


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gligible Fos (ventral tegmental area, spinal trigeminal nuclei).
2 chlear nucleus, but not in the vestibular or trigeminal nuclei.
3  neurones in the gracile, cuneate and spinal trigeminal nuclei.
4 onsistent with ascending driving inputs from trigeminal nuclei.
5 he piriform cortex; and 5) sensory and motor trigeminal nuclei.
6 l cortex but not in the spinal and principal trigeminal nuclei.
7 ory inputs from the dorsal column and spinal trigeminal nuclei.
8 ites lingual nociceptors that project to the trigeminal nuclei.
9 , the midbrain, and in a subset of motor and trigeminal nuclei.
10 ion, between the principal sensory and motor trigeminal nuclei.
11 llary raphe nuclei and in sensory and spinal trigeminal nuclei.
12 the ventral paratrigeminal and mesencephalic trigeminal nuclei.
13  and monkey, the gracile, cuneate and spinal trigeminal nuclei all project to the contralateral infer
14                                          The trigeminal nuclei already contain a high level of NR1 im
15 ts from the somatosensory cuneate and spinal trigeminal nuclei and by direct stimulation of their par
16  emit collateral branches into the brainstem trigeminal nuclei and form terminal arbors therein.
17 beling showed no increase in activity in the trigeminal nuclei and nucleus tractus solitarius.
18                                              Trigeminal nuclei and the dorsal spinal cord are first-o
19 eductal gray, and laminae I-II of the spinal trigeminal nuclei and the spinal cord.
20 and Robo receptor mRNAs within the brainstem trigeminal nuclei and the trigeminal ganglion during elo
21 n the dorsal horn, dorsal column nuclei, and trigeminal nuclei, and the other originating from the ce
22 l cord, the lateral hypothalamus, the spinal trigeminal nuclei, and the thalamic nuclei supports a ro
23 othalamus, midbrain, pontine olivary nuclei, trigeminal nuclei, cerebellum, and spinal cord.
24 L-IR areas included the periaqueductal grey, trigeminal nuclei, dorsal raphe, and emesis-related brai
25 topes formed whisker-related patterns in the trigeminal nuclei from postnatal day (P) 0, in the ventr
26  branching and arborization in the brainstem trigeminal nuclei, much like that seen in vivo.
27  the unanesthetized rats and also not in the trigeminal nuclei of the anesthetized rats.
28 on along the trigeminal pathway, subcortical trigeminal nuclei shrink and, consequently, the face rep
29 llary raphe nuclei, the spinal and principal trigeminal nuclei, the facial nucleus, and the lateral r
30 nt increase of 2DG uptake in the left spinal trigeminal nuclei, the principal trigeminal sensory nucl
31 ex pathway (the spinal and principal sensory trigeminal nuclei, the ventral posteromedial thalamic nu
32 uropil, which subsequently declined from the trigeminal nuclei upward.
33 larger when signal transmission in brainstem trigeminal nuclei was bypassed or altered.
34 ections from the gracile, cuneate and spinal trigeminal nuclei were labeled with wheat germ agglutini
35 so receives projections from the cuneate and trigeminal nuclei, which are first-order nuclei of the s
36 ry information, and the spinal and principal trigeminal nuclei, which integrate somatosensory informa

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