


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 blet, short doublet, long triplet, and short triplet.
2 nded Z-RNA conformation and a compact purine Triplet.
3  of long-lived microtubules arranged in nine triplets.
4 ociated on 10-100 ns timescales to form free triplets.
5 yclobutane intermediate, leading to the spin-triplet 12-electron complex (SIMes)RuCl2 ((3)R21, SIMes
6 the photochemistry of protium and deuterated triplet 2-formylphenylnitrene isolated in an argon matri
7 ems, but in some cases S1 may split into two triplets (2xT1) in a process called singlet fission.
8 sistent with DFT calculations that suggest a triplet ((3)A2) ground state in D3 symmetry involving tw
9  resulted, respectively, in the formation of triplet alpha,2- and alpha,4-DHTs, whose diradical react
10 thermore, the enrichment of G-triplets and C-triplets among the first and last 50 nt of the introns s
11 tate-reactivity with contributions from both triplet and quintet states.
12  The carbenes can be generated in both their triplet and singlet states, and both states coexist unde
13  CdS shell prolongs the lifetime of the 5-CT triplet and thus enhances TET from 5-CT to the rubrene e
14 ered routes to reduce the energy gap between triplets and "bright" singlets, allowing thermal populat
15             Furthermore, the enrichment of G-triplets and C-triplets among the first and last 50 nt o
16 dentified: long doublet, short doublet, long triplet, and short triplet.
17                                      The top triplets are highly enriched in fundamental biological p
18 elation analysis of aggregate PL reveal that triplets are quenched by intermolecular interactions in
19 matic 2,4,6-cyclooctatriene (C8 H8 ) and the triplet aromatic 1,3,5,7-cyclooctatetraene (C8 H8 ).
20 state (Huckel antiaromatic) and a stabilized triplet (Baird aromatic) state.
21           During its lifetime, the component triplets behave cooperatively as a singlet and emit ligh
22 xidation, electronically mixed [4n+1]/[4n+1] triplet biradical species in the ground state are obtain
23 on abolishes recognition of an adjacent base triplet by all three recombinases.
24                   We probe the various roles triplets can play in P3HT by analyzing the photoluminesc
25 tron transfer reaction coordinates between a triplet charge-transfer state and lower lying charge-sep
26 manifests electronically excited singlet and triplet charge-transfer state lifetimes more than 2 orde
27 er validate that the nonconsensus nucleotide triplet code constitutes a key signature providing PIC b
28 e reveal that nonconsensus, statistical, DNA triplet code provides specificity for the positioning of
29 in and nanoluciferase in E. coli from all 64 triplet codons and across a range of DNA copy number.
30 months, the median PFS was 22 months for the triplet combinations and 21 months for the doublet (P =
31       These agents may be part of doublet or triplet combinations, or incorporated into intensive str
32 he spin-lattice relaxation and the number of triplets contributing to the MASER emission to be estima
33 superconducting phase which may involve spin triplet Cooper pairs as a three-dimensional (p-wave) non
34  the proximity effect, and how the generated triplet Cooper pairs manifest themselves in the self-con
35 iscover new spintronic devices in which spin-triplet Cooper pairs play a key role.
36 ting the intermediate "primed" state to be a triplet dark state formed by intersystem crossing.
37 illator strength is sustained at the singlet-triplet degeneracy point.
38 o describe triplet-triplet annihilation, the triplet diffusion lengths for nanocrystalline and amorph
39 mputations are consistent with an open-shell triplet diradical with a very small open-shell singlet-t
40                             Although O2 is a triplet diradical, the thermodynamic unfavorability of b
41 ical production of reactive species, such as triplet dissolved organic matter ((3)DOM) and singlet ox
42 nching experiments using a series of organic triplet donors (E((3)pipi*) from 1.83 to 0.78 eV).
43                        Optimized singlet and triplet doping levels were determined to be 0.05 wt % 1,
44 nd +0.86 V are estimated for the singlet and triplet dsigma*psigma excited states, respectively).
45                                  Singlet and triplet electron spin states of the complex, correspondi
46 esponding photoproducts PhBNN and PhBCO have triplet electronic ground states.
47 t states for the metal-free room-temperature triplet emitters are correlated with phosphorescence eff
48 lastomers, we illustrate how this parametric triplet enables the replication of the strain-stiffening
49    These compounds have distinct singlet and triplet energies, which allow us to study the spatial dy
50 nor-acceptor polymers or pentacene, have low triplet energies, which limits their applications.
51 ecular geometries exist at which the singlet-triplet energy gap (exchange energy) is close to zero, s
52 determine substituent effects on the singlet-triplet energy gap for azulenyl nitrenium and oxenium io
53 uce a general approach to reduce the singlet-triplet energy gap in fully conjugated polymers, using a
54 radical with a very small open-shell singlet-triplet energy gap that is indicative of the electronic
55 onjunction with the narrowing of the singlet-triplet energy gap.
56 el media in which efficient upconversion via triplet energy migration (TEM) occurs as well as materia
57 ll investigated compounds have small singlet-triplet energy splitting (DeltaEST ) ranging from 0.02 t
58 CdS shell on PbS quantum dots (QDs) enhances triplet energy transfer (TET) by suppressing competitive
59                                        Since triplet energy transfer (TET) from NC donors to molecula
60                            The efficiency of triplet energy transfer (TET) from the CdSe NC donor to
61 copic studies substantiated the mechanism of triplet energy transfer and explained the unusual regioc
62 f mechanistic dichotomy via both singlet and triplet energy transfer mechanisms.
63                               We analyze the triplet enrichment and depletion near the transcription
64                                              Triplet ethoxycarbonylnitrene and triplet t-butyloxycarb
65 ts, the most stabilized compounds retain the triplet excitation in Baird pi-quartets or octets, enabl
66 molecular electron transfer (ET) between the triplet excited saccharin moiety and sulfur atom.
67 et-sensitized conditions indicating that the triplet excited state is directly involved in the format
68                            The energy of the triplet excited state of each complex was estimated from
69 ed state of all three systems and the lowest triplet excited state of Fe(2+) and FeF2.
70 Two competitive pathways took place from the triplet excited state of thioanisoles, C-S bond cleavage
71 used simultaneously can differentiate strong triplet excited state sensitizers from hydroxylating spe
72 proceeds via conrotatory ring closure in the triplet excited state.
73 the formation of singlet oxygen ((1)O2), DOM triplet excited states ((3)DOM*), and the hydroxyl radic
74 and dibenzo[a,e]pentalene modifies the first triplet excited states (T1) of the compounds.
75 NIR) absorptivity and long-lived, high-yield triplet excited states is vital for many optoelectronic
76 tion control the rate of formation (Rf,T) of triplet excited states of dissolved natural organic matt
77                         Measured RI included triplet excited states of dissolved organic matter ((3)D
78 ence in the red to near-IR region from their triplet excited states, according to their microsecond l
79 relative positions of the lowest singlet and triplet excited states.
80 ining red light, energy transfer occurs from triplet excited-state (3)PS* to a photolabile triplet st
81  crossing (ISC) quantum yields (PhiISC), and triplet excited-state (T1) lifetimes on the microseconds
82 ce with respect to mediator is attributed to triplet excited-state quenching via (1) energy transfer
83 escribing the initially prepared singlet and triplet excited-state wave functions, we (i) show that t
84 dot-molecule energy gap, temperature and the triplet-excited-state lifetime of the molecular adsorbat
85 electric constants leads to almost 50% lower triplet exciton densities in the emissive layer in the s
86                                      Shorter triplet exciton lifetimes are observed, while high photo
87                       Here, it is shown that triplet exciton lifetimes of thermally activated delayed
88  one spin-singlet exciton (S1) into two spin-triplet excitons (T1), could provide a means to overcome
89 version of one singlet exciton (S1) into two triplet excitons (T1), provided that the overall process
90               The generation and transfer of triplet excitons across semiconductor nanomaterial-molec
91                        Efficient transfer of triplet excitons across this interface allows photons to
92                                              Triplet excitons form in quasi-2D hybrid inorganic-organ
93                                              Triplet excitons have been the focus of considerable att
94 spin-allowed singlet fission may produce two triplet excitons that can be used to generate two electr
95  triplet-triplet multiexcitons and uncoupled triplet excitons through singlet fission.
96 ar process in which one photon generates two triplet excitons, holds great technological promise.
97             We briefly discuss harvesting of triplet excitons, which now attracts substantial interes
98 ate that precedes formation of the pentacene triplet excitons.
99 f one spin-0 singlet exciton into two spin-1 triplet excitons.
100 f a single absorbed photon into two distinct triplet excitons.
101 monstrate the first example of iSF-generated triplet extraction in devices, exhibiting the potential
102 the switch from ground-state singlet ions to triplet-favored ions resulting from both a destabilized
103                                For instance, triplet FeF2 with four unpaired electrons is lower in en
104 r unpaired electrons is lower in energy than triplet FeF2 with two unpaired electrons.
105 ries of novel quasiparticles, from isospin-1 triplet fermions to triply degenerate fermions and furth
106 n mainly limited to small samples (pairs and triplets) for which the GF can be written by hand.
107 a greatly reduced exchange energy, enhancing triplet formation and enabling thermally activated delay
108 nnin-like formulas correlate positively with triplet formation rates, but negatively with triplet qua
109 ive stress can induce 8-oxodG within the GGG triplet found in the G-rich human telomeric sequence (TT
110                                              Triplet-fusion-based photon upconversion capsules with u
111 on have triplet ground states with a singlet-triplet gap of +7 and +10 kcal/mol, respectively.
112 (2), 1 features a dramatically large quintet-triplet gap of approximately 18 kcal/mol compared to app
113  phenomenon that only depends on the singlet-triplet gap rather than on the nature of the carbene.
114                             Computed singlet-triplet gaps and biradical stabilization energies indica
115 ound-state species with considerable singlet-triplet gaps of -47 and -45 kcal/mol to the lowest-energ
116 ell singlet ground states with large singlet-triplet gaps resulting from a strong break in the degene
117                              The fraction of triplet-generated electroluminescence approaches the the
118 NA translation is determined by a triplet-of-triplet genetic code.
119 organic diradicals, one of which possesses a triplet ground state (2J/kB = 234 +/- 36 K) and robust s
120                                   The unique triplet ground state of [((R)DDB)Fe(NO)2((*)NO)](+) resu
121 ers from intrinsic challenges imposed by the triplet ground state of O2 and the disparate electron in
122 the triangulene core and verification of the triplet ground state via electron paramagnetic resonance
123 nounced diradical character that exists in a triplet ground state.
124 azulenyl nitrenium and oxenium ions can have triplet ground states depending upon the attachment posi
125 itrenium ion and 6-azulenyl oxenium ion have triplet ground states with a singlet-triplet gap of +7 a
126                    Triangulene, the smallest triplet-ground-state polybenzenoid (also known as Clar's
127 It can be dissociated by thermally activated triplet hopping and exhibits surprisingly strong emissio
128 ve disorder caused by the expansion of a CAG triplet in the gene encoding for huntingtin (Htt).
129                                  The role of triplets in poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) has been inves
130                       Incorporation of these triplets in the homologous region of ZEB1 does not affec
131 e nature of the triplet-pair state and inter-triplet interactions have proved elusive.
132 n at 365 nm results in a complete singlet to triplet interconversion, whereas 450 nm irradiation prod
133  in the singlet state and proceeds through a triplet intermediate to form an energetically stable fou
134 ds to an interconversion of up to 20% of the triplet into the singlet state.
135                               Utilization of triplets is important for preparing organic light-emitti
136    Using the TMPD(*+) transient, the natural triplet lifetime and PhiISC for different DOM isolates a
137 that short-circuit a microseconds time scale triplet lifetime.
138 the imino ketene occurs by tunneling, on the triplet manifold, followed by intersystem crossing.
139  an excited molecule from the singlet to the triplet manifold.
140          Little is known of the mechanism of triplet microtubule formation, but experiments in unicel
141 epsilon-tubulin null mutant human cells lack triplet microtubules and fail to undergo centriole matur
142 that these tubulins act together to maintain triplet microtubules and that these are necessary for in
143                 However, the contribution of triplet microtubules to mammalian centriole formation an
144 ovement of a MASER based on a spin-polarized triplet molecule.
145 g the excited-state species as excitons with triplet multiplicity.
146 thesized via classical organic chemistry the triplet non-aromatic 2,4,6-cyclooctatriene (C8 H8 ) and
147 abilization of the two unpaired electrons in triplet O2, relative to the unpaired electrons in two hy
148  resonance stabilization of the pi system of triplet O2, the weakness of the O-O sigma bond makes rea
149 etween electron affinity of the physisorbed (triplet) O2 and band bending induced by the (O2)(-) radi
150 troscopy, we establish that luminescence via triplets occurs within 350 nanoseconds at ambient temper
151  a new form of bipartite NLS consisting of a triplet of basic residues followed by a tail of scattere
152 fficient mRNA translation is determined by a triplet-of-triplet genetic code.
153 fast iSF in solution, generating high-energy triplets on a sub-picosecond time scale.
154 hus, the unique complex 1 represents a pure "triplet-only" ferryl model.
155 .6 V vs Ag/AgCl) potentials, and singlet and triplet oxidation potentials (-1.1 and -0.5 V vs Ag/AgCl
156          Warming of matrices containing pure triplet p-tolyl(trifluoromethyl)carbene from 3 to 25 K l
157 ments reveal that the neighboring correlated triplet pair achieves its maximum population within 20 f
158 nt role of exciton correlations in promoting triplet pair generation and recombination.
159                             We find that the triplet pair is bound with respect to free triplets with
160 sient optical spectroscopy and show that the triplet pair state (TT), which has been proposed to medi
161 nic coupling between the singlet exciton and triplet pair states.
162 s believed to proceed through the correlated triplet-pair (1)(TT) state.
163  experimental exploration, the nature of the triplet-pair state and inter-triplet interactions have p
164 t rapid formation of a bound, spin-entangled triplet-pair state TT.
165 nificant manifestation is the spin-entangled triplet-pair state, which mediates the spin-conserving f
166 al the photophysical properties of entangled triplet-pair states.
167  (FM) heterostructures include pi-junctions, triplet pairing, critical temperature (Tc) control in FM
168 ds, charge transfer can occur from the bound triplet pairs with >100% photon-to-charge conversion eff
169 uctor and its properties are affected by the triplet pairs, demonstrating that our theory can reprodu
170 tization at shorter distances along with the triplet pathway.
171                                              Triplet phenylphosphinidene was prepared by light-induce
172                      By mixing in solution a triplet photosensitizer (PS) with the photoCORM and shin
173 near transition state (TS) structures, and a triplet pi -pathway ((3)Hpi) having a bent TS structure.
174 azulenyl nitrenium and oxenium ions can have triplet pi,pi* ground states and provides a simple recip
175 es including, but not limited to, the TRIBE (TRIplet plus BEvacizumab) trial.
176 is attributable to spatial separation of the triplets, proceeding nonadiabatically through weakly cou
177 bsorption, but only slightly higher rates of triplet production.
178  with the binding energy between constituent triplets, providing a new tool to understand this unusua
179 t cannot be explained fully by a long-ranged triplet proximity effect.
180 triplet formation rates, but negatively with triplet quantum yields, as waters enriched in highly aro
181 e mapped onto a robust, macroscopic, singlet-triplet qubit.
182               Nevertheless, the influence of triplet-quenching oxygen on PL and a photon correlation
183 g back to 3 K does not change the singlet to triplet ratio.
184 r how sequence imperfections may affect base triplet recognition by Rad51/RecA family members, and we
185 hybrid capture method to determine the exact triplet repeat expansion number in the Huntington's gene
186 ructure, confirming a proposed mechanism for triplet repeat expansion.
187 herited ataxia, is caused by an expanded GAA triplet-repeat sequence in intron 1 of the FXN gene.
188  upstream and downstream of the expanded GAA triplet-repeat sequence, without any change in transcrip
189  we show that M-Probes can detect genes with triplet repeats exceeding a programmed threshold.
190 in collagen peptides composed of Pro-Hyp-Gly triplet repeats, allowing for truncation to the smallest
191  can load yPCNA onto 5'-ssDNA flaps, (CAG)13 triplet repeats, and homoduplex DNA.
192 ch is defined by the presence of the Gly-X-Y triplet repeats, is amongst the most versatile and wides
193 ics of the excited states, where singlet and triplet Rh2/form-to-naphthyridine, metal/ligand-to-ligan
194                      Although the utility of triplet sensitization by energy transfer has long been k
195 n herein is that chiral Lewis acid catalyzed triplet sensitization enables the synthesis of highly en
196                             Crucially, such "triplet-sensitized CO-release" occurred in solid-state m
197 efficient under inert atmosphere and acetone triplet-sensitized conditions indicating that the triple
198  such as NaNO2, a (*)OH precursor, and model triplet sensitizer lumichrome gave a range of 2 to 250.
199 enzophenone group that served as an internal triplet sensitizer.
200                                        Model triplet sensitizers with a wide range of excited triplet
201 reveal three potential pathways: quintet and triplet sigma-pathways ((5)Hsigma and (3)Hsigma) that po
202 gand raises the barriers for the quintet and triplet sigma-pathways and quenches any chances for two-
203                     Subsequent growth of the triplet signal on picosecond time scales is attributable
204 ue to the spin prohibition of the underlying triplet-singlet emission and because its analysis embrac
205 rotenoid molecules, which quench chlorophyll triplet species before they can sensitize singlet oxygen
206 the formation of the corresponding "aromatic triplet" species according to the Baird's rule of aromat
207 4 eV) is applied to identify the role of the triplet state (T1, (3)pipi*) in the ultraviolet-induced
208                   Because of an influence of triplet state aromaticity in the central 4npi-electron u
209 eously, we observe an increased influence of triplet state aromaticity of the central 4n ring as give
210                                      Excited triplet state chromophoric dissolved organic matter ((3)
211      The influence of electronic symmetry on triplet state delocalization in linear zinc porphyrin ol
212                                The extent of triplet state delocalization is investigated in rigid li
213 is demonstrated experimentally that complete triplet state delocalization requires the chemical equiv
214 tronic symmetry is of greater importance for triplet state delocalization than other frequently invok
215                             We conclude that triplet state denitrogenation and the subsequent intersy
216 cal ground state with a thermally accessible triplet state for this unique bis-superoxide complex.
217 both distinguish neutral O2 molecules in the triplet state from negatively charged (O2)(-) radicals a
218 (3)MLCT/(3)pipi* excited state as the lowest triplet state in 2, whereas the lowest energy triplet st
219 rturbation of the carotenoid backbone in the triplet state induced by the interchromophore interactio
220 hat restores the symmetry of the system, the triplet state is again found to be completely delocalize
221                                   The borate triplet state is deactivated further via a second electr
222 ome significant challenges, as the tetracene triplet state is practically useful, approximately 1.2 e
223 ge-transfer (CT) emission close to the local triplet state leading to efficient TADF via spin-vibroni
224                            Surprisingly, the triplet state of 1 was found to engage a series of arene
225                           On the other hand, triplet state of diphenyl sulfide also showed competitiv
226 riplet excited-state (3)PS* to a photolabile triplet state of Mn2(CO)10, which, like under near-UV ir
227 he predator and the spin polarization in the triplet state of pentacene is the prey.
228       In this proposed mechanism, the lowest triplet state of SO2 ((3)B1), which may be accessed by n
229          The presence of the low-lying local triplet state of the axial conformer also means that thi
230 s trifluoroacetate and nitrate stabilize the triplet state of the complex.
231 ers lead to localization of the photoexcited triplet state on a single porphyrin unit, whereas previo
232 let sensitizers with a wide range of excited triplet state reduction potentials and CDOM oxidized TMP
233  rotation about the newly formed bond in the triplet state that results in the formation of the secon
234  1 was photolyzed at 380 nm, excitation to a triplet state was observed.
235 , restoration of intersystem crossing to the triplet state, and singlet oxygen generation, as assayed
236 of -47 and -45 kcal/mol to the lowest-energy triplet state, respectively.
237 onds to the radiative decay of the molecular triplet state.
238 undergo photochemical dehalogenation via the triplet state.
239 ructure, which helps formation of the borate triplet state.
240 pyrenecarboxylic acid, producing a molecular triplet-state 'reservoir' that thermally repopulates the
241                                          The triplet-state electronic structure was characteristic of
242 aterials possessing similarly high yields of triplet-state formation: in contrast to these benchmark
243                                    These are triplet-state quenchers that operate via photoinduced el
244 he differing reactivities of the singlet and triplet states are determined, and the ways in which thi
245                                Moreover, the triplet states are pi,pi* states, rather than the typica
246 n density distributions of the first excited triplet states are strongly affected by the molecular ge
247                  Subsequent quenching of the triplet states by molecular oxygen produces singlet oxyg
248 racene dyads (BADs) generate locally excited triplet states by way of photoinduced electron transfer
249 um ions, and we find that the unusual ground triplet states can be further tuned by employing electro
250                                    Molecular triplet states constitute a crucial gateway in the photo
251  and electron-spin structures of the excited triplet states for the metal-free room-temperature tripl
252 riplet state in 2, whereas the lowest energy triplet states in 1, 3, and 4 were calculated to be (3)L
253      The presence of energetically low-lying triplet states is a hallmark of organic semiconductors.
254 *)OH and CO3(*-), and possibly also with the triplet states of chromophoric dissolved organic matter.
255                                          The triplet states of fused porphyrin oligomers (i.e., porph
256 ogical qubit encoded in the spin singlet and triplet states of the two-electron system.
257 cording to our calculations, the singlet and triplet states of these carbenes are energetically nearl
258 act as electrophiles, while reactions of the triplet states of these ions react like typical diradica
259                      Unlike the study of the triplet states of well-defined molecules, which are amen
260 cence efficiency by harvesting excitons from triplet states, is used as a host in LECs.
261 efficient intersystem crossing into reactive triplet states, the molecular factors underlying this ef
262 paration followed by charge recombination to triplet states, which photosensitize singlet oxygen form
263 ectra for the excited electronic singlet and triplet states.
264  is their rapid and efficient utilization of triplet states.
265 s for these Cpd II complexes cross below the triplet states.
266                   Here, we examined how base triplet stepping by RecA, Rad51, and Dmc1 is affected by
267            Our work reveals features of base triplet stepping that are conserved among these three ph
268 curtain assays for measuring individual base triplet steps during the early stages of strand invasion
269                     Further, we elucidated a triplet stereochemical code in the stereopure ASOs, 3'-S
270 the frequencies of the respective nucleotide triplet substitutions in non-coding regions and in 4-fol
271 the HAT process performed by 1 occurs on the triplet surface only, in contrast to complex A reported
272  with 1,3,5-cycloheptatriene (C7 H8 ) on the triplet surface under single-collision conditions.
273 ccesses exotic reaction intermediates on the triplet surface, which cannot be synthesized via classic
274            Triplet ethoxycarbonylnitrene and triplet t-butyloxycarbonylnitrene have been observed fol
275  with hydrazone formation occurs through the triplet T1 state.
276                              The reaction of triplet tetrachlorocyclopentadienylidene with BF3 in rar
277 e diradical m-C8H8 is a prototypical organic triplet that represents a building block for organic mol
278 statistical pattern of repetitive nucleotide triplets that correlates with the genomewide binding pre
279 ar the transcription start site and identify triplets that have the strongest effect on PIC-DNA nonco
280 sertion, intersystem crossing (ISC) from the triplet to the singlet manifold, and hydrogen migrations
281 c phenomena such as multi-photon absorption, triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA) and stimulated emissi
282 nic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) doped with triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA)-upconversion molecule
283  to directly harness photon upconversion via triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA-UC) and increase maxim
284 ications, such as optical power limiting and triplet-triplet annihilation photon upconversion (TTA-UC
285 he far-red to deep-blue region in metal-free triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion (TTA-UC) is pr
286 on, efficient energy transfer and subsequent triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion is observed.
287  Adopting a diffusion model used to describe triplet-triplet annihilation, the triplet diffusion leng
288  NIR-OLED not intentionally benefitting from triplet-triplet annihilation.
289  to oxygen is low, chlorophyll-to-carotenoid triplet-triplet energy transfer (T-TET) is slow, in the
290 ts point to an intimate relationship between triplet-triplet energy transfer and charge transfer.
291  phenomenon results from a near quantitative triplet-triplet energy transfer from the nanocrystals to
292 nt state of CdSe through endothermic reverse triplet-triplet energy transfer.
293  to unequivocally establish the formation of triplet-triplet multiexcitons and uncoupled triplet exci
294 structions indicate that virtually every DNA triplet was recognized by at least one C2H2-ZF domain in
295 lyses further indicate that, upon T-TET, the triplet wave function is localized on the carotenoid in
296 in Southern California, while long and short triplets were dominant in the Gulf of California.
297 hows that the ground state of the anion is a triplet, while the quinoniminyl radical has a doublet gr
298 e the singlet carbene is the reaction of the triplet with water molecules by annealing water-doped ma
299 e triplet pair is bound with respect to free triplets with an energy that is largely material indepen
300 d PbS/CdS QDs show the formation of the 5-CT triplet (with rates of 5.91+/-0.60 ns(-1) and 1.03+/-0.0

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