


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 proximately 200 kDa that also contained beta-tubulin.
2 tein that interacts with actin filaments and tubulin.
3 ted with tubulin suggesting that it binds to tubulin.
4 anged fibers that are nontubular polymers of tubulin.
5 ce acting between a kinesin motor domain and tubulin.
6 linked glutamate of synthetic substrates and tubulin.
7 hat engaged microtubule lattice-incorporated tubulin.
8 rification of a novel trimer, TBCD*ARL2*beta-tubulin.
9 d decreased acetylated alpha-tubulin and glu-tubulin.
10  affinity depends on the nucleotide state of tubulin.
11 led in vitro from mammalian or budding yeast tubulin.
12  that GJA1-20k complexes with both actin and tubulin.
13 argets a distinct, non-taxoid pocket on beta-tubulin.
14 embly of microtubule-associated protein rich tubulin.
15 that crocin binds at the vinblastine site on tubulin.
16 calization with the cytoskeleton marker beta-tubulin.
17  both polymerization and depolymerization of tubulin.
18 f effectors and differently so for different tubulins.
19 nce" present in all alpha-, beta-, and gamma-tubulins.
20 inate in the C-terminal regions of the gamma-tubulins.
21 dicate that in the face of predominant gamma-tubulin-1 expression, the accumulation of gamma-tubulin-
22                        Localization of gamma-tubulin-1 in mature neurons was confirmed by immunohisto
23 PCR and 2-dimensional-PAGE showed that gamma-tubulin-1 is the dominant isotype in fetal neurons.
24 ulin-2 accumulates in the adult brain, gamma-tubulin-1 remains the major isotype in various brain reg
25                     It is thought that gamma-tubulin-1 represents a ubiquitous isotype, whereas gamma
26 a-tubulin-2, whereas the expression of gamma-tubulin-1 was unchanged.
27                               Although gamma-tubulin-2 accumulates in the adult brain, gamma-tubulin-
28 ulin-1 expression, the accumulation of gamma-tubulin-2 in mature neurons and neuroblastoma cells duri
29 tress may denote a prosurvival role of gamma-tubulin-2 in neurons.
30 presents a ubiquitous isotype, whereas gamma-tubulin-2 is found predominantly in the brain, where it
31 lopment and oxidative stress points to gamma-tubulin-2 prosurvival function.
32 nhibitors, resulted in upregulation of gamma-tubulin-2, whereas the expression of gamma-tubulin-1 was
33 the mutation resided within the Tubb4a (beta-tubulin 4A) gene, because mutations in the TUBB4A gene h
34 erozygous mutations affecting Arg391 in beta-tubulin 4B isotype-encoding (TUBB4B).
35 chores using its TOG domains, which bind GTP-tubulin, a coiled-coil homodimerization domain, and a do
36  the addition of recombinant alpha1A/betaIII tubulin, a neuronal isotype overexpressed in many tumors
37      We report discrimination of human gamma-tubulins according to their electrophoretic and immunoch
38                                 We find that tubulin acetylation alone does not directly affect kines
39 epletion of ATP and robustly increased alpha-tubulin acetylation in cancer cells.
40 , and our previous work demonstrated reduced tubulin acetylation in CF cell models and tissue that is
41                          Here, we found that tubulin acetylation is required for the mechanical stabi
42 he neuronal MAP tau is also not sensitive to tubulin acetylation, but enriches preferentially on high
43 histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) increase alpha-tubulin acetylation, endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochon
44 muM level by using the Sirt2 substrate alpha-tubulin-acetylLys40 peptide and inactive up to 100 muM a
45                             Depletion of the tubulin acetyltransferase TAT1 led to a significant incr
46 nction of microtubule stabilizers, including tubulin acetyltransferases; and (3) genetic epistasis su
47 n physically interact, indicating that these tubulins act together to maintain triplet microtubules a
48                                      Dimeric tubulin, an abundant water-soluble cytosolic protein kno
49 nniversary of the discovery of homologues of tubulin and actin in prokaryotes.
50                                              Tubulin and actin were apparently derived from bacterial
51    Before 1992, it was largely accepted that tubulin and actin were unique to eukaryotes.
52 rial proteins to be homologues of eukaryotic tubulin and actin.
53 d was required for maintenance of intestinal tubulin and actomyosin structures.
54  further found that HBV core interacted with tubulin and co-localized with microtubule-like fibriform
55     Here, we report that centrioles in delta-tubulin and epsilon-tubulin null mutant human cells lack
56                                        Delta-tubulin and epsilon-tubulin physically interact, indicat
57 n unicellular eukaryotes indicate that delta-tubulin and epsilon-tubulin, two less-studied tubulin fa
58 odifying a previous assay to use recombinant tubulin and feedback-controlled laser trapping, we direc
59 ed morphology and decreased acetylated alpha-tubulin and glu-tubulin.
60 logy accompanied by alteration of acetylated tubulin and IFT88 expression.
61 se compounds bound to the colchicine site of tubulin and inhibited tubulin polymerization at submicro
62 onstrate soaking of the drug colchicine into tubulin and native sulfur phasing of the human G protein
63 es of BKM120 and derivatives in complex with tubulin and PI3K provide insights into the selective mod
64  demonstrated via increased acetylated alpha-tubulin and SOX9 proteins, the number of primary cilia(+
65  cell growth through phosphorylation of beta-tubulin and the resulting destabilization of cortical mi
66 odies and cell cycle analysis indicated that tubulin and/or microtubules are the cellular targets of
67 editing to tag a cytoskeletal protein (alpha-tubulin) and demonstrate a relationship between expressi
68 ectures that bind either free or polymerized tubulin, and that a polarized array drives microtubule p
69  Immunofluorescence staining with anti-alpha-tubulin antibodies and cell cycle analysis indicated tha
70 and physiological role of mitochondria-bound tubulin are still unknown.
71                                        gamma-Tubulins are highly conserved members of the tubulin sup
72 equired for deglutathionylation of actin and tubulin, are unable to polymerize either cytoskeletal ne
73 ule (MT) protofilament reveals that the beta-tubulin Arg391 residue contributes to a binding pocket t
74 vitro, crocin inhibited the assembly of pure tubulin as well as the assembly of microtubule-associate
75 her this elongation occurs primarily through tubulin assembly at the tip of the axon, the transport o
76                                              Tubulins associate longitudinally to form protofilaments
77 ule assembly while it induced aggregation of tubulin at higher concentrations.
78 hat these compounds bind efficiently to beta-tubulin at the colchicine binding site.
79  phage compartment was centered by a bipolar tubulin-based spindle, and it segregated phage and bacte
80 acer (ITS) region, and fragments of the beta-tubulin (BenA), calmodulin (CaM), and RNA polymerase II
81 h the highest fold upregulation observed for tubulin beta 2 A, histone H2B and brain type fatty acid
82 ions in TUBB4A, encoding the tubulin isoform tubulin beta class IVA (Tubb4a), result in the symptom c
83            The tagged proteins include alpha tubulin, beta actin, desmoplakin, fibrillarin, nuclear l
84    To address the question of why Tau is GDP-tubulin-biased, we tested whether Tau might affect MT bi
85 s in potency directly correlated with target tubulin binding affinity, and the reduction in different
86 eronin and five tubulin-specific chaperones, tubulin binding cofactors A-E (TBCA-TBCE).
87 TPPP/p25 is evolved by the assembly of these tubulin binding proteins into a ternary complex, the con
88 metic stathmin mutant (4E) made defective in tubulin binding returned cell migration and transendothe
89 au tubulin complexes; additional independent tubulin binding sites exist in repeats two and three of
90 cesses in neuroblastoma cells independent of tubulin binding.
91 th dynamic microtubules, we investigated the tubulin-binding properties of the Ska1 microtubule bindi
92 ed that TOGs have distinct architectures and tubulin-binding properties that underlie each family's a
93    XMAP215, CLASP, and Crescerin use arrayed tubulin-binding tumor overexpressed gene (TOG) domains t
94 c chaperone that cycles to promote alphabeta-tubulin biogenesis and degradation.
95 nding domain that disrupt binding to soluble tubulin but do not prevent microtubule binding.
96 d glutamates in the intrinsically disordered tubulin C-terminal tails, are crucial for the biogenesis
97                          We propose that tau-tubulin can be described as a "fuzzy" complex, and our r
98 ed highly active compounds, interaction with tubulin, cell cycle effects and in vivo potency.
99 caspase-3 activation, and elevated levels of tubulin cleavage.
100 h less, in agreement with the results of our tubulin co-sedimentation measurements.
101     Here we examine the role of PTMs and the tubulin code in the ciliary specialization of EV-releasi
102  important step toward understanding how the tubulin code is written through the intersection of acti
103 t of an evolutionarily conserved and complex tubulin code that regulates microtubule interactions wit
104 correlation demonstrates how a combinatorial tubulin code written in two different posttranslational
105 PTMs and tubulin isotype diversity act as a "tubulin code" that regulates cytoskeletal stability and
106                                         The "tubulin code"-a combination of tubulin isotypes and tubu
107        These findings support the idea of a 'tubulin code' for motor-dependent trafficking and establ
108  Therefore, MT glutamylation, as part of the tubulin code, controls ciliary specialization, ciliary m
109 y a foundation for further understanding the tubulin code.
110                               Five conserved tubulin cofactors and ADP ribosylation factor-like 2 reg
111 be a revised model for the function of three tubulin cofactors and Arl2 as a multisubunit GTP-hydroly
112                          The conserved gamma-tubulin complex organizes spindle and astral microtubule
113 m those of the AUG1-7 subunits and the gamma-tubulin complex proteins (GCPs) that exhibit biased loca
114 endent MT nucleation by recruiting the gamma-tubulin complex to MT walls to generate new MTs [1].
115 med this finding for Spc72 and for the gamma-tubulin complex.
116 he relationship between heterogeneity in tau-tubulin complexes and tau function.
117 erized the size and heterogeneity of the tau-tubulin complexes formed under nonpolymerizing condition
118 to the formation of large, heterogeneous tau tubulin complexes; additional independent tubulin bindin
119 addition, we found that Tau prefers GDP-like tubulin conformations, which implies that Tau binding to
120 o a binding pocket that interacts with alpha-tubulin contained in the longitudinally adjacent alphabe
121                                          The tubulin curvature-sensing model is supported by our iden
122 ere, we provide evidence for an alternative, tubulin curvature-sensing model of microtubule depolymer
123  Protein (TPPP/p25) and the NAD(+)-dependent tubulin deacetylase sirtuin-2 (SIRT2) play key roles in
124       TPPP/p25 counteracts the SIRT2-derived tubulin deacetylation producing enhanced microtubule ace
125  formed LDs, and induces LD coalescence in a tubulin-dependent manner.
126 eins, including Pericentrin, Pcm1, and gamma-tubulin, depends on Nesprin-1, an outer nuclear membrane
127                    The identification of the tubulin dimer orientation and membrane-binding domain re
128 ximately four motors can bind each alphabeta-tubulin dimer within the microtubule lattice.
129  can bind only a single "canonical" site per tubulin dimer.
130 n the motor head and the [Formula: see text] tubulin dimer.
131 s the polymerization and depolymerization of tubulin dimers and is an essential and highly regulated
132 f strain in the tubules, which develops when tubulin dimers change shape, triggered by a hydrolysis e
133                                          The tubulin dimers of the conoid fibers make canonical micro
134 ers, as seen for other organisms, and within tubulin dimers, but binds mammalian tubulin only at inte
135 e the importance of a cellular population of tubulin dimers, we have incomplete information about the
136  (FRalpha) monoclonal antibody linked to the tubulin-disrupting maytansinoid DM4, in a population of
137 n-anesthetics, and anesthetic/convulsants on tubulin dynamics.
138 ubulin and epsilon-tubulin, two less-studied tubulin family members, are required.
139 that led to predictions about each's role in tubulin folding.
140 ules are long, slender polymers of alphabeta-tubulin found in all eukaryotic cells.
141    This preparation is not representative of tubulin found in many cell types.
142             The nontubular polymeric form of tubulin found in the conoid is not found in the host cel
143 s in vivo via repair or removal of alphabeta-tubulins from the soluble pools.
144                                The bacterial tubulin FtsZ is the central component of the cell divisi
145                                The bacterial tubulin FtsZ polymerizes to form a discontinuous ring th
146                       Humans possess 2 gamma-tubulin genes.
147 mics in trans, we have yet to understand how tubulin genetic diversity regulates microtubule function
148  we report an in vitro characterization of a tubulin glycylase.
149                                              Tubulin glycylation has so far been mostly found on moti
150 ties, and that introducing a bias toward GDP tubulin has little impact on the observed MT stabilizati
151 ls that microtubules assembled from S. pombe tubulin have predominantly B-lattice interprotofilament
152 ode the structural component (the alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimer) can give rise to severe, sporadic n
153 st a conformational change in the alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimer.
154 le binding domain can associate with soluble tubulin heterodimers and promote assembly of oligomeric
155                            Soluble alphabeta-tubulin heterodimers are maintained at high concentratio
156 microtubules are less tapered and that these tubulin heterodimers display lower curvatures.
157       Microtubules are polymers of alphabeta-tubulin heterodimers essential for all eukaryotes.
158 ds yeast microtubules both between alphabeta-tubulin heterodimers, as seen for other organisms, and w
159 ds on the maintenance of a pool of alphabeta-tubulin heterodimers.
160 isms involved in the biogenesis of alphabeta-tubulin heterodimers.
161 placement that are assembled from alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimers.
162  cytokinetic Z-rings formed by the bacterial tubulin homolog FtsZ, and the stabilization of the newly
163       Unexpectedly, HDAC6 inhibition-induced tubulin hyperacetylation has no effect on PPF.
164  corneal nerve density as detected with beta-tubulin immunoreactivity 2 hr after stimulation.
165 es, we have determined the role of actin and tubulin in the formation of intracellular biomineralised
166 op 8 reverts Cin8 to one motor per alphabeta-tubulin in the microtubule.
167 rification of guanine nucleotide on the beta-tubulin in the trimer is also shown, with implications t
168 les assembled from Schizosaccharomyces pombe tubulin, in the presence and absence of their regulatory
169 ing recombinant toxins, cytotoxic drugs, and tubulin inhibitors.
170 al activity of BKM120 into discrete PI3K and tubulin inhibitors.
171 ue specifically required for the Kip3-curved tubulin interaction.
172 rstanding of the complex mechanisms by which tubulin interacts with integral proteins of the mitochon
173 neously bind across longitudinal and lateral tubulin interfaces.
174 Thr166 promoted incorporation of mutant beta-tubulin into microtubules.
175        There is also no consensus on whether tubulin is a peripheral membrane protein or is integrate
176           Reversible detyrosination of alpha-tubulin is crucial to microtubule dynamics and functions
177                    IRS-2 colocalization with tubulin is enhanced upon Taxol-mediated microtubule stab
178 rported functional differences between gamma-tubulins is unknown.
179 s an important step toward understanding how tubulin isoform composition tunes microtubule dynamics.
180 d polymerized TUBB3, the highly dynamic beta-tubulin isoform in neurons, is essential for netrin-1/UN
181            Mutations in TUBB4A, encoding the tubulin isoform tubulin beta class IVA (Tubb4a), result
182 ofilament number, namely nucleation factors, tubulin isoforms, and posttranslational modifications.
183    We conclude that this cell-specific alpha-tubulin isotype dictates the hallmarks of CEM cilia spec
184                                     PTMs and tubulin isotype diversity act as a "tubulin code" that r
185            We show that Tuba8, another alpha-tubulin isotype previously associated with cortical malf
186         Using C. elegans, we show that alpha-tubulin isotype TBA-6 sculpts 18 A- and B-tubule singlet
187                        Mutation of the alpha-tubulin isotype TUBA1A is associated with cortical malfo
188          The "tubulin code"-a combination of tubulin isotypes and tubulin post-translational modifica
189       Differential expression of human gamma-tubulin isotypes during neuronal development and oxidati
190  kinesin motor protein KIF21A or in the beta-tubulin isotypes TUBB3 or TUBB2B.
191          Eukaryotic genomes contain multiple tubulin isotypes, and their missense mutations cause a r
192 es that can discriminate between human gamma-tubulin isotypes.
193 r centriole in a process that depends on tau tubulin kinase 2 (TTBK2), the CPLANE complex protein Int
194 ty of this approach by applying it for alpha-tubulin labeling.
195 depletion led to cell death, over-acetylated tubulin led to inhibition of motility and mitosis.
196 cultured neurons reduced detyrosinated alpha-tubulin levels and caused severe differentiation defects
197 tsZ monomers polymerize head to tail forming tubulin-like dynamic protofilaments, whose organization
198                                          The tubulin-like FtsZ protein polymerizes into a contractile
199 division in most bacteria is mediated by the tubulin-like FtsZ protein, which polymerizes in a GTP-de
200 s on the membrane's cytoplasmic side include tubulin-like FtsZ, which forms GTP-dependent protofilame
201   During bacterial division, polymers of the tubulin-like GTPase FtsZ assemble at midcell to form the
202 randed mini microtubules formed by bacterial tubulin-like Prosthecobacter dejongeii BtubAB proteins.
203 rate spatial and temporal positioning of the tubulin-like protein FtsZ is key for proper bacterial ce
204                                    TubZ is a tubulin-like protein that functions in extrachromosomal
205 cal arrangement, the polymer remodeling into tubulin-like rings and the full disassembly process.
206 nd establish a direct approach for measuring tubulin mechano-chemistry.
207 eptor neurons, we analyzed the effects of 67 tubulin missense mutations on neurite growth.
208 tion experiments demonstrated that Cx43-beta-tubulin molecular interaction was depleted due to protei
209                         Surprisingly, a beta-tubulin mutant that dramatically slows disassembly has n
210  engineered several disease-associated human tubulin mutations into C. elegans genes and examined the
211 me other markers of neuronal cells (beta-III tubulin, NeuN and MAP2).
212 that centrioles in delta-tubulin and epsilon-tubulin null mutant human cells lack triplet microtubule
213 romises the localization of augmin and gamma-tubulin on the spindle and phragmoplast MT arrays and le
214 d within tubulin dimers, but binds mammalian tubulin only at interdimer contacts.
215 xonal transport, and are regulated by stable tubulin-only polypeptide, an MT-associated protein.
216 bodies to the cytosol by employing anti-beta-tubulin or anti-nuclear pore complex antibody as cargo.
217 entriolar proteins to MTNCs, including gamma-tubulin, pericentrin, Cep68, Cep170, and Cdk5RAP2.
218                    Delta-tubulin and epsilon-tubulin physically interact, indicating that these tubul
219  FtsZ, the bacterial homologue of eukaryotic tubulin, plays a central role in cell division in nearly
220 omain, both of which are known modulators of tubulin polymer structure.
221 -thiazole (SMART) compounds, which inhibited tubulin polymerization and effectively circumvented MDR.
222 gainst human cancer cell lines by inhibiting tubulin polymerization and inducing G2/M cell cycle arre
223   Function of the constructs was verified by tubulin polymerization assays.
224 the colchicine site of tubulin and inhibited tubulin polymerization at submicromolar concentrations.
225 tal synthesis of bifidenone, a novel natural tubulin polymerization inhibitor, has been achieved in 1
226 iety for the development of novel and potent tubulin polymerization inhibitors.
227 ADPH oxidase fail to induce either actin and tubulin polymerization or NET formation on activation.
228        The disordered microtubule associated Tubulin Polymerization Promoting Protein (TPPP/p25) and
229                   In ck2beta(-/-) platelets, tubulin polymerization was disrupted, resulting in an im
230  effects on tumor cell growth, inhibition of tubulin polymerization, and induction of cell cycle arre
231 llular variations caused by Taxol, including tubulin polymerization, caspase-3 cleavage, and upregula
232         Fifteen compounds potently inhibited tubulin polymerization.
233 3B3 in addition to its reported targeting of tubulin polymerization.
234              Microtubules are highly dynamic tubulin polymers that are required for a variety of cell
235  code"-a combination of tubulin isotypes and tubulin post-translational modifications-can generate mi
236 n hippocampal neurons, Abeta acutely induces tubulin posttranslational modifications (PTMs) and stabi
237 etwork, microtubule-associated proteins, and tubulin posttranslational modifications.
238  yet stiff hollow tubes built from alphabeta-tubulin protein heterodimers, are thought to be present
239 ositive (Ki-67) and weakly-positive (betaIII-tubulin) protein targets were detected and quantified.
240 spectrin, PTL-1 tau/MAP2-like and MEC-7 beta-tubulin proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans.
241                          Equipped with novel tubulin-purification tools, the field is now prepared to
242 1B/betaI+betaIVb microtubules assembled from tubulin purified from a human embryonic kidney cell line
243 in vitro dynamics studies are performed with tubulin purified from brain tissue.
244 ered neuronal morphology, but with unchanged tubulin quantity and polymerization, with normal oligode
245                         Binding of the gamma-tubulin receptor Spc110 to the central plaque from withi
246 as well as by the identification of an alpha-tubulin residue specifically required for the Kip3-curve
247  the apical complex includes a spiral cap of tubulin-rich fibers called the conoid.
248 ial surface, recruits the MT nucleator gamma-tubulin ring complex (gamma-TuRC), and is sufficient to
249 ules (MTs), which are nucleated by the gamma-tubulin ring complex (gamma-TuRC).
250 rved that Tau binds tightly to Dolastatin-10 tubulin rings and promotes the formation of Dolastatin-1
251 ular dynamics simulations-suggest that alpha-tubulin's amphipathic helix H10 is responsible for perip
252 ey player in bacterial cytokinesis, had the "tubulin signature sequence" present in all alpha-, beta-
253 o prefoldin and the TCP-1 Ring Complex, five tubulin-specific chaperones, termed cofactors A-E (TBCA-
254 ng Complex (TriC or CCT) chaperonin and five tubulin-specific chaperones, tubulin binding cofactors A
255 hotoconvertible form of alpha-tubulin (tdEOS-tubulin) specifically in cone photoreceptors.
256 alysis reveals a causal relationship between tubulin structure and MT stability.
257 and promote assembly of oligomeric ring-like tubulin structures.
258 tiple surfaces of Ska1 interact with diverse tubulin substrates to associate with dynamic microtubule
259 and chemotherapeutic drugs, bind directly to tubulin subunits and "kinetically stabilize" microtubule
260  required for the folding of alpha- and beta-tubulin subunits and assembly into heterodimers.
261                                  SiR-labeled tubulin successfully incorporated into endogenous microt
262                        Crocin co-eluted with tubulin suggesting that it binds to tubulin.
263 Tubulins are highly conserved members of the tubulin superfamily essential for microtubule nucleation
264       We show that TTLL3 glycylates the beta-tubulin tail at four sites in a hierarchical order and t
265 e TTLL7 compete for overlapping sites on the tubulin tail, providing a molecular basis for the antico
266 difications (PTMs), such as glutamylation of tubulin tails.
267 portant for the structure-inspired design of tubulin-targeting agents.
268  Wee1 kinase (MK-1775), KSP (ispinesib), and tubulin (taxanes, vinca alkaloids), are presented.
269                  We also discovered an alpha-tubulin (TBA-7) that appears to destabilize MTs.
270  expressing a photoconvertible form of alpha-tubulin (tdEOS-tubulin) specifically in cone photorecept
271 dentified five phosphorylation sites in beta-tubulin that serve as substrates for NEK6 in vitro.
272 odel confirmed that it is ARL2, and not beta-tubulin, that exchanges GTP in the trimer.
273      Here we use binding site predictions on tubulin, the protein subunit of microtubules, with molec
274                                              Tubulins, the building block of microtubules (MTs), play
275 e energy difference between the GTP- and GDP-tubulin thermodynamic states.
276 scovered that WHAMM interacts with alphabeta-tubulin through a small peptide motif within its MT-bind
277 esponsible for peripheral binding of dimeric tubulin to biomimetic "mitochondrial" membranes in a man
278 d that it did not affect the ability of beta-tubulin to fold or become assembled into the alpha/beta-
279 odeling of collective dipole interactions in tubulin to investigate the effect of a group of gases in
280  the biogenesis and degradation of alphabeta-tubulins to maintain concentrated soluble pools.
281  which are crucial for key processes such as tubulin transport and Shh signaling.
282 abled the purification of the TBCD.ARL2.beta-tubulin trimer found in cell and tissue lysates as well
283          We conclude that the TBCD.ARL2.beta-tubulin trimer represents a functional complex whose act
284                               Class III beta-tubulin (TUJ1)-expressing connections were found between
285 otes indicate that delta-tubulin and epsilon-tubulin, two less-studied tubulin family members, are re
286                          The identity of the tubulin tyrosine carboxypeptidase (TCP) responsible for
287             Members of the diverse family of tubulin tyrosine ligase-like (TTLL) enzymes catalyze the
288  Although the C. elegans genome encodes five tubulin tyrosine ligase-like (TTLL) glutamylases, only t
289 y of NAD(+); however, the TPPP/p25-assembled tubulin ultrastructures were resistant against SIRT2 act
290 imately half of KIF17 and one third of alpha-tubulin utilizes diffusion besides IFT.
291              Antonina Roll-Mecak studies how tubulin variability modulates the specificity, complexit
292 ), to the growing list of diseases caused by tubulin variants.
293 that the interaction between tau and soluble tubulin, which has implications both in understanding ta
294  microtubule function by deacetylating alpha-tubulin, which suppresses microtubule dynamics and leads
295                     Moreover, 1 did not bind tubulin, which was observed for the structurally related
296 nblastine inhibited the binding of crocin to tubulin while podophyllotoxin did not inhibit the crocin
297                       Finally, expression of tubulin with a structure-guided mutation in the rigosert
298 t PB-Gly-Taxol bound the target protein beta-tubulin with both high affinity in vitro and high specif
299 brations, we site-specifically labeled alpha-tubulin with silicon rhodamine (SiR) in live mammalian c
300  microscopy revealed an association of gamma-tubulins with mitochondrial membranes.

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