


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 vides a way to quantify irreversibility in a turbulent flow.
2 urs when motile phytoplankton are exposed to turbulent flow.
3 ous to the local kinetic energy of eddies in turbulent flow.
4 sediment motion will begin when subjected to turbulent flow.
5  a restricted perception field swimming in a turbulent flow.
6 trophy (a measure of rotational energy) of a turbulent flow.
7 profiles from slow laminar flow to fast near-turbulent flow.
8 or kink to achieve a crossing, thus avoiding turbulent flow.
9 m in atherosclerosis progression at sites of turbulent flow.
10 s an experimental challenge in particular in turbulent flows.
11 ar self-organization, defines a new class of turbulent flows.
12 tanding of the onset of turbulence and fully turbulent flows.
13  correspond to the intermittency observed in turbulent flows.
14 ng for the fluctuating forces encountered in turbulent flows.
15 al means for simulating high Reynolds number turbulent flows.
16  a universal scaling for polymer scission in turbulent flows.
17 a universal description of extreme events in turbulent flows.
18 osclerosis preferentially occurs in areas of turbulent flow and low fluid shear stress, whereas lamin
19         Enstrophy is an intrinsic feature of turbulent flows, and its transport properties are essent
20 f velocity that tend to homogenize fluids in turbulent flows are absent, and molecular diffusion acro
21                                              Turbulent flows are highly intermittent--for example, th
22                                Understanding turbulent flows arising from random dispersive waves tha
23 tionary water while the other was exposed to turbulent flow at 20 cm/s.
24 e being generated by dynamo action driven by turbulent flows at high conductivity.
25               The transition from laminar to turbulent flow can involve a sequence of instabilities i
26                                          The turbulent flow, characteristic of active nematics, is in
27 drupole-tandem mass spectrometry with online turbulent flow chromatography for sample cleanup and ana
28 s metabolites from microsomal proteins using turbulent flow chromatography.
29 phase extraction have been achieved with the turbulent-flow column-switching technique.
30                                              Turbulent flow created by pumping solutions through a sm
31 c (predator, prey, conspecific) and abiotic (turbulent flow, current) sources among hatchery-reared s
32 tter is especially important-will sheared or turbulent flows disrupt organism groups?
33 usion, and protection from thrombosis in the turbulent flow environment within the beating heart.
34 icle-size resolving model, which couples the turbulent flow field within the vegetated volume and the
35                                          The turbulent flow fields and aerosol dynamics of particles
36              The models are then embedded in turbulent flow fields to gain an understanding of the in
37 at, in both B. subtilis and P. aeruginosa, a turbulent flow forms in the tube and a zone of clearing
38  the velocity time series of fully-developed turbulent flows, generated by (i) a regular grid; (ii) a
39 ated by shear stresses in highly fluctuating turbulent flow, has not been feasible.
40  which corresponds to sediment particles and turbulent flows impacting along the riverbed where the r
41 rizontal transport properties of the oceanic turbulent flow in which they are embedded.
42 ational description to numerically construct turbulent flows in a holographic superfluid in two spati
43                                              Turbulent flows in nature and technology possess a range
44 es a new scenario that can be common to many turbulent flows in photonic quantum fluids, hydrodynamic
45                           The model explains turbulent flows in terms of the dipole stress that the b
46                               Variability of turbulent flows in the atmosphere and oceans exhibits re
47    The advection of a passive substance by a turbulent flow is important in many natural and engineer
48 ely 10-1000 microm) one can assume the local turbulent flow is isotropic, with no distinction between
49 timization confirmed a previous finding that turbulent flow is more favorable than laminar flow in de
50  conditions and in theory, the transition to turbulent flow is triggered by flow separation under the
51 d field of sensory perception, swimming in a turbulent flow, is examined from first principles and a
52 s attention is the large-scale nature of the turbulent flows near transition once they are establishe
53    In this paper, the encounter problem in a turbulent flow of large Reynolds number is re-examined f
54 n involving deposition from a ground-hugging turbulent flow of rock fragments, salts, sulphides, brin
55 ism in the underlying silty ice, followed by turbulent flow of the lowest approximately 90 m of ice.
56          In the present work, we study three turbulent flows of systematically increasing complexity.
57                        Fishes moving through turbulent flows or in formation are regularly exposed to
58  pathogenesis of atherosclerosis at sites of turbulent flow, potentially through the inhibition of fi
59 theory assumes that energy transport in a 3D turbulent flow proceeds through a Richardson cascade whe
60 r a flow rate sufficiently high to exhibit a turbulent-flow profile.
61 ll-mixed yet simple microfluidic device with turbulent flow profiles in the reaction regions.
62 f thinner yet denser biofilms under high and turbulent flow regimes of drinking water, in comparison
63                                   The use of turbulent flow resulted in a faster and more rugged extr
64 cts were injected directly into an automated turbulent flow sample clean-up system, coupled to a liqu
65 he universal statistical properties that all turbulent flows share despite their different large-scal
66 en qualitatively visualizing the large-scale turbulent flow structures around full-scale turbines do
67     Following its injection onto a column at turbulent flow, the drug and its metabolites are backwas
68 ly resembles vortex shedding in hydrodynamic turbulent flows, was observed in sheep epicardial tissue
69 tic diffusion model of particle transport in turbulent flowing water.
70  of oil-particle aggregates (OPAs) formed in turbulent flows, we elucidated a new mechanism of partic
71 on the model example of particle tracking in turbulent flows, which is particularly challenging due t
72              These results were obtained for turbulent flows with Reynolds numbers 10,000 to 32,500.

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