


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 teins, correlated with modulation of hepatic ultrastructure.
2 thelial proliferation, barrier integrity, or ultrastructure.
3 platelet count but had no impact on platelet ultrastructure.
4 positioning in the secondary plant cell wall ultrastructure.
5 ave an essentially unaltered composition and ultrastructure.
6  and results in changes to the virus-induced ultrastructure.
7 , leading to disintegration of the axonal MT ultrastructure.
8 ately 4.3 and accompanied by an altered cell ultrastructure.
9 re unrecognized neuronal gradient of the CAZ ultrastructure.
10 mouse and fly with excellent preservation of ultrastructure.
11  redox systems provokes aberrant chloroplast ultrastructure.
12  normal respiratory growth and mitochondrial ultrastructure.
13 fibril organization and defective sarcomeric ultrastructure.
14 , Tcap KO showed severe loss of cell surface ultrastructure.
15 l tool for studying the dynamics of podocyte ultrastructure.
16 ntal insights into cellular organization and ultrastructure.
17 injury of CCl4 and preserving the hepatocyte ultrastructure.
18 ques and their consequences on sub-nanometer ultrastructure.
19 30% of patients with PCD have normal ciliary ultrastructure.
20 normal mitochondrial but normal myofibrillar ultrastructure.
21  large, irregular clumps with a crystal-like ultrastructure.
22 ation of proteins in the context of cellular ultrastructure.
23 lopment, or morphology, but altered islet EC ultrastructure.
24 lanted scaffolds showed maintenance of renal ultrastructure.
25 ique for high-resolution imaging of cellular ultrastructure.
26 d altered motor function and abnormal muscle ultrastructure.
27 itochondrial function, oxidative status, and ultrastructure.
28 e ATPase activity, actin motility and muscle ultrastructure.
29 cilitated by reorganization of cardiomyocyte ultrastructure.
30 ography studies have shed new light on their ultrastructure.
31 ron microscopy was used to evaluate collagen ultrastructure.
32 with the particle morphology and alloy phase ultrastructure.
33 ological abnormalities with intact myofibril ultrastructure.
34 consequences of the recently discovered ring ultrastructure.
35 d diseased states persevered in their native ultrastructure.
36 ze and morphological alterations in cellular ultrastructure.
37 led cells while retaining the quality of the ultrastructure.
38 ally linked to their morphology and membrane ultrastructure.
39 lic organelles that actively transform their ultrastructure.
40 ved from a complete account of the tuft cell ultrastructure.
41 gates, creating densely labeled cytoskeletal ultrastructures.
42 ional specimens or to isotropically oriented ultrastructures.
43 o the formation of TJ strands with differing ultrastructures.
44 n barrier but form TJ strands with different ultrastructures.
45 nes involving classification and labeling of ultrastructures.
46 nerate K63Ub chains in yeast leads to an MVB ultrastructure alteration.
47                                              Ultrastructure analysis of Rbfox1(-/-) muscle by electro
48 s was evaluated through electron microscopy, ultrastructure analysis of the synaptic vesicles, and im
49                                              Ultrastructure analysis revealed a significant increase
50                  In addition to their unique ultrastructure and accessory kinesin-3 motor, CEM cilia
51 his protocol combines several strategies for ultrastructure and antigen preservation, robust blocking
52  protein (e.g. PrP(Sc)) can vary markedly in ultrastructure and biochemical characteristics, but each
53  changes into neural information and how the ultrastructure and biochemical machinery of photorecepto
54 rietal cells has been identified by a unique ultrastructure and by copper-metallothionein fluorescenc
55  genes essential for maintenance of membrane ultrastructure and Ca(2+) signaling in muscle.
56 hermore, liprin-alpha2 organized presynaptic ultrastructure and controlled synaptic output by regulat
57 axes, but it has no impact on flower cuticle ultrastructure and cutin content.
58 in, an SLRP, causes abnormal collagen fibril ultrastructure and decreased mechanical strength in mous
59 je-specific Snf2h ablation affects chromatin ultrastructure and dendritic arborization, but alters co
60 s required for the maintenance of nephrocyte ultrastructure and fly survival under conditions of toxi
61 rgoing apoptosis by protecting mitochondrial ultrastructure and function and preventing mtDNA damage.
62      We examined the impact of ageing on the ultrastructure and function of mitochondria in mouse and
63 nostic methods that focus on testing ciliary ultrastructure and function.
64               We correlated daily changes in ultrastructure and gene expression in postmitotic mouse
65  and marked alterations in islet morphology, ultrastructure and gene expression.
66                             In this work, an ultrastructure and immunocytochemical approach was taken
67  podocyte differentiation markers and normal ultrastructure and improves cell survival in murine podo
68 tophagy was confirmed by changes in cellular ultrastructure and increases in the autophagy-regulatory
69                                       Ocular ultrastructure and its autoantibody localization of para
70 says provide a much-needed tool to study PCM ultrastructure and its poorly defined but important role
71 ent study was to quantify changes in stromal ultrastructure and light scatter that characterize fibro
72 was associated with improvements in synaptic ultrastructure and long-term potentiation, but not a red
73 s, despite dramatic changes in mitochondrial ultrastructure and mitochondrial damage in ISCs/EBs.
74 contemporary investigators first charted the ultrastructure and molecular organization of mitosis and
75 ndings reveal novel aspects of mitochondrial ultrastructure and morphology in human tissues with impl
76                                Mitochondrial ultrastructure and morphology were characterized using t
77 T reduction, all four APs disrupted cellular ultrastructure and morphology.
78  for a quantitative relationship between CAZ ultrastructure and neurotransmitter release properties b
79 h MOG knockout mice displaying normal myelin ultrastructure and no apparent specific phenotype.
80         Using parameter values on myocardial ultrastructure and physicochemical properties of Fa and
81        The cls mitochondria display abnormal ultrastructure and reduced content of respiratory comple
82 tMCU1 display root mitochondria with altered ultrastructure and show shorter primary roots under rest
83 ark of podocyte injury is the loss of unique ultrastructure and simplification of the cell shape, cal
84 ese mutants exhibited defects in both Z-line ultrastructure and specific aberrations in calcineurin-N
85              Here we describe the phylogeny, ultrastructure and subcellular location of 'Candidatus A
86 size and strength, single muscle fibre size, ultrastructure and tension and myosin-actin cross-bridge
87 rces, distinct regions within the basal body ultrastructure and the microtubules themselves must be s
88 ChromEMT (ChromEM tomography), we reveal the ultrastructure and three-dimensional (3D) organization o
89 ication and quantitative data about organism ultrastructures and interactions.
90 of 35 patients diagnosed with PCD by ciliary ultrastructure, and a diagnostic accuracy cohort of 386
91 ed alterations in mitochondrial shape, size, ultrastructure, and alignment.
92 , while complex assembly, thylakoid membrane ultrastructure, and bulk lipid composition appeared unal
93 parative genome sequencing, transcriptomics, ultrastructure, and cell envelope studies were carried o
94 cardiac contractility, abnormal mitochondria ultrastructure, and defective mitochondrial respiration.
95 flavin-S binding established their fibrillar ultrastructure, and fluorescence recovery after photoble
96 s in C4 evolution, we compared leaf anatomy, ultrastructure, and gas-exchange responses of closely re
97               Comparisons of the morphology, ultrastructure, and immunoreactivity of the hemiellipsoi
98 his study, we investigated the organization, ultrastructure, and maintenance of longitudinal lanceola
99 f retinopathy, mitochondrial dysfunction and ultrastructure, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage.
100 f the organization of axonal domains, myelin ultrastructure, and myelin protein composition.
101       This led us to examine the morphology, ultrastructure, and pretectal inputs of these population
102 ) is sensitive to disruption of white matter ultrastructure, and recently it has been suggested that
103 on; electron microscopy was used for retinal ultrastructure; and the optomotor tracking response was
104                   Mitochondrial function and ultrastructure are maintained in mouse heart, whereas su
105  some animals, sperm centrioles with typical ultrastructure are the origin of the first centrosomes i
106 embrane permeability, and changes in surface ultrastructure, as revealed by transmission electron mic
107 re cultivated at 31 degrees C, and inclusion ultrastructure at low-temperature infection more closely
108  We identified and documented the volumetric ultrastructure at nanometer resolution (4-5 nm/pixel) of
109 iliary function by high-speed microscopy and ultrastructure by election microscopy, but equipment and
110    Here we report how aging affects synaptic ultrastructure by using fluorescence and electron micros
111 al unprecedented quantitative details of the ultrastructure clearly revealing the spatially varying m
112 gia containing monads formed from dyads with ultrastructure closer to that of higher plants, as exemp
113 fined analysis of placental architecture and ultrastructure combined with in situ hybridization demon
114 m of amyloid fibrils, which are self-seeding ultrastructures common to many serious protein misfoldin
115 ruited directly to binding sites within a 3D ultrastructure composed of PopZ at the cell pole, wherea
116       Here we perform live analysis of cilia ultrastructure, composition and cargo transport in nativ
117 tensive changes to collagen and proteoglycan ultrastructure, consistent with deposition of opaque sca
118    Here, we characterize expression profile, ultrastructure, contractility and innervation of the mus
119 w the nanoscale properties of the plant cell ultrastructure correlate with delignification processes
120               Moreover, when we compared the ultrastructure, CORVET mutants were most similar to dele
121 ardiomyocytes with severe energy failure and ultrastructure disorganization can be rapidly rescued an
122 ranule proteins and contain granules with an ultrastructure distinct from that of mature resting Eos.
123 iated by the remodeling of the mitochondrial ultrastructure during apoptosis.
124                              Although muscle ultrastructure, excitation-contraction (EC) coupling, fi
125 ationship, clinical features, histologic and ultrastructure findings, and improvement following withd
126  regional variations in tissue stiffness and ultrastructure for TMJ components is critical to underst
127 d analyzed epithelial cell proliferation and ultrastructure from their intestinal tissues.
128 ial-section electron microscopy, fundamental ultrastructure-function relationships of presynaptic ter
129 ng, and continuity of sleep affects cellular ultrastructure, gene expression, appetite regulation, ho
130 s timing, and continuity can affect cellular ultrastructure, gene expression, metabolic and hormone r
131 duals with mutations who had defined ciliary ultrastructure had ODA+IDA defects.
132    The C. intestinalis cilia have a 9+0 ring ultrastructure, however we find no evidence of structure
133 ights into the nanoscale surface properties (ultrastructure, hydrophobicity) and polysaccharide compo
134                               Adrenocortical ultrastructure illustrated no morphological alterations
135 ial matrix expansion and improved glomerular ultrastructure in Akita mice.
136 ange to C(4) biochemistry, leaf anatomy, and ultrastructure in any of the oat x maize addition lines,
137        We examined the development of myelin ultrastructure in Bestiolina similis, a paracalanoid cop
138 stronger metachromatic staining, and altered ultrastructure in comparison with nontreated cells, wher
139 ght and had no effect on kidney histology or ultrastructure in DBA/2J controls.
140 n anemia characterized by abnormal chromatin ultrastructure in erythroblasts, is caused by abnormalit
141 ore, little is known regarding changes to SR ultrastructure in heart failure.
142 sed abnormal mitochondrial proliferation and ultrastructure in heart.
143 ition of thylakoid membranes and chloroplast ultrastructure in isoprene-emitting (IE) and nonisoprene
144 orders and prevents alterations in desmosome ultrastructure in keratinocytes treated with PV IgG.
145 quencing on an affected sib-pair with normal ultrastructure in more than 85% of cilia.
146 we measured gene and protein expression plus ultrastructure in muscle biopsies of lowlanders at sea l
147 copy revealed alterations in the chloroplast ultrastructure in NE compared with IE plants.
148 decreased, consistent with altered desmosome ultrastructure in plakoglobin CKO hearts.
149 (-/-) dendritic cells (DCs) have an abnormal ultrastructure in that the organelles are enlarged and t
150       Although large malformations of myelin ultrastructure in the advanced stages of Wallerian degra
151 ore, we examined mitochondrial oxidation and ultrastructure in the failing human heart by using respi
152 rements and allows, for example, the role of ultrastructure in the mechanical response of a biologica
153    Nevertheless, neither axon count nor axon ultrastructure in the optic nerve was affected.
154 n of fluorescently labeled structures to the ultrastructure in the same cell at the nanometer level a
155  is no quantitative method yet to report its ultrastructure in tissues at both molecular and macrosco
156                                   How septin ultrastructure in vitro relates to the septin-containing
157 nt epidermis lacked terminal differentiation ultrastructure, including keratohyalin granules and inta
158 macrothrombocytopenia, altered megakaryocyte ultrastructure, increased bone marrow megakaryocyte prec
159 x III and are characterized by a compromised ultrastructure, increased transcript levels, and the ind
160 ific alpha-tubulin isotype regulates ciliary ultrastructure, intraflagellar transport, and ciliary fu
161 and cone function; however, rod but not cone ultrastructure is improved by the presence of K153Delta-
162                                      Cardiac ultrastructure is markedly disrupted in both SMGRKO and
163  understanding regional RDT biomechanics and ultrastructure is required.
164 ppropriate antibodies and the overall tissue ultrastructure is well preserved.
165 and the effects of aging and disease on bone ultrastructure, it has been a major challenge to do so w
166  silenced plants showed a strikingly altered ultrastructure, lack of cristae, and swelling.
167 ities observed in myosin function and muscle ultrastructure likely contribute to muscle weakness obse
168 volved in the establishment of mitochondrial ultrastructure, lipid metabolism, protein import, and re
169 ia, the deglutamylase CCPP-1 affects ciliary ultrastructure, localization of the TRP channel PKD-2 an
170 t role in stable actin protrusion length and ultrastructure maintenance.
171                             E2 and E3 cells' ultrastructure, marker expression and basal processes in
172 permiogenesis through protein enrichment and ultrastructure modification in parallel to previously de
173   The new PIC-map data reveal that the nacre ultrastructure (nacre tablet width, thickness, and angle
174  imaging provide direct visual access to the ultrastructure (nanoscale structure that is too small to
175 on of the contractile ring (CR), the precise ultrastructure of actin and myosin II within the animal
176                                     Synaptic ultrastructure of alpha9L9'T knockin OHCs (acetylcholine
177 lectron microscopy revealed distinct surface ultrastructure of ASB-14 scaffolds based on native BP si
178  Electron microscopy was used to evaluate 3D ultrastructure of BC-->GC synapses in a rat model of tem
179 treous sections, we investigated in situ the ultrastructure of biological membranes, selected from se
180 andard in imaging the sub-micrometer surface ultrastructure of both hard and soft materials.
181 r the last two decades, ECT has revealed the ultrastructure of cells in unprecedented detail.
182 rt the characterization of the proteomes and ultrastructure of central synapses in zebrafish and anal
183                   BAPN treatment changed the ultrastructure of collagen fibers in the vessel basement
184                                          The ultrastructure of contacts between taste cells and nerve
185                                    Moreover, ultrastructure of corneodesmosomes and tight junctions a
186 e method for visualizing and quantifying the ultrastructure of cryopreserved cells.
187 to perfect heterotopic ossicles in vivo with ultrastructure of dentin, enamel, cementum, and bone.
188 itting of DM during DMEK and to describe the ultrastructure of DM in these eyes.
189                         Abnormalities in the ultrastructure of DM were found in 16 of 112 specimens (
190           We also studied the morphology and ultrastructure of efferent terminals on vestibular hair
191 ls, providing the opportunity to examine the ultrastructure of genetically altered cisternal synapses
192 iffer across cortical areas, we examined the ultrastructure of geniculocortical terminals in the tree
193 smission electron microscopy, we defined the ultrastructure of HEV cell culture-produced particles an
194 mmuno-electron microscopy to investigate the ultrastructure of IMPDH macrostructures and live-cell im
195 lectron microscopy, ILDR1 contributes to the ultrastructure of inner ear tTJs.
196  this method to image the collagen fibrillar ultrastructure of intact rat tail tendons.
197                   The effect of proteases on ultrastructure of islets and beta-cell insulin granules
198  STEM will be broadly applied to explore the ultrastructure of live cells.
199 e a 3D liver model successfully mimicking an ultrastructure of liver and providing enhanced liver fun
200 lication of coherent x-rays to obtain the 3D ultrastructure of mammalian nuclei and establishes a sol
201 h reduced lipid droplets, alterations in the ultrastructure of mitochondria, and increased expression
202  restricted to motor nerve terminals, as the ultrastructure of motoneuron somata appeared to be norma
203                                          The ultrastructure of mouse neocortex therefore differs sign
204 ron microscopy revealed abnormalities in the ultrastructure of mutant SGNs as early as P7.
205                                          The ultrastructure of NMJs revealed additional pathology, in
206                    The molecular biology and ultrastructure of Oryctes rhinoceros Nudivirus (OrNV), d
207                                              Ultrastructure of P6 and 10 Nphp5(-/-) photoreceptors re
208                         After describing the ultrastructure of pheromone producing cells, we showed t
209              The arrangement, integrity, and ultrastructure of photoreceptor terminals were investiga
210 d emission depletion microscopy to study the ultrastructure of platelets and the protein storage in g
211 These insights have not only reevaluated the ultrastructure of platelets, but also provided a link co
212 ese renal disease models restored the normal ultrastructure of podocyte foot processes, lowered prote
213                                              Ultrastructure of postnatal day 10 (P10) central (ret)Ar
214                         We also analysed the ultrastructure of rat mossy fibre boutons using transmis
215 tion of RBP1 and RBP2 did not impair synapse ultrastructure of ribbon-type synapses formed between ro
216 aged neurons, we report the distribution and ultrastructure of synapses on individual vertebrate neur
217                      Herein, we analyzed the ultrastructure of the accumulated lipids in endarterecto
218 ents in cells and revealed three-dimensional ultrastructure of the actin cytoskeleton.
219                              We describe the ultrastructure of the adult brain, antennules, and cord
220                                          The ultrastructure of the cardiac myocyte is remarkable for
221  engagement, correlate with maturity and the ultrastructure of the cIS and influence CTL effector fun
222 quantifies dynamic changes in the mechanical ultrastructure of the cortical actin web.
223 e used to investigate for the first time the ultrastructure of the dental hard tissues in an archival
224 electron cryotomography, we characterize the ultrastructure of the developmental stages of three envi
225             TEM was performed to analyze the ultrastructure of the epithelial basement membrane and s
226                              We examined the ultrastructure of the glaucomatous superior colliculus (
227 d new data to this panorama and describe the ultrastructure of the glial and axonal coverage of the p
228 uria, glomerulosclerosis, and changes in the ultrastructure of the glomerular basement membrane that
229                                          The ultrastructure of the majority of the synapses indicated
230                            We found that the ultrastructure of the matured sperm (spermatozoa) centri
231           In this study, we have altered the ultrastructure of the MVB by perturbing cholesterol cont
232                  Additionally, the epidermal ultrastructure of the p.Gly131Glu patients mirrored defe
233  several assays to noninvasively measure the ultrastructure of the PCM.
234                    We have characterized the ultrastructure of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae peroxisom
235 hs, the motor disabilities vanished, and the ultrastructure of the sciatic nerve exhibited numerous t
236  synthesis and the molecular composition and ultrastructure of the septal cell wall were substantiall
237 n of the EPEC T4P to the OM and describe the ultrastructure of the single particle averaged structure
238 dic protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity, and the ultrastructure of the synaptic sites in the human Me.
239 d coiling in gland thread cells, and how the ultrastructure of the thread changes as very young threa
240 c TJ strands and contributes to the specific ultrastructure of the TJ detected by freeze-fracture ele
241                                          The ultrastructure of the TMJ disc and cartilage is differen
242 tes to investigate and accurately define the ultrastructure of these mitochondrial extensions and to
243 e pre-Botzinger complex, and to identify the ultrastructure of these synapses.
244  analyzed the somatodendritic morphology and ultrastructure of these three subgroups of macaque media
245 mo-, cyto-, and myeloarchitectonics, and the ultrastructure of this PV1-nucleus in rodents.
246 otocol has been generated showing sieve tube ultrastructure of unprecedented quality.
247 s on cell viability, membrane integrity, and ultrastructure of various bacterial strains and Leishman
248                     Other methods of probing ultrastructure ordering, such as small-angle scattering
249 w a full correlative study of changes in the ultrastructure over a macroscopic sample.
250 bohydrate levels, and disordered chloroplast ultrastructure, particularly in developing leaves, compa
251 of ECA did not affect the gross cell surface ultrastructure, production of lipopolysaccharide (LPS),
252 ic cilia/flagella exhibit two characteristic ultrastructures reflecting two main functions; a 9+2 axo
253 nction as transporters as well as length and ultrastructure regulators within stable actin-based prot
254 ng, in combination with analysis of the cell ultrastructure, reveal how the cell surface and metaboli
255                   Examination of mesothelial ultrastructure revealed a substantial increase in the de
256                         Imaging of capillary ultrastructure revealed that BBB permeability was associ
257                                Examining the ultrastructure revealed that the formation of the nephro
258 ith ODA defects, 1 without available ciliary ultrastructure) revealed biallelic loss-of-function muta
259       STORM imaging of these densely labeled ultrastructures reveals subdiffraction features, includi
260                                     Cellular ultrastructure showed that lamellar hole-associated epir
261 with malignancy; however, there have been no ultrastructure studies of platelets from patients with o
262 significantly improve studies of subcellular ultrastructures such as LSEC fenestrations.
263            Individual micrographs show clear ultrastructure that allowed direct interpretation of the
264 -1 displays electrophysiology properties and ultrastructure that are similar to mice overexpressing P
265  to confer a distinctive higher-order septin ultrastructure that can be further regulated by phosphor
266 ing the very limited knowledge of plant cell ultrastructure that we had prior to that publication, an
267                           Mirroring the axon ultrastructure, the microtubules were arranged in stagge
268 isubunit dynamic motor, including three main ultrastructures: the terminal button, the electrodense c
269 c, fluorescent labeling of the intracellular ultrastructures they form for subdiffraction imaging has
270 sibility that a requirement for Zic3 in node ultrastructure underlies its role in heterotaxy and late
271                            Analysis of brain ultrastructure using electron microscopy typically relie
272 e them after fixed intervals and examine the ultrastructure using electron microscopy--'flash-and-fre
273 ponse of the thylakoid network with membrane ultrastructure using electron microscopy.
274 contributions to stiffness, organization and ultrastructure via atomic force microscopy, second harmo
275 sion electron microscopic examination of its ultrastructure, visible and ultraviolet (UV) angle-resol
276 uture predicted pH value of 7.8 altered tube ultrastructure, volume, and density and decreased the me
277                                     Cellular ultrastructure was examined by electron microscopy.
278 re extensively fragmented, and mitochondrial ultrastructure was grossly aberrant.
279                                   Intestinal ultrastructure was not affected by dietary fat level or
280                    Disorganized rod terminal ultrastructure was noted by 12 months.
281  and progressive disorganization of synaptic ultrastructure was noted in surviving cone terminals in
282                                Photoreceptor ultrastructure was observed by transmission electron mic
283                                          ESL ultrastructure was visualized by transmission electron m
284 o correlate these mechanical properties with ultrastructure, we discovered that the COC is surrounded
285 lum stress markers nor endoplasmic reticulum ultrastructure were altered in D2J osteoblasts.
286 en, area occupied by lipid and myocytes, and ultrastructure were determined.
287  rod synaptic marker expression and terminal ultrastructure were normal in the CNGB3(-/-) retina.
288 (+); however, the TPPP/p25-assembled tubulin ultrastructures were resistant against SIRT2 activity.
289 ts within the context of electron microscopy ultrastructure, which can help address cell biological q
290 oes not affect gross synaptic morphology and ultrastructure, which indicates that the observed phenot
291 ed in Ip6k1(-/-) mice, thereby altering clot ultrastructure, which was rescued on the addition of exo
292 tructed plasmodesmata three-dimensional (3D) ultrastructure with an unprecedented level of 3D informa
293 d the difficulty in preserving and analyzing ultrastructure with electron microscopy (EM).
294 that act to cluster caveolae into a membrane ultrastructure with the potential to extend stretch-buff
295 cally and densely label proteins in cellular ultrastructures with small, bright, and photostable fluo
296 scopy revealed hollow needle-shaped particle ultrastructure, with a zeta potential of -35.5mV determi
297 e observed reduced PAS staining and improved ultrastructure, with reduced number and increased transl
298 endent mature cIS (mcIS) displays a cohesive ultrastructure, with tight membrane contacts separated b
299 gy that directly visualizes the cell surface ultrastructure without surface coating.
300 led both in their protein composition and in ultrastructure, yet they are functional and are essentia

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