


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  m for the impending megaquake at the Nankai Trough.
2 sited on lung surfactant films in a Langmuir trough.
3 ed to CA1, which were strongest at the theta trough.
4 n this and adjacent seamounts in the Rockall Trough.
5  the air-water interface in a conical Teflon trough.
6 fluid is compressed uniaxially in a Langmuir trough.
7 o, and precede, the subthalamic nucleus beta-trough.
8 enge performed after first and last doses at trough.
9 auses simultaneous deep, broad UV absorption troughs.
10  similar with respect to timing of peaks and troughs.
11 harpness of the beta peaks compared with the troughs.
12 ics, including seasonality, abrupt peaks and troughs.
13  surface topography such as the formation of troughs.
14 ogic evaluation included assessment of serum trough adalimumab and antibodies against adalimumab (AAA
15 rmanent AAA was associated with undetectable trough adalimumab levels and worse uveitis outcome.
16         In all patients with permanent AAA+, trough adalimumab levels became undetectable (P < 0.001)
17                                       Median trough adalimumab serum levels were higher in responders
18 raphic positions (polygon centers, rims, and troughs) along the permafrost degradation gradient, we m
19 illator-the time of peak KOA and the peak-to-trough amplitude changes.
20  monthly and had up to 3 anti-Xa activities (trough and 1 and 3 hours after dose) drawn at each clini
21 -dependent relationship between seasonal UVR trough and relapse onset probability peak independent of
22 associations of latitude and lag between UVR trough and subsequent relapse peak.
23 explanation for enhanced transmission during troughs and an associated seasonal monsoon response in t
24 iles were processed to enhance the peaks and troughs, and then an exclusion or inclusion criterion ba
25  6780 patients with data available) and mean trough anti-FXa activity (0.35-0.85 IU/mL in 2865 patien
26                                         When trough anti-Xa activity was simulated, both once- and tw
27 wice-daily regimens exhibited an increase in trough anti-Xa activity with the progression of pregnanc
28 s glaciomarine and Holocene sediments in the troughs apparently limit seepage.
29 e cortex after motor skill learning, whereas troughs are required for stabilizing newly formed spines
30  0.032) and a decreased number of vancomycin trough assays performed (0.88 versus 1.95, P < 0.001).
31 g and decreased unnecessary serum vancomycin trough assays.
32             Tear production decreased to the trough at 1 month after treatment and then recovered gra
33 n, most notably characterized by an activity trough at dusk followed by a high level of male courtshi
34                                  We obtained trough blood samples and measured antibiotic concentrati
35   These values are close to the steady state trough brain concentration of methylthioninium ion (0.18
36 e they do occur, the resulting deep epidemic troughs break the chain of transmission, leading to epid
37 imary outcome was model-derived steady-state trough C1-INH functional activity.
38 hielding provided stronger apoptotic effects trough caspase-3 activation compared to N2 shielding.
39                                  The peak-to-trough circadian oscillation is paralleled by the sequen
40 cant (p < .05) increases in seasonal peak-to-trough CO2 amplitude (AMPP-T ) at nine stations, and in
41 torhinal cortex, and retrieval occurs at the trough, coincident with input from CA3, consistent with
42                      Only 1 patient showed a trough concentration (Ctrough) below the suggested targe
43 n SC dose that would yield a rituximab serum trough concentration (Ctrough) in the same range as that
44 BV/PTV/r + DSV + darunavir (DRV) lowered DRV trough concentration (Ctrough) levels.
45                   The alisertib steady-state trough concentration (n = 25) revealed the expected phar
46 reduced using an algorithm to reach a target trough concentration (TC) of 3-7 mug/mL in all patients
47 ugh concentration from first to second dose (trough concentration = 0.822 and 1.23 ng/mL for weeks 1
48 for weeks 1 and 2, respectively, with 24 mg; trough concentration = 0.993 and 1.47 ng/mL for weeks 1
49 olimus clearance (daily tacrolimus dose [mg]/trough concentration [mug/L]) and biopsy-proven acute re
50 the association between discharge tacrolimus trough concentration and the incidence of biopsy-proven
51                     The mean+/-SD tacrolimus trough concentration at discharge (median postoperative
52  median (interquartile range) daily dose and trough concentration at time of nephrotoxicity were 400
53 eek after transplantation nor time to target trough concentration between patients later experiencing
54      One-third of patients had an adalimumab trough concentration exceeding 7 mg/L.
55 5 days and approximately 50% accumulation of trough concentration from first to second dose (trough c
56  +/- 0.3 g/day and the individual median MPA trough concentration in the time period of anticipated c
57 28.6%) of the 119 patients with a tacrolimus trough concentration less than 8 ng/mL and 19 (19.6%) of
58 on predisposed to BPAR, discharge tacrolimus trough concentration less than 8 ng/mL was associated wi
59 el-reactive antibody, a discharge tacrolimus trough concentration less than 8 ng/mL was significantly
60 o two groups based on a discharge tacrolimus trough concentration of 8 ng/mL.
61 t month 1 or in area under the curve0-4h and trough concentration when measured at months 3 and 6.
62  and positive association of the fluconazole trough concentration with the fluconazole dose (P <.001)
63         We evaluated mean TAC C0 (tacrolimus trough concentration) and TAC time in therapeutic range
64 morphism rs2244613 was associated with lower trough concentrations (15% decrease per allele; 95% conf
65  study, and correlated with plasma ritonavir trough concentrations (C24).
66 cted a pharmacokinetic study to evaluate EFV trough concentrations (Cmin) and human immunodeficiency
67                                    Efavirenz trough concentrations (Cmin) were predicted using popula
68 nt was the ratio of observed rituximab serum trough concentrations (Ctrough) between groups at cycle
69 lected in the standard monitoring parameter, trough concentrations (P=0.80).
70 higher doses of tacrolimus to achieve target trough concentrations and are more likely to experience
71  one-third of patients, it was observed that trough concentrations exceeded the therapeutic window.
72        Similarly, median (IQR) time-averaged trough concentrations in breast milk were 3.3 ng/mL (2.3
73 creased proportionally up to 120 mg/day with trough concentrations in the in-vitro active range from
74 of dosage to maintain whole blood tacrolimus trough concentrations in the usual therapeutic range can
75                                              Trough concentrations increased less than proportionally
76                                 Although non-trough concentrations might have underestimated the freq
77 cipients randomized to everolimus, targeting trough concentrations of 3-8 or 6-12 ng/mL plus reduced-
78 5 mg/m(2) per day (titrated to achieve blood trough concentrations of 5-15 ng/mL) or placebo.
79 sted subject to tolerability to attain blood trough concentrations of 5-15 ng/mL.
80 apy might not be a direct function of plasma trough concentrations of C1 inhibitor.
81               The mean steady state peak and trough concentrations of rituximab were 461 mug/mL (SD 9
82 rted medication adherence scale and IS blood trough concentrations over 6 months, in four transplant
83 pregnancy make interpretation of whole blood trough concentrations particularly challenging.
84 reached during cycle 3 with mean maximum and trough concentrations ranging from 419 mug/mL (geometric
85                                   Everolimus trough concentrations targeted to 3-8 ng/mL, along with
86 e were no significant differences in neither trough concentrations the first week after transplantati
87                                 Steady-state trough concentrations were reached by day 15 and did not
88 rican Americans (n=684), but mean tacrolimus trough concentrations were similar.
89          The median proportion of tacrolimus trough concentrations within the target range was compar
90 e polymorphism rs2244613 was associated with trough concentrations, and the ABCB1 single-nucleotide p
91 emic exposure of tacrolimus, despite similar trough concentrations, may in the long run increase the
92 tles inoculated with the peak, midpoint, and trough concentrations, respectively (P </= 0.001).
93 ic outcomes it is recommended to monitor IFX trough concentrations.
94 erse event-related dose reductions at higher trough concentrations.
95  observed only in the presence of antibiotic trough concentrations.
96 ts achieving predefined reduced cyclosporine trough concentrations.
97 re of basking white butterflies mimics the V-trough concentrator which is designed to increase solar
98 h can access thick ice shelves via submarine troughs crossing the continental shelf.
99  of ischemic events was inversely related to trough dabigatran concentrations (p = 0.045), with age a
100 the presence of anti-drug antibodies and non-trough drug concentrations could predict treatment respo
101 ng and explores the performance of different trough drug concentrations for anti-tumor necrosis facto
102 ictive value of anti-drug antibodies and non-trough drug concentrations on treatment response (DeltaD
103 in a two-fold to three fold gradient of mean trough drug exposure (16.0-48.5 ng/mL in 6780 patients w
104 (PT) are less sensitive and may be normal at trough drug levels.
105 outbreaks and the intervening inter-epidemic trough during which fadeout of transmission was most lik
106  studied on the planar surface of a Langmuir trough, even though most physiological interfaces are cu
107   We assessed the efficacy and safety of two trough exposure concentrations of everolimus, 3-7 ng/mL
108  P = .27]), and the key secondary end point, trough FEV1 (5 mug, 87 mL [95% CI, 19-154; P = .01]; 2.5
109 The primary end point analyzed was change in trough FEV1 (DeltaFEV1) from baseline to 8 to 12 weeks o
110 imary endpoints were change from baseline in trough FEV1 and in St. George's Respiratory Questionnair
111                  Significant improvements in trough FEV1 at week 24 (a secondary end point) were obse
112                                      Evening trough FEV1 at Week 24 was not statistically significant
113 ter improvements in the primary end point of trough FEV1 compared to salmeterol after 4 weeks of dosi
114     Both doses of UMEC plus VI also improved trough FEV1 compared with VI monotherapy (UMEC 125 mug p
115 At week 12, the estimated least squares mean trough FEV1 difference between the groups was -0.011 L (
116      FP 100 mcg twice daily improved evening trough FEV1 in patients with mild-to-moderate persistent
117    In both studies, we noted improvements in trough FEV1 on day 169 for both doses of UMEC plus VI co
118 d within the first 3 h after evening dosing; trough FEV1 response; and responder rate assessed accord
119                                     Peak and trough FEV1 responses were significantly greater with ti
120 lmeterol group (all p<0.0001); difference in trough FEV1 was 146 mL (95% CI 105-188), 180 mL (138-221
121 in COPD, including lung function (100 ml for trough FEV1), dyspnea (improvement of >/= 1 unit in the
122 cs characterized by significantly lower peak-trough fluctuations.
123  the mammalian jaw hinge and the postdentary trough for mandibular attachment of the middle ear-a tra
124 endpoint was change from baseline in evening trough forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1 ) at Week 2
125                               Improvement in trough forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) and the in
126 dacaterol was non-inferior to tiotropium for trough forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) at week 12
127 rimary efficacy endpoint of both studies was trough forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) on day 169
128 adjusted mean reduction from baseline in the trough forced expiratory volume in 1 second was 38 ml gr
129 administration, a dose-dependent increase in trough functional C1-INH activity was observed.
130 ier dry season GPP loss and enhanced peak-to-trough GPP in tropical forests within the Amazon Basin a
131 quency and magnitude of population peaks and troughs greatly impact the accuracy of our CC response m
132          Donors in the G6PDd group had lower trough hemoglobin in postoperative period (P = 0.006), g
133                              We find a sharp trough in gestation length among babies conceived in May
134                                      The May trough in gestation length coincides with a higher influ
135 bly from season to season with a significant trough in winter.
136 oidal pattern with peaks in early spring and troughs in autumn in both hemispheres.
137 st performance occurring when the respective troughs in both neural oscillations coincided.
138                                     Peak and trough IOP were monitored with a pneumatonometer and ton
139                          As the water in the trough is drained, the monolayer is deposited on a suppo
140 with a peak at the time of the reach-end and troughs just before and after it.
141            Ninety-six percent had at least 1 trough level >/=100 U/L.
142  who received enoxaparin adjusted by anti-Xa trough level (adjustment group) were compared with those
143 m level of uric acid, and blood cyclosporine trough level (C0) and used higher doses of cyclosporine
144 m level of uric acid, and blood cyclosporine trough level (C0) and used higher doses of cyclosporine
145 late and vitamin B12, and blood cyclosporine trough level (C0) are independently associated with tHcy
146 3), and BUN (P=0.05), and blood cyclosporine trough level (C0, P=0.005) were independently associated
147                                     Mean TAC trough level (Cmin), used to adjust daily dose, was not
148                Patients received EVL (target trough level (Ctrough, 3-8 ng/mL), prednisone, and tacro
149                         Long-term target TAC trough level and MMF dosing were 5 to 7 ng/mL and 1,000
150                                   Adalimumab trough level and PASI score at the time of serum samplin
151 ine whether targeting a prophylactic anti-Xa trough level by adjusting the enoxaparin dose would redu
152            Similar to younger recipients TAC trough level has also a high correlation (R = 0.76) with
153  sodium is dosed by anti-factor Xa (anti-Xa) trough level is not well described.
154                              Patients with a trough level of 0.1 IU/mL or lower received enoxaparin s
155 ofetil (MMF; target plasma mycophenolic acid trough level of 1.5-2.5 microg/ml) or CsA (target trough
156 h level of 1.5-2.5 microg/ml) or CsA (target trough level of 80-100 ng/ml) in 60 pediatric patients w
157             No correlation between ribavirin trough level on day 7 or at month 2 with a virological r
158            Sirolimus remained > 5 mug/L, the trough level used in oral immunosuppressive therapy, for
159                              Imatinib plasma trough level was performed at day 22 and if <1000 ng/mL,
160 roviding 3 adjusted doses of enoxaparin, the trough level was redrawn and the dosage was adjusted as
161 ightly, adjusted according to serum anti-HBs trough level) if they were HBsAg- and HBV-DNA negative a
162  paradigm promoter P(purF) was locked at its trough level.
163                                          EVR trough levels >8 ng/mL were significantly associated wit
164  dnDSA had a higher proportion of tacrolimus trough levels <5 ng/ml, which continued to be significan
165  and 2927 mg/y [IQR, 2377 to 3667 mg/y]) and trough levels (4.2 microg/mL [IQR, 2.6 to 5.8 microg/mL]
166 ents not infected with HIV, tacrolimus (TAC) trough levels (C0) or cyclosporine (CsA) drawn at C0 or
167         We compared maximum 12-hr tacrolimus trough levels (MaxC0) and dose-adjusted MaxC0 in 12 case
168 hich correlated with undetectable adalimumab trough levels (P = 0.014).
169 s observed between AAA titers and adalimumab trough levels (P = 0.2).Concomitant immunosuppression di
170 and 24 h after reperfusion), and tacrolimus (trough levels 8-12 ng/mL) was used for maintenance immun
171 ombination therapies including MMF, at serum trough levels and higher, are toxic for the human bronch
172                                   Tacrolimus trough levels and laboratory values were closely monitor
173 nDSA) development correlates with tacrolimus trough levels and the recipient's individualized alloimm
174 that HLA-DR/DQ eplet mismatch and tacrolimus trough levels are independent predictors of dnDSA develo
175  higher MMF exposure and elevated tacrolimus trough levels at M3.
176                                         Mean trough levels at week 24 in the IV infusion series of 30
177                                          TAC trough levels at week two posttransplant were significan
178 sttransplant year, with (1) at least 3 blood trough levels available to calculate coefficient of vari
179  initiated, the TAC dosage was skipped until trough levels began to decline; it was then administered
180      We analyzed the frequency of tacrolimus trough levels below a series of thresholds <6 ng/ml and
181 nversion tacrolimus dose at each visit; mean trough levels between groups were similar.
182 bulation), hospital discharge before initial trough levels could be drawn, or incorrect timing of tro
183 ant recipients with 50,011 serial tacrolimus trough levels had HLA-DR/DQ eplet mismatch determined us
184                              Mean tacrolimus trough levels in the 6 months before dnDSA development w
185 ariable analysis, high calcineurin inhibitor trough levels in the month before diagnosis (odds ratio
186                                              Trough levels increased from 45 to 132 ng/ml (P<0.001).
187 ther increased to 6045 ng h/ml (P=0.03), and trough levels increased to 218 ng/ml (P=0.03), above the
188                                   The C1-INH trough levels increased with C1-INH treatment.
189 te rejection before month 3 (M3), tacrolimus trough levels more than 10 ng/mL, and M3 AUC0-12 hr more
190          Sirolimus was increased to maintain trough levels of 12-15 ng/mL.
191            A therapeutic range of adalimumab trough levels of 3.51 mg/L to 7.00 mg/L, which correspon
192 g at 3mg/m(2) /day (titrated to target blood trough levels of 5-15ng/ml).
193 ensitivity to PEGasparaginase had serum mean trough levels of 899 U/L.
194 nt between mice UV-irradiated during peak or trough levels of cyclosporine in the blood.
195          Patients were closely monitored for trough levels of immunosuppressive agents, laboratory va
196                       Patients with very low trough levels of less than 4 g/L had poor clinical outco
197                     Pronounced elevations in trough levels of nitric oxide metabolites occurred with
198 stem recovered bacteria only in bottles with trough levels of piperacillin-tazobactam.
199 re maintained on tacrolimus monotherapy with trough levels ranging between 4 and 12 ng/mL.
200 nts on ritonavir-containing cART and raising trough levels to achieve an exposure equivalent to HIV-n
201  to correlate the risk of proteinuria to EVR trough levels up to 24 months posttransplant.
202 ) than preconversion tacrolimus dose; target trough levels were 4-15 ng/mL.
203 L had poor clinical outcomes, whereas higher trough levels were associated with a reduced frequency o
204                                Deviations in trough levels were avoided, thus preventing any clinical
205 ance: In this study, subprophylactic anti-Xa trough levels were common in trauma patients.
206 Baseline characteristics and mean tacrolimus trough levels were comparable between arms.
207                          Overall, adalimumab trough levels were higher in responder patients.
208                           Exposures: Anti-Xa trough levels were monitored in patients in the adjustme
209                                   Tacrolimus trough levels were readily achieved posttransplant; init
210 ted in HIV-negative recipients, when similar trough levels were targeted.
211 ed on LCP-Tacro once-daily for days 8 to 21; trough levels were to be maintained between 5 and 15 ng/
212 icates that certain PK parameters, including trough levels, are correlated with clinical outcomes for
213     Therapeutic monitoring is based on mTORi trough levels, which do not necessarily reflect biologic
214 evels could be drawn, or incorrect timing of trough levels.
215 with lower Tac, but not CsA, dose-normalized trough levels.
216  is clinically useful even in the absence of trough levels.
217 ll P<0.001) but did not correlate with mTORi trough levels.
218  LCPT requires lower doses to achieve target trough levels.
219 on between LCP-Tacro tacrolimus exposure and trough levels.
220 tacept with lowered tacrolimus and sirolimus trough levels.
221 us were necessary for maintaining sufficient trough levels.
222 meibomian lipid films (MLF) using a Langmuir trough (LT) and a Brewster angle microscope (BAM).
223 lthough the permeability of the sandy Nankai Trough materials are higher than that of the clayey mate
224  may determine whether a patient experiences trough-max or peak-max PAC, and the thalamus is a critic
225 determinant of whether the thalamus exhibits trough-max PAC, which is associated with lower propofol
226 ygon, coalescent low center polygon, polygon trough, meadow, ponds, rivers, and lakes, to determine t
227  in the peak month (April) compared with the trough month (November) (odds ratio, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.10-
228  the peak month, compared with November, the trough month.
229 30 m on the continental slope of the Rockall Trough, Northeast Atlantic, to compare changes in fracti
230                                              Trough OC levels were higher in the 150-mg group (501.0
231 ration (median, 38 ms) preferentially at the trough of both CA1 theta and slow irregular oscillations
232 pted Bmal1-knockout mice are locked into the trough of insulin action and lack rhythmicity in insulin
233 suppression was systematically embedded in a trough of oscillations of contrast sensitivity that fluc
234        In contrast, ripples occurring at the trough of their SPWs relate to weaker neocortical up-reg
235 ding and retrieval occur during the peak and trough of theta, respectively, and support the theory th
236 ormance when inhibition was triggered by the trough of theta.
237 it maximum alpha power at either the peak or trough of this SWO; this implies the thalamus may be the
238 imple cell's spikes tended to occur near the troughs of the complex cell's V(m) fluctuations and were
239 t, both cell types fire cooperatively at the troughs of theta oscillations but with different frequen
240          On the basis of the deep absorption trough on the blue side of the Lyman-alpha emission line
241 s using the position of the signal peaks and troughs on longitudinal reflectivity profiles.
242 mplitude of the inspiratory peak, expiratory trough or expiratory peak of sSNA in either group, but r
243                          Plasma steady-state trough oseltamivir carboxylate (OC) concentration was me
244                 The formation of the monsoon trough over Indo-Gangetic plain during the active period
245 y pressurized fluid is greater at the Nankai Trough owing to higher friction, although initially over
246 argeted mutants of Rsn-2, using the Langmuir trough, pendant drop tensiometry, and circular dichroism
247                               Antiretroviral trough plasma concentrations (C12h) were determined usin
248 hole blood containing the peak, midpoint, or trough plasma concentrations for meropenem, ceftolozane-
249                               Geometric mean trough plasma concentrations were 0.302 mug/mL (95% CI 0
250              Doses were adjusted to obtain a trough plasma level of at least 50 ng per milliliter.
251                The primary end point was the trough plasma level of dabigatran.
252                  Concomitant high vancomycin trough plasma levels had been observed in each patient.
253                                     The mean trough plasma levels of C1-INH functional activity, C1-I
254 r 60 mg bid achieved high levels of peak and trough platelet inhibition in nearly all patients, simil
255                          On Bylot, ice-wedge trough ponds showed significantly higher MeHg (0.3-2.2 n
256 tion, played a major role in determining the trough positions of simulated binaural phase-response cu
257 nd permafrost samples from center, ridge and trough positions of water-saturated low-centered polygon
258          TNF was administered locally into a trough, providing local TNF treatment of a cortical area
259 re found to in turn cluster ripples in their troughs, providing fine-tuned temporal frames for the hy
260 rgy backup and cooling options for parabolic trough (PT) concentrated solar power have technical, eco
261 to hemipelagic sediments from the Laurentian Trough (Quebec, Canada), we found that soluble Mn(III),
262  Dose adjustments were done to attain target trough ranges during a 6-week titration period, and as n
263 injection with CSL830 showed a lower peak-to-trough ratio and more consistent exposures.
264 ed pharmacokinetic profile of a high peak to trough ratio and short half-life in humans.
265  implications for dosing regimen and peak-to-trough ratio at the steady state.
266 molgus monkey that showed a very low peak-to-trough ratio.
267  initially overpressured fluid at the Nankai Trough restrains the fault weakening.
268                         Non-fasting peak and trough samples of maternal plasma and breast milk were o
269 r the maternal DOT PrEP dose, while maternal trough samples were obtained at the end of the PrEP dosi
270                     The primary endpoint was trough serum concentration at cycle five, with a non-inf
271            At cycle five, the geometric mean trough serum concentration in patients given subcutaneou
272 hilst at 19 microg.mL(-1) (a clinical target trough serum concentration), vancomycin was mainly monom
273 subcutaneous rituximab 1600 mg would achieve trough serum concentrations that were non-inferior to th
274 ide, subcutaneous rituximab 1600 mg achieved trough serum concentrations that were pharmacokineticall
275 acebo twice daily, with the dosage guided by trough serum levels.
276   Regarding to RVA results, peak, breakdown, trough, setback, and final viscosities of native starch
277 erred theta firing phase closer to the theta trough, shifting the encoding-retrieval balance even fur
278 lls and interneurons spiked at PV-inhibition troughs, similar to CA1 cells during spontaneous theta o
279 g hippocampal ripples within their excitable troughs, stimulation in-phase with the slow oscillation
280 e intervals from midwinter peak crowding and trough sunlight to sequential peaks in vitamin D deficie
281 During the weeks following peak crowding and trough sunlight, there was a midwinter peak in vitamin D
282          The decrease was related to predose trough tacrolimus concentrations or doses and disappeare
283 of in situ atomic force microscopy, Langmuir trough techniques, and vesicle permeability assays were
284 ecline from an observed peak to a subsequent trough, tends to severely overestimate the frequency and
285 the organic-rich soils of polygon center and trough than the relatively drier ridge soils.
286  elements associate head-to-tail, creating a trough that cradles two c-di-AMP molecules making quasi-
287 r was associated with a mean decrease in UVR trough to subsequent relapse peak lag of 28.5 days (95%
288 amplitude (AMPP-T ) at nine stations, and in trough-to-peak amplitude (AMPT-P ) at eight stations ove
289 f neurons with intermediate spike durations (trough-to-peak approximately 350 mus after high-pass fil
290 13.0 to 250.0) for emtricitabine, reflecting trough-to-peak breast milk concentration ratios of 1.0 f
291 nofovir and emtricitabine (respective median trough-to-peak concentration ratio ~1), demonstrating th
292 loading, p.E161K carriers displayed a higher trough urinary pH (5.34 versus 4.89; P=0.01) than wild-t
293 on of pyramidal cell assemblies at the theta trough via disinhibition.
294                          Peak, breakdown and trough viscosity values of the amylose-lipid complexed s
295 ) of mRNA into immunodeficient mice maintain trough VRC01 levels above 40 mug ml(-1).
296                  Correlograms with a peak or trough were taken as evidence for excitatory or inhibito
297                      Subprophylactic anti-Xa troughs were noted in 73 of 87 patients (83.9%) in the a
298 -September, which was 4-fold higher than the trough, which occurred during January-March.
299                                         Mean trough whole blood tacrolimus levels were at their lowes
300 ating that higher positive charges (measured trough zeta potential) in the gelatin solution tended to

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