


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 recent claims that these scales are strongly turbulent.
2  and non-motile species when conditions turn turbulent.
3 t higher speeds that the entire flow becomes turbulent.
4     Experiments and numerical simulations of turbulent (4)He and (3)He-B have established that, at hy
5             Then we employ the Comprehensive Turbulent Aerosol Dynamics and Gas Chemistry (CTAG) mode
6      We employ and improve the Comprehensive Turbulent Aerosol Dynamics and Gas Chemistry (CTAG) mode
7  carry spores high enough to be dispersed by turbulent air currents.
8          Bees flying in front of an outdoor, turbulent air jet become increasingly unstable about the
9 ravel a few millimeters and not easily reach turbulent air.
10 s and frequencies, such as aircraft wings in turbulent air.
11 ents of the three-dimensional flow fields of turbulent and laminar jets covering the Re range 10-10(4
12                     Irregular alternation of turbulent and laminar regions is inherent and does not r
13 to the commonly accepted view), and that the turbulent and laminar states remain dynamically connecte
14 ydrodynamic profile within the device is not turbulent and provides an analytical platform for the in
15 tances such as: calcium, copper and iron, 7. turbulent and rapid blood or CSF flow 8. air-containing
16 lity, so the question of whether they can be turbulent and thereby transport angular momentum effecti
17 p chitin-containing nutrients promptly under turbulent aquatic conditions to exploit them efficiently
18 al periodic pattern and its evolution into a turbulent array of topological defects, and (iv) birefri
19 low speeds but becomes highly disordered and turbulent as the velocity increases.
20  promising new method relying on overlapping turbulent back-trajectories of pathogen-laden parcels of
21 ow-order truncated nonlinear dynamics alone; turbulent backscatter onto the three-dimensional subspac
22 erated under different hydrodynamic regimes (turbulent batch mode and laminar flow-through recirculat
23 ponding blood damage index (BDI) in stenotic turbulent blood flow.
24  the direct comparison of a freely expanding turbulent Bose-Einstein condensate and a propagating opt
25 commonality between wave chaos, polymers and turbulent Bose-Einstein condensates.
26 scovery, in the inner layer of the developed turbulent boundary layer, of what we call turbulent-turb
27                                          The turbulent breakdown of standard flux freezing at scales
28 of electrically conducting plasma can become turbulent by way of the linear magnetorotational instabi
29           Here we observe the emergence of a turbulent cascade in a weakly interacting homogeneous Bo
30 ing from a cascade in energy, analogous to a turbulent cascade.
31 We have shown that infanticide occurs during turbulent changes accompanying male immigration into the
32 differential equation compared with the full turbulent chaotic 57-mode model.
33 e phases of deep convection; an intermittent turbulent chaotic multiscale structure within the planet
34  encoded information can be extracted from a turbulent chemical plume using an array of amperometric
35 or arrays to analytes dispersed in naturally turbulent chemical plumes from a point source.
36 cal source classification can be achieved in turbulent chemical plumes with similar accuracy to contr
37                   Moist upwelling air inside turbulent cloud aggregates is surrounded by ambient regi
38 tigated in a laboratory chamber that enables turbulent cloud formation through moist convection.
39                 The measurements reveal that turbulent clouds are inhomogeneous, with sharp transitio
40 een argued that the influence of rotation on turbulent convection dynamics is governed by the ratio o
41                                   We compare turbulent convection in air at Pr=0.7 and in liquid merc
42                                 We find that turbulent convection in the magnetostrophic regime is, i
43  of Earth and other planets are generated by turbulent convection in the vast oceans of liquid metal
44                                              Turbulent convection is often present in liquids with a
45 hich quantifies the influence of rotation on turbulent convection.
46 pheric boundary layer by numerical models of turbulent convective flow and combine them with model-fr
47                  The fields originate in the turbulent convective layers of stars and have a complex
48                   However, the inhomogeneous turbulent corona strongly affects the propagation of the
49 tive study of the mechanisms that create the turbulent coronal medium through which the emitted radia
50 aminar Schmidt and Prandtl numbers and their turbulent counterparts, defined in terms of subgrid scal
51  that motile species may actively respond to turbulent cues to avoid layers of strong turbulence.
52                                              Turbulent curtains of smoke rise initially as flat plume
53  of genetics research during the politically turbulent decades of the mid-20th century that saw the p
54 ted condition, the streamwise and transverse turbulent diffusion coefficients are of the same order o
55                  In contrast, the transverse turbulent diffusion was enhanced, despite the reduction
56                           Bi-polar outflows, turbulent diffusion, and marginal gravitational instabil
57 his contributed to a reduction in streamwise turbulent diffusion, relative to the unobstructed condit
58 re exposed; (3) nearshore turbulence is low (turbulent diffusivities approximately 10(-3) m(2) s(-1))
59 g experiment in the Southern Ocean found the turbulent diffusivity inferred from the vertical spreadi
60  reveals that cell motility can prevail over turbulent dispersion to create strong fractal patchiness
61 ional losses; (2) incorporate the effects of turbulent dispersion; (3) simulate the locations of the
62                                              Turbulent dissipation in long-lived slots helps maintain
63 owever, it has also been noted that elevated turbulent dissipation is by itself insufficient proof of
64                                              Turbulent dissipation makes testable predictions for the
65 kthroughs have come from models invoking the turbulent dissipation of Alfven waves.
66  dissipation is of the same magnitude as the turbulent dissipation of the kinetic energy in the atmos
67               Measurements indicate elevated turbulent dissipation--comparable with levels caused by
68 esulting in a statistical steady state; such turbulent dynamical systems are ubiquitous in geophysica
69 ive statistical control strategy for complex turbulent dynamical systems based on a recent statistica
70                                              Turbulent dynamical systems characterized by both a high
71 ilinear Gaussian (ROMQG) algorithms apply to turbulent dynamical systems in which there is significan
72 This result applies to general inhomogeneous turbulent dynamical systems including the above applicat
73 l modeling and uncertainty quantification in turbulent dynamical systems is developed here.
74                        In such inhomogeneous turbulent dynamical systems there is a large dimensional
75 s associated with high-dimensional nonlinear turbulent dynamical systems with conditional Gaussian st
76                                   In complex turbulent dynamical systems, it is impossible to track a
77 esponse to changing aerosols are impacted by turbulent dynamics of the cloudy atmosphere, but integra
78  forcing regimes with various types of fully turbulent dynamics with nearly one-half of the phase spa
79  growth and sustainment through an efficient turbulent dynamo instability are possible in such plasma
80 ral buoyancy that are strongly influenced by turbulent eddies.
81 he N4+ ions are scattered and accelerated by turbulent electromagnetic fields that isotropize the ion
82 ical and aerodynamic surface properties, and turbulent energy fluxes of a lowland boreal forest regio
83 ent spots are generated locally in the fully turbulent environment, and they are persistent with a sy
84                 This competition occurs in a turbulent environment, yet turbulence is generally consi
85 d interactions are probably important in the turbulent environments commonly encountered in natural h
86  locate the source of odor cues in realistic turbulent environments-a common task faced by species th
87 obust interfacial adhesion under dynamic and turbulent environments.
88 ning to navigate complex, highly fluctuating turbulent environments.
89 quantifying the degree of risk affordable in turbulent environments.
90 hat permit effective control over soaring in turbulent environments.
91 l bidnavirus genes and uncover an unexpected turbulent evolutionary history of these unique viruses.
92 r using computation to form a bridge between turbulent flame experiments and basic combustion chemist
93               The transition from laminar to turbulent flow can involve a sequence of instabilities i
94 drupole-tandem mass spectrometry with online turbulent flow chromatography for sample cleanup and ana
95 icle-size resolving model, which couples the turbulent flow field within the vegetated volume and the
96                                          The turbulent flow fields and aerosol dynamics of particles
97 at, in both B. subtilis and P. aeruginosa, a turbulent flow forms in the tube and a zone of clearing
98 rizontal transport properties of the oceanic turbulent flow in which they are embedded.
99 ely 10-1000 microm) one can assume the local turbulent flow is isotropic, with no distinction between
100 timization confirmed a previous finding that turbulent flow is more favorable than laminar flow in de
101 n involving deposition from a ground-hugging turbulent flow of rock fragments, salts, sulphides, brin
102 ism in the underlying silty ice, followed by turbulent flow of the lowest approximately 90 m of ice.
103 theory assumes that energy transport in a 3D turbulent flow proceeds through a Richardson cascade whe
104 ll-mixed yet simple microfluidic device with turbulent flow profiles in the reaction regions.
105 f thinner yet denser biofilms under high and turbulent flow regimes of drinking water, in comparison
106 cts were injected directly into an automated turbulent flow sample clean-up system, coupled to a liqu
107 en qualitatively visualizing the large-scale turbulent flow structures around full-scale turbines do
108                                          The turbulent flow, characteristic of active nematics, is in
109 c (predator, prey, conspecific) and abiotic (turbulent flow, current) sources among hatchery-reared s
110 ated by shear stresses in highly fluctuating turbulent flow, has not been feasible.
111 vides a way to quantify irreversibility in a turbulent flow.
112 urs when motile phytoplankton are exposed to turbulent flow.
113 ous to the local kinetic energy of eddies in turbulent flow.
114 sediment motion will begin when subjected to turbulent flow.
115  a restricted perception field swimming in a turbulent flow.
116 tic diffusion model of particle transport in turbulent flowing water.
117                                Understanding turbulent flows arising from random dispersive waves tha
118 e being generated by dynamo action driven by turbulent flows at high conductivity.
119  which corresponds to sediment particles and turbulent flows impacting along the riverbed where the r
120 ational description to numerically construct turbulent flows in a holographic superfluid in two spati
121                                              Turbulent flows in nature and technology possess a range
122 es a new scenario that can be common to many turbulent flows in photonic quantum fluids, hydrodynamic
123                           The model explains turbulent flows in terms of the dipole stress that the b
124                               Variability of turbulent flows in the atmosphere and oceans exhibits re
125 s attention is the large-scale nature of the turbulent flows near transition once they are establishe
126          In the present work, we study three turbulent flows of systematically increasing complexity.
127 he universal statistical properties that all turbulent flows share despite their different large-scal
128              These results were obtained for turbulent flows with Reynolds numbers 10,000 to 32,500.
129         Enstrophy is an intrinsic feature of turbulent flows, and its transport properties are essent
130  the velocity time series of fully-developed turbulent flows, generated by (i) a regular grid; (ii) a
131  of oil-particle aggregates (OPAs) formed in turbulent flows, we elucidated a new mechanism of partic
132 on the model example of particle tracking in turbulent flows, which is particularly challenging due t
133 s an experimental challenge in particular in turbulent flows.
134 ar self-organization, defines a new class of turbulent flows.
135 tanding of the onset of turbulence and fully turbulent flows.
136  correspond to the intermittency observed in turbulent flows.
137 ng for the fluctuating forces encountered in turbulent flows.
138 al means for simulating high Reynolds number turbulent flows.
139  a universal scaling for polymer scission in turbulent flows.
140 a universal description of extreme events in turbulent flows.
141 ns where a large-scale ensemble mean and the turbulent fluctuations exchange energy and strongly infl
142 ction (pdf) for its fluctuations whereas the turbulent fluctuations have decreasing energy and correl
143 l models involve a large-scale mean flow and turbulent fluctuations on a variety of spatial scales wi
144 ion of thermals unavoidably generates strong turbulent fluctuations, which constitute an essential el
145 change between the mean flow and the related turbulent fluctuations.
146 w toward investigating their relationship to turbulent fluid flow.
147 energy of a small fluid particle moving in a turbulent fluid.
148 it consists of two coupled, interpenetrating turbulent fluids: the first is inviscid with quantized v
149 measurements of aerosol solar absorption and turbulent fluxes have not been reported thus far.
150 dition to the magnitude of the instantaneous turbulent forces applied on a sediment grain, the durati
151 d on a sediment grain, the duration of these turbulent forces is also important in determining the se
152 approximation for extremely high-dimensional turbulent forecast models.
153                   Observational evidence for turbulent fragmentation on scales of more than 1,000 ast
154                                              Turbulent fragmentation simulations without self-gravity
155 at do not include self-gravity suggest that 'turbulent fragmentation' alone is sufficient to create a
156 em with nonlinear propagation (advection) of turbulent fronts.
157          A protostar is formed in the dense, turbulent gas cloud, and it grows by sporadic mass accre
158 e star systems: large-scale fragmentation of turbulent gas cores and filaments or smaller-scale fragm
159 iolent gravitational instabilities in highly turbulent gas-rich disks.
160                   We have performed a set of turbulent global simulations that exhibit magnetic cycle
161 effect of sea ice loss and associated upward turbulent heat fluxes are relatively minor in this event
162                                 We find that turbulent heating is sufficient to offset radiative cool
163 ated aortopathies are commonly attributed to turbulent hemodynamic flow through the malformed valve l
164 e reduction in length-scale, due to enhanced turbulent intensity and the transverse deflection of flo
165  energy is trapped at large scales-nonlinear turbulent interactions transfer energy to larger scales,
166                Yet, detailed analyses of the turbulent, intermittent structure of water- and air-born
167 e quantum entanglement encoded in OAM over a turbulent intracity link of 3 km.
168              These data were then applied to turbulent jet and plume flow models to account for entra
169             This study presents and analyzes turbulent jets issued into an obstructed cross-flow, wit
170 flux into the North Pacific basin and 55% of turbulent kinetic dissipation rate in the thermocline, s
171 sis dataset to obtain values for wind speed, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), and cloud height and use
172                                              Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), assessed by 4-dimensiona
173  entropy increases as the square root of the turbulent kinetic energy and is directly related to the
174 March with no CAP indicates that the average turbulent kinetic energy during the CAP was suppressed b
175 e UAV and surface data reveal a reduction in turbulent kinetic energy in the surface mixed layer at t
176 tantial biogenic mixing, because much of the turbulent kinetic energy of small animals is injected be
177         Our simulations demonstrate that the turbulent Kolmogorov-like cascade is extended both at th
178 . akashiwo to increase the chance of evading turbulent layers by diversifying the direction of migrat
179  from their constituent elements and exhibit turbulent-like and chaotic patterns.
180 s have reached the magnetostrophic regime in turbulent liquid metal convection.
181 nt results from the first, to our knowledge, turbulent, magnetostrophic convection experiments using
182 om the shock and their evolution through the turbulent medium surrounding massive stars.
183 ifferent times can mask a volatile and often turbulent micro-dynamics, in which objects can change th
184 nting is that clouds themselves are complex, turbulent, microphysical entities and, by their very nat
185               It is an open question whether turbulent mixing across density surfaces is sufficiently
186 ng vertical and horizontal currents, and the turbulent mixing caused by their breaking, they affect a
187                                 We show that turbulent mixing during cloud assembly naturally produce
188  presents observational data to quantify the turbulent mixing during two CAP episodes in Utah's Salt
189                                              Turbulent mixing has long been a likely explanation, but
190                                     However, turbulent mixing has prevented the detection of this phe
191 ism whereby molecular hydrogen is excited by turbulent mixing of cool molecular gas and shock-heated
192   This internal structure may originate from turbulent mixing processes that encouraged outwardly exp
193 ated to the inability of models to constrain turbulent mixing realistically, given that turbulent mix
194 turbulence and the resulting distribution of turbulent mixing remains unknown.
195 atmospheric clouds are largely determined by turbulent mixing with their environment.
196 s vigorous lateral export, rapid dilution by turbulent mixing, and finally settling of meltwater at d
197 n turbulent mixing realistically, given that turbulent mixing, combined with seasonal variations in a
198 bal ocean circulation, mainly occurs through turbulent mixing.
199 ttency of the small-scale fluctuations where turbulent modes with small variance have relatively freq
200                               Self-sustained turbulent motion in microbial suspensions presents an in
201      The term quantum turbulence denotes the turbulent motion of quantum fluids, systems such as supe
202 of motion: smooth laminar motion and complex turbulent motion.
203 dergoing a sudden transition from laminar to turbulent motion.
204  UV fluence, resulting from highly unsteady, turbulent nature of flow and variation in UV intensity.
205 s a high degree of coherence in spite of the turbulent nature of the solar convection zone.
206                               Because of its turbulent nature, this circulation can only be described
207 ssociation in the cooler surface region of a turbulent nebula.
208 f encoding time at intervals relevant to the turbulent odor world in which many animals live.
209 nclude that the interstellar medium field is turbulent or has a distortion in the solar vicinity.
210 ns (in the case of diffuse aurora) or by the turbulent or stochastic downward acceleration of electro
211               Here, we (1) suggest that this turbulent period owes to conflict, between a woman's mat
212 of a strong instability leading to a laminar-turbulent phase transition through a self-consistently d
213            It is not known which features of turbulent phases in living matter are universal or syste
214 io that explains the transformation to fully turbulent pipe flow and describe the front dynamics of t
215 ostrophic state is the natural expression of turbulent planetary dynamo systems.
216                   Using detailed data from a turbulent plume created in the laboratory, we reconstruc
217                                          For turbulent plumes and jets, the transition distance scale
218 's diameter, as influenced by the convective turbulent plumes in the rural area.
219 temporal distribution of chemicals in liquid turbulent plumes.
220  transport conditional on flow topologies in turbulent premixed flames has been analysed using a Dire
221 s), the competition between self-gravity and turbulent pressure along the dynamically dominant interc
222  Understanding the complexity of anisotropic turbulent processes in engineering and environmental flu
223  Understanding the complexity of anisotropic turbulent processes over a wide range of spatiotemporal
224                The complexity of anisotropic turbulent processes over a wide range of spatiotemporal
225 e amplification of seed fields via dynamo or turbulent processes to the level consistent with present
226              Here we use observations of the turbulent properties of the meltwater outflows from bene
227 repeater over a realistic high-loss and even turbulent quantum channel.
228  close analogy existing between an expanding turbulent quantum gas and a traveling optical speckle mi
229 near response drives the system from a fully turbulent regime, featuring a sea of coherent small-scal
230 e for nonlinear blended filtering in various turbulent regimes with at least nine positive Lyapunov e
231   However, there is also evidence of quantum turbulent regimes without Kolmogorov scaling.
232 g this transition, the front dynamics of the turbulent regions and the transformation to full turbule
233 ansitioning and very low Reynolds number but turbulent regions.
234     The CH(+) absorption lines reveal highly turbulent reservoirs of cool (about 100 kelvin), low-den
235  The experimental parameters correspond to a turbulent Reynolds number, Re(t) = 40, and to a Damkohle
236           An alternative explanation is that turbulent Richardson advection brings field lines implos
237                                              Turbulent rotating convection controls many observed fea
238  of Earth and other planets are generated by turbulent, rotating convection in liquid metal.
239 than this instability scale are energized by turbulent scale interactions.
240 nd droplet size distribution at the smallest turbulent scales, thereby observing their response to en
241                                              Turbulent shear does not boost settlement by itself.
242  and isotropic turbulence in a periodic box, turbulent shear flow between two parallel walls, and the
243 ement in settlement following stimulation by turbulent shear typical of wave-swept shores where adult
244  sea is low in energy, it also can be highly turbulent, since the vertical density gradient which sup
245 ctral gap in a system with an energetic -5/3 turbulent spectrum for the fluctuations.
246 fined herein, we found that the transitional-turbulent spot inception mechanism is analogous to the s
247 hairpin vortex, and subsequently grow into a turbulent spot, which is itself a local concentration of
248 s infected by a nearby existing transitional-turbulent spot.
249 mechanisms for the inception of transitional-turbulent spots found here.
250 ructurally quite similar to the transitional-turbulent spots, these turbulent-turbulent spots are gen
251 rowth and spreading of existing transitional-turbulent spots.
252 y assumed that, under steady conditions, the turbulent state will persist indefinitely.
253 laminar regime to a non-desirable disordered turbulent state.
254 t transition arriving at the fully developed turbulent state.
255 rotationally constrained and weakly rotating turbulent states is identified, and this transition diff
256 e existence of three fundamentally different turbulent states separated by two distinct Reynolds numb
257 rovides an excellent laboratory for studying turbulent stellar wind-ISM interactions.
258 cological and biogeochemical consequences of turbulent stirring is the horizontal dilution rate, whic
259 ease with M(2/3) times the bulk speed of the turbulent stream that carries the eddy.
260 perimental evidence for the presence of such turbulent streams in LNs.
261 us insects and small animals can navigate in turbulent streams to find their mates (or food) from spa
262 t a detailed internal space map, searches in turbulent streams.
263  with robotic searches of thermal sources in turbulent streams.
264 is used to dynamically resolve the flame and turbulent structures.
265 els can account for the unusual behaviour of turbulent superfluid helium.
266 e is also useful for multiscale filtering of turbulent systems and a simple application is sketched b
267  features of vastly more complex anisotropic turbulent systems in a qualitative fashion.
268 ture key features of vastly more complicated turbulent systems.
269 ation, and data assimilation for anisotropic turbulent systems.
270 eem to have a better prognosis than the less turbulent temperamental symptoms of the disorder.
271              Physician reimbursement is in a turbulent time.
272 ently three-dimensional transition from bulk-turbulent to confined-coherent flows occurs concomitantl
273 s in a motion that is otherwise dominated by turbulent transport allows for the possibility of active
274  that a micrometeorological technique, using turbulent transport measurements, has been used to deter
275                                              Turbulent transport of SO2 to the leaf boundary layer an
276 re important than large initial velocity and turbulent transport with dilute suspension in promoting
277 and patchy concentration distribution due to turbulent transport.
278                                        These turbulent-turbulent spots are dense concentrations of sm
279 r to the transitional-turbulent spots, these turbulent-turbulent spots are generated locally in the f
280 ed turbulent boundary layer, of what we call turbulent-turbulent spots.
281  of the indentation pockets arising from the turbulent-turbulent spots.
282 f a laboratory-scale rod-stabilized premixed turbulent V-flame.
283 ture, the observed spectra of the superfluid turbulent velocity at sufficiently large length scales a
284                                     The mean turbulent velocity fields are shown to be self-similar a
285           In contrast, the square sum of the turbulent viscous shear stress (TVSS), which is used for
286 erature-dependent transition from laminar to turbulent vortex motion and the decoupling from the refe
287 ery of an ultraviolet-emitting bow shock and turbulent wake extending over 2 degrees on the sky, aris
288 lative contributions of Darwinian mixing and turbulent wake mixing is created and validated by in sit
289 e rather than fluid length scale and, unlike turbulent wake mixing, is enhanced by fluid viscosity.
290  the 2000 Cassini flyby, particularly in the turbulent wake of the Great Red Spot and in the southern
291 sing the high-quality experimental data that turbulent wall jet flows consist of two self-similar lay
292 ld field, uniform wall movement gives way to turbulent wall motion, leading to a substantial drop in
293 t open question concerns what happens in the turbulent waters of the surface ocean.
294 mportant connection between highly nonlinear turbulent wave systems, possibly with no discernible dis
295 kely due to regional mixing of pollutants in turbulent weather conditions.
296 he centre of the PNC cells and nodal flow is turbulent, which results in disrupted L-R asymmetry.
297                   Continuous measurements of turbulent wind and temperature statistics were used to m
298 have low terminal velocities, are carried by turbulent wind currents to establish colonies many kilom
299 cles like fungal spores is often a result of turbulent wind dispersal and is best described by functi
300 nment for research involving humans has been turbulent, with criticism coming from the federal govern

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