


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ase in copy number due to periodic bursts of transposition.
2 reakage and rejoining reactions required for transposition.
3 ed in the C2C12 myoblasts that had undergone transposition.
4 h all of the domains required for autonomous transposition.
5 us COM1 strain and of in vitro Mariner-based transposition.
6 imes a selected insertion site for efficient transposition.
7 boumar-9 may be a general feature of mariner transposition.
8 ature target site duplication of mariner/Tc1 transposition.
9 DNA-protein binding, DNA replication and DNA transposition.
10 sase complexes that are intermediates during transposition.
11 our-muscle tenotomy and reattachment without transposition.
12 uld represent intermediate structures before transposition.
13 involved in the TnsB-TnsC interaction during transposition.
14 al sweep was shown to have involved a 700-kb transposition.
15 and results in a bent DNA favored by MuA for transposition.
16 ange of formyl-substituted rings with alkene transposition.
17 d the characterization of key steps in Muta1 transposition.
18 d regio- and stereospecific substitutive 1,3-transposition.
19 must hijack the machinery required for their transposition.
20 recleaved ends mimicking the initial step of transposition.
21   Dsg requires the autonomous element Ac for transposition.
22 n reactions, such as V(D)J recombination and transposition.
23 tive malonate alkylation followed by C- to N-transposition.
24  then a Curtius rearrangement to provide the transposition.
25 erminal inverted repeat also influence Muta1 transposition.
26 nt locus indicate the origin and target of a transposition.
27 in 50+/-5% GFP-expressing cells after stable transposition.
28 facts are often mistaken for genuine somatic transposition.
29 al tool to unravel the mechanism of Helitron transposition.
30                Remarkably, 25% of these were transpositions.
31 erage, and is particularly suited to mapping transpositions.
32 triction can be bypassed through alternative transposition, a transposition reaction that utilizes th
33             This report describes potent DNA transposition achieved by direct delivery of transposase
34 ns provided a fine source for analyzing MITE transposition activities and their impacts on genome evo
35       As the first study concentrated in the transposition activities of MITEs among different ecotyp
36 -DD confers the PB transposase with a higher transposition activity and better dynamic range than can
37  in plants and are well known for their high transposition activity as well as their ability to dupli
38 ion yet a comprehensive assessment of recent transposition activity at the species level is lacking f
39             The apparent conservation of DNA transposition activity by PGBD5 suggests that genomic re
40                                          The transposition activity induced by the wild-type transpos
41 analysis of a series of TnsE mutants relates transposition activity to DNA binding stability.
42  transposases were evaluated for expression, transposition activity, chromatin immunoprecipitation at
43 cent protein to the transposase enhanced the transposition activity, representing another approach to
44                    p22/p18 strongly inhibits transposition and can be considered an element-encoded r
45 structure that delivers the observed allylic transposition and completes a novel P(III)/P(V) redox ca
46               Besides creating mutations via transposition and contributing to genome size, TEs play
47 aracterized mechanism for provoking internal transposition and deletion events that serve as a condui
48                               Interestingly, transposition and deletion rates remain constant across
49 body diversification by interchromosomal DNA transposition and demonstrate the existence of conserved
50 findings suggest the existence of RNA-guided transposition and fit the guns-for-hire concept whereby
51 observed, but instead we found active (retro)transposition and gene family expansion, especially in p
52                           In addition, yeast transposition and in vitro assays demonstrated that the
53 ariation between the amount of DNA gained by transposition and lost by deletion during mammal and avi
54 , regioselective O-exchange, Stork-Danheiser transposition and O-methylation reactions were observed.
55   Combinatorial 96-plex indexing at both the transposition and PCR stage enables the construction of
56 g a new role for the WVPHEL motif in mariner transposition and providing a molecular explanation for
57 poson methylation and collaborate to repress transposition and regulate the methylation and expressio
58 ffecting TEs independently of their modes of transposition and regulation.
59       Thus, understanding factors that limit transposition and retroviral replication is fundamentall
60 ation, homologous recombination, DNA repair, transposition and RNA interference.
61                          SB-mediated genetic transposition and stimulation resulted in 2,200- to 2,50
62 mediated insertion pathway distinct from DNA transposition and trans-V(D)J recombination that destabi
63 /2 can also induce genomic DNA insertions by transposition and trans-V(D)J recombination, but only fe
64 human primates reveals a 746-kbp duplicative transposition and two separate inversion events that aro
65  against the reference sequence revealed 564 transpositions and 47 inversions comprising approximatel
66 ent of large-scale rearrangements, including transpositions and inversions.
67 ts provide mechanistic insight into Helitron transposition, and its impact on diversification of gene
68 transposon excision, host DNA recombination, transposition, and low-efficiency TIR rejoining using re
69 ts of Tn7 and retroviral and retrotransposon transposition, and may hint at a common gap-repair mecha
70  (MITEs) are preferred substrates of mariner transposition, and this process is associated with the e
71 ase protein structures and the end of active transposition are simultaneous, an effect with implicati
72 rich mobilome can have and the importance of transposition as a recurrent generator of large-effect a
73  few Ty1 elements are present and inhibiting transposition as copy number increases.
74 ication and, to a lesser extent, single gene transposition as having played roles in the evolution of
75 ptase inhibitor 3TC resulted in decreased TE transposition as well as increased life span in TE-sensi
76                     Studying the dynamics of transposition at the population level can provide crucia
77         Most of the present knowledge on the transposition behavior of this superfamily comes from st
78 n interaction with TnsB is defective for Tn7 transposition both in vitro and in vivo.
79  precisely, we validated 83% of 44 predicted transposition breakpoints by polymerase chain reaction.
80                                   Thus, each transposition burst generates a novel progeny population
81 cumulation in plant populations experiencing transposition bursts accompanied by high diversity of ch
82 anisms, of which the first prevents multiple transposition bursts in a given somatic cell lineage tha
83                             Here, we studied transposition bursts of a heat-activated retrotransposon
84 he amount of DNA gained via lineage-specific transposition, but that DNA loss counteracted this expan
85                                      Radical transposition by C(sp(3) )-(sp(3) ) and C(sp(3) )-H bond
86 lostery that normally serves to downregulate transposition by slowing synapsis of the transposon ends
87 when coexpressed with RAG2 and that in vitro transposition by Transib transposase is stimulated by RA
88                           The timing of past transposition can be estimated by quantifying the accumu
89 citing reactivity patterns like 1,3-carbonyl transpositions, carbene transfer reactions, cascade annu
90                                          DNA transposition catalyzed by PGBD5 in human cells occurs g
91                     In Drosophila, P-element transposition causes mutagenesis and genome instability
92 study nicely illustrates how the presence of transposition-competitive variants can deeply impair TE
93  as tetralogy of Fallot, truncus arteriosus, transposition complexes, endocardial cushion defects, an
94                                          DNA transposition contributes to genomic plasticity.
95 iogenesis leading to changes in the level of transposition control.
96 pect natural assumptions of invariance under transposition, convexity, and contractivity under quantu
97        SINE_Scan integrates hallmark of SINE transposition, copy number and structural signals to ide
98           These results show how alternative transposition coupled with DNA replication and repair ca
99 e haplotyping based on contiguity-preserving transposition (CPT-seq) and combinatorial indexing.
100 psis that old members enter into replication/transposition cycles through high rates of intra-family
101 ability of the transposon DNA and found that transposition declined after transposase concentrations
102 eir imperfect transposon IRs in each step of transposition: DNA binding, DNA cleavage, and DNA strand
103         Our results suggest that alternative transposition during S phase can induce re-replication o
104                        Here, we describe the transposition dynamics of cut-and-paste mariner elements
105                                     Finally, transposition efficiency is also influenced by the eleme
106 e fold-induction achieved, (ii) the absolute transposition efficiency of the activated construct and
107                                              Transposition efficiency was first tested using an enhan
108 e among transposable elements in employing a transposition enhancer.
109 ed carbonaria haplotypes indicates that this transposition event occurred around 1819, consistent wit
110 s neither shortened nor lengthened with each transposition event.
111 ion and pinpoint junctions of high frequency transposition events at nucleotide resolution.
112 d lineage-specific clusters that derive from transposition events for the regulators of floral develo
113 cts both the source and destination of novel transposition events in re-sequenced genomes.
114 ples; accurately estimate the frequencies of transposition events in the population and pinpoint junc
115 ions, we found that frameshift mutations and transposition events increased in the progeny of older p
116 E-Tracker to provide a comprehensive view of transposition events induced by loss of DNA methylation
117 s the globe, we identify thousands of recent transposition events involving half of the 326 TE famili
118 ectious particles that can lead to heritable transposition events.
119            This requires that each substrate transposition exposes a catalyst activation mode (AM) to
120  we propose a vector design to decrease post-transposition expression of transposase and to eliminate
121 ccess rate and low complication rate, muscle transposition flap repairs remain an attractive surgical
122 t combinations required for large changes in transposition frequency and targeting stabilized this in
123      A new study provides evidence that gene transposition from sex chromosomes to autosomes is a con
124 ore, we identified widespread natural AtMu1c transposition from the analysis of over 200 accessions,
125 loss emerges as an additional driver of gene transposition from the sex chromosomes, a phenomenon tho
126 or these species were the result of a direct transposition from vertebrates, despite deep evolutionar
127                                    Helraiser transposition generates covalently closed circular inter
128                              Superior rectus transposition has been popularized for the treatment of
129 ulation, and genomic impact of cut-and-paste transposition in a natural mammalian host.
130 the transposon sequence, allowing robust DNA transposition in a variety of cell types.
131 nowledge, the first demonstrations of intron transposition in any organism.
132  corresponding age-associated increase in TE transposition in fly fat body cells that was delayed by
133 , can induce stereotypical cut-and-paste DNA transposition in human cells.
134                                      Somatic transposition in mammals and insects could increase cell
135                  To understand the impact of transposition in somatic cells it is essential to reliab
136 red for efficient transposon integration and transposition in vitro.
137 lement from Aedes aegypti and its successful transposition in yeast facilitated the characterization
138                             However, certain transposition-induced gain-of-function or regulatory mut
139                Our aim was to exploit two Ds transposition-induced mutant lines of Arabidopsis thalia
140                          The analysis of 278 transposition-induced prostate, breast and skin tumors d
141  of species; however, it is unclear how much transposition-induced variation exists at a smaller scal
142                 TnsC is the key regulator of transposition, interacting with both the TnsAB transposa
143 facilitates horizontal transfer by directing transposition into actively replicating DNA with the ele
144                                 TnsD directs transposition into attTn7, while TnsE encourages horizon
145 es a target-site-selecting protein to target transposition into certain forms of DNA replication.
146  marker to follow repair, we find that after transposition into the chromosome, the unrepaired Mu is
147                                        After transposition into the Escherichia coli chromosome, the
148                                 Furthermore, transposition into the genome ensures the longevity of c
149                                              Transposition involves five transposon-encoded genes (tn
150         A new procedure, the inferior rectus transposition (IRT), may be similarly beneficial for pat
151                                      Mariner transposition is a complex reaction that involves three
152              Our findings show that piggyBac transposition is a more efficient approach than the clas
153 As are self-propagating, and their continued transposition is a source of both heritable structural v
154 tial analysis of new insertions suggest that transposition is biased to proximal insertions, and the
155                        The data suggest that transposition is controlled at an early stage of transpo
156     We show that the efficiency of Mboumar-9 transposition is improved almost 4-fold by changing the
157 aryotes, but experimental evidence for their transposition is lacking in the absence of an isolated a
158                     We conclude that somatic transposition is less prevalent in Drosophila than previ
159 s of the maize (Zea mays) Mu elements, whose transposition is mediated by the autonomous Mutator-Don
160    For both Mos1 and Mboumar-9, in vitro DNA transposition is most efficient when the preferred IR se
161 for many experiments it is important that PB transposition is tightly controlled.
162                                          Tn5 transposition is used to modify DNA with adaptor and ind
163 posase element from the polyA sequence after transposition leads to its deactivation.
164 ovalently joined to target DNA, portrays the transposition machinery after DNA integration.
165 autonomous mariner elements by hijacking the transposition machinery produced by active mariner, whic
166 es the foundation for further studies of the transposition mechanism of MULEs.
167 d importance as genetic tools in plants, the transposition mechanism of the MULE superfamily was prev
168 r intermediates, suggestive of a replicative transposition mechanism, which provides a powerful means
169 and biological significance as well as their transposition mechanisms are poorly understood.
170 es have autosomal paralogs, so autosome-to-Y transposition must be the main source of Drosophila Y-li
171                                              Transposition mutagenesis is a powerful tool to identify
172                                         This transposition mutagenesis strategy will greatly facilita
173 ses, we show that all the catalytic steps of transposition occur within the context of a dimeric tran
174                                We found that transposition occurs among memory-relevant neurons in th
175 abeling experiments disclose that the oxygen transposition occurs from the carboxylate group to the t
176 cation mechanism, it was recently shown that transposition of a bat Helitron generates covalently clo
177 vealed that the Abph2 mutation was caused by transposition of a glutaredoxin gene, MALE STERILE CONVE
178 ron gain events characterized by the perfect transposition of a reporter intron into the yeast genes
179 ividual-based simulations that allow for the transposition of a single genetic locus from one positio
180             The direct metal-catalyzed [1,3]-transposition of allylic alcohols and allylic silyl ethe
181                               Although [1,3]-transposition of allylic alcohols has been known since t
182 se of epoxides as electrophilic traps in the transposition of allylic alcohols.
183 t full details of a method for 1,3-reductive transposition of alpha-alkoxy-alpha,beta-unsaturated hyd
184 Because these mutational events involved the transposition of an insertion sequence into a narrow win
185 e we describe an evolutionary event in which transposition of an IS element has a direct impact on vi
186                                          The transposition of bacteriophage Mu serves as a model syst
187                           The high-frequency transposition of both TcBuster and SPIN(ON) suggests tha
188 in to be clarified but likely ensue from the transposition of center of mass of the ion within its ge
189 e RCM followed by a ring-contractive allylic transposition of cyclic silyl ethers was incorporated fo
190                              With the recent transposition of Directive 2010/53/EU into the transplan
191 rmation categories, eg, neural tube defects, transposition of great vessels, ventricular septal defec
192 he mobilisation of bla CMY-42 was due to the transposition of ISEcp1 by misidentifying its right-end
193  (3,18)-connected MOF followed by deliberate transposition of its topology to a predesigned second MO
194 t yeast harbors all the host factors for the transposition of MULEs.
195 ly, we detected both the deletion and/or the transposition of multicopy TEs associated with 2b-induce
196 ral analysis in RSPH1-mutated cilia revealed transposition of peripheral outer microtubules into the
197    We report that a regioselective reductive transposition of primary allylic bromides is catalyzed b
198                        Our data suggest that transposition of selfish DNA, low effective population s
199 uencing (ATAC-seq), based on direct in vitro transposition of sequencing adaptors into native chromat
200                        Ptch mutations permit transposition of SMO to the primary cilium followed by e
201 ocess features regio- and stereospecific 1,3-transposition of the allyl fragment enabled by an aromat
202  CHD, such as single ventricle (22.8%) and d-transposition of the great arteries (22.1%).
203 sis and management of congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (ccTGA).
204 s" in the management of patients with D-loop transposition of the great arteries (D-TGA) in the curre
205 that of 15 fetuses with major heart defects: transposition of the great arteries (n=7), coarctation o
206                                Patients with transposition of the great arteries (TGA) and systemic r
207 tle has been published regarding surgery for transposition of the great arteries (TGA) in the develop
208 haemodynamic effects of exercise training in transposition of the great arteries (TGA) patients with
209 n, the Mustard or Senning operation, for the transposition of the great arteries (TGA) was introduced
210 astic function of the aorta in patients with transposition of the great arteries after arterial switc
211  operation and 2 by aortopulmonary shunts: d-transposition of the great arteries after Mustard/Sennin
212        Among 153 patients (67% male), 96 had transposition of the great arteries and 57 had single ve
213                 A total of 153 patients with transposition of the great arteries and single ventricle
214 ved for the CNVs identified in patients with transposition of the great arteries and tetralogy of Fal
215 ular septal defect, tetralogy of Fallot, and transposition of the great arteries decreased to zero fo
216 diagnosis of single ventricle physiology and transposition of the great arteries demonstrate less pre
217 with tetralogy of Fallot and 7 patients with transposition of the great arteries demonstrated compres
218                            Only infants with transposition of the great arteries had smaller HC relat
219 e novo CNVs were identified in patients with transposition of the great arteries in contrast to coarc
220 , the 22-year survival rate of patients with transposition of the great arteries operated on in 1953
221 resonance predicts outcomes in patients with transposition of the great arteries post atrial redirect
222                                              Transposition of the great arteries was associated with
223 , including 76 coarctation of the aorta, 159 transposition of the great arteries, and 81 tetralogy of
224 TPVR in patients with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries, subpulmonary left v
225              Other single-ventricle defects, transposition of the great arteries, tetralogy of Fallot
226 se clinical outcome especially arrhythmia in transposition of the great arteries, thus LGE cardiovasc
227  to double-outlet right ventricle and dextro-transposition of the great arteries.
228 ally in patients with tetralogy of Fallot or transposition of the great arteries.
229 were men, and 28% had congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries.
230 n; 12 for Eisenmenger; 9 for Fontan; 9 for D-transposition of the great arteries; and 8 for tetralogy
231 ty and aortic root dilatation are present in transposition of the great artery patients post ASO and
232  patients were younger, with higher rates of transposition of the great vessels and common ventricle
233                                              Transposition of the great vessels and common ventricle
234 efect, tetralogy of Fallot, Ebstein anomaly, transposition of the great vessels, and common ventricle
235 tandem annulation is proposed to proceed via transposition of the hydroxy group resulting from the in
236 iphenols, results in an asymmetric reductive transposition of the in situ generated allylic diazene.
237 rce of genotoxic effects due to uncontrolled transposition of the integrated transgene from one chrom
238 yPB) transposase was then deployed to enable transposition of the large-size PB transposon (17 kb) en
239        ISApl1 was presumably involved in the transposition of the mcr-1 cassette and then was lost.
240 d nerve palsy who underwent adjustable nasal transposition of the split LR muscle between 2010 and 20
241                             Adjustable nasal transposition of the split LR muscle can achieve excelle
242                             Adjustable nasal transposition of the split LR muscle.
243 erties of rAAV with stable piggyBac-mediated transposition of the transgene into the hepatocyte genom
244                                          The transposition of this technique to the gas phase is appe
245  autonomous retrotransposons and very recent transpositions of a TRIM element in Oryza sativa.
246 izes recently developed regioselective [1,3]-transpositions of allylic alcohols and silyl ethers and
247 ctive in vitro for all the chemical steps of transposition, only octamers are active in vivo.
248  or acquired by horizontal gene transfer via transposition or homologous recombination.
249                                   These gene transpositions originated from either the X or Y chromos
250 tein Trap Consortium generated, via piggyBac transposition, over 600 novel YFP-trap proteins tagging
251                                          The transposition pathway resembles that of the V(D)J recomb
252                                          DNA transposition plays key roles in genome diversity, patho
253 e silencing of active elements and influence transposition potential, siRNA targeting levels, and ult
254 operative hypertropia or intorsion requiring transposition procedures.
255          Target capture is a key step in the transposition process, because it contributes to the sel
256  improve our understanding of their origins, transposition processes, regulatory mechanisms, and biol
257                We demonstrate that the final transposition product, which is a DNA-bound tetramer of
258 stly to unlinked sites and can form circular transposition products.
259 site attTn7, is mediated by four Tn7-encoded transposition proteins: TnsA, TnsB, TnsC, and TnsD.
260 ly invasive and characterized by an elevated transposition rate, confirming their capacity to spread
261 efficient, regioselective gold-catalyzed 1,3-transposition reaction of ynones and diynones has been d
262                                A small-scale transposition reaction routinely generates several hundr
263 ypassed through alternative transposition, a transposition reaction that utilizes the termini of two
264 tructures of these enzymes at the end of the transposition reaction, including Mu, exhibit significan
265 e ramifications of target DNA bending on the transposition reaction.
266 em aldol cyclizations, and one-pot reduction/transposition reactions allowing a rapid (7 linear steps
267                     Allylic alcohols undergo transposition reactions in the presence of Re2 O7 whereb
268                                              Transposition requires the assembly of a nucleoprotein c
269  RNA-cDNA molecule is required for mutagenic transposition, revealing a unique mechanism of DNA hyper
270 e method that we call "contiguity preserving transposition" sequencing on beads (CPTv2-seq) is transp
271                                Rectus muscle transposition surgery to either treat pattern strabismus
272 ession systems and the PiggyBac-mediated DNA transposition system in avian embryos.
273      Here we describe a conditional piggyBac transposition system in mice and report the discovery of
274 cluding Mu, exhibit significant bends in the transposition target site DNA.
275 t, structural and mechanistic information on transposition targeting and regulation is limited.
276 ses to the environment are the most frequent transposition targets observed.
277 ovel array of green paddles in a traditional transposition task.
278  the 3'-end of the transposon functions as a transposition terminator.
279 otein (hyPBase), we demonstrate rates of DNA transposition that are comparable with the efficiency of
280 predicted to change during the final step of transposition, this recognition strategy suggests how AA
281 view, 5 in whom torsion developed because of transposition to address pattern strabismus and 3 in who
282                                Rectus muscle transposition to address pattern strabismus may cause to
283 ss pattern strabismus may cause torsion, and transposition to address torsion may cause pattern strab
284 3 in whom pattern strabismus developed after transposition to address torsion.
285 ology, was subjected to a reductive carbonyl transposition to afford 8-(4-methoxyphenyl)perinaphthano
286         Rescue of Y-linked gene loss through transposition to autosomes has previously been reported
287         For two genes--EIF1AX/Y and RPS4X/Y--transposition to autosomes occurred independently in thr
288 equence-independent structures maintained by transposition to chromosome ends of three specialized re
289 ation of saturated target sites by promoting transposition to different target sites.
290               The approach utilizes in vitro transposition to generate 5 and 3 fragment sub-libraries
291 species, many Y-linked genes were rescued by transposition to new genomic locations, but until our wo
292 ich renders TSPX to be stimulatory while its transposition to the C-terminus of TSPY results in an in
293        We demonstrated user-defined directed transposition to the CCR5 genomic safe harbor and isolat
294 struct that combines the transposase and the transpositioning transgene element to share a single pol
295             During cut-and-paste mariner/Tc1 transposition, transposon DNA is cut precisely at its ju
296  uses a cocktail of labelling, targeting and transposition vectors that enables targeting of specific
297                         Using transgenes and transpositions, we show that most endogenous X-linked ge
298                                              Transpositions were also detected, revealing replicon pr
299                       In contrast to mariner transposition, where a topological filter suppresses sin
300 s (inversions, reciprocal translocations and transpositions), whereas S. cerevisiae accumulates unbal

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