


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  resorcinol moiety of each macrocycle aligns transversely.
2 e spinothalamic fibres are crossing the cord transversely.
3                      The trap was oscillated transversely +/- 200 nm using a refractive glass plate m
4  Although this division is normally oriented transversely (90 degrees) to the growth axis, deviations
5 f mechanical stress were applied axially and transversely a greater level of activation of ERK1/2, p3
6 nsistent pattern of nerve processes that ran transversely across the BP.
7 radio-frequency interrogation signal applied transversely across the cell diameter.
8 uction slowing and electrogram fractionation transversely across the PV-LA junction, with lines of bl
9 crete sites several hundred nanometres apart transversely activated in near synchrony.
10 ls in walls of wild-type cells were oriented transversely along the elongation axis, cellulose microf
11 m in width with ~60% of the tubules directed transversely and >30% directed longitudinally.
12 minent dendritic processes that are oriented transversely and extend into the lateral lemniscus.
13  whereas SERCA2a isoform is distributed both transversely and longitudinally in the SR membrane.
14  conductivity and a change from isotropic to transversely anisotropic electrical structure, with high
15        Diffusion of released Ca2+ was slower transversely (apparent diffusion coefficient, D, 7.9 mic
16 n formalin, suspended in agar, and sectioned transversely at 3-mm intervals.
17  a wide range of developmental stages divide transversely at normal frequencies, but longitudinal div
18 dicated instead that the chains are situated transversely between adjacent D domains in opposing fibr
19 d PRS1 protein does not traffic laterally or transversely between shoot meristem layers.
20 e show that crosslinked gamma chains extend "transversely" between the strands of each fibril, but ot
21 rmally, particle wave functions can be tuned transversely by an perpendicular magnetic field.
22 ttice hollow-core photonic crystal fibre are transversely confined by an optical lattice to prevent a
23 ross-sectional plane of the tendon (i.e. the transversely cut tendon surface), with no structural ani
24           Inclusion of molecular rotors with transversely dipolar rotators into TPP channels is follo
25 s localized optical-beam-transport through a transversely disordered and longitudinally invariant med
26 rate forebrain that bisects the diencephalon transversely, expresses the secreted factor sonic hedgeh
27 low-through fluorescence detector based on a transversely illuminated liquid core waveguide is thus u
28 izarre way; it is as if each bundle is sawed transversely into pieces that average 3 microns in lengt
29 fiber structure of cuticle, a pseudo-elastic transversely isotropic constitutive material model was c
30 Our results indicate that a model based on a transversely isotropic wall structure can provide a good
31 t to be made of homogeneous, incompressible, transversely isotropic, non-linear elastic material.
32 ral models that were either fully isotropic, transversely isotropic, or fully anisotropic.
33            In contrast, white matter behaved transversely isotropic, with the elastic stiffness along
34 e phosphorylation was observed in axially or transversely loaded diaphragm muscles and the activation
35                    Control loadings employed transversely loaded EOM and isotropic latex.
36 to propagate in a uniaxial dielectric with a transversely modulated orientation of the optic axis.
37 osition within a 20 mm linear array oriented transversely on the hand dorsum.
38 mic and spinoreticular fibres cross the cord transversely or diagonally was investigated in cases of
39   In normal plants, leaf cells divide either transversely or longitudinally relative to the mother ce
40 ficial epicardial myocytes having the normal transversely orientated pattern.
41 in mutant embryos lacking spn-4 function the transversely oriented 'P(1)' mitotic spindle appears to
42             Their central collaterals formed transversely oriented and largely nonoverlapping arboriz
43 on, being organized to innervate exclusively transversely oriented cortical layers of the hippocampus
44         The program outputs the densities of transversely oriented T-tubules and longitudinally orien
45 h the elastic cochlear partition to generate transversely oscillating displacement waves that propaga
46 o "costameres," structures that are oriented transversely, over the Z and M lines of nearby myofibril
47    A total of 25, 480 measurements were made transversely (perpendicular to the lumen) and by means o
48 rat vallate papillae that had been sectioned transversely, rather than longitudinally, to their longe
49 h toward prismatic molecular rotors based on transversely reactive terminally metalated molecular rod
50 ch were judged superior to the sagittally or transversely reconstructed images for interpretation in
51 cy of the age-related alterations in myelin, transversely sectioned nerve fibers from the splenium of
52           Lymph nodes were harvested from 42 transversely sectioned surgical specimens.
53 r was produced when the muscle was stretched transversely than when stretched axially.
54 port a model in which cellulose is deposited transversely to accommodate longitudinal cell expansion
55 bility made its usage grow exponentially and transversely to several research fields.
56 rials may exhibit Hall-like currents flowing transversely to the applied electric field even in the a
57 an be induced by simply agitating the sample transversely to the primary shear direction.
58 sify the fibrin network by pulling on fibers transversely to their longitudinal axes.
59 corticopontine collateral branches, oriented transversely to their parent corticospinal axons and dir

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