コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 monofluorophosphate, vanadate, molydate, and tungstate.
2 aorta occlusion group pretreated with sodium tungstate.
3 activation was diminished in the presence of tungstate.
4 sphate transition state analogs vanadate and tungstate.
5 aorta occlusion group pretreated with sodium tungstate.
6 ough the binding of a heavy atom derivative, tungstate.
7 rids and negatively stained with methylamine tungstate.
8 iked soil containing monomeric and polymeric tungstates.
10 rom pH dependencies of the binding of Pi and tungstate, a P(i) analog lacking titratable protons over
11 ve site Cys is replaced, and is displaced by tungstate, a transition state analog known to bind in th
12 en the leaves were supplied cycloheximide or tungstate along with NO2-, about 60% more NO3- accumulat
14 ine the toxicological implications of sodium tungstate and an aged tungsten powder-spiked soil contai
16 f bacterial transcriptional factors controls tungstate and molybdate homeostasis in sulfate-reducing
17 lator (TunR), controlling the homeostasis of tungstate and molybdate in sulfate-reducing deltaproteob
20 yrosine phosphatase (PTPase) in complex with tungstate and nitrate have been solved to 2.4-A resoluti
22 between catalytic activity and affinity for tungstate and vanadate for a series of 20 AP variants.
25 f identical substrate specificity (molybdate/tungstate), and find that their interactions with their
28 vanadate (r(2) = 0.23), indicating that the tungstate*AP complex may better mimic this enzyme's tran
30 ion metal oxoanions vanadate, molybdate, and tungstate are widely used inhibitors for phosphatase enz
32 s a chemical modifier in solution and sodium tungstate as permanent modifier, we were able to attain
33 pectroscopy indicated that when molybdate or tungstate bind to ModE there is little change in its alp
34 els the product phosphate, another oxyanion, tungstate, binds more strongly in the presence of Ser102
40 elenate, chromate ("chromium VI"), arsenate, tungstate, chlorate, and perchlorate bind to the ATP sul
41 ngstate nor vanadate replaced molybdate, and tungstate competitively inhibited growth stimulation by
42 ws that the iron sites of both molybdate and tungstate complexes are best simulated by a shell of thr
48 on of modA by ModE, but the affinity of ModE-tungstate for modABCD operator DNA was 6 times lower tha
49 of mixed metal oxide heteropolyoxo vanadium tungstate (H(3+x)PW(12-x)V(x)O(40) with x = 0, 1, 2, and
50 complex it forms with the substrate analogue tungstate have been determined and refined to crystallog
51 ric bidentate bridging mode of molybdate and tungstate helps explain the effect of these anions on th
53 geometry, which is infrequently observed for tungstate in small molecules and other active sites but
56 res of recombinant P4 in the ligand-free and tungstate-inhibited forms, which are the first structure
58 solution became liganded to the vanadate or tungstate inhibitor molecules in a bidentate 1,2-diol fa
59 structures in the presence and absence of a tungstate inhibitor), as well as several other signfican
63 unable to discriminate between molybdate and tungstate (K(D) values for both ligands of 4-8 nM), Cj15
64 plexed with the phosphate (product) analogue tungstate (K(i) = 50 microM) and the Mg(II) cofactor was
65 inhibition of XOD by allopurinol and sodium tungstate led to an increase in intracellular AMP levels
66 Mg(II) ligands include two oxygens of the tungstate ligand, one oxygen of the carboxylates of Asp1
68 te and the oxoanion analogues orthovanadate, tungstate, molybdate, arsenate, and sulfate were shown t
72 tase, another fructose-responsive gene, with tungstate or vanadate nonspecifically inhibited NaPi-2b
73 ded to the cofactor Mg(2+)and complexed with tungstate or VO(3)(-)/Neu5Ac were determined to 1.1, 1.8
74 cteria, high concentrations of molybdate and tungstate oxyanions inhibit growth, thus requiring the t
75 aphs were made with low-kilovoltage, calcium tungstate phosphors and relatively large focal spots.
79 e with a Kd of 55 microM, whereas binding of tungstate quenches the fluorescence of the C403S mutant
80 nity and activity were highly correlated for tungstate (r(2) = 0.89) but not vanadate (r(2) = 0.23),
81 Among the various oxyanions tested, only tungstate replaced molybdate in the repression of modA b
82 ues, we identified a novel regulator family, tungstate-responsive regulator (TunR), controlling the h
83 structure of the D10A mutant complexed with tungstate shows the tungstate to be in a typical "phosph
85 nd supplementation of the growth medium with tungstate significantly increased FDH activity in the wi
86 0A mutant complexed with tungstate shows the tungstate to be in a typical "phosphate-like" tetrahedra
88 ays showed that ModE requires molybdenum, or tungstate, to bind with high affinity (approximate Kd of
89 ne other characterized transport system, the tungstate transport genes of Eubacterium acidaminophilum
90 al molybdate (ModABC) uptake systems and the tungstate transporter (TupABC) of Eubacterium acidaminop
91 ni possesses a specific, ultra-high affinity tungstate transporter that supplies tungsten for incorpo
93 ,1,4] for 2 were isolated by the reaction of tungstate(VI) and vanadium(V) with triethanolammonium io
97 es for both ligands of 4-8 nM), Cj1540 binds tungstate with a K(D) of 1.0 +/- 0.2 pM; 50 000-fold mor
99 a sham-operated group pretreated with sodium tungstate (xanthine oxidase inactivator); c) an aorta oc
100 ) sham-operated group pretreated with sodium tungstate (xanthine oxidase inactivator); c) aorta occlu
103 pressures above 2 kilobars, cubic zirconium tungstate (ZrW2O8) undergoes a quenchable phase transiti
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