


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nfrared radiation to which the atmosphere is transparent.
2 IR) wavelengths, to which the skin is highly transparent.
3  goal if reports of COS are not complete and transparent.
4 m resonates and the micro-cavity is rendered transparent.
5 s, the networks are ionically conductive and transparent.
6 ers (0 </= x </= 23) grown on conductive and transparent (01)-oriented beta-Ga2O3 substrates using a
7 to IV steroid-refractory acute GvHD and were transparent about their methods and patient selection cr
8 n the volume and complexity of MS data makes transparent, accurate and reproducible analysis difficul
9        The body of the device was printed in transparent acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and co
10 atherers of Siberia, and Ket language has no transparent affiliation with any language family.
11  which is a flexible, lightweight, optically transparent and biocompatible material.
12 ch the scientific community can promote more transparent and collaborative research by using an open
13 rotein function in live zebrafish embryos, a transparent and commonly used model organism to study em
14 ecklist of 18 items considered essential for transparent and complete reporting in all COS studies.
15 ines should be designed to make decisions in transparent and comprehensible ways, which can be achiev
16   Here, we report a strategy to design tough transparent and conductive bonding of synthetic hydrogel
17                                              Transparent and conductive doped metal oxides are widely
18 ic tandem solar cell is largely dependent on transparent and conductive intermediate layer (IML).
19                                 Here, highly transparent and conductive Ti3 C2 Tx films and their app
20                   Upon donors' request for a transparent and effective payment mechanism, the World H
21 t designed for guiding the implementation of transparent and explicit measurement of routine data of
22 med to establish measures of oral health for transparent and explicit reporting of routine data to fa
23                                            A transparent and flexible CuI-based thermoelectric elemen
24 able processability that gives rise to quasi-transparent and flexible films showing in-plane structur
25                                 We present a transparent and flexible self-charging biosupercapacitor
26 eover, the freestanding omniphobic films are transparent and flexible, potentially serving as liquid-
27 uted as a workflow within the user-friendly, transparent and freely available Galaxy platform (galaxy
28                   The Axin mutant larvae are transparent and have severe adipocyte defects caused by
29 bilities have been achieved using completely transparent and high-refractive-index dielectric buildin
30                                              Transparent and mechanically robust AEMs based on ionica
31 zymatic glucose/oxygen biofuel cell based on transparent and nanostructured conducting supports.
32 The TCM device can reversibly switch between transparent and opaque states.
33       Sphagnum covered during three years by transparent and opaque surfaces, which eliminate wet dep
34 E) to compare protein expression profiles of transparent and opaque variants of 3 pneumococcal strain
35  rapidly renders fixed tissue samples highly transparent and reliably preserves emission from fluores
36 of these data can benefit from an efficient, transparent and reproducible data pipeline.
37                                    Optically transparent and stable organic glasses were prepared fro
38 nedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate as a transparent and stretchable anode, a perovskite/polymer
39 ine whether published guidelines are robust, transparent, and clear in presenting practice recommenda
40 ecision making on resource allocation is not transparent, and full economic evaluations of complex in
41                         The IMG's inclusive, transparent, and partnership-focused approach proved an
42 batteries, these systems are soft, flexible, transparent, and potentially biocompatible.
43 ecision analysis is a systematic, objective, transparent, and repeatable process for deciding the out
44 e-organism calcium imaging in small and semi-transparent animals has been demonstrated, capturing the
45 e data can be compiled in a standardized and transparent approach that supports potential automation
46  material when used to electrically activate transparent artificial muscles are demonstrated.
47 y and to ensure that the revision process is transparent as advised in the WHO ICD-11 revision agenda
48  angles of 35 degrees are significantly more transparent at long mid-IR wavelengths as compared to co
49 rted anodized porous alumina, typically semi-transparent at similar wavelengths.
50 egrated photonic platform which is optically transparent at these wavelengths.
51                                   For highly transparent barriers, there is a pronounced Andreev refl
52 d public health professionals a flexible and transparent basis on which to base their dietary recomme
53 provide ratiometric signals in the optically transparent biological window, target to all relevant in
54    The cryogels are anchored in an optically transparent capillary, which serves as the microfluidic
55                                              Transparent carbon ultramicroelectrode arrays (T-CUAs) w
56 ing platform of redox-active pyocyanin using transparent carbon ultramicroelectrode arrays (T-CUAs),
57 ersed into epoxy resins and be fabricated as transparent CDots/epoxy composites for multiple-color- a
58                         Single-junction semi-transparent cells are 12.3% efficient, and mechanically
59  transparent conductive oxide (TCO) layer on transparent cellulose nanofibril (CNF) papers.
60  used for self-routing of optical signals in transparent communication networks and energy flow in ph
61                      Engagement in frank and transparent communication with our patients and their ca
62                                              Transparent conducting electrodes play a fundamental rol
63                                              Transparent conducting films (TCFs) are a critical compo
64 layer and reusing the mesoporous TiO2-coated transparent conducting glass substrate via selective dis
65 recycled; reuse of their gold electrodes and transparent conducting glasses could reduce the price pe
66 elf-assembled on the surfaces of mesoporous, transparent conducting indium tin oxide nanoparticle (na
67 ide (ITO) nanoparticles were spray-coated on transparent conducting ITO supports resulting in a flocc
68                          The most ubiquitous transparent conducting material is tin-doped indium oxid
69                                              Transparent conducting oxide (TCO) coatings with decreas
70                              La2 Sn2 O7 is a transparent conducting oxide (TCO) material and shows a
71 electron acceptors/donors on the surfaces of transparent conducting oxide nanoparticle electrodes.
72                                          The transparent conducting oxide nature of the top Al:ZnO fi
73 ns which utilise them including solar cells, transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) and window coatings
74                                              Transparent conducting oxides (TCOs), such as indium tin
75 ng the discovery and characterization of new transparent conducting oxides, realization of p-type alo
76 uted Bragg reflector on the back side of the transparent conducting substrate for the front photoelec
77 ncy in the visible light range, promising in transparent conductive electrode applications.
78  a comprehensive analysis of carbon nanotube transparent conductive films covering detailed fabricati
79 e merits and shortcomings of carbon nanotube transparent conductive films.
80 erature atomic layer deposition (ALD) as the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) layer on transparent
81 applicable to other defect-rich, dopant-free transparent conductive oxide nanostructures.
82 n efficiencies of existing III-V, II-VI, and transparent conductive oxide semiconductors in a multila
83 ereas indium tin oxide (ITO) is a well-known transparent conductive oxide, it is a non-ideal platform
84 al relevance of spinel-type oxides as p-type transparent conductive oxides and as plasmonic semicondu
85                                              Transparent conductive oxides exhibit large ultrafast no
86 on of electrochromic nanoscale assemblies on transparent conductive oxides on both rigid and flexible
87        Here we report a new type of flexible transparent conductive paper completely made from green
88 l and results in oriented nanowire arrays on transparent conductive substrates.
89                                  Such highly transparent, conductive Ti3 C2 Tx films display impressi
90 ms are among the state-of-the-art for future transparent, conductive, capacitive electrodes, and tran
91 ire-based films are a desirable material for transparent conductor applications; in particular when a
92 ial in multiple applications, including as a transparent conductor, active material in thin film tran
93 ite materials are of significant interest as transparent conductors and as active components in power
94                                     Finally, transparent conductors based on Al-doped Ag possess both
95      The fundamental challenge for designing transparent conductors used in photovoltaics, displays a
96 erties are examined relative to other p-type transparent conductors.
97 e, thereby opening up new avenues to develop transparent conductors.
98 promising alternative to indium tin oxide as transparent conductors.
99 sputtered Nb films can make high-quality and transparent contacts to the In0.75 Ga0.25 As quantum wel
100                         Colorless and highly transparent copolymers of poly(monothiocarbonate) were s
101 erature thermoelectric performance of p-type transparent copper iodide (CuI) thin films.
102                                The small and transparent coral micropropagates are ideally suited for
103  treatment, with potential for effective and transparent corneal wound healing.
104                                      A small transparent crustacean called Parhyale hawaiensis has be
105 the UV optical density of thin and optically transparent crystalline DNA films formed through self as
106 isk factors might promote more equitable and transparent decision-making.
107 conic (opaque), and planar states (partially transparent), depending on the frequency applied at sust
108  representations for sparse in vivo data and transparent descriptions of developmental transitions.
109 ards practical application scenarios such as transparent devices and see-through displays.
110 e use of an hermetic container, comprising a transparent diamond capsule and platinum wire feedthroug
111 ification after a finite writing length in a transparent dielectric is phenomenologically described i
112 onsisting of a reflective gold layer and two transparent dielectric spacers, also forming a vertical
113       Graphene can serve as an ultrathin and transparent diffusion barrier in solar cell contacts, as
114                                            A transparent discussion of recurrent MR risk has pressing
115 (-1) ) shows the potential of the full-color transparent display.
116 stantly hyped as a game-changer for flexible transparent displays.
117 t fishery resource, have positively buoyant, transparent eggs.
118 ution to light results in the formation of a transparent, elastic hydrogel.
119                    An indium tin oxide (ITO) transparent electrical heater is patterned on top of thi
120        An integrated platform for the ITO/Au transparent electrode with light-emitting diodes was fab
121  have emerged as a promising next-generation transparent electrode.
122 ental characterization of low-haze and ultra-transparent electrodes based on silver nanowires.
123 oluminescent devices, which does not require transparent electrodes for electrical input, is demonstr
124 atings hold potential for being exploited as transparent electrodes in numerous optoelectronic applic
125                                         Such transparent electrodes with embedded catalytic metals ca
126  technology and the development of flexible, transparent electrodes, the use of multilayer thin-films
127 rated great interest for use in flexible and transparent electronic devices.
128 their atomic thinness, allowing for flexible transparent electronics and ultimate length scaling.
129 ath for multifunctional technologies combing transparent electronics, flexible electronics and thermo
130 rating the feasibility of optically defined, transparent electronics.
131 for next-generation ultrathin, flexible, and transparent electronics.
132  glucose/oxygen membrane- and mediator-free, transparent enzymatic fuel cells.
133 nt that carbon-rich polysaccharides, such as transparent exopolymer particles, enhance heterotrophic
134 -king size domain contained large amounts of transparent exopolymers with little ballast, which likel
135 ate Botryllus schlosseri, which has a large, transparent, extracorporeal vascular network encompassin
136 ghly desirable properties of the anisotropic transparent film can potentially open up a range of gree
137 on, where remaining material is an optically transparent film comprised of few-walled CNTs with profo
138                                              Transparent films are fabricated via spin-casting of Ti3
139 ffective approach to fabricating anisotropic transparent films directly from wood.
140                                              Transparent films made of cellulose nanofibers are repor
141                                              Transparent films or substrates are ubiquitously used in
142 hibit multi-stability, that is, homeotropic (transparent), focal conic (opaque), and planar states (p
143 pitaxial lift-off of wafer-size flexible and transparent foils of single-crystal gold using silicon a
144 s diminished, which makes the crystal nearly transparent for certain x-ray wave vectors.
145 ct solution, such an approach makes analyses transparent for critical evaluation and dissemination an
146 technique enables the mold-free formation of transparent glass structures previously inaccessible usi
147 and thermally processed to produce optically transparent glass structures with sub-millimeter feature
148 lica melting point to form amorphous, solid, transparent glass structures.
149 tage thin film transistor (HVTFT) built on a transparent glass substrate.
150 ngle crystal gallium phosphide thin films on transparent glass substrates via transfer bonding.
151 (QDs) at predefined locations on silicon and transparent glass surfaces: as proof of concept, cluster
152 monstrate that the use of ultrathin electron transparent graphene membranes, which can sustain large
153                         Here, we integrate a transparent graphene sensor with a customized abdominal
154                                              Transparent graphene-based neural electrode arrays provi
155 mising applicability of AlN TRRAM for future transparent harsh electronics.
156              The Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER) define b
157 ganization (WHO) Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER), publish
158 uccessful III-N system, thereby bringing all-transparent, high-power oxide electronics operating at r
159 ods are powerful tools for this, but require transparent, highly conductive and biocompatible electro
160 tric devices that are flexible and optically transparent hold unique promise for future electronics.
161                              The helmet is a transparent hood that covers the entire head of the pati
162 l "probe" particles embedded in an optically transparent "host" particle suspension is developed.
163    We further demonstrate that the agile and transparent hydrogel actuators and robots perform extrao
164 rystallin (gammaS-WT) forms a densely packed transparent hydrogel with a high refractive index, makin
165 evelop tissues and organs composed of active transparent hydrogels to achieve agile motions and natur
166                                      A novel transparent, immobilised and superhydrophilic coating of
167 es produce normally behaving larvae that are transparent in both the body and the eyes.
168 n garnet has a very high Verdet constant, is transparent in the infrared and is an insulating ferrima
169 he application of an external potential to a transparent indium tin oxide-coated electrode (the subst
170  materials, and hydrogels as stretchable and transparent ionic conductors.
171 , we examine trikingdom interactions using a transparent juvenile zebrafish to model mucosal lung inf
172 cope and micromanipulator combined with semi-transparent Kapton tape.
173                           Electrode based on transparent layer of indium tin oxide was electrochemica
174 olumetric axial strain and uses a compliant, transparent layer to measure surface axial stress.
175 constructing an IR-reflective layer on an IR-transparent layer with embedded nanopores, the nanoporou
176             By changing the thickness of the transparent layer, the overlap of the two symmetric puls
177 tructure is highly reflective due to the two transparent layers on highly reflective gold.
178                                  We observed transparent lesions on embryonic leaves of ago1 mutant s
179 engths of 650-1000 nm where tissues are more transparent, light scattering is less efficient, and end
180 village households through a free, fair, and transparent lottery.
181 ne, and the other at 3950 nm that falls in a transparent, low-scattering optical window for free spac
182 tosan gold nanoparticles (CS/GNP) and planar transparent macroelectrodes (T-Macro).
183 stematically examined by implementing a thin transparent matching medium of the same acoustic impedan
184 igh-performance lead-free electro-optic (EO) transparent material is introduced and used in an EO dev
185 ry percepts of opacity can be generated when transparent materials are embedded in a light field that
186              The refractive index of natural transparent materials is limited to 2-3 throughout the v
187 ransmittance ( approximately 90%) than other transparent materials such as indium tin oxide ( approxi
188 cs are birefringent and non-linear optically transparent materials, the coupling of polarization with
189 higher compared with state-of-the-art p-type transparent materials.
190 ith delta adjustment provides a flexible and transparent means to impute univariate missing data unde
191 interaction and reveal unambiguously that in transparent media, pulse front tilt gives rise to the di
192  a facile method for creating electronically transparent metal-organic interfaces.
193                    We adopted the robust and transparent methodologies previously outlined by the Jam
194 equire-a regular, three-dimensional array of transparent microspheres arranged like the atoms in a di
195 ile Ouzo droplet (as known from daily life-a transparent mixture of water, ethanol, and anise oil) an
196 h experiments and can be rationalized with a transparent model based on the concurrent tensioning and
197                                    Given the transparent nanoplasmonic nature of the resulting device
198 ter droplets of solutions using an optically transparent nanoporous gold electrode strategically moun
199 ideal site for lymphatic research due to its transparent nature, accessible location, and lymphatic-f
200 hable metagratings as splitter/reflector and transparent/opaque mirror.
201 h are bistably switchable between active and transparent optical states.
202 ic chamber with an monolithically integrated transparent optical windows.
203  to be promising candidates for flexible and transparent optoelectronics applications due to their di
204                          This property to be transparent or absorbing of an electromagnetic wave base
205 ransplant outcome analysis is not mandatory, transparent or regulated in most countries.
206  method can be applied to other optically/IR-transparent organisms, and opens the door to high-resolu
207  assessed studies (25%) met all criteria for transparent outcome reporting.
208                            The cornea is the transparent outermost surface of the eye, consisting of
209                                    Epitaxial transparent oxide NixMg1-xO (0 </= x </= 1) thin films w
210                           And by combining a transparent p-AlGaN contact layer, an electron blocking
211                                            A transparent paper made of chitin nanofibers (ChNF) is in
212                                 An optically transparent patterned indium tin oxide (ITO) three-elect
213                                     The semi-transparent perovskite solar cell has a T 80 lifetime of
214 otect underlying layers is used to make semi-transparent perovskite solar cells.
215 y tunable class of materials for organic and transparent photovoltaics.
216 y tickets were deposited in a bucket made of transparent plastic.
217 ce recommendations were developed by using a transparent process and are intended to facilitate care
218  medical specialties, using a consistent and transparent process.
219 use, (c) an ethical justification, and (d) a transparent public process to solicit and incorporate st
220                                         Here transparent quantum dot light-emitting diodes (Tr-QLEDs)
221                                         This transparent quenchable amorphous diamond has, to our kno
222                     Our study adhered to the Transparent Reporting of a Multivariable Prediction Mode
223 vational research methodologies, (4) promote transparent reporting of observational research studies,
224 xtracellular vesicle (EV) biology needs more transparent reporting to facilitate interpretation and r
225                                    Moreover, transparent RRAM (TRRAM) based on AlN also performs reli
226 with research priorities; (iii) the value of transparent science; (iv) the opportunities presented by
227 esolution intensity or phase patterns with a transparent screen.
228                    Displaying information on transparent screens offers new opportunities in next-gen
229                                            A transparent, self-healing, highly stretchable ionic cond
230 s based on the ferromagnetic and ultraviolet transparent semiconductors may be interesting because th
231 fluorinated photocurable monomer serves as a transparent shell phase with remote motion control throu
232  simulating the skin boundary, and cast with transparent silica gel.
233  an 8 x 8 mm field of view through an intact transparent skull preparation.
234                                              Transparent solid-state, asymmetric supercapacitors (72%
235 ive Ti3 C2 Tx films and their application as transparent, solid-state supercapacitors are reported.
236 ional gold coated diffraction grating with a transparent spacer and a suspended graphene layer to for
237 s enabled whole-brain Ca(2+) imaging in semi-transparent specimens, tissue scattering has limited its
238 halide perovskite-methylamine complex-from a transparent state (68% visible transmittance) to an abso
239 -formed, returning the absorber layer to the transparent state in which the device acts as a window t
240 calizing absorption in a thin layer within a transparent, structurally colored multilayer material, a
241                               It comprises a transparent substrate electrode, onto which Ni and Ni/Fe
242 ray of metallic subwavelength nanowires on a transparent substrate, fabricated by using low-cost nano
243 sis, but circumvents the need of a terahertz transparent substrate, potentially enabling fast, contac
244 studying single redox events on a variety of transparent substrates such as ITO electrodes and gold o
245 able dimensions, and fabricated on optically transparent substrates that enable singe-molecule detect
246  microstructure architecture in a variety of transparent substrates.
247 ish basic rules that render peer review more transparent, such as publishing the reviews (a practice
248 ), exceeding that of graphene or SWCNT-based transparent supercapacitor devices.
249 n films, and 4) DFSR of patterned opaque and transparent surfaces.
250 duction and RHF induced by auxin in rhd6 and transparent testa glabra (ttg) mutants.
251 11 (AN11) from petunia (Petunia hybrida) and TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA1 (TTG1) from Arabidopsis thalia
252 rabidopsis chi mutant restores the seed coat transparent testa phenotype and the accumulation of flav
253                    Mttt8 mutant seeds have a transparent testa phenotype with reduced PAs and anthocy
254       Further downstream in the pathway, the TRANSPARENT TESTA16 (TT16) and GORDITA MADS box transcri
255 that is more noise tolerant and conceptually transparent than the original Leggett-Garg test.
256                        This measure can make transparent the extent to which patients require follow-
257 uously interpreted within the framework of a transparent theoretical model that starts from a well-kn
258 c elements is hindered by the lack of p-type transparent thermoelectric materials.
259         The multilayer structure consists of transparent thin film of KBr sandwiched between a thin f
260            A novel microfabricated optically transparent thin-film electrode chip for fluorescence an
261  By using the electrode chip in an optically transparent thin-layer electrode (OTTLE), the absorption
262                             Here we describe transparent tissue tomography (T3) as a tool for rapid,
263 an provide 3D imaging contrast in intact and transparent tissues.
264              Atmospheric air is still highly transparent to electromagnetic radiation in this spectra
265 unconventional optical behavior: They can be transparent to long-wavelength radiation, while at the s
266 owever, like most epigenetic elements, it is transparent to many conventional genetic techniques and
267 how that nanoporous polyethylene (nanoPE) is transparent to mid-infrared human body radiation but opa
268 ias voltages, changing their appearance from transparent to opaque.
269  a TMD monolayer with an emission wavelength transparent to silicon, and a high-Q cavity of the silic
270 ributed Bragg reflectors were designed to be transparent to the long-wavelength part of the incident
271 x, resulting in a metamaterial that is fully transparent to the solar spectrum while having an infrar
272 omposition of the cubic structure renders it transparent to the Terahertz (THz) light, providing a tr
273          Utilising a multi-channel electrode transparent to ultrasound, EMG and M(otion)-mode ultraso
274 e in transport measurements, is found to be 'transparent' to microwave photons trapped in the high-qu
275 kite is employed to realize a subcell with a transparent top electrode and photostabilized V oc of 1.
276 nO (AZO) thin films were used as a composite transparent top electrode for hybrid radial-junction ZnO
277 ted through extensive biocuration to provide transparent traceability of experimental data.
278                               A flexible and transparent triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) was furth
279 ements show that these glasses are optically transparent up to 25 mum, making them useful for short -
280 or (TENG) is designed, based on flexible and transparent vertical-strip arrays, for environmental win
281 n-based nanophotonic applications in silicon-transparent wavelengths.
282 ing to bridge regulation and metabolism in a transparent way under the principle of growth-rate maxim
283 ) and a polymeric adsorbent (V503, microwave transparent) were completely loaded with 1,2,4-trimethyl
284 em make their research more reproducible and transparent while minimizing the additional effort that
285  I, the spherical cap-shaped droplet remains transparent while the more volatile ethanol is evaporati
286 harvested from the nasopharynx are typically transparent, while those simultaneously harvested from t
287 osition (PLD) method and it exhibits a broad transparent window from lambda = 2.5 mum up to 7 mum.
288 olate reductase, and cytochrome c, where the transparent window vibrational probes have already been
289 ent challenges and future potential of using transparent window vibrational probes to understand the
290 ano (CN), thiocyanate (SCN), and azide (N3) "transparent window vibrational probes" that absorb withi
291 he strengths and weaknesses of the different transparent window vibrational probes, methods by which
292 ibrational spectra of proteins do include a "transparent window", between approximately 1800 and appr
293             These wood composites are highly transparent with a total transmittance up to 90% but exh
294 current status of a distributed world, being transparent with our assumptions and specific with the c
295 howed that the fabricated hydrogel is highly transparent, with refractive indices ranging from 1.42 t
296 ime, two types of highly anisotropic, highly transparent wood composites are demonstrated by taking a
297                                 Here, we use transparent zebrafish larvae to visualize the earliest e
298 sal candidiasis, we took advantage of a new, transparent zebrafish swim bladder infection model.
299 ium-macrophage interactions in the optically transparent zebrafish.
300                                              Transparent zooplankton and nekton are often nearly invi

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