


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                  Scientists are increasingly turning to 3D animation software borrowed from the enter
2                         Popular writers have turned to a classic degradation thesis of deforestation
3 are most obvious in ciliates; hence, we have turned to a classical unicellular model system, the gian
4                               As a result we turned to a comparative metabolomics approach to identif
5             To answer this question, we have turned to a computational procedure involving the use of
6                                           We turned to a DNA system developed by Bevilacqua and co-wo
7                                 To do so, we turned to a grid-based version of this method, GIST, rea
8 t occur during mammalian differentiation, we turned to a mouse embryonic stem cell (ESC) model.
9 ppressive effects of previous treatments, we turned to a mouse model in which these variables could b
10  this agent, thus for in vivo experiments we turned to a polycyclic aromatic, RO 19-8022 (RO).
11 ntify this intermediate (termed here EG), we turned to a quench-cryoannealing relaxation protocol.
12 of the precious data in public databases, we turned to a semi-supervised learning technique, low dens
13                                              Turning to a case study of scientific communication, ano
14                                              Turning to a discovery-driven approach, we used mass spe
15                                 Attention is turning to a family of materials that is well placed to
16                      Drug design efforts are turning to a new generation of therapeutic targets, such
17 nto neuritic plaques, but attention has also turned to abnormalities in apoptosis and signal-transduc
18          To address these questions, we have turned to AD tissue to search for enzymes specifically i
19 pitation of OleTJE in low salt buffer can be turned to advantage for purification, because resolubili
20                          Thus, attention has turned to agents targeting both mTOR complexes by bindin
21 se challenges, many researchers have in part turned to alternate methodologies.
22 lls poorly internalized live spirochetes, we turned to an ex vivo peripheral blood mononuclear cell s
23 ility to mount an inflammatory response that turned to an exaggerated hyperinflammation with the onse
24                                Therefore, we turned to an HPLC-MS-based assay to directly monitor the
25                                           We turned to an RNA of intermediate complexity, the P4-P6 d
26 contacts are asymmetrically regulated during turning to an attractive guidance cue.
27 ither becomes greater or smaller (eventually turning to an increase) when tracking targets move slowe
28 , modern medicinal chemists are increasingly turning to an unconventional structural motif: small, st
29 weight shifting, and showed no contralateral turning to apomorphine.
30 ammalian genomes now sequenced, emphasis has turned to ascertaining the functions of gene products.
31 t tools is debatable, and thus attention has turned to assessments based on electroencephalogram (EEG
32                This comparative approach has turned to be especially productive if subjects are studi
33  better medicines, attention is increasingly turning to cell-based therapies.
34 stigators in many different disciplines have turned to clustering as a tool for data analysis and exp
35 ein stability, researchers have increasingly turned to combinatorial approaches that permit the rapid
36                             Many states have turned to commercial health plans to serve Medicaid bene
37       Dissatisfied patients have, therefore, turned to complementary and alternative medical therapie
38 ne disorders, attention has not surprisingly turned to complex genetic disorders.
39 ected goal-facing phase of the zigzag before turning to correct the imposed error.
40                                              Turning to crystallographic analysis, a 2.35 A resolutio
41 the DAF to block both angiogenic factors, we turned to deep mutational scanning in the complementarit
42      Consequently, significant attention has turned to developing new methods that can quickly, accur
43 tially expressed in most tumor specimens, we turned to differential display of pooled tissue samples,
44            To address this question, we have turned to dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), a well-studied
45                                     Thus, we turned to Drosophila, where a single gene, CG11063 or dj
46     To test these hypothesized functions, we turned to Drosophila, which has only a single p120 famil
47 esolution limit, most SPR-based systems have turned to either angular or spectral interrogation modes
48                   Many smokers have recently turned to electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) because t
49                       Attention is now being turned to elucidating gene function and many laboratorie
50                       Transplant centers are turning to emotionally related or living unrelated kidne
51 rough a pore on the hexamer surface and then turning to enter through an even smaller opening at the
52  highly specified therapies, researchers are turning to examining the effectiveness of psychotherapie
53         However, physicians are increasingly turning to expensive, broad-spectrum agents, even when t
54 n making, CDC's pandemic response leadership turned to experts in modeling for assistance.
55                 Researchers are increasingly turning to functional brain imaging, often applying mach
56                                              Turning to genetic association studies, we survey the ma
57 le of epigenetic changes, investigators have turned to genetically engineered mouse models.
58 ights into circadian mechanisms, researchers turned to genetically tractable model organisms such as
59         Axons heading down gradients never U turned to higher substrate concentrations.
60                          Recent research has turned to how cellular and signaling components of the l
61                   As an alternative, we have turned to hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry (HX MS), a
62 tion of the human genome sequence, attention turned to identifying and annotating its functional DNA
63  of its tyrosine kinase domain and attention turned to identifying substrates, the putative next leve
64 a general property of immunologic memory, we turned to independently generated gene expression profil
65                       Attention is therefore turning to interventions that encourage private provider
66 ow PLCgamma1 controls cell proliferation, we turned to its downstream effector, DAG.
67 ility is simplest in fish keratocytes, so we turned to keratocytes to investigate their migration in
68            Policymakers around the world are turning to license-plate based driving restrictions in a
69  of such networks, many research groups have turned to mathematical models (differential equations ba
70                             Attention is now turning to means of combining these predictions with inf
71        An increasing number of hospitals are turning to medical librarians to help clinicians improve
72     To address this problem researchers have turned to methods of improving detection sensitivity, ei
73 hese obstacles, the scientific community has turned to modern genomics approaches to identify key gen
74                                           We turned to molecular docking to prioritize molecules from
75     To study the details of the coupling, we turned to molecular dynamics simulations.
76                                              Turning to neuropsychological function, newcomers to hig
77                 More recently, the focus has turned to new areas of research and medical need, such a
78 this F-actin increase, as well as attractive turning to NGF, is blocked when ERM function is disrupte
79  of the matrix in question, researchers have turned to NMR for the determination of the diffusion coe
80 e researchers in the biological sciences are turning to non-invasive imaging to characterize developm
81 irus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, attention has turned to nonneutralizing antibodies as a possible mecha
82                                With the head turned to one side so that the stimulating anode was on
83                 Individuals are increasingly turning to online environments to find information about
84 ion in greater detail, they are increasingly turning to optical techniques to bridge the gap between
85                            Then, our efforts turned to optimize the conditions for the detection of a
86  the international community's attention has turned to other international challenges, introducing un
87 sugar until it is nearly depleted, only then turning to other carbon sources in the medium.
88 tissue expression profile, we have therefore turned to PAR4 as an antiplatelet target.
89 To tackle the computation problem, they have turned to particle-based methods that have in many cases
90 ct of intense investigation, recent work has turned to PEDOT: PSS as a mixed ionic/electronic conduct
91 roving outcomes, clinicians are increasingly turning to percutaneous left and right mechanical circul
92 ive and environmentally interacting, are now turning to population-association screens, especially in
93                                      We next turned to possible soluble mediators of LPS-induced c-sr
94                 More recently, attention has turned to potential contributions of other signaling pat
95 score the need to account for history before turning to prehistory and the value of archival research
96 en economically unproductive firelit time is turned to productive time by artificial lighting.
97                                      We thus turned to prospective docking of large libraries to inve
98 rsonality disorder researchers have recently turned to quantified data from clinically expert observe
99 ave been explored and neurophysiologists are turning to questions of how larger circuits operate, the
100 rs that possess a variety of backgrounds now turning to RDRP, and RAFT in particular, to prepare thei
101 ate that genealogists of the future could be turning to records written in DNA, as well as in paper a
102 nts and using systems such as mattresses and turning to relieve pressure.
103 y coped by talking with others (98 percent), turning to religion (90 percent), participating in group
104          Thus, immunologists have frequently turned to Salmonella infection models to expand understa
105                To answer his critics, Darwin turned to sexual selection to account for the extreme de
106                            We have therefore turned to site-directed mutagenesis to investigate the r
107        Microbial ecologists are increasingly turning to small, synthesized ecosystems(1-5) as a reduc
108 east part of the explanation may be found by turning to social relationships that arise in religious
109  way to begin to fill in these details is by turning to standard control-theoretic descriptions of th
110 assifications based on the sequence data, we turned to statistical methods in order to automate these
111                             Attention is now turning to stratification of Parkinson disease into cert
112 nd the prevention of injury, adolescents are turning to strength training to help improve bone densit
113 strate to provide the desired compression we turned to tensile strain.
114  imaging technology, increased attention has turned to the 'variant forms' of aortic dissection: intr
115 struct repair enzymes, but this situation is turned to the advantage of the cell by transcription-rep
116                    To study this process, we turned to the amygdala, a brain structure implicated in
117 g regeneration of the same structure we have turned to the axolotl, the master of vertebrate regenera
118 from the suspicious ureter after the patient turned to the contralateral decubitus position.
119                                Therefore, we turned to the development of a mouse model.
120 large-scale deployment and focus has instead turned to the development of sub-unit vaccines.
121                                           We turned to the DO11.10 TCR transgenic mouse model, where
122 rs who are developing HIV/AIDS vaccines have turned to the elicitation of cellular immunity, or 'T ce
123                   To answer this question we turned to the Escherichia coli maltodextrin phosphorylas
124                            Attention is then turned to the experimental data surrounding BAD phosphor
125 oxine-pyrimethamine treatment, attention has turned to the few alternatives, which include quinine an
126                                        Roots turned to the horizontal curved down 62 degrees and 88 d
127 n a capillary is half-filled with liquid and turned to the horizontal, the liquid may flow out of the
128                Adolescents have increasingly turned to the Internet as a resource for insight into th
129 in recent years and many scientists who have turned to the mouse as a research model might be unaware
130 des, many investigators in these fields have turned to the mouse because of its gene modification tec
131  biological roles of this protein family, we turned to the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, which con
132 rol of these severe disorders, attention has turned to the possible consequences of chronic silent in
133                  Recently attention has been turned to the problem of reconstructing complete ancestr
134 ne-induced alterations in MSN morphology, we turned to the rat.
135                 More recently, attention has turned to the relative roles of drug bioavailability and
136 ent into the right hemisphere preferentially turned to the right at 7 days.
137                  Investigators have recently turned to the soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a
138                      Our quest for a vaccine turned to the streptococcal C5a peptidase (SCPB).
139                    Neuroscience has recently turned to the study of utilitarian and non-utilitarian m
140  other species, and, recently, attention has turned to the underlying mechanisms.
141 ne coupling partners, attention has now been turned to the use of IEDDA approaches in basic biology,
142  remains elusive, and attention has recently turned to the use of natural products as effective antia
143                         Recent attention has turned to the use of new genome editing technology for t
144                                      We have turned to the use of the French press, which produces a
145 ' against these pathways, much attention has turned to the use of these agents, alone or coupled with
146 I) centres and, more recently, attention has turned to the use of these complexes in biological conte
147 influence evolution across a superfamily, we turned to the well-studied alkaline phosphatase (AP) sup
148                                      We have turned to the zebrafish, a tool for high-throughput gene
149 n of Vanuatu to demonstrate the value of (1) turning to the autosomal nuclear genome for studies on t
150 showed learning on the basis of place (i.e., turning to the correct position relative to the room), b
151                           While attention is turning to the investigation of the biologic and genetic
152                       Humans have a bias for turning to the right in a number of settings.
153              Here we document a bias in head-turning to the right in adult humans, as tested in the a
154 on of kissing and a significant bias in head-turning to the right in both kiss initiators and kiss re
155  to learning on the basis of response (i.e., turning to the right/left to find the food).
156                        Specific attention is turned to their effects on immunomodulation, lipid metab
157 utor sitting alone at his desk with his back turned to them, the cross-fosterlings either left the sc
158  perfusion by antiangiogenesis agents can be turned to therapeutic advantage, however, through their
159 lternatives for managing hyperkalemia before turning to these largely unproven and potentially harmfu
160 ve been achieved, investigative efforts have turned to understand other key challenges in these syste
161 an effort to improve outcomes, attention has turned to understanding the contribution of leaflet teth
162 ical space, medicinal chemists are routinely turning to unusual strained bioisosteres such as bicyclo
163                         Recent attention has turned to using the presence of circulating MMPs in pati
164           To measure processing capacity, we turned to whole brain computational modelling to estimat

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