


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g even the scenario-specification highly non-trivial.
2 tion when bound to substrates has proven non-trivial.
3 graph, and choosing a good null model is non-trivial.
4 d the methods for these measurements are not trivial.
5 s between micro-RNA and messenger-RNA is non-trivial.
6  Gal-3 to existing clinical risk factors was trivial.
7 owing to mineral precipitation is relatively trivial.
8 f such high-affinity binding can be far from trivial.
9  their development by rational design is not trivial.
10  named limits in the literature) is far from trivial.
11 to its corresponding protein sequence is not trivial.
12 s manifested in these assemblies is far from trivial.
13 igh-dimensional multivariate datasets is non-trivial.
14 ormation from complex signal patterns is not trivial.
15 plane, so making a precise definition is not trivial.
16 uickly and in a reference-free manner is not trivial.
17 n is complex, answering this question is non-trivial.
18 t suitable for a specific application is not trivial.
19              However, their synthesis is non-trivial.
20 lysis of complex biological matrixes are not trivial.
21 bitals, and show which are topologically non-trivial.
22 er, identification of potential sites is not trivial.
23  identification of lipid species is far from trivial.
24 ned by such pressures and are therefore less trivial.
25 e ELISpot response to a given peptide is not trivial.
26 larly for psychiatric treatments, often seem trivial.
27 ransgenic loci into a single genome may seem trivial, ((1/4)) (x) for a diploid species, but given th
28  conical magnetic structure that, apart from trivial 180(o) commensurate magnetic domains, can be des
29 showing the persistence of the effect in non-trivial 2d systems.
30 ial 2DEG states, and in InAs(001) where only trivial 2DEG states are present.
31 111) where Dirac surface states coexist with trivial 2DEG states, and in InAs(001) where only trivial
32 sociated to supercurrent loops, with the non-trivial 3D remanent magnetic structure of FM nano-rods.
33  model best reflects in vivo motility is non-trivial: 3D motility is an intricate process requiring s
34 lack of available optical materials with non-trivial activity, together with difficulties in regulati
35 h functional and structural diversity from a trivial acyclic substrate with no stereogenic centers.
36 specimens from most patients (88%) had no or trivial amounts of fat.
37 rmation storage approaches have encoded only trivial amounts of information or were not amenable to s
38                                   Parsing is trivial and deterministic; the system being tested requi
39 for a specific type of subnetwork can be non-trivial and difficult.
40 uctural templates can be identified is often trivial and may even be viewed as a solved problem.
41 e shortest and simplest paths provides a non trivial and non local information about the spatial orga
42 er these facts make querying and sharing non-trivial and render centralized solutions unfeasible.
43 mperature in these devices is far from being trivial and requires both a basic understanding of micro
44 agreement with experiment in this way is not trivial and requires careful treatment of level of theor
45 ing personalized nutrition strategies is not trivial and requires novel study designs and data analyt
46      The interplay of the two effects is non trivial and, interestingly, the effects of burstiness mi
47 urposes of molecular biology research is non-trivial, and can be complicated by the presence of a div
48                        This task is far from trivial, and can be prohibitive for non-bioinformatician
49 equences flowing from incorporating a rather trivial, and widely prevalent, "non-rational" aspect of
50  Practical implementation of this apparently trivial approach in DQAMmiR has two major challenges.
51  host shift vs. those of cospeciation is non-trivial as both can result in phylogenic congruence.
52  demonstrate that the problem of finding non-trivial asymmetry measures can be solved using the tools
53                                            A trivial baffle leak was observed in 1 other patient afte
54 ensity correlations and phase transitions to trivial band and Mott insulators.
55 ogical insulators are characterized by a non-trivial band topology driven by the spin-orbit coupling.
56 ng the spin-orbit coupling strength, the non-trivial band topology of YBiO3 is investigated, where th
57 ic sense, the system shows topologically non-trivial band-gaps.
58 iated with the nearly flat topologically non-trivial bands found in e(g) systems are also discussed.
59 lenge of oocyte divisions appears indeed not trivial because in both mice and humans oocyte meiotic d
60                                  This is not trivial because most current methods to simulate Boolean
61 nce and/or structure of these enzymes is not trivial because of the large number of possible reaction
62 tudy, but structural characterization is not trivial because of the multiplicity of states in the ens
63 pinski gasket, is typically considered to be trivial, because they percolate only at full bond densit
64 redicted NaSn2 may display topologically non-trivial behavior and the known BaSn2 could be a strong t
65 ubdivision of the population can lead to non-trivial behaviour in the case where the network is a sim
66                                      The non-trivial behaviour of phase is crucial for many important
67 ling generates chiral excitations with a non-trivial Berry phase 2pi.
68 mplate that will direct the formation of non-trivial block copolymer patterns, providing a new templa
69 r instance, nanophotonic constructs with non-trivial broken symmetries can display optical properties
70 face states arising from a topologically non-trivial bulk band structure having strong Kondo hybridiz
71 ulk and metallic boundaries arising from non-trivial bulk band topology.
72 role of the insulating yet topologically non-trivial bulk becomes explicit: an external electric fiel
73 n the other hand was found to be topological trivial, but further theoretical studies indicated that
74 ry of these complex genomic regions is a non-trivial, but important task.
75                     While this is a somewhat trivial case, this example signifies the extraction of u
76 roduce different results in all but the most trivial cases.
77 hroughput sequencing instruments present non-trivial challenges in data storage, content access and t
78 c braid between two of them results in a non-trivial change of the quantum state of the system.
79 n validated in a high-throughput format, and trivial changes in the substrate sequence and endonuclea
80                                  A series of trivial chemical manipulations of the ketol moiety in ad
81         The detailed characterization of non-trivial coherence properties of composite quantum system
82 anoaromatics by using mild and operationally trivial conditions.
83                 Our solution relies on a non-trivial connection between stochastic reaction-diffusion
84 t biological questions including finding non-trivial connections between cellular processes, identify
85 ically tractable network is a direct but not trivial consequence of the spectra of eigenvalues of the
86                         The finding is not a trivial consequence of the Zipf scaling relationship of
87 nducting state of BiPd appears topologically trivial, consistent with Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theor
88 ted by emergent statistical laws such as non-trivial correlations and temporal clustering.
89  fast and the sensor can be mass produced at trivial cost as a tool for initial screening of pathogen
90                                    Given the trivial cost of the BIS and the proven benefits demonstr
91 d ignore information that is obtainable at a trivial cost.
92 explosive cluster growth can emerge at a non-trivial critical point.
93      Direct and indirect networks showed non-trivial differences with respect to connectivity, contac
94 generate complex network geometries with non-trivial distribution of curvatures, combining exponentia
95  However, retrieving this information is non-trivial due to the low resolution and low signal-to-nois
96 se non-classical states in resonators is non-trivial due to their inherent harmonicity.
97 s of the protein clusters in A2ApsN is never trivial, due to a lack of linking characterized proteins
98 ation was normal or below normal, but showed trivial effect on GEP when the natural precipitation was
99 y statistically significant difference for a trivial effect that is not really meaningfully different
100 charge quenching that can describe these non-trivial effects in photoconductivity of highly ordered o
101 s into a coherent analysis pipeline is not a trivial endeavor, particularly for microbiologists with
102 t LaAuO(3) bilayers have a topologically non-trivial energy gap of about 0.15 eV, which is sufficient
103 hout reducing pathogen burden could have non-trivial epidemiological and evolutionary consequences th
104 ately, measuring moisture diffusivity is not trivial, especially at low moisture values and/or elevat
105      The identification of rich clubs is non-trivial, especially in weighted networks, and to this en
106 tates have sparked the hope of realizing non-trivial excitations and novel effects such as a magnetoe
107 at they are participating in a fundamentally trivial exercise, as the map locations of the genes are
108 f dominance in iron transport also ruled out trivial explanations for growth arrest, such as high-lev
109   Among second biopsy samples, 74% had no or trivial fat and 13% had significant amounts of fat.
110 exactly at the Fermi level and no coexisting trivial Fermi surfaces in the bulk, similar to graphene,
111  knotted, linked and other topologically non-trivial field configurations.
112 imizing these depends on knowledge of common trivial findings, normal variants, and customary workup
113 t into the underlying structure of these non-trivial fitness landscapes.
114 n is the recently proposed topologically non-trivial flat-band model on a checkerboard lattice.
115               However, this procedure is non-trivial for dependent P-values.
116                    The resulting bias may be trivial for most ambient data sets but can be significan
117 TER algorithm, running SIFTER locally is not trivial for most users, especially for large-scale probl
118 e of available prediction tools makes it non-trivial for the end-user to select which tool to use for
119 nsortium schizophrenia cohort predicts a non-trivial fraction of sub-threshold signals which become s
120  accurately quantifying known lncRNAs is not trivial from massive RNA-seq data.
121 ltracold atomic alkali gases confined to non-trivial geometries.
122 r impacted by gas-drilling operations is not trivial given other potential sources of contamination.
123 e in any hospitalized patient with more than trivial hepatic encephalopathy.
124 ted with concentrations of probe that have a trivial impact on cellular currents.
125 ng the (001) direction are topologically non-trivial in a wide range of film thickness and carry cond
126 lement) fidelity, are known, but some become trivial in higher dimensions.
127 ic tool to distinguish topological MZMs from trivial in-gap states of a superconductor.
128   The effect of the peptide was not due to a trivial increase in SMM phosphorylation, and its specifi
129 d as a dysregulated response to an otherwise trivial infection.
130 common cold, which in itself is a relatively trivial infection; however, in asthma and chronic obstru
131 otential, treating the Sgr impact event as a trivial influence on the Galactic disk.
132  in biochemical systems provided us with non-trivial insights into the origins of stochasticity, in t
133                        It is believed that a trivial insulator can be twisted into a topological stat
134 ty of both the weak TI phase (0;001) and the trivial insulator phase (0;000).
135 ate that LB HgTe (HgSe) monolayers undergo a trivial insulator to topological insulator transition un
136 yses that one can generate topologically non-trivial insulators by periodically driving topologically
137       Their electronic structure ranges from trivial insulators, to semiconductors with tunable gaps,
138 uced resonances by using the established non-trivial interconnection between the symmetry of bi-direc
139 s are synergically used to elucidate the non-trivial interplay between nanopore hydrophilicity and su
140 ators are a class of solids in which the non-trivial inverted bulk band structure gives rise to metal
141 , which was proposed to be topologically non-trivial, is of eminent interest.
142 onferroni correction, though computationally trivial, is overly conservative and fails to account for
143 -layer to Stranski-Krastanov growth with non-trivial island height statistics.
144 chanisms and determining its status is not a trivial issue.
145 l genome sequencing and assembly have become trivial, its annotation procedure has not been standardi
146 red by a planar graph, the topologically non-trivial knots and catenanes represent some of chemistry'
147                            Although most non-trivial knots prepared to date from small-molecule build
148 um phase of electrons into topologically non-trivial knots-producing protected surface states with an
149 families and fold types of proteins with non-trivial knotting.
150 liver 25 g of product is demonstrated, and a trivial large scale synthesis of the optimal catalyst is
151 atients whose first biopsy samples had no or trivial levels of fat, and regression among those with s
152 thologist; samples were classified as having trivial (<5% of hepatocytes affected) or significant (>5
153 , where many solid-state systems exhibit non-trivial magnetic order.
154 asible candidate formulas, and this is not a trivial mathematical task.
155 tion process, which are normally regarded as trivial matters or errors.
156 ment on cardiac magnetic resonance and no or trivial mitral regurgitation, and 16 (6 female patients;
157 widely divergent and highly sensitive to non-trivial model choices.
158 ther limit planar random geometries with non-trivial modularity.
159              Compressive strain can turn the trivial monolayer into a topological insulator.
160 oten -2'-ol, is novel and has been given the trivial name 'sioxanthin'.
161                              We proposed the trivial name arginoline for the ketoimine cross-link der
162 s use different database identifiers or even trivial names which disable queries across databases or
163              Our results demonstrate the non-trivial nature of topological defects in a new context,
164 tional neuroimaging analysis and reveals non-trivial network mechanisms underlying non-invasive obser
165              It exploits the long sought non-trivial non-radiating charge-current excitation based on
166          Aortic regurgitation increased from trivial (none to mild) to mild (trivial to moderate).
167 mm Hg (P<0.001); pulmonary insufficiency was trivial/none in all but 1 patient, where it was mild.
168  for quantitative purposes is far from being trivial, not only because of the associated experiment t
169                                     In a non-trivial number of cases, this approach finds solutions t
170                   Our study shows that a non-trivial number of data elements in general dental record
171 sign recommends it for use even for the most trivial of analyses.
172 processing speed, creating problems that are trivial once effectively divided into parts.
173 lators by periodically driving topologically trivial ones.
174 uL) have very low backpressure, allowing for trivial online coupling with commercial nanoLC-MS system
175 cisions by clarifying the sensitivity to non-trivial or controversial assumptions.
176 nts and transfer distances is far from being trivial or unique.
177 o define regions of beneficial, harmful, and trivial outcomes.
178                                This is not a trivial oversight, as the activity of VTA neurons, which
179 ocessed independently, which lends itself to trivial parallelization on a high performance computing
180                                  There was a trivial paravalvular leak in the first patient at 48 h,
181 motion and body deformation results in a non-trivial pattern in the magnitude of lateral displacement
182 ttent on a short time scale, it exhibits non-trivial periodicity and long-scale correlations over slo
183 nd describes all possible scenarios in a non-trivial phase diagram.
184 es an abrupt transition from a topologically trivial phase portrait with a single equilibrium into a
185 momentum locked, gapped surface state in the trivial phase that shares many important properties with
186 e transitions from a Rashba type topological trivial phase to topological insulator state then furthe
187 ced with one another or with a topologically trivial phase, give rise to topologically protected, dis
188 sured Dirac gap decreases on approaching the trivial phase, whereas the magnitude of the distortion r
189  topological quantum phase transition into a trivial phase.
190 spin-split bulk bands, even in topologically trivial photonic crystals.
191 e a platform for designing topologically non-trivial photonic states, similar to those that have been
192 e, which more than doubles the number of non-trivial physical channels that can be collected with a r
193  point occurs, which acts as a source of non-trivial physics in a diverse range of systems.
194 ssibility of native structure recognition by trivial potentials.
195 ature, the tunnelling current exhibits a non-trivial power-law suppression.
196 d candidates, revealing significant (and non-trivial) preferences in terms of Nanobody building block
197  findings suggest that the AMO is far from a trivial presence against the backdrop of continued tempe
198        One reason that tractability is not a trivial problem comes from a combinatoric problem whereb
199 sue configuration make motion tracking a non-trivial problem in image analysis and confound many of t
200 the motif is, therefore, desirable and a non-trivial problem in motif discovery research.
201  identifying the origin of porosity is not a trivial process, especially for amorphous or liquid phas
202 hanical metamaterials with topologically non-trivial properties.
203  the development of a mild and operationally trivial protocol for the direct formation of alpha-formy
204 be a touchstone for revealing a role for non-trivial quantum phenomena in biology.
205 ow these two distinct states can emerge from trivial Rashba-like states that change topology through
206 t considerable motor variability even across trivial reaching movements.
207 ormulated in water with high stability using trivial reagents and methods.
208 All sensory systems involve the body for the trivial reason that sensory receptors are located in the
209  Hg (P<0.001), and all but 2 patients had no/trivial regurgitation (down from moderate or severe prei
210            We thus elucidate further the non-trivial relationship between the key elements contributi
211                  Moreover, we identify a non-trivial relationship connecting the betweenness centrali
212              These results underline the non-trivial role of electrochemical phenomena in determining
213 for mixed population states, we identify non-trivial roles of acceptors as well as the importance of
214             In addition to the topologically trivial rotaxanes, whose structures may be captured by a
215  be realized in MoTe2 than the topologically trivial s (++) state.
216  disorder, we suggest that topologically non-trivial s (+-) state is more likely to be realized in Mo
217  Myeloid Leukemia, in which we uncovered non trivial selectivity relations and exclusivity patterns a
218                          Even objects of non-trivial shapes, such as a nanoscale model of Leonardo da
219  'assembled' RNA-Seq transcripts is far from trivial; significant error rate of assembly was revealed
220                            This point is not trivial since previous data have shown the critical impo
221                           This result is not trivial, since a similar analysis done on the basis of d
222 tations ranging from a single bone lesion or trivial skin rash to an explosive disseminated disease.
223 lapse formation is rapid, nonspecific, and a trivial solvent related compaction, which could as well
224                   We report evidence for non-trivial spatio-temporal patterns in user activities at i
225                                      The non-trivial spin configuration in a magnetic vortex is a pro
226 s, conventional LRO is suppressed, while non-trivial spin correlations are still observed.
227                            Topologically non-trivial spin textures form a fundamental paradigm in sol
228 , converting the system into a topologically trivial state even in the weak scattering limit.
229 rochlore iridate Pr2Ir2O7, we identify a non-trivial state with a single-point Fermi node protected b
230 offer a route towards the observation of non-trivial states, but also open the way for device applica
231 at the outset, poor yields for the seemingly trivial steps of end-capping to replace protecting group
232   Essential structural properties of the non-trivial "string-wall-bounded" topological defects in hex
233 t in our Solar System) show a variety of non-trivial structures attributed to planetary perturbations
234 tion about protein links - topologically non-trivial structures made by up to four chains and complex
235 ological phase transitions and also identify trivial-superconducting and commensurate/incommensurate
236          First, we show that a topologically trivial superconductor can be driven into a chiral topol
237 iscussed as candidates for topologically non-trivial surface states.
238 zed by an exaggerated startle in response to trivial tactile or acoustic stimuli.
239  assess the quality of CD hierarchies, a non-trivial task considering that the protein subgroups are
240     In gene expression studies this is not a trivial task for several reasons, including potential te
241  and cardiovascular disease involves the non-trivial task of data analysis and integration of previou
242                         However, it is a non-trivial task to effectively integrate available biologic
243                         However, it is a non-trivial task to understand how a change at the protein s
244 However, quantification of halogens is not a trivial task, and methods that require minimum sample pr
245  Optimization of NECEEM experiments is not a trivial task, due to the complex interrelation between n
246  negative example prediction is itself a non-trivial task, given that the Open World Assumption as ap
247                                This is not a trivial task, however, due to differing data structures,
248 housands of candidate variants remains a non-trivial task.
249 of results obtained, however, is often not a trivial task.
250 m to infer high-confidence networks is a non-trivial task.
251 wever, the annotation of such genes is a non-trivial task.
252 ber of parameters in most models, this is no trivial task.
253 molecular impact of a mutation remains a non-trivial task.
254                                This is not a trivial task; considerable variance exists in the drivin
255  well plates and guidance for pipetting, non-trivial tasks for which informatics and visualization to
256 uenced reads for downstream analysis are non-trivial tasks.
257 tion of biological cells, which exhibits non-trivial temporal decay of velocity autocorrelation funct
258 o be non-polar (but with a topologically non-trivial texture for the square) and, hence, non-ferroele
259  bacterial genomic information is not always trivial: the target bacteria may be difficult to culture
260 tion of such projections can come with a non-trivial thermodynamic work only for quantum states with
261 he transition from a Rashba type topological trivial to a topological insulator phase at 2 GPa, which
262 easured object it has shown to be highly non-trivial to achieve sufficient spatial resolution.
263 tations in the absence of selection) are non-trivial to calculate, and results are not easily interpr
264                                    It is non-trivial to compare pockets, either from different progra
265                              Thus, it is non-trivial to distinguish between them at high pressures an
266 e or multiple open reading frames, it is not trivial to distinguish these long non-coding transcripts
267  fundamental component of ABC algorithms, is trivial to distribute over multiple processors but is in
268 ries of pre-fabricated oligomers, it will be trivial to incorporate future modified TALE monomers wit
269 ter = -0.7 +/- 1.4 mm vs. 0.9 +/- 1.8 mm for trivial to mild PAR, p < 0.01).
270 creased from trivial (none to mild) to mild (trivial to moderate).
271 ctively protects sialic acids, yet it is not trivial to purify glycans from their reagents.
272                                 It is almost trivial to say that such fluctuations in the soil modify
273                               It is far from trivial to select the most effective clustering method a
274              Our results help to explain the trivial-to-topological transition in finite systems and
275  establishing them as first members with non-trivial topological electronic structure in this class o
276 n behaviour, have been predicted to host non-trivial topological electronic structures.
277 characteristic symmetries and generate a non-trivial topological invariant.
278 crossing of energy levels and reveal the non-trivial topological modal structure exclusive to non-Her
279 covered surface state, proposed to be of non-trivial topological origin.
280 ilayers grown along a (001)-direction, a non-trivial topological phase transition occurs above a crit
281 great fundamental interest because their non-trivial topology creates novel physical properties.
282 k analogue of graphene; it also exhibits non-trivial topology in its electronic structure that shares
283  is a state of matter characterized by a non-trivial topology of its band structure, and associated c
284 ke static structures, in this system the non-trivial topology of the Weyl point manifests in terms of
285                                      Our non-trivial topology originates from an inversion of the rot
286  predict that as a manifestation of this non-trivial topology, SnTe has metallic surface states with
287        Non-uniform magnetic domains with non-trivial topology, such as vortices and skyrmions, are pr
288 netic field flux, originating from their non-trivial topology.
289 edicted theoretically for materials with non-trivial topology.
290 ched to 140 PHTN-FTR and to 99 controls with trivial TR for age, sex, atrial fibrillation, and ejecti
291                   This unprecedented and not trivial transformation does not operate with the catalyt
292 t the TI surface may also lead to coexisting trivial two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) states with
293 t and four second moves for a generic set of trivial two-player two-move games).
294 genetic circuits into DNA sequences is a non-trivial undertaking due to the complexity of mapping the
295       However, what may seem like relatively trivial variation in behavioral methodologies can actual
296 ondrial disease decompensate after seemingly trivial viral infections.
297  dielectric layer, with an indication of non-trivial vortex-vortex interactions.
298  that these two mechanisms interact in a non-trivial way.
299 on similar to loading that influences in non-trivial ways the dynamic performance of a module upon co
300 ch makes the mapping of individual sites non-trivial without bioinformatics support.

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