


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 "rescue" have been proposed: regenerative or trophic.
2 ob) mice is ineffective, suggesting that the trophic action of leptin is limited to a developmental c
3     Together, these findings reveal that the trophic actions of leptin are contingent upon timing and
4                                   Long-term (trophic) actions of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides an
5  of increased cell adhesion molecules (CAM), trophic and anti-inflammatory factors.
6 results highlight that the inclusion of both trophic and non-trophic direct and indirect interactions
7 ies are characterized by complex networks of trophic and nontrophic interactions, which shape the dy-
8 en comparing the model networks to empirical trophic and nontrophic webs in two ecological systems.
9 sects, and thus the necessity of using a tri-trophic approach when studying insect-plant interactions
10 songbird species, we explored the effects of trophic asynchrony on avian population trends and potent
11                                        Such "trophic asynchrony" is hypothesized to have contributed
12  location that inspired the idea of inverted trophic biomass pyramids in coral reef ecosystems.
13                                         This trophic cascade emerged because reef topography, tidal o
14 ural equation modelling to compare competing trophic cascade hypotheses to explain how dingoes could
15 th published diet data suggest the purported trophic cascade is lacking the empirical linkages requir
16 hrub encroachment by triggering a four level trophic cascade.
17 lacking the empirical linkages required of a trophic cascade.
18 ted using an ecosystem model that allows for trophic cascades (i.e., the depletion of predators and c
19     Given the importance of large animals in trophic cascades and their widespread losses and resulti
20                              We contend that trophic cascades induced by apex predator extirpation ma
21 top-down trophic interactions and associated trophic cascades to promote self-regulating biodiverse e
22                              Here, we ask if trophic cascades triggered by the extirpation of Austral
23 tically through trophic levels and sometimes trophic cascades via direct consumption and predation ri
24                      Apex predators initiate trophic cascades which can influence the abundance of ma
25 t by alternative organisms in the ecosystem, trophic cascades, and humans preferentially impacting sp
26 se both catches and revenue by reversing the trophic cascades.
27 rge reef predators are too diffuse to elicit trophic cascades.
28 nder what specific conditions, they generate trophic cascades.
29  mammalian scavengers and potentially create trophic cascades.
30 ing stable isotopes we tested for changes in trophic chain length and shape over time in these dynami
31 uatic species or other living beings via the trophic chain.
32       Our findings suggest the importance of trophic coherence in modelling local preying patterns in
33                                 We find that trophic coherence is also a good predictor for the exten
34                                      Because trophic coherence suppresses feedback, whereas an absenc
35 a network assembly model that admits tunable trophic coherence via a single free parameter.
36 s determined by a structural property called trophic coherence, a measure of how neatly nodes fall in
37 e of hierarchical order in directed networks-trophic coherence.
38 effects may be affected by poorly understood trophic complexity effects and interactions with landsca
39 ture research, notably assessing the role of trophic complexity, interplay with landscape settings, l
40 expression in cells cultured under different trophic conditions (mixotrophic in the presence of aceta
41 alculated flux distributions under different trophic conditions show that a number of key pathways ar
42 e differentially expressed under the various trophic conditions.
43 ogen load in an ecologically relevant, multi-trophic context.
44 del, capable of modeling complex patterns of trophic control for the heavily impacted North Sea ecosy
45            However, the resulting pattern of trophic control in complex food webs is an emergent prop
46             Axon degeneration in response to trophic deprivation was thought to be locally restricted
47 a(15)N), indicating that REE were subject to trophic dilution.
48 t that the inclusion of both trophic and non-trophic direct and indirect interactions is essential to
49   These results indicate that bats exhibit a trophic discrimination factor (TDF) similar to other ter
50                                         This trophic distribution emerges when community biomass exce
51  higher trophic level individuals, a concave trophic distribution emerges.
52                                  The concave trophic distribution implies a more direct link between
53 es and their widespread losses and resulting trophic downgrading, it often focuses on restoring funct
54  phenomena driving cetacean ecology, such as trophic dynamics and arms races, have an evolutionary ba
55 amework for understanding warming effects on trophic dynamics.
56      The biomass increase requires increased trophic efficiency, which could arise because of ocean w
57 edation risk increase production of unviable trophic eggs, which assures provisioning of an egg meal
58  provide evidence that IDGF2 is an important trophic factor promoting cellular and organismal surviva
59                                      Using a trophic factor withdrawal-based model of neurodegenerati
60 y, and motor wt and SOD1 mutant neurons from trophic factor withdrawal-induced degeneration.
61 ns in proinflammatory, antiinflammatory, and trophic factors along with neurotrophic and neurogenesis
62     Surprisingly, the major contributors are trophic factors from the GDNF family and a cytokine, int
63                  The gene expression of some trophic factors involved in tissue remodeling was congru
64 portive features, including up-regulation of trophic factors, elevation of cytokines as part of the i
65 lation that enhances neuronal sensitivity to trophic factors.
66                                              Trophic flexibility has been proposed as a mechanism fac
67 nfigurational fragmentation influences multi-trophic food web dynamics.
68 les corresponded with a reduced capacity for trophic form-loaded dendritic cells to stimulate CD4(+)
69 tic cell response following stimulation with trophic forms alone, with a normal mixture of trophic fo
70                                              Trophic forms also suppressed the expression of genes re
71 rophic forms alone, with a normal mixture of trophic forms and cysts, or with beta-glucan.
72 lls with trophic forms, but not a mixture of trophic forms and cysts, reduced the expression of MHC c
73 sponses in mice inoculated with a mixture of trophic forms and cysts.
74                              We propose that trophic forms broadly inhibit the ability of dendritic c
75 rved in immunocompetent mice inoculated with trophic forms compared to responses in mice inoculated w
76 tory responses in vitro, suggesting that the trophic forms dampen cyst-induced inflammation in vivo.
77         We demonstrate that stimulation with trophic forms downregulated the expression of multiple g
78                                  Conversely, trophic forms suppress beta-glucan-induced proinflammato
79 uces proinflammatory immune responses, while trophic forms suppress the cytokine response to multiple
80          Stimulation of dendritic cells with trophic forms, but not a mixture of trophic forms and cy
81                               Cysts, but not trophic forms, stimulated increased IFN-gamma cytokine c
82          An emerging body of data highlights trophic functions of neurotransmitters on proliferation
83 rong ecological impacts even though they are trophic generalists that rarely feed.
84         These results suggest that green web trophic groups are mainly driven by vegetation parameter
85 ction and vegetation height, while brown web trophic groups are mostly driven by the production and s
86 versity hypothesis', which predicts that all trophic groups covary similarly with the main drivers of
87 diversity hypothesis', where green and brown trophic groups diversity respond to different drivers du
88 a wide range of invertebrate green and brown trophic groups during 100 years of primary succession in
89                        The abundances of all trophic groups, aside from predators, decreased with deg
90 arkedly among organisms within taxonomic and trophic groups.
91 f light-independent chlorophyll synthesis in trophic growth.
92 ooth types were not evenly distributed among trophic guilds.
93  Three territorial species, with contrasting trophic habits and expected use of the reef structure, w
94 thern Resident Killer Whale (SRKW) is a high trophic indicator of ecosystem health.
95 erve-responsive neuroendocrine cells exerted trophic influences and potentiated global PanIN organoid
96  of consumption is important for determining trophic influences on ecosystems and predator adaptation
97 o neoplastic neuroendocrine cells capable of trophic influences.
98  of diverse Agaricomycetes and a specialized trophic interaction and ecological community structure b
99 vasive ectophyte, displaying a novel form of trophic interaction between plants and fungi.
100                                          The trophic interaction modification approach we propose can
101 ings in comparison to frameworks that coerce trophic interaction modifications into pairwise relation
102                            At present these 'trophic interaction modifications' are rarely included i
103 act natural enemies of the herbivores, a tri-trophic interaction which has been considered an indirec
104 tential for biogeochemical cycling and multi-trophic interactions along the peninsula to be increasin
105                     A revision of the web of trophic interactions among rabbits and their dependent p
106 es species introductions to restore top-down trophic interactions and associated trophic cascades to
107 ful model system to test the effect of multi-trophic interactions and disturbance on metacommunity dy
108                                              Trophic interactions are central to ecosystem functionin
109 effects resulted in distinct compositions of trophic interactions associated with each host-plant gen
110  play a crucial role in regulating the multi-trophic interactions between plant-herbivore-entomopatho
111 to unite and represent this key group of non-trophic interactions by emphasising the change to trophi
112 tioning of an ecosystem, by triggering multi-trophic interactions for natural enemies, plants and her
113 ossibly due to the challenges of identifying trophic interactions from presence-absence data.
114 t only important for understanding the multi-trophic interactions in an ecosystem, but also would con
115 ic interactions by emphasising the change to trophic interactions induced by modifying species.
116 his non-random patterning of how diverse non-trophic interactions map onto the food web could allow f
117 indirect impacts of ecosystem engineering on trophic interactions should depend on the combination of
118                                    Shifts in trophic interactions will be especially important when a
119 formation on the contribution of chytrids to trophic interactions, as well as co-evolutionary feedbac
120 xtinction events and reduce the stability of trophic interactions, as well as influence the longer te
121 consequences, potentially disrupting coastal trophic interactions.
122 in the shadow price of a species through its trophic interactions.
123 tly alter the biotic conditions by modifying trophic interactions.
124 s a central pathway supporting the uptake of trophic iron.
125 of different intensities affecting the lower trophic level (krill) may propagate to higher trophic le
126                A Tier Two assessment using a trophic level approach was applied to evaluate the remai
127 lacier-marine habitats by developing a multi-trophic level Bayesian three-isotope mixing model.
128    We also show that variation sets predator trophic level by determining interaction strengths with
129  to greater levels of intermediate and lower trophic level diversity, with omnivorous traits likely b
130 ears and intensities on insect abundance and trophic level during manipulative sheep grazing are not
131 y symbiosis between the third and the fourth trophic level enemies.
132  revealed variations in insect abundance and trophic level in response to continuous sheep grazing in
133  fishers are not selectively removing higher trophic level individuals, a concave trophic distributio
134                                         Mean trophic level of the assemblage increased modestly with
135                                     The mean trophic level pattern is explained by trophic replacemen
136 s Lamna ditropis are highly migratory, upper trophic level predators in North Pacific ecosystems.
137 ctions about the structure of food webs: (i) trophic level should increase with predator connectivity
138 0 kg/ha, suggesting that fisheries for upper trophic level species will only be supported under light
139         We found that lower and intermediate trophic level structure increased over time.
140                            Although species, trophic level, and means of production are typically con
141 tions became greater with increasing dietary trophic level, as bears and foxes consumed more marine a
142  that species dispersal range increases with trophic level, exploiting pair-approximation techniques
143 eraction strengths should decrease with prey trophic level.
144 lta(15) N in chick feathers, which reflected trophic (level) specialization, was nevertheless an effe
145     If plankton synchrony is altered, higher trophic-level feeding patterns may be modified.
146 vironmental toxins that accumulate in higher trophic-level organisms.
147 al variation is important in affecting upper trophic-level productivity in these marine ecosystems.
148  organic matter source contribution to upper trophic-level species including fish and seabirds ranged
149 rophic level (krill) may propagate to higher trophic levels (capelin and cod).
150 and humans preferentially impacting specific trophic levels [4-6].
151 radation worldwide, it remains unclear which trophic levels above the base of the food web are most v
152 and hence for biogeochemical cycling, higher trophic levels and biodiversity.
153 aist dynamics, but occurring across multiple trophic levels and only during periods of reduced bottom
154 influence energy transfer vertically through trophic levels and sometimes trophic cascades via direct
155  in significant transfer of carbon to higher trophic levels and the deep ocean.
156 ts highlight that phenologies of species and trophic levels can shift at different rates, potentially
157 umptions about carrion produced at different trophic levels could therefore lead ecologists to overlo
158  periodic life history strategy, and for all trophic levels except primary consumers.
159 -term data set ( 60 years) covering multiple trophic levels from phytoplankton to predatory fish.
160          Because marine mammals occupy upper trophic levels in Arctic food webs, they may be useful i
161 rces as they are passed from lower to higher trophic levels in glacial-marine habitats.
162 edation that may ramify and influence higher trophic levels in model agroecosystems.
163 rimary production and the dynamics of higher trophic levels including (small) copepods and a standard
164 dicted pyramid of biomass distribution among trophic levels may be disrupted through trophic replacem
165   Differences in the rate of advance between trophic levels may result in predators becoming mismatch
166 and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to higher trophic levels of the anchialine food web in the Yucatan
167            The distribution of biomass among trophic levels provides a theoretical basis for understa
168 roviding basal energetic resources to higher trophic levels that support subsistence-based human popu
169 ns of TCC and TCS were measured in different trophic levels within a terrestrial food web encompassin
170 he abundance of many species across multiple trophic levels within ecosystems.
171 f environmental conditions, anchovy diet and trophic levels, and passive egg dispersal.
172 t link between primary production and higher trophic levels, and the decrease projected here could be
173 aken up by various fish species at different trophic levels, and were further metabolized once inside
174 netic associations, measured across multiple trophic levels, are likely to provide additional and dee
175 cess and a key energetic link between higher trophic levels, decomposers and primary producers.
176 on have direct or indirect effects on higher trophic levels, from zooplankton organisms to marine mam
177 t often studied in the context of one or two trophic levels, in reality species invade communities co
178 eystone predator might cascade down to lower trophic levels, potentially re-defining the coastal fish
179 ies richness can increase competition within trophic levels, reducing the efficacy of intertrophic le
180 passing c. 250 planktonic species from three trophic levels, sampled in the western English Channel.
181 Although PFOS precursors were present at all trophic levels, they appear to play a minor role in food
182 959 to 1993 and investigating effects across trophic levels, we are able to elucidate pathways by whi
183 s a more direct link between lower and upper trophic levels, which may confer greater energy efficien
184 ntly influence species interactions at lower trophic levels, yet their joint investigation has been p
185 on into the food web, particularly to higher trophic levels.
186 of soil eutrophication propagating to higher trophic levels.
187 c ecosystem with changes from lower to upper trophic levels.
188 interaction strengths with prey at different trophic levels.
189 n, with stronger effects occurring at higher trophic levels.
190 only on primary producers but also on higher trophic levels.
191 complex cascading effects across and between trophic levels.
192 ct of climate change on species at different trophic levels.
193  interactions between organisms of different trophic levels.
194  the tendency of species to feed on multiple trophic levels.
195 to three kingdoms of life, engage in diverse trophic lifestyles, and deploy different infection strat
196 etazoans in the ocean and constitute a vital trophic link within marine food webs.
197                                          The trophic linkage between marine bacteria and phytoplankto
198 nstead, they must have spread either through trophic links not included in the webs (e.g. shared pred
199 could not have propagated via the documented trophic links.
200                                              Trophic magnification factors (TMFs) were determined thr
201 iloxane (D6), and none of the cVMS displayed trophic magnification.
202 rganic compounds (HOCs) accumulating in high trophic marine species from the southwestern Atlantic Oc
203 ter food webs through a mechanism other than trophic mismatch.
204 us gene families involved in the saprophytic trophic mode, while maintaining orthologs of most known
205 rovide the most comprehensive information on trophic mode-dependent protein expression in cyanobacter
206 cific association pattern according to plant trophic mode.
207 chocystis sp. PCC 6803 can grow in different trophic modes, depending on the availability of light an
208 Synechocystis proteome across four different trophic modes, i.e., autotrophic, heterotrophic, photohe
209 hat are differentially expressed across four trophic modes, proteins involved in nitrogen assimilatio
210 genomes and transcriptomic profiles revealed trophic networks of microbial populations.
211 y act as key players in nutrient cycling and trophic networks.
212                      Population variation in trophic niche is widespread among organisms and is of in
213 predation and resource availability on guppy trophic niches by evaluating their gut contents, resourc
214 ontrophic network much more closely than the trophic one, possibly due to the challenges of identifyi
215 e factor in the adult brain, and highlight a trophic pathway that can be targeted to ameliorate dendr
216 formation on the baseline concentrations and trophic patterns for REE in freshwater temperate lakes i
217   Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a trophic peptide hormone synthesized by hypothalamic neur
218 oietic stem cells with a means to cycle from trophic-poor to trophic-rich microenvironments.
219 ult to quantify their dietary strategies and trophic position (TP) in situ.
220 edation (LP) sites had a consistently higher trophic position and proportion of invertebrates in thei
221  index (BMI) and higher proportions of lower trophic position food resources consumed.
222 as expanded dietary breadth without shifting trophic position in its introduced range.
223 suggest a predictable but profound effect of trophic position on fluctuations and extinction in natur
224                                       Higher trophic position was also associated with lower benthic
225                  Realistic estimates of gull trophic position were obtained using bird Glu and Phe de
226 4)S at the base of the food web more so than trophic position within the food web.
227  zooplankton declined as a function of their trophic position, as determined by functional feeding gr
228 tely, depending on their dispersal range and trophic position.
229 ing higher in the food web and increasing in trophic position; and (2) trophic transfer through the f
230  law distribution of APT from basal to upper trophic positions was detected.
231                                              Trophic primary and secondary consumer insects were nega
232                             We exposed multi-trophic protist microcosm landscapes with one predator,
233      The validity of the coral reef inverted trophic pyramid has been questioned, but until now, was
234     This huge biomass of predators makes the trophic pyramid inverted.
235  data spanning >250 coral reefs, we show how trophic pyramid shape varies given human-mediated gradie
236 han the estimates that suggested an inverted trophic pyramid.
237 bsence of energy subsidies [1], bottom-heavy trophic pyramids are expected to predominate, based on e
238       On coral reefs, managing for 'concave' trophic pyramids might be a win-win for people and ecosy
239 tion that pristine coral reefs have inverted trophic pyramids, with disproportionally large top preda
240 s, which concentrate energy from other local trophic pyramids.
241                       In accordance with the trophic rank hypothesis, both habitat loss and fragmenta
242 ted regulator of Hsc70-mediated transport of trophic receptor cargo between the early and late endoso
243 l, and anal glands, are revealing unforeseen trophic relationships with biological control implicatio
244 mong trophic levels may be disrupted through trophic replacement by alternative organisms in the ecos
245 e mean trophic level pattern is explained by trophic replacement of herbivorous fish by sea urchins a
246 tric phenological shifts between its primary trophic resources, sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) a
247  supporting a broad role for this pathway in trophic responses.
248                                              Trophic rewilding is an ecological restoration strategy
249                                              Trophic rewilding is increasingly being implemented for
250 s with a means to cycle from trophic-poor to trophic-rich microenvironments.
251                                          The trophic role of tiger sharks is therefore both context-
252 g beneficial or adverse functions, including trophic Schwann cell support for neurons, promotion of r
253                          Annual variation in trophic segregation depended on relative prey availabili
254                                  This narrow trophic specialisation abridges the sugar uptake, althou
255 ble diversity in microhabitat occupation and trophic specializations, but information on how vision r
256 vity among three sea turtle species across a trophic spectrum provide strong evidence that an ecologi
257 l pathogen Pneumocystis murina consists of a trophic stage and an ascus-like cystic stage.
258 latory role in gene regulation under diverse trophic states.
259 n mHTT enhanced BDNF delivery to restore the trophic status of BACHD striatal neurons.
260 n northern Wisconsin that vary in hydrology, trophic status, and landscape position.
261 ems may be relatively resilient to shifts in trophic status, due to a redirection of production to th
262 Pacific Northwest U.S. reservoirs of varying trophic status, morphometry, and management regimes.
263 to control for the effect of changes in lake trophic status.
264 sible combined effects of geography and lake trophic status.
265  expression, but signaling pathways allowing trophic stimuli to induce Lin28 have remained uncharacte
266                         Omnivory is a common trophic strategy, but what determines the balance of pla
267 te change has the potential to modify stream trophic structure and function (e.g., alter rates of det
268                Our results indicate that the trophic structure of an unexploited reef fish community
269 tabolic diversity and the overall ecological trophic structure of SLiMEs.
270 mmunities across all rooms in houses exhibit trophic structure-with both generalized predators and sc
271 oplankton production drives marine ecosystem trophic-structure and global fisheries yields.
272 promoting phagocytic clearance and providing trophic support to ensure tissue repair and maintain cer
273 e also relatively chemoresistant and provide trophic support to neuroendocrine tumour cells, consiste
274 , because they include genes associated with trophic support, programmed cell death, microtubule disa
275 ancy of the intermediate consumer in the tri-trophic system, though it decreases those of both basal
276 ribes the site occupancy of species in a tri-trophic system.
277 fluence prey populations and cascade through trophic systems.
278                Additionally, MR766 is highly trophic toward primitive trophoblast, which may put the
279 edicting future range shifts should consider trophic traits of aquatic NIS as these traits are indica
280 y Tubifex worms poses a significant risk for trophic transfer and biomagnification of microplastics u
281 oducts warrant a careful evaluation of their trophic transfer and consequent ecological impact.
282  kinetics during direct soil exposure versus trophic transfer and elucidate its relative accumulation
283 ions, we develop a model for MeHg uptake and trophic transfer at the base of marine food webs.
284 exposed to contaminated soil were lower than trophic transfer by consumption of W-contaminated cabbag
285    Presented here is a mathematical model of trophic transfer driven by nanomaterial surface affinity
286 cting phytoplankton and fish, (ii) depresses trophic transfer efficiencies in the tropics and, less c
287 , less critically, (iii) associates elevated trophic transfer efficiencies with benthic-predominant s
288 hic energy flows from phytoplankton to fish, trophic transfer efficiencies, and fishing effort can qu
289 in the protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila via trophic transfer from bacterial prey (Pseudomonas aerugi
290 indow through which to examine ecosystem and trophic transfer mechanisms in cases of accidental disse
291 erica, but the background concentrations and trophic transfer of these elements in natural environmen
292  and increasing in trophic position; and (2) trophic transfer through the food web was more efficient
293 ze accumulation in periphyton and subsequent trophic transfer to benthic grazers.
294                       To assess possible ENM trophic transfer, cerium accumulation from cerium oxide
295  a potential health threat to humans through trophic transfer.
296 , (2) Taylor's law and (3) low efficiency of trophic transference.
297                                              Trophic variation in food web structure occurs among and
298 ve of TMFs, which are also influenced by the trophic web characteristics.
299 stems, which could have large effects on the trophic webs and biogeochemical cycles of estuaries and
300 bal primary production and their key role in trophic webs.

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