


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 limination step, as we found previously with tyrosine phenol-lyase.
2 umulated in the reaction of crystals of Y71F tyrosine phenol-lyase, an inactive mutant, with 3-F-l-Ty
3 of ring fluorinated analogs of tyrosine with tyrosine phenol-lyase and tryptophan indole-lyase (trypt
4  the reactions of fluorinated tyrosines with tyrosine phenol-lyase and tryptophan indole-lyase are du
5 mediate formation in the reactions with both tyrosine phenol-lyase and tryptophan indole-lyase.
6                                    Wild-type tyrosine phenol-lyase crystals bind l-Met and l-Phe to f
7 ophan indole-lyase and by wild type and Y71F tyrosine phenol-lyase crystals demonstrates that they ar
8 monia is catalyzed by the inducible enzyme L-tyrosine phenol lyase (EC
9     The reaction of 3-fluoro-L-tyrosine with tyrosine phenol-lyase resulted in a peak at 500 nm with
10              The reaction of L-tyrosine with tyrosine phenol-lyase resulted in rapid formation of a s
11                       The X-ray structure of tyrosine phenol-lyase (TPL) complexed with a substrate a
12 ions of 2-azatyrosine and 3-azatyrosine with tyrosine phenol-lyase (TPL) from Citrobacter freundii ha
13                                              Tyrosine phenol-lyase (TPL) from Citrobacter freundii is
14                                              Tyrosine phenol-lyase (TPL) from Citrobacter freundii is
15                                              Tyrosine phenol-lyase (TPL) from Citrobacter freundii is
16 d to wild type and Y71F Citrobacter freundii tyrosine phenol-lyase was investigated in the crystallin

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