


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ues about disease pathophysiology and tissue tropism.
2 lexes play a key role in HCMV cell entry and tropism.
3 ous protein complexes that enable wide viral tropism.
4 s is MRSA ST22 commonly associated with skin tropism.
5 rs accumulating at the ILM without dictating tropism.
6 us to the ILM but does not influence retinal tropism.
7 capsid that is known to exhibit robust liver tropism.
8 ly to AAV vector transduction efficiency and tropism.
9 hension of the HCMV cell entry mechanism and tropism.
10 symbiont of the host without specific tissue tropism.
11 duction that was correlated with a change in tropism.
12 ants of pathogenicity, transmissibility, and tropism.
13 us to broadly survey the HERV-K ENV-dictated tropism.
14 tor discovery and for understanding pathogen tropism.
15 e developing brain and their impact on viral tropism.
16 sociations between IGVL gene usage and organ tropism.
17 aracterized role in membrane fusion and cell tropism.
18 itate entry and contribute to broad cellular tropism.
19 ns that may be linked to host adaptation and tropism.
20 sion varies with virus strain and influences tropism.
21 ane fusion events and influences virion cell tropism.
22  in cell culture and allow for expanded host tropism.
23 ng titer, transduction efficiency, or tissue tropism.
24 s in ETEC strains determines host and tissue tropism.
25 of molecular and mechanical aspects of shoot tropism.
26 ediates in a multistep process to macrophage tropism.
27 pped the virulence factors involved in liver tropism.
28 ce is exploited by some viruses to establish tropism.
29 n mouse kidneys and its association with MSC tropism.
30 than a viral surface protein, determines IEC tropism.
31  mouse where pFUS was unable to increase MSC tropism.
32 n prion uptake could contribute to host cell tropism.
33  for metalloprotease use in strain-dependent tropism.
34 arly ubiquitous and display species-specific tropism.
35 ssues of humans and camels reflects MERS-CoV tropism.
36 cular integrity and modulating T cell tissue tropism.
37 n of rAAV produces unique patterns of tissue tropism.
38 ed molecular changes and inhibited renal MSC tropism.
39 ing of basic norovirus pathogenesis and cell tropism.
40 surface glycan binding and subsequent tissue tropisms.
41 e are responsible for the corresponding host tropisms.
42 verall structural similarities in virus host tropisms.
43 rated simultaneously 66 parameters: parasite tropism (7 parameters), organ and immune responses (loca
44 dapted rhesus CMV vector with limited tissue tropism; a repaired vector with normal tropism elicited
45       In natural conditions, these two major tropisms act concurrently to create a photogravitropic e
46 of erythrocyte receptors defines target cell tropism, activating downstream events and resulting in t
47 he connection between changes in HA and host tropism, additional factors relevant to HA structure-fun
48 ques, and investigated their effects on cell tropism and activation, especially their potential to re
49  to characterize HBoV determinants of tissue tropism and antigenicity in future experiments.
50                           Both display liver tropism and are currently thought to enter hepatocytes i
51                    This suggests that ocular tropism and association with trachoma are functionally a
52                                          The tropism and characteristics of the brain-derived Envs we
53 renal micro-environmental changes induce MSC tropism and could influence the therapeutic efficacy of
54 mmune system is a major determinant of viral tropism and damage during visceral HSV infections.
55 ruses, which are essential for understanding tropism and disease.
56 s (HCV) has a very narrow species and tissue tropism and efficiently replicates only in humans and th
57 PG-pDox accumulates at tumors due to natural tropism and enhanced vascular dynamics and releases pDox
58                                         Cell tropism and host range is determined in part by the coro
59  expression patterns can define viral tissue tropism and might to some extent predict the susceptibil
60 rus (HCV) displays a restricted host species tropism and only humans and chimpanzees are susceptible
61        Nevertheless, knowledge of the tissue tropism and pathogenesis of EV-D68 has been hindered by
62 finition of the contributions of EIII to the tropism and pathogenesis of WNV or other flaviviruses.
63         A comprehensive understanding of the tropism and pathogenicity of these viruses explained by
64          Unexpectedly, ZIKV exhibits a broad tropism and persistence in body tissues and fluids, whic
65 , NS1 and IFN-lambda interactions govern IEC tropism and persistence of MNoV.
66  spot residues provide a link to ocular cell tropism and possibly to corneal pathogenesis.
67 ell RNA sequencing to investigate Zika virus tropism and potential entry receptors.
68 ubstantially illuminate the interesting ZIKV tropism and provide insights into pathogenesis.
69 in the RRV VP4 gene influences cholangiocyte tropism and reduces pathogenicity in mice.IMPORTANCE Rot
70  (LOX) as significantly associated with bone-tropism and relapse.
71 Microbiome Project, finding evidence of site tropism and temporal intra-subject strain retention.
72                           The broader tissue tropism and the increased post-transmission replication
73 g systems have been modified to change their tropism and to display proteins or peptides, billions of
74 d during infection, but its in vivo cellular tropism and tropism determinants remain unidentified.
75 e binding event alone, help determine tissue tropism and viral pathogenesis.
76 n coronavirus proteins can profoundly affect tropism and virulence.
77  interactions, including the determinants of tropism and virulence.
78          Uncovering the relationship between tropism and virus immunity, pathogenesis, and transmissi
79 ites of EAV persistence, the viral host cell tropism and whether viral replication in carrier stallio
80 /or cellular factors involved in OvHV-2 cell tropism and will advance investigation of cellular facto
81 ical determinant of host specificity, tissue-tropism and zoonosis.
82 man milk provides a basis for age-restricted tropism and zoonotic transmission of G10P[11] rotaviruse
83 ), indicating that it might be a significant tropism and/or pathogenic determinant.
84 resulted in striking changes to the cellular tropisms and transduction efficiencies of both parental
85  serve critical functions in cell and tissue tropism, and are often targeted by the neutralizing anti
86  we evaluated bunyavirus replication, tissue tropism, and cytokine production in primary cells and mi
87 ssibility by characterizing the infectivity, tropism, and neutralization susceptibility of plasma and
88 r understanding of ZIKV pathogenesis, tissue tropism, and the resulting pathology and discuss areas f
89 us particle internalization, host and tissue tropism, and viral pathogenesis.
90 ity retargeted envelope proteins with narrow tropism are not understood.
91 d that virulence determinants with placental tropism are required for infection of this tissue.
92 nd refined substructures that determine host tropisms are still not clear.
93  the plasmid-specific vap islands, with host tropism as a secondary trait selected during coevolution
94  genetic foundation regulating pathogen host tropism as well as their relevance for studying the trop
95 veloped PhenoSeq, a suite of HIV-1 genotypic tropism assays that are highly sensitive and specific fo
96 iency, replicative fitness, and/or host cell tropism at the level of virus-cell attachment and entry.
97 r using bioinformatics algorithms to predict tropism based on the env V3 sequence.
98 uman fetal brain tissues and that the tissue tropism broadens with the progression of gestation.
99 rotein did not alter virus (TC-PC177) tissue tropism but reduced the virulence of the highly virulent
100  the AAV capsid holds potential to alter its tropism, but is limited by the lack of site specificity
101 e findings suggest that UL148 modulates HCMV tropism by regulating the composition of alternative gH/
102 nely exploit the ability to manipulate viral tropism by swapping viral surface proteins.
103                         Changes in host cell tropism can affect recruitment of virus-specific CD8 T c
104                                   Coreceptor tropism can be assessed by either phenotypic or genotypi
105 udies we showed that corneal epithelial cell tropism can be predicted by the presence of a lysine or
106                                         This tropism can explain the predominant sensory phenomenolog
107 erstand the influence that HS binding has on tropism, chimeric AAV2 capsids with dual-glycan usage we
108 athy (SYL), mild parasitemia and high tissue tropism (COL), to no pathogenicity (TCC).
109 sful therapy, which indicates a preferential tropism-dependent provirus elimination in the immunocomp
110  have distinct, S-dependent organ and tissue tropisms despite using a common receptor, suggesting tha
111 ection, but its in vivo cellular tropism and tropism determinants remain unidentified.
112                        Here we asked if this tropism difference affects the MPyV-specific CD8 T cell
113                                     Cellular tropism during persistent viral infection is commonly co
114 e fully in line with this gradual loss of X4 tropism during therapy.
115                   Replication kinetics, cell tropism, effect on tissue integrity, and cytokine secret
116 issue tropism; a repaired vector with normal tropism elicited conventional responses.
117 ism, we found that HERV-K ENV mediates broad tropism encompassing cells from multiple mammalian and n
118  apparent differences in receptor and tissue tropism, envelope-mediated fusogenicity, replicative fit
119 envelope correlates with differences in cell tropism exhibited between strains of HCMV.
120                                  Identifying tropism factors required for replication in critical cel
121       EBV is a common gammaherpes virus with tropism for B lymphocytes and infection in immunocompete
122 's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) has tropism for B lymphocytes, in which it establishes laten
123 M expression did not affect gammaherpesvirus tropism for B-1 B cells, B cell-specific ATM expression
124 ased tropism for human cells, while reducing tropism for bat cells.
125                             However, EBV has tropism for both B cells and epithelial cells, and it is
126 is in a wide variety of mammals, with strong tropism for cattle and eventually humans.
127 nic, double-stranded DNA virus with a marked tropism for cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage, af
128                          PRRSV has a limited tropism for certain cells, which may at least in part be
129 buting to metastatic populations, or showing tropism for entering the lymphatic or vasculature system
130                                         MYXV tropism for human cancer cells is largely mediated by in
131  substitutions in the EBOV GP have increased tropism for human cells, while reducing tropism for bat
132               We intend to characterize ZIKV tropism for human endothelial cells (ECs) and provide po
133 the fibronectin binding protein BB0347 has a tropism for joint tissue.
134 (PCR) analysis, but tissue location and cell tropism for KSHV infection has not been established.
135              Brucellae display strong tissue tropism for lymphoreticular and reproductive systems wit
136                                            A tropism for multiple cancer types combined with an exqui
137 enhanced virulence in mice, although primary tropism for musculoskeletal tissues was maintained.
138  is an oncolytic picornavirus with selective tropism for neuroendocrine cancers.
139 he predominant drivers and dictated distinct tropism for nodal versus distant metastases in PDTC.
140 all RNA profile could be used to infer viral tropism for ovaries among other aspects of virus biology
141    Conversely, H7N9 viruses showed a greater tropism for respiratory epithelium covering nasal passag
142  that, like HHV-7, MneHV7 exhibits a natural tropism for salivary gland ductal cells.
143 y serves as an important determinant of HCMV tropism for select subsets of hematopoietic cells.
144                      The reasons for corneal tropism for some but not all HAdV-Ds are not known.
145 ravital imaging of the spleen, we identify a tropism for Streptococcus pneumoniae in this organ media
146 ermore, we demonstrate that EAV has specific tropism for stromal cells (fibrocytes and possibly tissu
147      Studies of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) tropism for T cells support their role in viral transpor
148 type 2 (EBV-2) strain displays a unique cell tropism for T cells.
149 ctions in young children and has a selective tropism for the apical surface of well-differentiated hu
150                                Subsequently, tropism for the brain was established in human fetal bra
151                                        Viral tropism for the decidua and placenta is then dependent o
152                                     TRM cell tropism for the epidermis and follicles is herein termed
153 MHHAV has wide tissue distribution but shows tropism for the liver.
154 ssues, suggesting that HHV-7 may also have a tropism for the peripheral nervous system.
155 rulence factor for listeriosis with a strong tropism for the placenta.
156 intestine, but how these ILCs develop tissue tropism for this organ is unclear.
157 P(C) also failed to infect TgEq but retained tropism for wild-type mice.
158 4.18) displayed a striking shift in cellular tropism from 2,3-linked SA(+) ependymal lining to 2,8-li
159 e growth cone morphology and switched netrin tropism from attraction to repulsion.
160                                   This tumor tropism has been used to deliver anticancer therapies to
161 ) , efforts to define in vivo norovirus cell tropism have generated conflicting results.
162 irus capsids, which display different tissue tropisms, have features in common with other parvoviruse
163 has been implicated as a determinant in cell tropism, host range, pathogenicity, and immunogenicity.
164 ta raise the possibility that CXCR6-directed tropism in CCR5-low natural hosts may alter CD4(+) T cel
165 troviruses, HERV-K ENV imparts broad species tropism in cultured cells.
166 extended previous studies on influenza virus tropism in cultured human pulmonary endothelial cells.
167 g that the virus encodes genes for postentry tropism in ECs.
168  HCMV genes crucial for early- to late-stage tropism in ECs.
169 o viral gene products required for postentry tropism in endothelial cells.
170 urthermore, our study shows that this tissue tropism in host transcriptional response to BRD pathogen
171   To identify host factors relevant for MYXV tropism in human cancer cells, we performed a small inte
172 ential strain-associated virulence and organ tropism in L. monocytogenes isolates from well-defined r
173 aptation and characterize the virus's tissue tropism in mice.
174 s, and was subsequently used to assess viral tropism in nonhuman primates.
175  Mouse papillomavirus has shown broad tissue tropism in nude mice.
176 e analyses to date of in vivo norovirus cell tropism in orally inoculated, immunocompetent hosts at t
177 be exploited to regulate viral transport and tropism in the brain.
178 ific transcriptional responses indicative of tropism in the coordination of host's immune tissue resp
179 alic acid (PSA) regulate viral transport and tropism in the neonatal brain.
180 d by arthropod vectors with a broad cellular tropism in vitro as well as in vivo Both AKAV and SBV ca
181 d a change in transduction activity and cell tropism in vivo as well as resistance to neutralization
182 change in transduction and activity and cell tropism in vivo as well as resistance to neutralization
183 ive trafficking led us to postulate that CNS tropism is a generic property of leukemic cells.
184 ends on a number of factors, of which tissue tropism is among the most important.
185                                          CD4 tropism is an invariant feature of primate lentiviruses
186                                          CD4 tropism is conserved among all primate lentiviruses and
187                                          EBV tropism is dictated by gp42 levels in the virion, as it
188                                    VSV tumor tropism is generally dependent on the permissiveness of
189 or connections between genotype and cellular tropism is generally lacking.
190  are unknown because their typical dual host tropism is paraphyletic within viral families.
191              The main reason for this narrow tropism is the presence in many species of dominant-acti
192        The mechanism of strain-specific cell tropism is unknown.
193 y of microbial pathogens to alter their host tropism leading to epidemics in distinct host species po
194 GPs in osmosensing or gravisensing and other tropisms, leading us yet further towards the Holy Grail
195                 Interference with VZV T cell tropism may offer novel strategies for drug and vaccine
196  Recent work led us to hypothesize that this tropism may reflect pathogenic interactions between RAGE
197 okaryotic microbes; however, red blood cells tropism microbes, like "vampire pathogens" (VP), succeed
198 ese viruses have inserted reporters to track tropism, microRNA target sites to restrict tropism, or b
199 cancer activity of mda-7/IL-24, we created a tropism-modified cancer terminator virus (Ad.5/3-CTV), w
200 o, becoming less cell associated, altered in tropism, more susceptible to natural killer cells, and l
201 mmary, PA-K356R behaves as a novel mammalian tropism mutation, which, along with other mutations such
202  replication rates, pathogenesis, and tissue tropism needed for virus growth.
203 gene therapies because of their broad tissue tropism, non-pathogenic nature and low immunogenicity.
204 presented neither the characteristic in vivo tropism nor symptoms.
205      The differences in virulence and tissue tropism observed with the chimeric viruses indicate a si
206 tation that was sufficient to alter the host tropism of a microorganism during its evolution highligh
207            The strategy of altering the cell tropism of a virus is a new approach for a live attenuat
208 iscuss how the migratory patterns and tissue tropism of different ILC subsets relate to the developme
209 recise identification of tissue and cellular tropism of EAV is critical for understanding the molecul
210 are essential to understand the highly tuned tropism of EBV for epithelial cells and B lymphocytes an
211 vectors for cystic fibrosis given the strict tropism of HBoV1 for human airway epithelial cells.
212  of gH/gL/gO to gH/gL/UL128-131 and the cell tropism of HCMV virions.
213 during entry into all cells within the broad tropism of HCMV, whereas gH/gL/UL128-131 acts at an earl
214                                    The entry tropism of HIV-1 Env proteins from virus isolated from t
215  sensitive and specific for establishing the tropism of HIV-1 subtypes A, B, C, D and circulating rec
216                                   The strict tropism of HPV requires the use of animal papillomavirus
217                         Given the broad cell tropism of HSV, our design provides a nontoxic vector th
218               We evaluated the infection and tropism of human and avian H9 influenza virus in the hum
219        These findings help explain the broad tropism of human cytomegalovirus and indicate that PDGFR
220 ole of neuraminidase (NA) for the intestinal tropism of influenza A viruses has been unclear.
221 ral proteins(s) is responsible for the liver tropism of JHM.WU.
222 F-component contributes to the observed host tropism of LukPQ, thereby challenging the current paradi
223 -kappaB ligand), contributing to bone marrow tropism of metastatic cancer cells.
224                                 The cellular tropism of noroviruses in immune-competent hosts remains
225 sible in animal models, the human-restricted tropism of numerous viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasi
226              We show here that this expanded tropism of oncolytic vaccinia virus to the endothelial c
227                       However, the selective tropism of P vivax for transferrin receptor (CD71)-posit
228  certain viruses might actively regulate the tropism of progeny virions to improve their fitness or t
229 suggesting for the first time that the known tropism of RNA bacteriophages may include gram-positive
230  as well as their relevance for studying the tropism of several important human pathogens.
231 d is characterized by pancarditis and marked tropism of spirochetes for cardiac tissues.
232 ring the genetic basis underlying the narrow tropism of such pathogens is critical for understanding
233                                    The broad tropism of the henipaviruses and the unavailability of t
234                                          The tropism of the original H9N2:pH1N1 (P0) virus was restri
235  to study due to the relatively strict human tropism of the virus and the paucity of tractable experi
236 a; however, these results do not explain the tropism of the virus and were recently challenged(8,9).
237 cted to miR-15 targets by swapping the miRNA tropism of the virus.
238 tein, two glycoprotein complexes control the tropism of the virus: the gHgLgO trimer is involved in t
239              In order to gain insight on the tropism of these viruses in bats, we studied the DPP4 di
240 isease progression, viral spread, and tissue tropism of these viruses.
241 erminant governing the host range and tissue tropism of this zoonotic pathogen.
242 S function, potentially explaining the broad tropism of V. parahaemolyticus, and highlight the utilit
243     The current study aimed at assessing the tropism of viral integrates in patients' blood during fu
244 s modification eliminated the normally broad tropism of VSV and restricted infection to primarily the
245                                 The cellular tropism of ZIKV and the identity of attachment factors u
246    These VP1 mutations may alter neural cell tropism or enable escape from neutralizing antibodies.
247 ated mortality was not due to expanded viral tropism or increased replication.
248 k tropism, microRNA target sites to restrict tropism, or barcodes to assess transmission dynamics, ex
249  suggest that BB0744 is necessary for tissue tropism, particularly in heart tissue, alters the abilit
250 , which might influence variability in virus tropism, pathogenesis and transmission route.
251  to characterize determinants of host/tissue tropism, pathogenicity, and antigenicity for the develop
252 at are functionally important in host/tissue tropism, pathogenicity, and antigenicity in other parvov
253 nts of receptor recognition, tissue and host tropism, pathogenicity, and antigenicity.
254 nts of receptor recognition, tissue and host tropism, pathogenicity, and antigenicity.
255 psid carries determinants of host and tissue tropism, pathogenicity, genome packaging, assembly, and
256 strains of HCMV generally exhibit restricted tropism, produce high levels of cell-free virus, and dev
257  acid difference in VP1 known to shift viral tropism profoundly affects the quantity and quality of t
258 8 T cell response depends on capsid-mediated tropism properties of the MPyV strain.
259  persists and the factors that define tissue tropism remain obscure.
260 D-retargeted HSVs to determine whether viral tropism remained dependent on the interaction of gD with
261 echanisms behind this subtype-specific organ-tropism remains largely elusive.
262  the biological basis for such site-specific tropism remains largely unresolved.
263                                 However, the tropism repertoire of naturally occurring AAVs is limite
264  measured throughout the body, with cellular tropisms similar to those observed in the mouse studies
265 ineering of AAV capsid variants for improved tropism, specific tissue targeting, and host antibody es
266 egimens is that the pre-treatment genotypic "tropism tests" to determine virus susceptibility to mara
267 f EV71 infection in mice identified areas of tropism that would have been missed by traditional metho
268 ed a wide range of neuronal and non-neuronal tropism, the infection rate was highest in intermediate
269 e to reduce toxicity and increase hepatocyte tropism; their effects were studied in mouse models of l
270 tivity, whereas gH/gL/UL128-131 expands cell tropism through a distinct yet unknown mechanism.
271 ypes, whereas gH/gL/UL128-131 broadens virus tropism through a distinct, as yet unknown mechanism.
272  changes, the first S cleavages expand virus tropism to cell types that are relevant to lung infectio
273  we show that typhoid toxin displays in vivo tropism to cells expressing multiantennal glycoprotein r
274 ted local chemoattractants and increased MSC tropism to CLI muscle.
275 linical course of infection and viral tissue tropism to explore the relevance of HCV-related horse vi
276 ically, results are mixed partly because MSC tropism to kidneys is minimal following infusion.
277 ts with novel and biomedically valuable cell tropisms to allow efficacious systemic administration, y
278                Plants can acclimate by using tropisms to link the direction of growth to environmenta
279 partially rescued growth cone morphology and tropism toward netrin in ERM-knockdown cells, expression
280                    Additionally, AAVrh10 has tropism towards sensory neurons in skeletal tissue, such
281 eal epithelial cells to investigate cellular tropism using transmission electron microscopy and the i
282 himerism analysis, CCR5 genotyping and viral tropism, viral isolation and sequence, viral reservoir a
283                                              Tropism was further established by in vitro infection of
284    Despite differences in viral loads, organ tropism was remarkably similar between rVSV filovirus va
285 r laccase expression, which explains the CNS tropism we still observed in the Ssa1-deficient strain.
286        For the determination of viral tissue tropism, we analyzed different organs and tissues of 1 N
287 ral envelopes, which impart a narrow species tropism, we found that HERV-K ENV mediates broad tropism
288              To elucidate its peculiar organ tropism, we generated recombinant Abs (recAbs) identical
289 borne flavivirus (Langat virus, LGTV) vector tropism, we inserted target sequences for tick-specific
290 eceptors are important determinants of viral tropism, we set out to map the CV-A24 receptor repertoir
291 instructive cues responsible for this unique tropism were previously unknown.
292 oad (viral load [VL]) >1000 copies/mL and R5 tropism were randomized to MVC 150 mg or TDF 300 mg once
293  (HAdV-5) vectors have predominantly hepatic tropism when delivered intravascularly, resulting in imm
294 r is the primary determinant of MNoV species tropism, whereas other components of cellular machinery
295 ome serotypes of AAV are known to have nerve tropism, whether AAV can distribute to sensory nerves th
296 lserine might also play active roles in zika tropism, which offers a potential explanation for the va
297 key residues conferring receptor binding and tropism, which suggests a mechanism for efficient virus
298     This improved understanding of MSC tumor tropism will further enable development of novel cellula
299      Further understanding of the biological tropism with cells and proteins and the newer generation
300 Influenza A viruses display a broad cellular tropism within the respiratory tracts of mammalian hosts

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