コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 n from the dormant cyst form into the active trophozoite.
2 the nuclei of cysts, but not the vegetative trophozoite.
3 recognition of and response to Acanthamoeba trophozoites.
4 ar algae, and preferentially, Perkinsus spp. trophozoites.
5 ntify the pathogenic behavior of the amoebic trophozoites.
6 ith serially diluted cultured E. histolytica trophozoites.
7 nes, and levels of these target proteases in trophozoites.
8 falcipain-2, the hydrolysis of hemoglobin in trophozoites.
9 e of the main host defenses against invading trophozoites.
10 rafts were then infected with E. histolytica trophozoites.
11 VSPs were detected on the surface of single trophozoites.
12 on of plasminogen activators by Acanthamoeba trophozoites.
13 nt did not affect encystment of Acanthamoeba trophozoites.
14 60-kDa enzyme in extracts of E. histolytica trophozoites.
15 ammatory cells and few Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites.
16 n expressed on the surface of both cysts and trophozoites.
17 ced the number of acidic compartments in the trophozoites.
18 12-kDa protein localized to the cytoplasm of trophozoites.
19 PHIST/CVC-81(95) is most highly expressed in trophozoites.
20 and attachment mechanisms of Giardia lamblia trophozoites.
21 tially in nonencysting and encysting Giardia trophozoites.
23 hamoeba cysts/10 microl and 2.3 Acanthamoeba trophozoites/10 microl by both real-time PCR assays.
24 a surface antigen of E. histolytica bound to trophozoites 83.5% +/- 6.7% less than did uncleaved anti
25 mine specifically arrested the maturation of trophozoites, a stage at which the parasite synthesizes
27 re-forming proteins and proteinases, but how trophozoites actually kill host cells has been unclear.
29 ytopathic and cytolytic activities of viable trophozoites against mammalian nucleated cells, as well
31 lower sensitivity to short drug pulses than trophozoites, although we identify a subpopulation of ri
32 ble number approach were used to compare the trophozoite and cysticidal efficacy of four multipurpose
33 s further indicate that FCP is essential for trophozoite and FV maturation and that it traffics to th
36 son, the H3-K9 acetylation increased in late trophozoite and schizont stages, while H4-K16 acetylatio
42 imals bound to the surface of E. histolytica trophozoites and accelerated amebic lysis via activation
43 efficacies against Acanthamoeba castellanii trophozoites and cysts by using a most probable number (
45 excystment, proliferation, and encystment of trophozoites and cysts of A. castellanii was examined in
47 ther show that exposure of M. bovis-infected trophozoites and cysts to Balb/c mice leads to pulmonary
48 termining the susceptibility of Acanthamoeba trophozoites and cysts to contact lens care systems has
49 dings indicate that exposure of Acanthamoeba trophozoites and cysts to dexamethasone increases the pa
52 (ii) by determining their ability to detect trophozoites and cysts, and (iii) by testing a battery o
53 bin-hydrolyzing activity is maximum in early trophozoites and declines rapidly at late stages, wherea
54 e the key adherence lectin on E. histolytica trophozoites and decrease their adherence to epithelial
56 revealed that both kinases were expressed in trophozoites and encysting cells as 44- and 41-kDa polyp
57 ring the parasite growth from rings to early trophozoites and from late trophozoites to schizonts and
58 arasite life cycle (sporozoites, merozoites, trophozoites and gametocytes) by multidimensional protei
59 PN technique, which uses axenically produced trophozoites and mature, double-walled cysts, has the po
60 Here we overexpressed this enzyme in Giardia trophozoites and observed a significantly enhanced susce
64 ciated with the disappearance of intraocular trophozoites and suggests that cells of the innate immun
65 differentiate various malaria stages (ring, trophozoite, and schizont stage) due to their varied def
66 patic inoculation with Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites, and 12 h after amebic inoculation, reduced
68 /perinuclear targeting of bodipy-ceramide in trophozoites, and this could be reversed by 3-ketosphing
69 (PyMIF) were used to localize expression in trophozoite- and schizont-stage parasites and demonstrat
73 phoresis demonstrates that within 24 h after trophozoites are induced to encyst, the level of glucosa
74 tracellular cysteine proteinases from amebic trophozoites are key virulence factors and have a number
77 re capable of detecting as few as 100 viable trophozoites as determined by ethidium bromide staining,
81 on by host secretions reduces proclivity for trophozoite attachment, while inducing virulence factors
82 wall proteins to the plasma membrane of the trophozoite before laying down the protective cyst wall.
83 nthamoeba keratitis begins when Acanthamoeba trophozoites bind specifically to mannosylated glycoprot
84 washes from orally immunized pigs inhibited trophozoite binding to CHCE cells in vitro by more than
86 the maturation of early trophozoites to late trophozoites but not during the development of rings to
87 oes not affect the viability of Acanthamoeba trophozoites but seems to prevent infection by inhibitin
88 were introduced into GLV-infected G. lamblia trophozoites by electroporation and stablized in the tra
90 ynthesis of FBPA was demonstrated in Giardia trophozoites by using an antibody-based fluorescence ass
94 fection have begun to illuminate how amoebic trophozoites cause intestinal disease and liver abscess,
98 ced 4- to 10-fold increases in the number of trophozoites compared with untreated control cultures.
100 d was used to determine whether Acanthamoeba trophozoites could penetrate this membrane in vitro.
102 es linked to virulence, are both aberrant in trophozoites deficient in the metallosurface protease Eh
104 ring intra-erythrocytic development, malaria trophozoites digest hemoglobin, which leads to parasite
106 castellanii and reversion of cysts to amoeba trophozoites, dotA and dotB mutants exhibited intracellu
109 monstrated that putrescine induces protozoan trophozoite encystment and adversely affects cyst viabil
110 Exposure of hemocytes to Perkinsus spp. trophozoites enhanced this process further, and their ph
111 form of P. carinii, in that highly purified trophozoites exerted marked inhibition of p34cdc2 activi
112 ending pseudopodia and in phagosomal cups in trophozoites exposed to erythrocytes but did not localiz
116 SCID mice were infected with E. histolytica trophozoites expressing an antisense message to ehcp5.
117 by H2O2 in vitro, and infection with Rahman trophozoites expressing higher levels of peroxiredoxin w
119 sient shrinkage of infected cells with young trophozoites followed by continuous volume increase to a
122 ependent kinase activity was mediated by the trophozoite form of P. carinii, in that highly purified
123 sion were identified between the blood stage trophozoite form of the malarial parasite and the sexual
128 alciparum cysteine protease falcipain-2 is a trophozoite hemoglobinase and potential antimalarial dru
129 de on presence of target images, clusters or trophozoite images (at least 1 of the 3 features), the p
131 ntiproliferative activity against P. carinii trophozoites in culture at a concentration of 10 microgr
134 e we tested the virulence of amoebapore A(-) trophozoites in models of the two major forms of amebic
135 useful in confirming the presence of viable trophozoites in respiratory specimens collected by nonin
136 gest there is frequently a failure to detect trophozoites in routine examination, resulting in an und
137 on of ADP could be obtained in permeabilized trophozoites in the presence of succinate, citrate, alph
138 for the specific detection of E. histolytica trophozoites in unfixed frozen clinical stool samples.
140 rypsin treatment than those containing early trophozoites, indicating that parasite proteins expresse
142 ence phenotype, and E. histolytica HM-1:IMSS trophozoites infecting human intestinal xenografts show
144 inside the infected host cell, we find that trophozoites (intermediate-stage iRBCs) tend to flip due
147 and engulfing red blood cells, E histolytica trophozoites invade the intestinal mucosa, causing amoeb
149 testinal epithelial colonization of invasive trophozoites involves a complex interplay in which the u
150 ing, while no signal was obtained from 10(6) trophozoites killed by heat, desiccation, or UV radiatio
153 racecal inoculation of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites led to established infection in 60% of C3H
156 roteins expressed on the IRBC surface during trophozoite maturation partially mask accessibility of a
161 transition from free swimming to attachment, trophozoites modified their swimming behavior from a rap
162 oxiredoxin in Rahman rendered the transgenic trophozoites more resistant to killing by H2O2 in vitro,
163 ese data suggest an important role of PKA in trophozoite motility during vegetative growth and the ce
167 Despite strong CvGal1 binding to P. marinus trophozoites, no binding of ABH blood group antibodies w
169 ved macrophages were either coincubated with trophozoites of a clinical isolate of Acanthamoeba (geno
171 um from the 2004-2006 keratitis outbreak and trophozoites of Acanthamoeba castellanii were inoculated
172 s shown here by its hybridization to growing trophozoites of all 12 known Acanthamoeba 18S rDNA seque
174 In vitro real-time imaging demonstrated that trophozoites of both strains often established evanescen
175 is one of the pathogenicity factors by which trophozoites of E. histolytica exert their remarkable cy
176 row-derived macrophages were cocultured with trophozoites of either the laboratory Neff strain or a c
179 ucing ability, and MBP expression pattern of trophozoites of four different isolates of Acanthamoeba
181 ia swim, we used video microscopy to observe trophozoites of Giardia intestinalis, which were labeled
183 and the mitochondrial membrane potential of trophozoites of the malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei
185 site numbers (n = 7) or specimens containing trophozoites only (n = 3); one specimen with a false-neg
189 on the development of either rings to early trophozoites or late trophozoites to schizonts and meroz
190 not during the development of rings to early trophozoites or late trophozoites to schizonts and meroz
191 colitis, we demonstrate that E. histolytica trophozoites or their released proteinases, including cy
192 of IL-10; furthermore, challenge with either trophozoites or their soluble metabolites stimulate both
193 E. invadens parasites and in E. histolytica trophozoites overexpressing chitinase under an actin gen
194 surface proteins and by flow cytometry using trophozoites overexpressing epitope-tagged calreticulin.
195 indirect immunofluorescence assay with whole trophozoites (P < 0.01) and Western blot analysis confir
196 otocol was capable of detecting as few as 20 trophozoites per PCR on fecal DNA isolated using a comme
197 A isolated using a commercial method or 1.25 trophozoites per PCR on fecal DNA isolated using a G. la
199 evealed the existence of distinct, nonclonal trophozoite populations with high and low EhMSP-1 surfac
205 eding, the healthy oysters ingest P. marinus trophozoites released to the water column by the infecte
209 Overexpression of EhEBP1 in E. histolytica trophozoites resulted in a 7-fold drop in promoter activ
211 ines, Pbs21 protein was expressed in asexual trophozoites, schizonts, and, when present, in both male
212 subcellular localization of ERK1 and ERK2 in trophozoites showed ERK1 staining mostly in the median b
213 ggest the presence of an H(+) conductance in trophozoites similar to that produced by a mitochondrial
215 Babesia can also be confused with the early trophozoite stage (ring forms) of Plasmodium parasites.
216 rotease that cleaves hemoglobin at the early trophozoite stage and erythrocyte membrane ankyrin and p
217 tide increases dramatically during the early trophozoite stage and reaches its maximal level in the l
218 ashion, with high levels detected during the trophozoite stage at the peak of parasite membrane bioge
220 e as the organelle forms upon entry into the trophozoite stage of development and that this persists
221 rmation and swelling of the IRBCs during the trophozoite stage of P. falciparum that is followed by s
222 es are transcribed simultaneously during the trophozoite stage of the IDC and that only a small subse
223 parum-infected red blood cells (RBCs) in the trophozoite stage were simultaneously loaded with the Ca
224 ript pattern was unique, peaking at mid-late trophozoite stage, but absent in late-stage schizonts.
225 e growth of the parasite specifically at the trophozoite stage, preventing further development to sch
226 ycle, at the highly transcriptionally active trophozoite stage, the genome adopts a more open chromat
227 obin in the acidic food vacuole at the early trophozoite stage, whereas it cleaves specific component
236 he Pfmc-2tm genes are transcribed during the trophozoite stage; this narrow time frame of transcripti
239 nst HEK293 cells and inhibited both ring and trophozoite stages of the malaria parasite life cycle.
240 core histone gene expression during the late trophozoite stages, consistent with their role in replic
244 nant var gene occurs in the later (pigmented trophozoite) stages, whereas Northern blot data indicate
245 bition of FBPA gene transcription in Giardia trophozoites suggested that the enzyme is necessary for
246 abscesses consisting of a few E histolytica trophozoites surrounding dead and dying hepatocytes and
248 of amebic liver abscess, but E. histolytica trophozoites that do not express amoebapore-A can still
250 nal morphologic features of the 2 strains of trophozoites that received treatment were similar to tho
251 ally expressed in nonencysting and encysting trophozoites, the giardial ceramide glucosyltransferase
253 ive infection, (b) developmental change from trophozoite to cyst, or (c) invasion and potential death
254 abeling is detected predominantly during the trophozoite to schizont and schizont to ring transitions
256 treatment on the capacity of A. castellanii trophozoites to adhere to and kill corneal epithelial ce
257 lactose-specific adherence of E. histolytica trophozoites to Chinese hamster ovary cells in vitro (P,
258 Interestingly, adherence of E. histolytica trophozoites to CHO cells was inhibited by MAbs against
259 was upregulated in phagocytic E. histolytica trophozoites to determine whether these genes actually f
261 s exclusively during the maturation of early trophozoites to late trophozoites but not during the dev
262 inding receptor that facilitates adhesion of trophozoites to mannosylated proteins on corneal epithel
268 n on corneal epithelial cells and stimulates trophozoites to secrete a mannose-induced 133 kDa protea
271 x bead treatment did not affect adherence of trophozoites to the corneal epithelium or protect cornea
274 vered that, during rapid swimming of Giardia trophozoites, undulations of the caudal region contribut
276 revealed that the trailing edge of polarized trophozoites, uroids, are highly enriched in lipid rafts
277 While using this planar swimming motion, the trophozoites used the flagella for propulsion and direct
278 ed transcripts of luciferase gene in Giardia trophozoites via transfection and observed that when the
280 amine binding sites on the surface of amoeba trophozoites was confirmed using radiolabeled catecholam
283 Falcipain-2 was predominantly expressed in trophozoites, was concentrated in food vacuoles, and was
284 of mitochondria of Plasmodium yoelii yoelii trophozoites were assayed in situ after permeabilization
285 ree-dimensional culture system, Acanthamoeba trophozoites were cultured in agar, exposed to an EF, di
292 The organism has two life cycle stages, trophozoites, which are responsible for tissue invasion,
293 model, M. bovis would be taken up by amoebal trophozoites, which are the actively feeding, replicatin
294 -expressed genes were lost in AN3661-treated trophozoites, which was not observed in parasites select
295 evels of Pf MDH transcripts were detected in trophozoites while the Pf MDH protein level remained hig
297 t of a synchronized culture of P. falciparum trophozoites with gossypol caused induction in expressio
299 ur finding that co-culture of E. histolytica trophozoites with mucin-producing T84 cells increased eh
300 inhibitors blocked hemoglobin hydrolysis in trophozoites, with a subsequent block in rupture of eryt
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