


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 regulated by the phosphorylation of a single tyrosine residue.
2 involving this carboxylate and the following tyrosine residue.
3 itates metal coordination by a non-canonical tyrosine residue.
4 is a covalent linkage of TOP1 with DNA via a tyrosine residue.
5 preference for 2'-deoxyribosyl groups have a tyrosine residue.
6 e ATP-binding template is blocked by a bulky tyrosine residue.
7 no nucleophilic involvement of the enzymatic tyrosine residue.
8 ent N-Calpha bond cleavage N-terminal to the tyrosine residue.
9 R3/PYL8, which are characterized by a unique tyrosine residue.
10 mo phosphorylation on a conserved C-terminal tyrosine residue.
11 ia an NPP7-specific aromatic box composed of tyrosine residues.
12  Gads, and PLCgamma1 through its four distal tyrosine residues.
13 pon ligand binding by phosphorylation on its tyrosine residues.
14 dditional posttranslational modifications at tyrosine residues.
15 ng reversible phosphorylation of proteins on tyrosine residues.
16 osphorylation of the PDGFbetaR at particular tyrosine residues.
17  cross-linking of chorion proteins via their tyrosine residues.
18 ion, which is inhibited by mutation of three tyrosine residues.
19 depends upon phosphorylation of its multiple tyrosine residues.
20 patially arranged redox-active tryptophan or tyrosine residues.
21 sformations arising from oxidative stress of tyrosine residues.
22 via reduced phosphorylation of specific EGFr tyrosine residues.
23 ate, and hydrogen bonding to two active site tyrosine residues.
24 ing, suggesting a differential role of these tyrosine residues.
25 ion; specifically through phosphorylation of tyrosine residues.
26 tor dimerization and transphosphorylation on tyrosine residues.
27 n conjugation of PDI possibly at active site tyrosine residues.
28 scribe a voltage sensor that is comprised of tyrosine residues.
29 s as well as chromatin modifiers at critical tyrosine residues.
30 hlorination of tryptophan and bromination of tyrosine residues.
31 e of the Jak2(FF/FF) mouse line reveals that tyrosine residues 1007/1008 are absolutely essential for
32 imulation Bak undergoes dephosphorylation at tyrosine residue 108 (Y108), a critical event that is ne
33  targeted mutation of phosphorylated nephrin tyrosine residues 1176 and 1193 abrogated the actions of
34 fically regulates p130Cas phosphorylation at tyrosine residue 128 (Y128) in colorectal cancer (CRC) c
35 e progression by phosphorylation of Cdc28 at tyrosine residue 19.
36 y epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) at tyrosine residues 3, 7, and 198.
37 re, activated Fyn phosphorylated PKCdelta at tyrosine residue 311, contributing to an inflammogen-ind
38 T is a direct substrate of PTK6 and that AKT tyrosine residues 315 and 326 are phosphorylated by PTK6
39 bited ZAP-70 variant in which two regulatory tyrosine residues (315 and 319) in the SH2-kinase linker
40                              There are three tyrosine residues (32, 91, and 96) clustered in the dime
41 s activated PTK6, which is phosphorylated on tyrosine residue 342, is localized at the membrane.
42 enous anesthesia, we have used mice in which tyrosine residues 365/7 within the gamma2 subunit are mu
43 L fusion kinase phosphorylate human RAD51 on tyrosine residues 54 and 315.
44                       We have identified the tyrosine residues 572, 591, and 919 of FLT3 as phosphory
45 n kinase (FAK) and phosphorylation of FAK at tyrosine residues 576/577 and 925 were required for Lyn-
46 o-incubated with the IGF-1R kinase indicated tyrosine residues 60, 133, and 250 in PCNA as IGF-1R tar
47 ition blocked VE-cadherin phosphorylation at tyrosine residue 685 and the concomitant formation of bu
48 FRvIII induces phosphorylation of Dock180 at tyrosine residue 722 (Dock180(Y722)) and stimulates Rac1
49 imerization that releases the autoinhibitory tyrosine residue, a mechanism conserved in unrelated kin
50 , we find that both antibodies present a key tyrosine residue, albeit on different chains, that inser
51                        Basic amino acids and tyrosine residues along this entry channel are predicted
52 ncing phosphorylation of specific C-terminal tyrosine residues and activation of downstream signaling
53 -stimulated phosphorylation of specific EGFr tyrosine residues and activation of ERK but not Akt-1.
54 s hydroxyl-bearing serine, threonine, and/or tyrosine residues and myristic acid; this type of esteri
55 nal covalent oxidative modifications on four tyrosine residues and one tryptophan residue of hemopexi
56 ester bonds between the DNA 3'-phosphate and tyrosine residues and plays a major role in the repair o
57 domain (GPIbalpha-N) fully sulfated on three tyrosine residues and solved the structure of its comple
58 C headgroups via cation-pi interactions with tyrosine residues and suggest that cation-pi interaction
59 calisation was observed between RNS-modified tyrosine residues and the chemokine CCL2 in diseased kid
60 ght on the distinct nature of these modified tyrosine residues, and provides a physical-chemical foun
61 nt mutagenesis of the PTB domain and the CH1 tyrosine residues, and successive substitution of these
62 avin adenine dinucleotide from a neighboring tyrosine residue are used as a sensitive probe of the fu
63          One limitation occurs when multiple tyrosine residues are in close proximity, in which case
64 reast tumors in vivo, whereas all three ShcA tyrosine residues are required for efficient breast canc
65                                              Tyrosine residues are sensitive to oxidation and can be
66 tracytoplasmic domain, there are 2 conserved tyrosine residues arranged in a noncanonical immunorecep
67 e revealed that IL-10Rbeta uses a network of tyrosine residues as hydrophobic anchor points to engage
68 y required for binding to the phosphorylated tyrosine residue at codon 774 of c-Cbl, but is also esse
69 robe, Abeta(1-16)(Y10W), by substituting the tyrosine residue at position 10 in the hydrophilic domai
70                                          The tyrosine residue at position 169 is strictly conserved a
71              Within the beta2-alpha2 loop, a tyrosine residue at position 169 is strictly conserved a
72 based activation motif (ITAM) phosphorylated tyrosine residue at position 204 in the tail of the immu
73                                          The tyrosine residue at position 76, which is conserved in >
74 al analysis leads to identification of a key tyrosine residue at the calponin homology (CH) domain of
75 he -7 to -4 binding sites and suggest that a tyrosine residue at the tunnel entrance of HirCel7A may
76 we identified two possible phospho-accepting tyrosine residues at positions 22 and 131.
77 ructural linker with adjacent tryptophan and tyrosine residues at positions 833 and 945 (Trp(833) and
78  importance because it binds to the critical tyrosine residues at the C terminus of PSTPIP2, which is
79 imerizes, followed by autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues at the intracellular domain.
80 transfected with a mutant caspase-8 in which tyrosine residues at Tyr397 or Tyr465 are replaced by no
81                       Mutation of the latter tyrosine residues blunted the NF-kappaB activity of wild
82 linked via the oxidative quinone ring of the tyrosine residue by aryl-alkylamine addition or aryloxy
83 1, however, phosphorylation of a neighboring tyrosine residue by Src family kinases disrupts COP1 bin
84  stable isotope labeling method that targets tyrosine residues by coupling with light cysteine (d(0))
85 tion of PAK1 required the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues by Etk/Bmx and protein kinase A (PKA)
86                                              Tyrosine residues can act as redox cofactors that provid
87                       We show here that UL37 tyrosine residues conserved among all alphaherpesviruses
88 , also affecting exon 14, that substituted a tyrosine residue critical for MET receptor turnover and,
89 idues in Src homology 2 (SH2) domain and one tyrosine residue each in calponin homology 1 (CH1) domai
90  of CD300a depends on the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues embedded in ITIMs of the cytoplasmic t
91 ition, signaling downstream of specific ShcA tyrosine residues facilitates the survival, vascularizat
92 mon pathway to sulfate CCR5 on extracellular tyrosine residues, facilitating CCR5 recognition by the
93 onstrates the importance of domain interface tyrosine residues for interaction of small molecules wit
94 nant negative GAB1 mutants lacking canonical tyrosine residues for SHP2 and PI3K interactions or lent
95 oplasmic tail of LAT, including the critical tyrosine residues for signal propagation.
96 g haem, although they are missing a critical tyrosine residue found in the ligand-binding pocket of o
97   Finally, we show that the highly conserved tyrosine residue found in the vSAg TGXY motif is require
98 a T cell receptor stimulation time course on tyrosine residues found on upstream signaling proteins (
99 tyr at potentials high enough to oxidize the tyrosine residues have allowed the electrooxidation of N
100 ation, and nitrosylation of thiol groups and tyrosine residues, have received comparatively little at
101  Specifically, phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine residues highly populate the paratope of the an
102  the importance of a catalytic glutamate vs. tyrosine residue in determining the outcome of the reduc
103 sensing agonists involves a highly conserved tyrosine residue in helix VI.
104 vator of transcription 3 (STAT3) on a single tyrosine residue in response to growth factors, cytokine
105 C-IIA) as being phosphorylated in a specific tyrosine residue in response to L. monocytogenes infecti
106 omain of PLCgamma and a conserved N-terminal tyrosine residue in Spry1 and Spry2.
107 onstrate that mutation of a single conserved tyrosine residue in the ankyrin-binding motif of both Ca
108 that altering the backbone conformation of a tyrosine residue in the arginine loop can induce the A-f
109 luorosulfate probe 1 reacts with a conserved tyrosine residue in the ligand-binding site of a subset
110  production by pDC is dependent on an intact tyrosine residue in the Ly49Q cytoplasmic ITIM.
111 for anti-HCV activity, whereas the conserved tyrosine residue in the N-terminal domain of IFITM2 and
112 of the fragments within the vicinity of each tyrosine residue in the protein enables quantitative eva
113                        Introduction of a key tyrosine residue in the sGC heme binding domain beta1(1-
114 ies, DrrA-mediated AMPylation of a conserved tyrosine residue in the switch II region of Rab1 was det
115 or interaction with alpha2, with a conserved tyrosine residue in the tail (Tyr(356) in Escherichia co
116 how TPSTs catalyze the sulfation of multiple tyrosine residues in a substrate protein remain unresolv
117       Mutational analysis indicates that the tyrosine residues in both inhibitory motifs of FCRL2 are
118 n the N-terminal of SOCS36E blocks access to tyrosine residues in Dome.
119                       Systematic mutation of tyrosine residues in Gly/Ser-Tyr-Gly/Ser motifs of the I
120   NO derived from iNOS mediates nitration of tyrosine residues in IRF5 protein, leading to the suppre
121 on-independent mechanisms that require the 3 tyrosine residues in its cytoplasmic domain and involves
122 lementary to MptpA, phosphorylates these two tyrosine residues in MptpA.
123 anine substitution of serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues in ORF2 increased the steady-state pro
124 es) can introduce azide functional groups at tyrosine residues in peptide substrates.
125 on, the alkoxylation is highly selective for tyrosine residues in peptides and proteins, yet remarkab
126 opy for the identification of phosphorylated tyrosine residues in peptides.
127                                Iodination of tyrosine residues in proteins has many uses in chemistry
128                 Stable oxidation products of tyrosine residues in proteins may reflect the oxidative
129 PTPs) are enzymes that remove phosphate from tyrosine residues in proteins.
130 29 cells led to the local phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in protrusions, a signaling event that
131                  We observe three classes of tyrosine residues in PYP that exhibit very different pK(
132  the role of nitration at single or multiple tyrosine residues in regulating alpha-syn structure, mem
133  that PKCdelta is phosphorylated on specific tyrosine residues in response to apoptotic agents.
134                     NO mediates nitration of tyrosine residues in RORgammat, leading to the suppressi
135                   However, the role of these tyrosine residues in signaling and transformation mediat
136 f Shc where Jak3 directly phosphorylated two tyrosine residues in Src homology 2 (SH2) domain and one
137 s known to be governed by phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in the activation loop of the kinase d
138 orylation of critical serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues in the C terminus of this protein.
139              Although potential CD1d-binding tyrosine residues in the CDR2beta region are conserved b
140 f the AP-2 clathrin adaptor complex and ITIM tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domain of 3DL1.
141  that harbored different combinations of key tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic tail, Tyr-173, Tyr-
142 les induces the phosphorylation of conserved tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic tails of tetherin d
143 ril formation in vitro and in vivo Some nine tyrosine residues in the fibromodulin N-terminal domain
144 ted in rapid autophosphorylation of selected tyrosine residues in the kinase domain of wild-type but
145                                Thus, the two tyrosine residues in the Kv11.1 S4S5 linker play critica
146 y, we investigated the role of these phospho-tyrosine residues in the platelet functional responses a
147 bserved enhanced phosphorylation of FCRL4 on tyrosine residues in the presence of the HCK p59 or FGR.
148 t aspartate, cysteine, serine, threonine, or tyrosine residues in the rgfC mutant.
149 ivation was related to nitration of specific tyrosine residues in the three subunits.
150 y of PG9 and RSH is the presence of sulfated tyrosine residues in their antigen-binding regions.
151 re commonly post-translationally sulfated on tyrosine residues in their N-terminal regions, the initi
152 ions about the impact of mutating the distal tyrosine residues in this hydrogen bonding network on th
153 ngly, VEGF-Ax induces phosphorylation of key tyrosine residues in VEGFR-2.
154 usly shown that cortactin phosphorylation at tyrosine residues, in particular tyrosine 421, promotes
155  that phosphorylation at distinct serine and tyrosine residues inhibits PDHA1 through distinct mechan
156 gs suggest that phosphorylation at different tyrosine residues inhibits PDP1 through independent mech
157                            Mutation of these tyrosine residues inhibits the promoter DNA-binding acti
158 roduced for incorporating the fluorosulfated tyrosine residue into peptides of interest.
159               The variant that altered a key tyrosine residue involved in FAD binding prevented recon
160 irected mutagenesis of RCAR1 showed that its tyrosine residue is critical for AHG1 interaction and re
161              We further demonstrate that the tyrosine residue is phosphorylated by Src family kinases
162 that is present in methanofuran cofactors, a tyrosine residue is present in methylofuran, which was f
163 nilines to o-aminophenol groups derived from tyrosine residues is also described.
164        Direct polymer conjugation at peptide tyrosine residues is described.
165 ted that the presence of at least one of the tyrosine residues is essential for efficient catalysis b
166                       In the absence of this tyrosine residue, levels of DM remained unchanged irresp
167 O and M into clusters based on a cysteine or tyrosine residue located at position 181 of RT and linke
168                  Results demonstrated that a tyrosine residue located on a catalytic loop proximal to
169 bstrate interaction is mediated by conserved tyrosine residues located in flexible loops in nucleotid
170 ases (SFKs) and that this occurs on multiple tyrosine residues located within its negative regulatory
171  only AL-09 favors dimer conformations where tyrosine residues mediate crucial interactions for amylo
172 is the first kinase to phosphorylate the key tyrosine residue needed to maintain BAK in an inactive c
173 these predictions for a lysine residue and a tyrosine residue of the C-terminal extension that penetr
174  and efficient phosphorylation of C-terminal tyrosine residues of alpha-syn remain to be identified.
175 l that MPO chlorinates and nitrates specific tyrosine residues of apoA-I, the major HDL protein.
176              We have identified the specific tyrosine residues of CitK that are phosphorylated and sh
177                   Mutation analysis of known tyrosine residues of FGFR1 reveals that tyrosine 653/654
178 t of biological functions by phosphorylating tyrosine residues of intracellular proteins upon extrace
179 orylate extracellular serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues of numerous proteins have been identif
180 rc-dependent phosphorylation of two critical tyrosine residues of p130CAS, leading to the assembly of
181 oxyribozymes, DNA enzymes) can phosphorylate tyrosine residues of peptides.
182 serve as docking elements to dephosphorylate tyrosine residues of target proteins.
183 ates that the 3-fluorosialyl moiety modifies tyrosine residues of the sialidases.
184     Here, we show that nitration of a single tyrosine residue on a small proportion of 90-kDa heat-sh
185 unctional implications of previously unknown tyrosine residues on beta-catenin phosphorylated by Jak3
186       Upon stimulation, FGFR2 phosphorylates tyrosine residues on Grb2, promoting dissociation from t
187  in a ligand-dependent manner through unique tyrosine residues on IL-17RB.
188 ukocyte PECAM induces phosphorylation of two tyrosine residues on its cytoplasmic tail.
189 , was associated with several phosphorylated tyrosine residues on nephrin.
190 ulose surface, leading to alignment of three tyrosine residues on the binding face of the enzyme with
191 inase, which promotes the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues on the intracellular tail of LepRb.
192 aling events initiated by phosphorylation of tyrosine residues on the long form of the leptin recepto
193 gating the effects of oxidative nitration of tyrosine residues on the structure of aS and its interac
194  finding of BAK1 to be autophosphorylated at tyrosine residues, our results unveiled the tyrosine pho
195 es SHP-1 and causes dephosphorylation of SPL tyrosine residues, PGI2 and forskolin cause phosphorylat
196 th the proposal that conserved histidine and tyrosine residues play important catalytic roles.
197 e show M13 phage genetically engineered with tyrosine residues precisely fused to the major coat prot
198 here both the distal Cu and the redox-active tyrosine residue present in CcO are modelled.
199 P apparently clashes with a highly conserved tyrosine residue, preventing the formation of a correct
200 ce, whereas mimicking phosphorylation of the tyrosine residue promoted internalization and reduced ce
201 osition 33, but not in any of the other four tyrosine residues prone to nitration in Hsp90, was suffi
202 lalanines that can be selectively mutated to tyrosine residues, provides an ideal protein with which
203          Protein phosphorylation at distinct tyrosine residues (pY) is essential for fast, specific,
204       Although reversible phosphorylation on tyrosine residues regulates the activity of many eukaryo
205 rm crucial hydrogen bonds with glutamate and tyrosine residues, respectively.
206 ephrin or with a mutant Nephrin in which the tyrosine residues responsible for SH2 domain binding wer
207 abilizes the deprotonation of an active-site tyrosine residue, resulting in a very large isotope effe
208 atase (TCPTP) dephosphorylated TbetaRII tail tyrosine residues, resulting in inhibition of TbetaR-dep
209 T constructs with combinatorial mutations of tyrosine residues reveal a previously unidentified allos
210  caused a fairly indiscriminate nitration of tyrosine residues, reversible modifications of protein t
211 this was related to de-nitration of specific tyrosine residues, suggesting KGDHC may have a denitrase
212 ed by a cluster of four manganese ions and a tyrosine residue that comprise the redox-active componen
213 Y147del), a mutant with a deleted C-terminal tyrosine residue that fails to suppress ICD, cannot inte
214  may interact with Y529, a conserved R-helix tyrosine residue that forms part of the CLC ion conducti
215       We show that EgtB contains a conserved tyrosine residue that reacts via proton-coupled electron
216 ET9 or RET51 isoforms harboring mutations in tyrosine residues that act as docking sites for the adap
217 on of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) on tyrosine residues that activate PI3K.
218  controlled this process as well as the EGFR tyrosine residues that are involved.
219 I1 compared to wild-type FLI1 and depends on tyrosine residues that are necessary for phase transitio
220 ction by acting as a molecular shield of key tyrosine residues that are targets for the tyrosine phos
221 te that ACK1 phosphorylates cortactin on key tyrosine residues that create docking sites for adaptor
222 binding appear to be conserved glutamine and tyrosine residues that form hydrogen bonds with the carb
223 sine kinases involves autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues that recruit Src-homology 2 (SH2)-doma
224 mic acid residue acts synergistically with a tyrosine residue to function in ADP-dependent subunit-su
225 ingle-nucleotide substitution that shifted a tyrosine residue to histidine near the active site of th
226            The ability to selectively mutate tyrosine residues to fluorotyrosines is limited, however
227 er (HAT) pathway with a pair of cysteine and tyrosine residues to regenerate SAM.
228 ch of which has a different position for the tyrosine residue, together with competing functionalitie
229 3'-phospho-adenosine-5'-phospho-sulfate onto tyrosine residues, TPST1 and TPST2, are anchored to the
230 ed activation of TRPV4, which requires a key tyrosine residue (TRPV4-Tyr-110).
231 phosphorylation status of two well conserved tyrosine residues, typically located in the D-loop, regu
232    Here, we report that phosphorylation of a tyrosine residue Tyr-301 also inhibits PDH alpha 1 (PDHA
233 hosphorylation of beta-catenin, primarily on tyrosine residues Tyr 654 and Tyr 670.
234 teracts with DEF6 and phosphorylates DEF6 at tyrosine residues Tyr(210) and Tyr(222).
235 esence of an arginine residue (Arg(105)) and tyrosine residue (Tyr(102)) in the acyl pocket of Sirt5.
236  results from insertion of a conserved CHMP5 tyrosine residue (Tyr(182)) at the core of LIP5NTD struc
237 single nitration site in Akt1 located at the tyrosine residue (Tyr(350)) located within the client-bi
238                                   Mutating a tyrosine residue (Tyr(4)(5)(8)) in the Kv1.2 C terminus
239 tes NMHC-IIA in a previously uncharacterized tyrosine residue (Tyr-158) located in its motor domain n
240       Crystal structures of GltPh revealed a tyrosine residue (Tyr-33) that we propose interacts with
241                           We identified four tyrosine residues (Tyr-649, Tyr-671, Tyr-734, and Tyr-81
242 on the phosphorylation of a highly conserved tyrosine residue, Tyr 57, in histone H2A and is mediated
243 re we report that phosphorylation at another tyrosine residue, Tyr-94, inhibits PDP1 by reducing the
244                    M2 has two closely spaced tyrosine residues, Tyr(120) and Tyr(129), which are phos
245 anization is governed, on one side, by three tyrosine residues, Tyr(194), Tyr(196), and Tyr(199), whi
246 he crystal structure of VAO reveals that two tyrosine residues, Tyr-108 and Tyr-503, are positioned t
247 ements show that mutation of two pore-lining tyrosine residues, Tyr-23 and Tyr-149 in sheep AQP0, to
248 to study radical formation in DHP when three tyrosine residues, Tyr-28, Tyr-34, and Tyr-38, were repl
249 sequence motif in EL5 containing a conserved tyrosine residue (Tyr293) whose aromatic side chain is e
250 lations of AtNIP7;1 suggest that a conserved tyrosine residue (Tyr81) located in transmembrane helix
251 g results in the unique conformations of two tyrosine residues, Tyr9(1.35) and Tyr271(7.36), which ar
252 rmed by covalent ortho-ortho coupling of two tyrosine residues under conditions of oxidative stress b
253 studies reveal that Dbl is phosphorylated on tyrosine residues upon stimulation by growth factors and
254 ning phosphocholinated serine, threonine, or tyrosine residues using preformed functional amino acid
255 in, where Jak3 directly phosphorylated three tyrosine residues, viz.
256 ex on evolutionarily conserved threonine and tyrosine residues was recently identified and shown to b
257 nation position is restricted by a conserved tyrosine residue, whereas access to this same position s
258  mutant RPTPgammas retained a phosphorylated tyrosine residue, whereas similarly expressed wild type
259 s change is accompanied by a conversion of a tyrosine residue, which is identified as the formation o
260 holipase Cgamma2, a protein reported to bind tyrosine residues, which are absent in the cytoplasmic d
261 hat sequence specificity is conferred by two tyrosine residues, which insert into the minor groove of
262                                      Several tyrosine residues with elevated phosphorylation (i.e. Ty
263             Moreover, we have identified two tyrosine residues with opposing regulatory functions: on
264 oxynitrite-mediated nitration of a conserved tyrosine residue within B56delta (B56delta(Y289)).
265                                            A tyrosine residue within the cytoplasmic tail of Env was
266 o-step phosphorylation mechanism involving a tyrosine residue within the kinase inhibitory domain and
267             Itk catalyzes phosphorylation on tyrosine residues within a number of its natural substra
268 tory receptors, phosphorylation of cytosolic tyrosine residues within ITIMs results in recruitment of
269 ranslationally modified by sulfate groups at tyrosine residues within its N-terminal extracellular do
270 h c-Abl and underwent phosphorylation on two tyrosine residues within its regulatory activation funct
271     Previous studies have shown that several tyrosine residues within JAK2 are phosphorylated on grow
272 how that a triad of strongly hydrogen-bonded tyrosine residues within the active site of the enzyme k
273 te-directed mutagenesis showed that specific tyrosine residues within the ChtA CR domain were critica
274 aRII-induced signaling; however, there are 5 tyrosine residues within the cytoplasmic tail that could
275 o the extracellular domain of MPL and that 3 tyrosine residues within the intracellular domain of MPL
276 inker, and we show that two highly conserved tyrosine residues within the KCNH subfamily of channels
277 ted with actin, can be phosphorylated on two tyrosine residues within the switch regions, suggesting
278                         Interestingly, three tyrosine residues within the T-bet DNA-binding domain ar
279                                   Lysine and tyrosine residues within this binding site interact with
280  showed that post-translational nitration of tyrosine residues within this protein is responsible for
281 ession and phosphorylation of critical c-Met tyrosine residues without activation of mitogen-activate
282 pletely abolishes the phosphorylation of all tyrosine residues, without measurable effects on recepto
283                         The highly conserved tyrosine residue Y(7.53) undergoes transitions between t
284  HIPK2 by phosphorylating a highly conserved tyrosine residue Y-361 within the kinase domain.
285  GIRK phosphorylation at this amino terminal tyrosine residue (Y12) enhances channel deactivation.
286                         We also identified a tyrosine residue (Y152) within the HPM motif of HIP1 tha
287 owever, in the pCU1 structure, the conserved tyrosine residues (Y18,19,26,27) that are required for D
288 elded from the substrate or the solvent by a tyrosine residue (Y224).
289 S. aureus AgrA identifies a highly conserved tyrosine residue, Y229, as a major amino acid determinan
290     Alanine mutation of a conserved H-I loop tyrosine residue, Y232, prevents regulation demonstratin
291 w that Swe1(Wee1) phosphorylates a conserved tyrosine residue (Y24 in yeast Hsp90 and Y38 in human Hs
292  is frequently phosphorylated at a conserved tyrosine residue, Y240, in GBM clinical samples.
293 re examined in a mutant of the key I4R motif tyrosine residue (Y325F) and different gammaC truncation
294 ere, we have shown that phosphorylation of a tyrosine residue (Y36) present in ERbeta, but not in ERa
295 which are contingent on phosphorylation of a tyrosine residue (Y380) found in the linker region betwe
296 III in domain IV of TetM, revealing that the tyrosine residues Y506 and Y507 are not responsible for
297  In addition, the NDV F CT has two conserved tyrosine residues (Y524 and Y527) and a dileucine motif
298                        In OprP there are two tyrosine residues, Y62 and Y114, whereas the correspondi
299                  Phosphorylation of a single tyrosine residue, Y836, is required for activation of EF
300  gB/gH-gL-induced cell-cell fusion in vitro, tyrosine residues Y881 and Y920 in the gBcyt were substi

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