


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , thus requiring a second source that may be tropospheric.
2 ng that processes controlling the background tropospheric abundance of nitrogen oxides are likely res
3         Compounds that readily absorb in the tropospheric actinic window (ionic organic complexes, PA
4 ganic compounds comprise a major fraction of tropospheric aerosol and understanding their chemical co
5 ghts relevant to the formation mechanisms of tropospheric aerosol building blocks.
6         The interactions of trace gases with tropospheric aerosol can have significant effects on bot
7  is shorter than that associated with either tropospheric aerosol loadings or previous characterizati
8 ory mass calibrations, IEPOX added > 0.4% to tropospheric aerosol mass in the remote tropics and up t
9 matter constitutes a significant fraction of tropospheric aerosol mass, and can influence CCN activit
10 ents of the concentration and composition of tropospheric aerosol particles capable of initiating ice
11                                              Tropospheric aerosols affect the radiative forcing of Ea
12  decrease of the global optical thickness of tropospheric aerosols by as much as 0.03 during the peri
13 e identified organosulfate compounds in free tropospheric aerosols by single particle mass spectromet
14 atial patterns indicative of the presence of tropospheric aerosols in the satellite-observed clear-sk
15 etween 5 and 19 kilometers reveal that upper tropospheric aerosols often contained more organic mater
16  into polyfunctional species widely found in tropospheric aerosols with light-absorbing brown carbon.
17 ropagate into the stratosphere, showing that tropospheric air enters the lower tropical stratosphere
18 ctuations in the collar and for upwelling of tropospheric air in late spring.
19                                 In the upper tropospheric air masses sampled, the production rate for
20 The range suggests that dehydration of upper tropospheric air occurs both by convective dehydration a
21 4 that shows GOM* and RM* levels in dry free tropospheric air of 198 +/- 57 and 229 +/- 58 pg m(-3) w
22                                              Tropospheric air pollution has impacts on scales ranging
23 ation between sea surface temperature, lower-tropospheric air temperature and total column water-vapo
24 recent deep convective outflow and aged free tropospheric air, suggesting a widespread abundance in t
25 ted upon the ERA-40 reanalysis, report polar tropospheric amplification of surface warming and attemp
26                 On multidecadal time scales, tropospheric amplification of surface warming is a robus
27 (2-)) are among the most abundant species in tropospheric and stratospheric aerosols due to high leve
28 be responsible for the pronounced changes in tropospheric and stratospheric climate observed during t
29  is also important to the regulation of both tropospheric and stratospheric ozone.
30 n output and satellite-based measurements of tropospheric and stratospheric temperature change.
31                  The spatial distribution of tropospheric and stratospheric temperature trends for 19
32  observed circulation changes and associated tropospheric and surface warming over northeastern Canad
33  formation of volatile oxidation products in tropospheric aqueous aerosols.
34                                          The tropospheric aqueous-phase aging of guaiacol (2-methoxyp
35  sustains autoignition and are implicated in tropospheric autoxidation that can form low-volatility,
36                                  Relevant to tropospheric biogeochemistry is irreversible transport f
37 table carbon isotope ratios to constrain the tropospheric budgets for the ozone-depleting halocarbons
38 try and climate models, since it impacts the tropospheric burden of sulfate aerosol, a major climate-
39 1, temperatures observed globally by the mid-tropospheric channel of the satellite-borne Microwave So
40  central reactants in many stratospheric and tropospheric chemical processes.
41 crease in noctilucent clouds, and changes in tropospheric chemistry and atmosphere-biosphere interact
42 tile organic compound emissions, and impacts tropospheric chemistry by influencing oxidants and aeros
43               Despite VOCs' critical role in tropospheric chemistry, studies for evaluating their atm
44 y reactions of interest in stratospheric and tropospheric chemistry.
45 ially powerful source of oxidants in aqueous tropospheric chemistry.
46  also suggest that a significant fraction of tropospheric chlorine atoms may arise directly from anth
47 emote locations across the globe reveal that tropospheric chlorine attributable to anthropogenic halo
48 resent evidence that recent trends in the SH tropospheric circulation can be interpreted as a bias to
49   Such a linkage is interpreted to be due to tropospheric circulation patterns in which positive PNA
50 ills and then swept over the SWTP by the mid-tropospheric circulation, rather than by upslope flow ov
51 aqueous secondary organic aerosol (aqSOA) in tropospheric cloud droplets and aqueous particles.
52 g Spectrometer reveal the presence of a vast tropospheric cloud on Titan at latitudes 51 degrees to 6
53                                              Tropospheric clouds form primarily in middle and high la
54 we report the presence of bright, transient, tropospheric clouds in tropical latitudes.
55 vial features and occasional rainstorms; and tropospheric clouds mainly (so far) in southern middle l
56          The recent discovery of midlatitude tropospheric clouds on Titan has caused much excitement
57 t in the formation and optical properties of tropospheric clouds over the ocean, a positive relations
58  been paid to low, high and vertically thick tropospheric clouds such as stratus, cirrus and deep con
59 y affect the "anomalous" oxygen signature in tropospheric CO(2) that should reflect the gross carbon
60            Industrial activities have caused tropospheric CO2 concentrations to increase over the las
61                       Temporal variations in tropospheric CO2 were observed to propagate into the str
62 eoclimate applications of (17)O anomalies in tropospheric CO2, O2, mineral sulfates, and fossil bones
63  satellite Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) tropospheric column NO2 densities.
64 ompound emitted to the atmosphere and shapes tropospheric composition and biogeochemistry through its
65                     Here we characterize the tropospheric composition of oxygenated organic species,
66 iodine species of marine origin have on free tropospheric composition, chemistry, and climate.
67 n have hitherto shown no direct evidence for tropospheric condensation clouds, although there has bee
68  coefficient remains poorly determined under tropospheric conditions because of difficulties in makin
69     Master equation simulations conducted at tropospheric conditions identify that the collisionally
70               Numerical models reproduce the tropospheric conditions very well but have trouble expla
71 ticles was then measured under typical upper tropospheric conditions.
72 helium to model ozone-limited and ozone-rich tropospheric conditions.
73 redominates in the CH2OO decay under typical tropospheric conditions.
74  of diffuse glow and wave patterns forced by tropospheric convection.
75                 Lead-210, a unique tracer of tropospheric deposition, also increased from 3200 Bq m(-
76                            Stratospheric and tropospheric difluorodichloromethane (CF2Cl2) were found
77                         The 2011 global mean tropospheric dry air mole fraction was 0.86 +/- 0.04 par
78 sition of tropospheric water vapour from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) aboard the Aura
79 loy recent space-based observations from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer with the GEOS-Chem at
80                                        Upper tropospheric equatorial westerly ducts over the Pacific
81  can be linked to a long-term trend in upper tropospheric equatorial westerly wind and subtropical je
82 cers of atmospheric deposition, we show that tropospheric fluxes of Hg and Pb are higher by a factor
83 rfacial oxidation, and the concentrations of tropospheric gases.
84 ydrogenases (e.g., Hyd2) to the oxidation of tropospheric H2 in soil ecosystems.
85 ontributes substantially to the D/H ratio of tropospheric H2.
86 nomycetes, serve as the main global sink for tropospheric H2.
87 acterized by large increases in mid-latitude tropospheric humidity and enhanced cycling of carbon thr
88 tionship between CAPE and a measure of lower-tropospheric humidity in simulations and in observations
89                    Similar analyses of upper tropospheric humidity, cloud amount, surface air tempera
90 heric mixing ratios, we demonstrate that the tropospheric hydroxyl contribution from this source can
91 tosphere-to-troposphere O(3) flux, increased tropospheric hydroxyl radical concentration, and finally
92 ide with water can be an important source of tropospheric hydroxyl radicals.
93  for a distinction between stratospheric and tropospheric influences at remote East Antarctic sites.
94 analyses suggest that advection processes or tropospheric influences were unlikely to explain the str
95 crease of 0.8-34.8% of the overall inputs to tropospheric input.
96 ical circulation and a poleward shift of the tropospheric jet streams and their associated subtropica
97 atitudes, generating a poleward shift of the tropospheric jet, thereby relocating the main division b
98 eds back and reinforces the PJ pattern via a tropospheric Kelvin wave.
99 e influence of convective entrainment on the tropospheric lapse rate, and we demonstrate the importan
100 ermined for vinyl alcohol in the presence of tropospheric levels of (*)OH.
101   Its feasibility was demonstrated by making tropospheric measurements in flights aboard the Departme
102 tude and polar regions on the basis of these tropospheric measurements.
103 for this enrichment are condensation to form tropospheric methane clouds, fractionation occurring ove
104            However, much less is known about tropospheric mid-level clouds as these clouds are challe
105 gional changes in stratospheric volcanic and tropospheric mineral aerosols.
106 gued that in the tropics, the upper bound on tropospheric mixing and clouds is constrained by the rap
107 le in constraining the vertical structure of tropospheric mixing, tropopause temperature, and cloud-t
108                                              Tropospheric moist convection driven by elevated surface
109 ight a distinct radiative signature of upper tropospheric moistening over the period 1982 to 2004.
110                                          The tropospheric N2O concentrations have varied substantiall
111 te nitrate photolysis could be a substantial tropospheric nitrogen oxide source.
112 sources over the contiguous United States on tropospheric NO(x) and O(3) levels by using a global 3D
113 tion of ground-level NO2 concentrations from tropospheric NO2 columns retrieved from the Ozone Monito
114 C concentrations and satellite-retrieved CO, tropospheric NO2, and aerosol optical depth (AOD) (R(2)
115 ogen oxide (NO(x)) emissions, which increase tropospheric O(3) (warming) but also increase aerosols a
116                                              Tropospheric O(3) and sulfate both contribute to air pol
117 the exposure response of soybean to elevated tropospheric O(3) by measuring the agronomic, biochemica
118 ar-term warming by decreasing both CH(4) and tropospheric O(3).
119 ion, a small (approximately 20%) increase in tropospheric [O(3)] did not significantly alter photosyn
120                                              Tropospheric [O(3)] is predicted to reach a global mean
121                                  Most of the tropospheric O3 and methane (CH4) loss occurs at tropica
122 t as carbon sinks; prominent among these are tropospheric O3 and nutrient limitations(1,2).
123 ate response of oxidants, resulting in lower tropospheric O3 in cold climates while HOx (= OH + HO2 +
124                         Increasing levels of tropospheric O3 in the Anthropocene may promote the form
125                The halogen-catalyzed loss of tropospheric O3 needs to be considered when estimating p
126 hane (CH4 ), an important greenhouse gas and tropospheric O3 precursor that has not yet been targeted
127 ught that temperature-dependent emissions of tropospheric O3 precursors and water vapour abundance de
128  to match NOx observations leads to elevated tropospheric O3.
129 ble for 34% of the column-integrated loss of tropospheric O3.
130 s and products expected in sea spray for low tropospheric [O3].
131 tion tail makes an important addition to the tropospheric OH budget.
132 ts the earth from harmful ultraviolet light, tropospheric or ground-level ozone is toxic and can dama
133 de emissions could increase the formation of tropospheric oxidants and secondary atmospheric aerosols
134 tures, with implications for the response of tropospheric oxidants and stratospheric thermal and mass
135                                 We find that tropospheric oxidants are sensitive to climate change wi
136                              The response of tropospheric oxidants to climate change is poorly constr
137                             The abundance of tropospheric oxidants, such as ozone (O3) and hydroxyl (
138 s"--carbonyl oxides--that play a key role in tropospheric oxidation models.
139 RO2) radicals are important intermediates in tropospheric oxidation of hydrocarbons, and their accura
140    Carbonyl oxide species play a key role in tropospheric oxidation of organic molecules and in low-t
141 intermediates," have long been implicated in tropospheric oxidation, there have been few direct measu
142 t atmospheric oxidant, capable of perturbing tropospheric oxidative cycles normally controlled by the
143 ors in calculations of global ozone budgets, tropospheric oxidizing capacity and methane oxidation ra
144 read and recurrent, and has implications for tropospheric oxidizing capacity, stratospheric compositi
145 e growing global background concentration of tropospheric ozone (O(3)), an air pollutant associated w
146 ations of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and tropospheric ozone (O3 ) for 11 years.
147 e global mean temperatures leading to higher tropospheric ozone (O3) concentrations in already pollut
148 ring atmospheric chemistry and causing sharp tropospheric ozone (O3) depletion in polar regions and s
149                                              Tropospheric ozone (O3) is potentially associated with c
150                                              Tropospheric ozone (O3) produces harmful effects to fore
151                                              Tropospheric ozone (O3), a global anthropogenic pollutan
152 modelling as NOx contributes to formation of tropospheric ozone (O3), a powerful air pollutant.
153 al cycling of nitrogen oxides (NOx) produces tropospheric ozone (O3), and NOx is traditionally consid
154 ibute to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and tropospheric ozone air pollution, affecting human health
155 r terpenes, play a role in the production of tropospheric ozone and aerosols.
156                                              Tropospheric ozone and black carbon (BC) contribute to b
157                                              Tropospheric ozone and black carbon (BC), a component of
158                            Two potent SLCPs, tropospheric ozone and black carbon, have direct effects
159 led that the short-term associations between tropospheric ozone and daily mortality rate were stronge
160                         It is a precursor to tropospheric ozone and it influences the atmosphere's ox
161 stion sources of oxides of nitrogen altering tropospheric ozone and methane concentrations and enhanc
162  HONO, both of which play important roles in tropospheric ozone and OH production.
163 compounds (BVOCs) plays an important role in tropospheric ozone and secondary organic aerosol product
164                                              Tropospheric ozone and smoke aerosol measurements from t
165                       High concentrations of tropospheric ozone are toxic, however, and have a detrim
166 e ozone refers to observed concentrations of tropospheric ozone at sites that have a negligible influ
167 s to peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN), affect the tropospheric ozone budget, and in the remote marine envi
168 compounds, which is important for the global tropospheric ozone budget.
169                          Much of the present tropospheric ozone burden is a consequence of anthropoge
170                   A further reduction in the tropospheric ozone burden through bromine and iodine emi
171                   New methods for retrieving tropospheric ozone column depth and absorbing aerosol (s
172 ut less appreciated is a concomitant rise in tropospheric ozone concentration ([O(3)]).
173                     Results highlighted that tropospheric ozone concentration and air temperature pre
174             However, our analysis shows that tropospheric ozone concentration and subtropical intrusi
175                        From 1979 to 1992 the tropospheric ozone concentration apparently increased by
176 cted to approximately double the global mean tropospheric ozone concentration, and further increases
177 udy has found a significant increase in free tropospheric ozone concentrations above the western USA
178                        Mean 4-hour afternoon tropospheric ozone concentrations in Western Kenya incre
179                               An estimate of tropospheric ozone concentrations was obtained from the
180 e local impacts of increased NO emissions on tropospheric ozone concentrations.
181 ern Hemisphere can account for this trend in tropospheric ozone concentrations.
182   Similar formation of bromine compounds and tropospheric ozone destruction may also occur at mid-lat
183 sted that the interannual variability of the tropospheric ozone distribution over the central-eastern
184                             This increase in tropospheric ozone flux over the Pacific Ocean may affec
185 g marine aerosol formation and modification, tropospheric ozone formation and destruction, photooxida
186 irm and quantify the nonlinear dependence of tropospheric ozone formation on plume NO(x) (NO plus NO(
187 y, atmospheric heating from black carbon and tropospheric ozone has occurred at the mid-latitudes, ge
188 ing than the direct radiative forcing due to tropospheric ozone increases.
189                                              Tropospheric ozone is a serious air-pollutant, with larg
190                                              Tropospheric ozone is considered the most detrimental ai
191                                              Tropospheric ozone is known to damage plants, reducing p
192                                    Moreover, tropospheric ozone itself acts as an effective greenhous
193                                     Elevated tropospheric ozone leads to no reduction of forest produ
194 addition to reducing productivity, increased tropospheric ozone levels could alter terrestrial carbon
195 oir and play an important role in regulating tropospheric ozone levels in remote marine regions.
196                                   Increasing tropospheric ozone levels over the past 150 years have l
197 reenhouse gas and air quality by influencing tropospheric ozone levels.
198                        A large proportion of tropospheric ozone loss occurs in the tropical marine bo
199 %) and accounts for up to 20% of the overall tropospheric ozone loss rate in the upper FT.
200                     This study suggests that tropospheric ozone may not diminish forest carbon seques
201                                     However, tropospheric ozone pollution and climate change led to N
202            Epidemiologic studies have linked tropospheric ozone pollution and human mortality.
203 storage could be enhanced through minimizing tropospheric ozone pollution and improving nitrogen fert
204 cing per unit of emission due to aerosol and tropospheric ozone precursor emissions in a coupled comp
205   Methane is an important greenhouse gas and tropospheric ozone precursor.
206 hough many studies have linked elevations in tropospheric ozone to adverse health outcomes, the effec
207  TOMS instrument show El Nino signals but no tropospheric ozone trend in the 1980s.
208 int to multiple factors determining tropical tropospheric ozone variability.
209 urbation; the prediction of future trends in tropospheric ozone will require a full understanding of
210 cycles that catalytically destroy or produce tropospheric ozone, a greenhouse gas potentially toxic t
211                 This study demonstrates that tropospheric ozone, although it damages plant metabolism
212                         NO is a precursor to tropospheric ozone, an air pollutant and greenhouse gas.
213 ) maintained high concentrations of methane, tropospheric ozone, and nitrous oxide.
214 eeds further investigation, black carbon and tropospheric ozone, both of which are strongly influence
215                     NO(x) emissions increase tropospheric ozone, but this increase and the resulting
216                           Climate impacts of tropospheric ozone, fine aerosols, aerosol-cloud interac
217 onmental factors (climate, atmospheric CO2 , tropospheric ozone, nitrogen deposition, and land cover/
218 While El Nino leads to enhancements of upper tropospheric ozone, we find this influence does not reac
219  agents--including black carbon aerosols and tropospheric ozone--are noticeably better than greenhous
220 -phase, where they contribute to the loss of tropospheric ozone.
221 onments and implicated in the destruction of tropospheric ozone.
222 es, and therefore with abundant formation of tropospheric ozone.
223 t generate both urban photochemical smog and tropospheric ozone.
224  contribute significantly to organic mass in tropospheric particles.
225 gh studies that simulate a range of expected tropospheric particulate matter (PM) lifetimes, in order
226 eric particulate matter aid understanding of tropospheric photochemistry and are required for estimat
227 relative effects of atmospheric particles on tropospheric photochemistry, as well as possible inaccur
228 te observations of hydrogen cyanide (HCN), a tropospheric pollutant produced in biomass burning.
229 ) with NO represents one of the most crucial tropospheric processes, leading to terrestrial ozone for
230 iometric measurements were used to determine tropospheric profiles of the clear sky greenhouse effect
231  contrail cirrus clouds that can alter upper tropospheric radiation and water budgets, and therefore
232 icating that most anvil crystals form on mid-tropospheric rather than boundary-layer aerosols.
233 mate sensitivity, based on variations in mid-tropospheric relative humidity (RH) and their impact on
234  atmospheric moisture divergence and reduces tropospheric relative humidity in the tropics and subtro
235 bal dryness (suppressed rainfall and reduced tropospheric relative humidity) under CO2 warming from C
236 nships between tropical cyclone size and mid-tropospheric relative humidity.
237                        Ozonolysis is a major tropospheric removal mechanism for unsaturated hydrocarb
238             Reaction with water may dominate tropospheric removal of Criegee intermediates and determ
239                  As CFCs have no significant tropospheric removal process, but are rapidly photolysed
240 nd their reaction with (*)NO is an important tropospheric sink.
241 tion of sea-surface temperature patterns and tropospheric stability will be necessary for constrainin
242 is consistent with the effect of a change in tropospheric stability, as has recently been hypothesize
243 ing the troposphere and increasing the upper-tropospheric stability, the clustering of deep convectio
244                                          The tropospheric storm cell produced effects that penetrated
245 ons (forced by observed greenhouse gases and tropospheric sulfate aerosols) from the Geophysical Flui
246 ons forced with changes in greenhouse gases, tropospheric sulfate aerosols, and stratospheric ozone.
247 greater role of carbonyl oxides in models of tropospheric sulfate and nitrate chemistry than previous
248 n identifiable in 70% of the tests involving tropospheric temperature changes.
249 cies between model predictions and satellite tropospheric temperature data (and between the latter an
250                       Trends in global lower tropospheric temperature derived from satellite observat
251                  We have analyzed the global tropospheric temperature for 1978 to 2002 with the use o
252  this correction in the calculation of lower tropospheric temperature from satellite microwave measur
253 s in the initial analyses of satellite-based tropospheric temperature measurements.
254 sufficient magnitude to reconcile radiosonde tropospheric temperature trends and surface trends durin
255 ll remain large differences between observed tropospheric temperature trends and those simulated by a
256 tellite-based radiative emissions data yield tropospheric temperature trends that differ by 0.1 degre
257 hat stratospheric water vapor increases with tropospheric temperature, implying the existence of a st
258 ur satellite-derived version of middle/upper tropospheric temperature.
259 ndent radiosonde observations of surface and tropospheric temperatures confirm that, since 1979, ther
260         The resulting trend of reconstructed tropospheric temperatures from satellite data is physica
261 c and natural factors project an increase in tropospheric temperatures that is somewhat larger than t
262                                           At tropospheric temperatures, the ice surface is partially
263  it is in rapid thermal equilibrium at lower tropospheric temperatures.
264 tern of warming mode in near surface and low-tropospheric temperatures.
265 argued that the largest and most significant tropospheric trends can be traced to recent trends in th
266 tes with the satellite observations of NO(2) tropospheric vertical column densities (TVCDs) from four
267 ver an area of intensive surface mining, NO2 tropospheric vertical column densities (VCDs) are seen t
268 e traced to Northern Hemisphere and tropical tropospheric warming (cooling).
269 , both hemispheres have experienced enhanced tropospheric warming and stratospheric cooling in the 15
270       These measurements reveal multidecadal tropospheric warming and stratospheric cooling, punctuat
271 odels) cannot produce sustained global-scale tropospheric warming and stratospheric cooling.
272 ow us to unambiguously assign a cause to the tropospheric warming at this stage.
273  out of three recent satellite datasets, the tropospheric warming from 1979 to 2016 is unprecedented
274 t the most prominent annual mean surface and tropospheric warming in the Arctic since 1979 has occurr
275                         For the tropics, the tropospheric warming is approximately 1.6 times the surf
276 rger than any previously identified regional tropospheric warming on Earth.
277                                              Tropospheric warming trends over recent 20-year periods
278 e cooling trend offsets the contributions of tropospheric warming.
279 the North Atlantic Oscillation or associated tropospheric warming.
280                 Twenty-five percent of upper tropospheric water sampled is in ice particles whose iso
281        An all-HFCV fleet would hardly affect tropospheric water vapor concentrations.
282 here the interaction of convection with free tropospheric water vapor.
283 rus properties and the distribution of upper tropospheric water vapor.
284 ropical continents the isotopic signature of tropospheric water vapour differs significantly from tha
285  measurements of the isotopic composition of tropospheric water vapour from the Tropospheric Emission
286 tospheric processes, which in turn influence tropospheric weather and climate patterns on various spa
287 ric harbingers may be used as a predictor of tropospheric weather regimes.
288 t stratosphere and are followed by anomalous tropospheric weather regimes.
289  century, the CCMVal models predict that the tropospheric westerlies in Southern Hemisphere summer wi
290             In the past several decades, the tropospheric westerly winds in the Southern Hemisphere h
291                           Decreases in lower-tropospheric winter westerlies across the region from 19

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