


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ndividual differences have hitherto remained unanswered.
2 hen this function arises and develops remain unanswered.
3 espite this, many important questions remain unanswered.
4 s genesis, fate and evolutionary role remain unanswered.
5 nt in controlling liver regeneration remains unanswered.
6 he present-day Greenlandic population remain unanswered.
7 l, and the case-fatality rate remain largely unanswered.
8 tructural and biochemical transitions remain unanswered.
9  for cells to use either AM or FM is largely unanswered.
10 ructure and dynamics of PAC1R remain largely unanswered.
11 zation modulate cardiac wave dynamics remain unanswered.
12 anscription, certain questions have remained unanswered.
13 he folding and recognition processes remains unanswered.
14 nt of attention, leaving important questions unanswered.
15   However, many fundamental questions remain unanswered.
16 acity to initiate astrocytic gliomas remains unanswered.
17 srA in B. burgdorferi gene regulation remain unanswered.
18 istribution and trafficking pathways, remain unanswered.
19 their role in host defense has long remained unanswered.
20 w ER morphology affects this process remains unanswered.
21  driving expansion of the progenitors remain unanswered.
22 g SL biosynthesis, but many questions remain unanswered.
23  cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions remains unanswered.
24 y questions regarding their evolution remain unanswered.
25 elivery affected by insulin resistance?) are unanswered.
26 diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis remains unanswered.
27 ts seen in humans, but many questions remain unanswered.
28 ature of these fossils leaves many questions unanswered.
29 he same time provoking questions that remain unanswered.
30  access and coupling to ion gradients remain unanswered.
31 biological consequences of HMA have remained unanswered.
32 sm of bile acid dysregulation in IBD remains unanswered.
33 umbens (NAc), but two major questions remain unanswered.
34 tream regulation of the 53BP1 pathway remain unanswered.
35 sology, important questions about LCH remain unanswered.
36 ity is a crucial question that still remains unanswered.
37 K antagonist, many clinical questions remain unanswered.
38 met clinical needs in transplantation remain unanswered.
39 nctional outcome in diabetic stroke remained unanswered.
40 estions regarding key transformations remain unanswered.
41 ution for weak selection exists has remained unanswered.
42 ciated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) remain unanswered.
43                  Thus, many questions remain unanswered.
44 eterminants of hydrocarbon binding are still unanswered.
45  The following important questions are still unanswered.
46 oxo-G base pairs by replicative pols remains unanswered.
47 ding their precise molecular function remain unanswered.
48 ultimate test of efficacy to many-may remain unanswered.
49 agulation in patients with vasculitis remain unanswered.
50 investigated and many questions still remain unanswered.
51 K1 regulation and substrate selection remain unanswered.
52 al questions regarding its enzymology remain unanswered.
53 leaving this fundamental biological question unanswered.
54 mporters but have left fundamental questions unanswered.
55 (DS) receptive fields are constructed remain unanswered.
56 cardial differentiation has remained largely unanswered.
57 er-defibrillator (ICD) benefit exist remains unanswered.
58               Most of these questions remain unanswered.
59 ents, a number of important questions remain unanswered.
60 the development of metabolic diseases remain unanswered.
61  leaving many important biological questions unanswered.
62 ontext of limited data many questions remain unanswered.
63 ponses occur in the absence of TLR11 remains unanswered.
64 is uncertain, and two major questions remain unanswered.
65 ty of mammoth populations and species remain unanswered.
66  functional mapping of microcircuits, remain unanswered.
67 nd possible sites of reactivity has remained unanswered.
68 ong-standing question, which remains largely unanswered.
69  but this model leaves a number of questions unanswered.
70  profoundly, although major questions remain unanswered.
71 yet this important clinical question remains unanswered.
72 elating to sporadic forms of disease, remain unanswered.
73 nts confirmed the former, leaving the latter unanswered.
74  relevance and interaction mechanisms remain unanswered.
75 tion (LT) mortality in cirrhotic patients is unanswered.
76 ssociated VTE, or Trousseau syndrome, remain unanswered.
77 cial status are questions that have remained unanswered.
78 of radiation damage formation remain largely unanswered.
79 estion of their underlying algorithm remains unanswered.
80 sessment, and acute and late effects, remain unanswered.
81 nues for CM, it leaves a number of questions unanswered.
82 odels exist and fundamental questions remain unanswered, a definitive description of the basic releas
83 t/refractory disease, leaving many questions unanswered about optimal first-line and salvage treatmen
84        However, fundamental questions remain unanswered about the epigenetic programs that control th
85 system (CNS), but important questions remain unanswered about the mechanisms controlling these proces
86                        Many questions remain unanswered about the role of bariatric surgery for peopl
87 t this juncture, while many questions remain unanswered, achievements in several areas of research ha
88 de and the fundamental questions that remain unanswered after 25 years of study.
89       While many scientific questions remain unanswered and new compelling questions will undoubtedly
90  regarding the management of syphilis remain unanswered and should be a priority for future research.
91 , there are still many questions that remain unanswered and very little is known about the etiology o
92 he sulfide oxidation pathway is wired remain unanswered, and competing proposals exist that diverge a
93 , address questions in this area that remain unanswered, and critically examine the experimental basi
94 the clinic, which important questions remain unanswered, and what future research will be needed to i
95                     One of the remaining key unanswered aspects of AMPAR trafficking is the mechanism
96 tions about the domestication process remain unanswered because modern specimens do not represent the
97                   This question has remained unanswered because of the rarity of cases of late sight
98               However, many questions remain unanswered because randomized controlled trials are infr
99                        This question remains unanswered, because the timescales of coding in populati
100  by organometallic catalysts has remained an unanswered challenge.
101 reatment of older adults with AML or MDS and unanswered clinical questions for older adults with thes
102 al humanitarian and human rights law largely unanswered, despite their enormous consequences.
103 g-standing questions in plant biology remain unanswered due to a lack of technology that precisely de
104 d mechanisms of vaccine effectiveness remain unanswered due to the lack of an animal model that repli
105 hway, and the gating mechanism-have remained unanswered for this protein family.
106  seizures spontaneously terminate remains an unanswered fundamental question of epileptology.
107 d expanding area of research comprising many unanswered fundamental questions.
108 t most synapses in V1 are excitatory leaving unanswered how they change.
109              However, major questions remain unanswered: How much phenotypic variation is genetic; ho
110  animal models, substantial questions remain unanswered in the human setting.
111 ntext are two critical questions that remain unanswered in the molecular pathogenesis of FRDA.
112 t the process of cancer immunoediting remain unanswered, in part because of the known antigenic compl
113 nutrient germination, major questions remain unanswered, including the following.
114 rk for exploring major questions that remain unanswered, including the origin of jaws.
115 nd modern cattle, important questions remain unanswered, including the phylogenetic status of aurochs
116  Many fundamental questions about EBS remain unanswered, including the spatial extent of cortex respo
117 ons about the biology of this disease remain unanswered, investigations of ALS genes have delineated
118            One question that remains largely unanswered is how genetic susceptibility contributes to
119 en well studied, an important question still unanswered is whether secreted proBDNF might affect GABA
120                 A question that has remained unanswered is whether trade changes have affected global
121 al processes, a fundamental question remains unanswered: Is cognition a probabilistic process at all?
122 s also provided, along with a perspective on unanswered mechanistic questions in noble-metal nanopart
123 otential clinical applications and important unanswered mechanistic questions.
124 rections and questions that currently remain unanswered on the role of Activin/Nodal signalling in st
125 od donation and clinical use that are either unanswered or merit further investigation.
126 fy task demands is a controversial and still-unanswered possibility.
127                    One important but largely unanswered question about floristic responses to climate
128                             The basic, still unanswered question about visual object representation i
129 handful of plant ARF-GEFs, a fundamental yet unanswered question concerns the extent to which their f
130                                      A major unanswered question concerns the mechanism by which the
131 ermanent microbial habitat; thus, an age-old unanswered question concerns the origin of fruit and fer
132 emokine recognition has been a long-standing unanswered question due to the challenges of structure d
133 Since their discovery in 1958, a fundamental unanswered question has been how electrons can be accele
134                                      A major unanswered question in biology and medicine is the mecha
135                                           An unanswered question in developmental physiology is to wh
136 echanisms regulates this enzyme, and a major unanswered question in glucokinase biology is how post-t
137                                      A major unanswered question in neuroscience is whether there exi
138 represented within the brain is an important unanswered question in neuroscience.
139                                        A key unanswered question in plant biology is how a plant regu
140                                        A key unanswered question in SCA3 and other polyglutamine dise
141              This has become a long-standing unanswered question in the fragile X field, which is als
142 ifying a suitable mechanism has become a key unanswered question in the origin of life.
143                                           An unanswered question in the SMR field is how the dimeriza
144                                      A major unanswered question is how division plane orientation is
145                                          One unanswered question is how infection is controlled and c
146                                        A key unanswered question is how lymphatic reprogramming by th
147                                           An unanswered question is how polar septation activates a t
148                                       Yet an unanswered question is how the transfer of information b
149         A fundamentally important, presently unanswered question is if nucleation begins as classical
150                                      A major unanswered question is the mechanism of MDV-induced tumo
151 y the identity of the NR2 subunit, a crucial unanswered question is the role of subunit composition i
152                                           An unanswered question is therefore: Are universally prefer
153 le reduction of pain is important, a largely unanswered question is what other benefits NGF blockade
154                                           An unanswered question is whether an altered repertoire of
155                                 An important unanswered question is whether ICAM-1-activated signalin
156                              A longstanding, unanswered question is whether nuclear organization is s
157                                          One unanswered question is whether risk-taking preference is
158                                        A key unanswered question is whether systemic GM-CSF (sargramo
159                                        A key unanswered question is whether the circadian oscillation
160                            A more basic, yet unanswered question is whether the Met(20) loop adopts a
161              However, a critical and largely unanswered question is whether these models generalize f
162                                Therefore, an unanswered question is why a current/former smoker of ab
163 dian homeostasis in other tissues remains an unanswered question of conceptual and biomedical importa
164 icide clusters are seriously hampered by the unanswered question of why such outbreaks occur.
165                                         This unanswered question originated with the idea of ecologic
166  controls these logical processes remains an unanswered question that has been merely superficially a
167 ese activities and loop formation is another unanswered question that should keep investigators occup
168 acity electrodes with anionic redox, a still unanswered question was remaining regarding the importan
169                We addressed the critical but unanswered question, does network structure explain demo
170                             A very important unanswered question, especially in the very elderly, is
171                                 An important unanswered question, however, is whether aPFC is a homog
172                                One important unanswered question, however, is whether these strategie
173  evolved endothermy remains an important but unanswered question.
174 elerated to relativistic energies remains an unanswered question.
175  how important this constraint is remains an unanswered question.
176 muscles of different sizes is an essentially unanswered question.
177 te such subcellular scaling is a fundamental unanswered question.
178 crease cancer risk has remained an important unanswered question.
179 tein (Cos2/Kif7) binding partners is a major unanswered question.
180 ain access to chromatin remains an important unanswered question.
181 ISA from the vast molecular space remains an unanswered question.
182 osin II within the animal cell CR remains an unanswered question.
183 hich variants lead to CKD remains a critical unanswered question.
184 tream at the ERC or remains segregated is an unanswered question.
185  occurred during planet formation remains an unanswered question.
186 This review also discusses some of the major unanswered questions about Ag-NPs, which, when answered,
187 enetics and propose a roadmap for unraveling unanswered questions about BAV through the integrated an
188 poxviral infection, and identify a number of unanswered questions about EV.
189 is noteworthy for calling attention to still unanswered questions about how the historical events of
190 spite decades of study, there are still many unanswered questions about metastasis, the process by wh
191                               There are many unanswered questions about the evolution of the ancient
192                        However, there remain unanswered questions about the mechanism of channel open
193 ins unknown and adds a new dimension to many unanswered questions about the mechanism of DSB repair.
194 e anatomical features of turtles have raised unanswered questions about the origin of their unique bo
195              The review identifies important unanswered questions about these cells regarding their o
196                                   To resolve unanswered questions about these inhibitors, we develope
197                                  A number of unanswered questions and challenges remain, such as how
198  future directions for inquiry, highlighting unanswered questions and conceptual issues concerning ho
199 e initiation and progression, there are many unanswered questions and emerging facets of miRNA biolog
200 atients who die in the ICU often remain with unanswered questions and suffer from lack of closure.
201 ese neuropeptides and outlines the important unanswered questions and testable hypotheses.
202 y known about depression in glioma, the main unanswered questions and the types of studies that shoul
203                                      Two key unanswered questions are (1) whether short-term temperat
204 in primary neurons is controversial, leaving unanswered questions as to how and where Parkin-mediated
205  young and aged humans, there are still many unanswered questions as to how the genetic pathways that
206           Here we detail recent advances and unanswered questions at the intersection between inflamm
207                                        Major unanswered questions concern the nature of the endogenou
208 ponse to infection; however, there are still unanswered questions concerning SARS-CoV pathogenesis.
209 ess could be adaptive in vivo, are two major unanswered questions concerning this process.
210 on these factors, and to highlight important unanswered questions for the field.
211  to begin to address some of the fundamental unanswered questions in epilepsy, to dissect epileptic n
212                             One of the major unanswered questions in evolutionary biology is when and
213                          One of the critical unanswered questions in genome biophysics is how the pri
214 d by newly developed technologies to address unanswered questions in high-altitude adaptation at a ge
215                           One of the central unanswered questions in prostate cancer research is the
216 ow it influences cellular function are major unanswered questions in the field.
217 e development of AD, and highlight important unanswered questions in the field.
218                                          Two unanswered questions in the proposed mechanistic pathway
219 nsights and provides a perspective on future unanswered questions in this exciting field.
220 l of providing insights into some of the key unanswered questions in this field.
221                                              Unanswered questions include the number and effect sizes
222                                              Unanswered questions include those relating to the diver
223 s context, one of the most important and yet unanswered questions is whether and how HNO is produced
224                                Nevertheless, unanswered questions need to be addressed in clinical tr
225  recent findings as well as to highlight key unanswered questions of the field.
226              We suggest that identifying key unanswered questions on the relationship between science
227 bal proteomics have the potential to address unanswered questions regarding microRNA-mRNA interaction
228                                              Unanswered questions regarding RSV epidemiology need to
229 e of Cx-based channels, there are still many unanswered questions regarding structure-function relati
230                           One of the primary unanswered questions regarding the dispersal of Romani p
231 ells is still under investigation, with many unanswered questions regarding the interaction of virus-
232                        We also discuss major unanswered questions regarding the role that defects in
233                   However, there are several unanswered questions regarding the sources of Earth's vo
234                  One of the most challenging unanswered questions regarding the structural biology of
235                                              Unanswered questions remain about how common chronic rar
236                                         Many unanswered questions remain and additional work is requi
237 and experimental structure-function studies, unanswered questions remain regarding the transport mech
238            Although an evidence base exists, unanswered questions remain regarding the use of thrombo
239                           However, important unanswered questions remain--for example, we do not know
240 ed trials exist in this area of medicine and unanswered questions remain.
241 nterconnected pathways, and identify the key unanswered questions remaining in this field.
242 re effective; however, there are many as yet unanswered questions such as why some patients with vest
243 tically ill patients, presents the facts and unanswered questions surrounding gut-derived sepsis, and
244                                 There remain unanswered questions surrounding surgical checklists as
245 ns from a structural prospective and discuss unanswered questions surrounding this fascinating class
246 y and immunodeficiency, and pose a series of unanswered questions that are expected to be central in
247                         There are still many unanswered questions that challenge our understanding of
248       We conclude by discussing the critical unanswered questions that face this field in the coming
249  timing of ERK activation remain fundamental unanswered questions that limit understanding of how arr
250  of this signaling module as well as several unanswered questions that may guide future investigation
251  areas of analysis to explore the expanse of unanswered questions that remain regarding the phenomena
252                     This paper presents nine unanswered questions that researchers and educators migh
253  mitochondrial dynamics emerged and consider unanswered questions whose dissection might lead to mito
254 ssue of the JCI, identify a number of as yet unanswered questions, and discuss some of the therapeuti
255        Here, we analyze the recent advances, unanswered questions, and potential of BacNa(V)s as temp
256 lance, 5) interventions, and 6) limitations, unanswered questions, and resource and policy needs.
257                  We discuss advances and the unanswered questions, and ways in which progress might b
258                       This review highlights unanswered questions, challenges, recent advances, unres
259 st research effort, guided by a focus on key unanswered questions, has the potential to yield high-im
260        This mutant enables new research into unanswered questions, including the existence of potenti
261                        The current dilemmas, unanswered questions, operational issues, challenges, an
262 dard and novel therapies are promising, many unanswered questions, such as duration of therapy and op
263  and molecular biology tools to explore many unanswered questions.
264  and proliferation of cells remain important unanswered questions.
265 nization of the chromatin all remain largely unanswered questions.
266 own and knockout murine phenotypes have left unanswered questions.
267 d in which neurons they function are largely unanswered questions.
268 , including developing new models to address unanswered questions.
269 tastasis in different cancer types have left unanswered questions.
270            This report is concerned with two unanswered questions.
271 tive GTPase domain play in RHD3 function are unanswered questions.
272 rk in this domain by addressing two thus far unanswered questions.
273 xisting conditions are important and largely unanswered questions.
274 marize the recent advances and highlight key unanswered questions.
275  impacts early development remain important, unanswered questions.
276  remains unclear, with several long-standing unanswered questions.
277 ble of tumor initiation raised two important unanswered questions: how do PGCCs acquire such stemness
278 making it possible to begin to address major unanswered questions: the extent of natural methylation
279  a patient case that illustrates two of many unanswered questions: which sarcoma patients are most li
280 reinhardtii, and many questions still remain unanswered regarding both the regulation of these acclim
281           Critical clinical questions remain unanswered regarding diagnosis and management of patient
282                        Many questions remain unanswered regarding the contributions of these enzymes
283 ever there are several questions that remain unanswered regarding the use of TDF, including the propo
284                However, two questions remain unanswered regarding these inhibitors: (1) what is the m
285             This review focuses on the major unanswered research questions related to rabies virus pa
286 their efficacy and safety data, highlighting unanswered research questions.
287                           Nutrition presents unanswered scientific questions of high public health im
288 At this time, given the nature and number of unanswered scientific, ethical, and policy questions, it
289 y folded and left many substantial questions unanswered, such as a detailed description of the tertia
290        However, a number of questions remain unanswered, such as the identification of fibroblast gro
291 ifficulties mean that basic questions remain unanswered, such as whether so-called diffusionless soli
292       Paramount fundamental questions remain unanswered that require an intense research focus as we
293             This lack of neurogenesis leaves unanswered the question of how enteric neuronal populati
294 in the pathogenesis of Chagas disease remain unanswered, the development of autoimmune responses duri
295  nucleus is an age-old question that remains unanswered today.
296 lth of attention, a central question remains unanswered: "What regulates flux through this pathway in
297 of synapses in V1 are excitatory, it remains unanswered whether the majority of synapses regulating e
298 gated for this purpose, leaving the question unanswered whether there exists an optimal set of histon
299                     But the question remains unanswered: why has only the 2,4-isomer emerged as a lab
300 t present, several critical questions remain unanswered: Will treatment of NDBE eliminate the risk of

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