221                 Moreover, replacement of the transmembrane region of TIM-4 with a glycophosphatidylin
222 he transmembrane region, suggesting that the transmembrane region of ZipA has little influence on the
223 olution suggests a mechanism for chaperoning transmembrane regions of a protein substrate during its
224 s to cysteines introduced into two different transmembrane regions of CFTR from both the intracellula
225 e have generated computational models of the transmembrane regions of different mGluR subtypes in two
226           Mutagenesis studies implicated the transmembrane regions of each protein as important for t
227                  The amino acid sequences of transmembrane regions of helical membrane proteins are h
228 sitioned on the exoplasmic, cytoplasmic, and transmembrane regions of HRG-1-related proteins.
229 g, we identified numerous amino acids within transmembrane regions of ICMT that dramatically reduced
230 ntal tool to interrogate the conformation of transmembrane regions of integral membrane proteins.
231 suggesting that the Sig1R interacts with the transmembrane regions of its partners.
232 t domain recombination is not common for the transmembrane regions of membrane proteins, a majority o
233 ll as with truncations of the N-terminal and transmembrane regions of Pom152p.
234 boid-1 (PfROM1), a protease that cleaves the transmembrane regions of proteins involved in invasion.
235 us accessibility of Cys substitutions in the transmembrane regions of subunit c was probed by testing
236 fore introduced single Trp residues into the transmembrane regions of TbMscL and EcMscL to give the T
237           We determined the structure of the transmembrane regions of the bacterial cyclic nucleotide
238 , as single amino acid changes in the second transmembrane regions of the chimera drastically reduced
239  SSP interacts with the membrane-proximal or transmembrane regions of the G2 fusion protein.
240 ic region of FCRL5 and the extracellular and transmembrane regions of the IgG Fc receptor FcgammaRIIB
241 roteins containing the cytoplasmic tails and transmembrane regions of the LDL receptor or LRP and the
242 eric proteins in which the extracellular and transmembrane regions of the MHC-I allele HLA-A2 were fu
243 t cell biological features determined by the transmembrane regions of the proteins.
244 but not identical amino acid residues in the transmembrane regions of the receptor.
245 s support the idea that steroids bind in the transmembrane regions of the receptor.
246 s implies that the pore is formed by several transmembrane regions of the same ANX molecule.
247 face of interaction is conserved between the transmembrane regions of the two proteins.
248 d difference CD spectroscopy showed that the transmembrane regions of these peptides were 42 and 94%
249 ium channels, we engineered chimeras wherein transmembrane regions of TRPV1 were transplanted into th
250  engineered mutations in the periplasmic and transmembrane regions of VirA on vir-inducing capacity a
251          In contrast, mutations altering the transmembrane region or conserved hydrophobic patches ca
252 ed transcripts encode proteins that lack the transmembrane region or have modified carbohydrate recog
253 that the J/K helices and the fourth membrane transmembrane region participate in transducing alloster
254                   It comprises five putative transmembrane regions, predominantly resides in the endo
255                       Multiple C2 domain and transmembrane region proteins (MCTPs) are evolutionarily
256 e now describe MCTPs (multiple C2 domain and transmembrane region proteins), a novel family of evolut
257 ferlins, and MCTPs (multiple C(2) domain and transmembrane region proteins).
258 ic mGlu2/1 receptor, demonstrating the mGlu2 transmembrane region's critical involvement.
259 ide-rich ligand-binding domains, yet lacks a transmembrane region separating the ligand-binding regio
260  (HMM) domains, protein family HMMs, motifs, transmembrane regions, signal peptides, hydropathy plots
261                                       In the transmembrane region, sites that coevolved according to
262 ing of the soluble form of ZipA, lacking the transmembrane region, suggesting that the transmembrane
263  have significant sequence homology in their transmembrane regions, suggesting a similar mode of bind
264 mical shift changes for many residues in the transmembrane region support an allosteric mechanism of
265  subunit motions that would connect with the transmembrane region that controls the passage of ions.
266 icted to dock to a binding pocket within the transmembrane region that includes these 4 key residues.
267 ns: the N-terminal extracellular region, the transmembrane region that spans the cell membrane once,
268      Probes placed sequentially throughout a transmembrane region that was identified by crosslinking
269 ins identified, is characterized by multiple transmembrane regions that exhibit homology to sugar tra
270 esidues out of 22, residing within prestin's transmembrane regions, that contribute to unitary charge
271    Our results indicate that Asp94 (3.32) in transmembrane region (TM) 3 and Glu182 (5.46) in TM5 are
272        A recent mutagenesis study identified transmembrane region (TM)4 of the beta1-adrenoceptor as
273  the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth transmembrane regions (TM) of the hMC4R with the homolog
274 interactive domain just distal to the second transmembrane region (TM2) between Met610 and Val632.
275 in RscS: two transmembrane helices forming a transmembrane region (TMR), a large periplasmic (PP) dom
276 d to a cysteine positioned at the end of the transmembrane region (TMR).
277 bly catalyzes membrane fusion by pulling the transmembrane regions (TMRs) of SNARE proteins together,
278 n membrane fusion have been proposed for the transmembrane regions (TMRs) of SNARE proteins, includin
279  Here we hypothesize a pivotal role for AQP4 transmembrane regions (TMs) in epitope assembly.
280 te and to an increased susceptibility of the transmembrane regions to disease-causing single-nucleoti
281 oops connecting the "A" domain to the ATPase transmembrane region undergo greater fluctuation than ex
282 monstrate that truncated syntaxins lacking a transmembrane region universally block exocytosis, but o
283 ly mild Cx26 mutations located at the second transmembrane region (V84L, V95M, and A88S) and a Cx30 m
284                          The contribution of transmembrane region VIII of the Rickettsia prowazekii A
285                                          The transmembrane region was modeled after the crystal struc
286                     Similar asymmetry of the transmembrane region was observed in the AA simulations
287 -function studies of the Fo-sector, the Su e transmembrane region was structurally characterized in m
288 that these PAMs bind within the alpha7 nAChR transmembrane region, we generated and validated new str
289 re deleted or the sequence and length of the transmembrane region were altered.
290 ein-lipid interaction energies in the second transmembrane region were correlated to mutagenic data,
291 taining a spin label in the cytosolic or the transmembrane region were tested.
292  1 (HR1) and HR2 regions, and the C-terminal transmembrane region, which are collectively responsible
293 sitioned at key locations within or near the transmembrane region, which requires desolvating charged
294 cle ion channels is apparent in the putative transmembrane region, which would be consistent with the
295 ed the three Cys residues present in the CPD transmembrane region, while other constructs contained A
296                 These proteins have a single transmembrane region with a putative Ca(2+) binding doma
297                   TRC8 interacts through the transmembrane region with hERG and decreases hERG functi
298  an N-terminal alpha-helix that connects the transmembrane region with two C-terminal beta-domains.
299  hydrolysis within otherwise water-excluding transmembrane regions with purified proteins is a challe
300             These regulators have homologous transmembrane regions, yet they differ in their cytoplas

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