


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hophysiological basis between SUNCT/SUNA and trigeminal neuralgia.
2 the adverse events such as xerophthalmia and trigeminal neuralgia.
3 nces the pathophysiology of pre- and typical trigeminal neuralgia.
4 n be depicted noninvasively in patients with trigeminal neuralgia.
5 r or visual complaints following surgery for trigeminal neuralgia.
6 d complications of the surgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.
7 ty can result from the surgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.
8 nstrated in multiple sclerosis patients with trigeminal neuralgia.
9 e trigeminal nerve for medically intractable trigeminal neuralgia.
10 simulations of Carbamazepine in treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia.
11 dromes have shown striking similarities with trigeminal neuralgia.
12 ader nosological concept of SUNCT, SUNA, and trigeminal neuralgia.
13 ia, outline the neuro-ophthalmic features of trigeminal neuralgia, and detail the neuro-ophthalmic si
14 e attacks with autonomic symptoms (SUNA) and trigeminal neuralgia are considered different disorders,
15                                              Trigeminal neuralgia can occur in association with a ran
16 Percutaneous or open surgical procedures for trigeminal neuralgia can result in corneal anesthesia, n
17 ed a surgical option for management of their trigeminal neuralgia for many years.
18 tematic review of surgical interventions for trigeminal neuralgia found not a single trial of what is
19 therapeutic overlap between SUNCT, SUNA, and trigeminal neuralgia has challenged this traditional vie
20 ety and efficacy of BIIB074 in patients with trigeminal neuralgia in a phase 2a study.
21 ed investigation of BIIB074 in patients with trigeminal neuralgia in future clinical trials.
22                              Other causes of trigeminal neuralgia in which demyelination is involved
23 tment modalities available for patients with trigeminal neuralgia intolerable or resistant to medical
24                                              Trigeminal Neuralgia is a disorder that is characterized
25                 Current standard of care for trigeminal neuralgia is treatment with the sodium channe
26        There is now persuasive evidence that trigeminal neuralgia is usually caused by demyelination
27  the clinical manifestations and etiology of trigeminal neuralgia, outline the neuro-ophthalmic featu
28 toms in most patients with vessel-associated trigeminal neuralgia, probably because the resulting sep
29 ble patients aged 18-80 years with confirmed trigeminal neuralgia received open-label, BIIB074 150 mg
30 blems included peripheral visual field loss, trigeminal neuralgia, recurrent Bell's palsy, and pulsat
31 ological evidence on whether SUNCT, SUNA and trigeminal neuralgia should be considered separate entit
32         Several surgical procedures to treat trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) are available, but
33            However little is known about how trigeminal neuralgia (TN), a condition in which trigemin
34  clinically confirmed intractable unilateral trigeminal neuralgia were measured before treatment with
35 ession is a safe and effective treatment for trigeminal neuralgia, with a high rate of long-term succ

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