


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and life history, of which physicians may be unaware.
2  faces, but smaller responses when they were unaware.
3  spontaneous breathing of which patients are unaware-a combination that could be deadly.
4    Subliminal stimuli, of which subjects are unaware, affect movements made to subsequent visible cue
5 % in the future are conceivable by targeting unaware and untreated patient groups and engaging them i
6 tify at nominal cost a substantial number of unaware and viremic HIV-infected and HCV-infected indivi
7 ers of the population can be either aware or unaware, and consider a broad set of possible reactions.
8  spontaneous breathing of which patients are unaware, and thus has potential to contribute to SUDEP.
9                       Among 2,325 unique HCV-unaware baby boomers, 289 (12.7%) opted out of HCV scree
10 l whereby a process of which we are normally unaware becomes a salient element of consciousness.
11 However, 560,000 patients would still remain unaware by 2020.
12 ey can focus on reaching the underserved and unaware communities, increase surgery output and uptake,
13 ents were unaware of the hierarchy and, like unaware controls, performed poorly on the BD pair.
14 he changed region, but participants who were unaware did not.
15 wo primary contrasts were made: aware versus unaware (equally task irrelevant) and task-relevant vers
16  that previous discrepancies might be due to unaware errors not being differentiated from perceptuall
17  humans adjust their behavior in response to unaware errors remains a controversial issue relevant to
18 d with aware errors, uncertain responses and unaware errors showed reduced neural compensations, such
19                We found that while aware and unaware errors were related to failures at the time of r
20 esis by distinguishing between aware errors, unaware errors, and uncertain responses, and using stimu
21 fter errors, activated equally for aware and unaware errors, suggesting a candidate preconscious mech
22 ies demonstrate that the ERN decreases after unaware errors.
23 s, in comparison with decreased activity for unaware errors.
24 gencies and participants who were designated unaware exhibited equivalent levels of differential eyeb
25 e nervous system, from those of which we are unaware, for example, control of the heart, to higher co
26 ll in response to a snake in the presence of unaware group members than in the presence of aware grou
27 016 to 0.636 +/- 0.013; NS); however, in the unaware group, the uptake in this region fell from 0.715
28 ine and cortisol responses compared with the unaware group.
29 tly different behavior between the aware and unaware groups.
30    The mean additional cost of identifying 1 unaware HCV-infected PWID was US$13 (site range: US$7-US
31                    The cost of identifying 1 unaware HIV-infected individual ranged from US$51 to US$
32  surveys with responses, physicians had been unaware of 65 (61.6% [CI, 51.3% to 70.9%]); of these 65,
33    Two percent of surgical intensivists were unaware of a bladder pressure measurement procedure comp
34  due to inherited gene mutations, and we are unaware of a large sequential series that includes a rec
35     Investigators in one subfield often seem unaware of advances in another.
36             Two independent spectroscopists, unaware of all other findings, scored the spectra of the
37  behaviors were coded by trained researchers unaware of all other information about the participants.
38 a response teams and laboratory workers were unaware of allocation to immediate or delayed vaccinatio
39 y-four percent of the patients surveyed were unaware of any adverse effects related to NSAIDs and 80%
40                   Critically, observers were unaware of any difference between collision and near-mis
41                                       We are unaware of any large published studies, using any techni
42                                       We are unaware of any previous reports of the use of a heart fr
43                                       We are unaware of any standardized protocols within low-vision
44 verse effects related to NSAIDs and 80% were unaware of any toxicity related to COX-2 inhibitors.
45 ngitudinal Study (HEALS), trained physicians unaware of arsenic exposure interviewed in person and cl
46 hey were adjudicated by a committee that was unaware of assignments.
47 a response teams and laboratory workers were unaware of assignments.
48                                       We are unaware of attempts to measure this tendency with a beha
49 of people with clinically confirmed HIV were unaware of being HIV-positive (1768 [43%] of 4128 people
50        Traditional physicians frequently are unaware of CAM use by their patients, and there are pote
51 ted a priori were estimated by expert raters unaware of case status.
52 environment, despite 80% of the sample being unaware of CCS prior to participation in the two-wave su
53                          Observers are often unaware of changes in their visual environment when atte
54                     Two independent readers, unaware of clinical data, recorded the size and location
55                               Three experts, unaware of clinical information, independently graded ea
56 dently interpreted by four experts, who were unaware of clinical information, MRI-CT pairings, and fo
57 termined by 2 experienced observers who were unaware of clinical information.
58                       Many physicians may be unaware of common food sources of vitamins or unsure whi
59 e review evidence suggesting that people are unaware of contextual influences on their decisions.
60 ignificant percentage of intensivists may be unaware of current approaches to abdominal compartment s
61                Most observers reported being unaware of displacements during blinks.
62 not masked to treatment allocation, but were unaware of dulaglutide dose assignment.
63                     Since patients are often unaware of dyskinesia, direct clinical examination is re
64 ing independent researchers who were largely unaware of each other's strategies and progress.
65        Ecologists and entomologists might be unaware of even well-documented examples of insects that
66                          Certified examiners unaware of exposure to antenatal corticosteroids perform
67 l fear can be expressed when individuals are unaware of fear-eliciting stimuli and suggest that the d
68 of outcome events was done by staff who were unaware of group allocation.
69  at 12 months assessed by research personnel unaware of group assignment.
70 iod during which only the investigators were unaware of group assignments.
71  complications by two psychiatrists who were unaware of group membership.
72             Health care professionals may be unaware of guidelines created by specialty organizations
73         Compared with beneficiaries who were unaware of having a coverage gap, those who were aware m
74 t from trial to trial, even though they were unaware of having done so.
75 n be integrated even when you are completely unaware of hearing or seeing the paired stimuli--but onl
76 es were evaluated by two independent readers unaware of histopathologic findings.
77 al clinician and an independent expert, both unaware of imaging data, and re-evaluated after 12 month
78                          Many Americans were unaware of important eye diseases and their behavioral o
79            A consultant neurologist, who was unaware of information about residual shunt, undertook a
80 ere aware of a stimulus in one condition and unaware of it in another condition, but the stimulus dre
81 e in population studies, but the authors are unaware of its use to screen hospitalized patients.
82                              We appear to be unaware of large changes in our visual scene if our atte
83 ators not involved in maternal treatment and unaware of maternal outcomes.
84  markedly accurate when people claimed to be unaware of memory retrieval.
85 ght to stabilize scene perception, making us unaware of minor inconsistencies between scenes.
86                               Observers were unaware of patient grouping.
87 ly by a musculoskeletal radiologist, who was unaware of patient identification, history, and findings
88                         Providers are likely unaware of patients' risk.
89 care at a California hospital were generally unaware of PFLI and rarely used it.
90 , where 25.1% (60 of 239) of clinicians were unaware of PICC presence.
91 s were made by emergency physicians who were unaware of point-of-care results.
92 A, 12% of caregivers reported that they were unaware of polio, and in Borno 12% of caregivers reporte
93 ults still pending, and physicians are often unaware of potentially actionable test results returning
94                                       We are unaware of previous reports of macroglossia in ALS/motor
95 l status was assessed by an examiner who was unaware of protocol assignment.
96                           A single observer, unaware of respiratory data, identified spontaneous and
97 e than 1 hair whorl was present) by 2 raters unaware of sexual orientation.
98 , we measured teaching behaviors by surgeons unaware of study objectives, provided aggregate and conf
99 went 4 index tests conducted by a technician unaware of subjects' ocular status.
100                           If a researcher is unaware of such effects (which may not be readily appare
101                  Up to 68% of physicians are unaware of supplement use among their cancer patients.
102                                 Two readers, unaware of surgical, histopathologic, or other imaging f
103 re that even though observers are completely unaware of test object images owing to interocular suppr
104                        Laboratory staff were unaware of the allocation of each slide and concealment
105                  An experienced technologist unaware of the angiography and other results performed t
106             The participants were completely unaware of the apnea evoked by stimulation and expressed
107                Strikingly, the subjects were unaware of the apnea.
108 or assessors (those collecting outcome data) unaware of the assigned intervention, so that they will
109                                       We are unaware of the association of GABA(B)R with Akt in any c
110 tion when the subjects and investigators are unaware of the calorie content of the treatments.
111 regnancy by two calibrated dentists who were unaware of the case-control status.
112 measurements were made by examiners who were unaware of the children's original treatment assignment.
113                                   Women were unaware of the city's water management system.
114 ectively reviewed by 2 radiologists who were unaware of the clinical and imaging data.
115 ere read by 2 experienced observers who were unaware of the clinical data and who assessed the presen
116                               Three readers, unaware of the clinical diagnosis, classified the images
117 terpreted by a moderately experienced reader unaware of the clinical information.
118 dently reviewed by two radiologists who were unaware of the contrast agent used.
119    However, many practicing radiologists are unaware of the critical link between the two coding syst
120             All patients and clinicians were unaware of the dose of warfarin during the first 4 weeks
121 l responses when participants reported to be unaware of the faces.
122 rs were related in meaning or not; they were unaware of the fact that half of the words concealed a c
123 s in a blinded manner (the radiologists were unaware of the field strength and prior DSA and MR angio
124                        A pathologist who was unaware of the final diagnoses reviewed the slides in ra
125 dependently by two readers (readers 1 and 2) unaware of the findings at 3D MR spectroscopic imaging a
126   The evaluators of the colonogram had to be unaware of the findings from use of the gold standard te
127 oth the patients and their cardiologist were unaware of the findings on FFR.
128 ach colonic segment, the colonoscopists were unaware of the findings on virtual colonoscopy, which we
129                     Treating physicians were unaware of the findings, which were not used for clinica
130 espondents who were aware and those who were unaware of the Fleischner guidelines.
131                           Observers who were unaware of the group assignments evaluated the outcomes.
132 sults, as measured by psychologists who were unaware of the group assignments.
133 d physicians, including colonoscopists, were unaware of the group assignments.
134                            All patients were unaware of the hierarchy and, like unaware controls, per
135 s of transitivity, but participants who were unaware of the hierarchy performed poorly (e.g., on tran
136 MR images were analyzed by two radiologists, unaware of the histopathologic findings, for the relatio
137 skill) by at least 10 peer surgeons who were unaware of the identity of the operating surgeon.
138 e adaptive course of action may be to remain unaware of the initial harm rather than risk alienating
139                                Subjects were unaware of the interference manipulation.
140                      Two physicians who were unaware of the interns' schedule assignments independent
141 intervention (or control) group only and was unaware of the interventions undertaken in the other thr
142 ed by 2 nuclear medicine physicians who were unaware of the laboratory and clinical data.
143 nce they were largely unregistered (79%) and unaware of the local VMW-system (95%) due to poor social
144                   Two radiologists, who were unaware of the location and number of calculi, reviewed
145 ive or malignant) by 2 radiologists who were unaware of the mammographic and histologic results.
146 dren 2-7 years old by a psychologist who was unaware of the MC's presence.
147 ties, and the studies used subjects who were unaware of the movements predicted by their recorded uni
148 ESBL and AmpC-producing organisms and may be unaware of the NCCLS guidelines on modifying susceptibil
149 ologists and other health care providers are unaware of the negative influence of disparate care on C
150  resident and an attending radiologist, each unaware of the other's interpretation.
151             Furthermore, chemists were often unaware of the parameters (such as compound size) which
152 e tested further by an expert reader who was unaware of the patients' clinical information.
153                          A physician who was unaware of the patients' treatment assignments recorded
154                                  Raters were unaware of the patients' treatment assignments.
155 rpreted the CT portion of the PET/CT (CT(p)) unaware of the PET results and the associated enhanced d
156 tosis) was assessed by a pathologist who was unaware of the PET results and the clinical outcome.
157 gestive tract were analysed by a pathologist unaware of the piglets' status.
158 ture may rest with growing numbers of people unaware of the potential insidious dangers of sitting to
159 ost importantly, because so many parents are unaware of the potential risk of inappropriate dosing, e
160   Patients and staff assessing outcomes were unaware of the practice's study group assignment.
161 % (90 of 425) of clinicians interviewed were unaware of the presence of a CVC.
162           The majority of these patients are unaware of the presence of Barrett's esophagus prior to
163 ndings and hospitalists were more frequently unaware of the presence of CVCs than interns and residen
164                    Clinicians are frequently unaware of the presence of PICCs and triple-lumen cathet
165 s with diabetes and their care providers are unaware of the presence of the disease.
166 ed to the mouse as a research model might be unaware of the profound impact of changes in genetic bac
167                    Laboratory personnel were unaware of the randomisation groups.
168 actors were also identified, including being unaware of the recall and poor CL hygiene practices, hig
169 ronic calipers by four radiologists who were unaware of the reference size measurements.
170                                 Two readers, unaware of the reports of other imaging studies and clin
171 copy with cycloplegia by an examiner who was unaware of the results from the PR2000 examination.
172 onal visual field, but is characteristically unaware of the same contralesional stimulus during simul
173 were no complications, and the patients were unaware of the stimulation.
174 ge to or loss of V1 are typically completely unaware of the stimulus that generates the aftereffect o
175             The patients and clinicians were unaware of the study assignments throughout the trial.
176                                Psychiatrists unaware of the study objective assessed the videos and s
177 ia in which the assessors of end points were unaware of the study-group assignments.
178 ated by a clinical-events committee that was unaware of the study-group assignments.
179 cal-events classification committee that was unaware of the study-group assignments.
180              Investigators and patients were unaware of the study-group assignments.
181 ects were interviewed by clinicians who were unaware of the subjects' childhood status.
182                                        While unaware of the suppressed pictures, heterosexual males'
183 a training session, four trauma radiologists unaware of the surgical outcome independently reviewed a
184 novative surgery as a strength, but 55% were unaware of the SUS recommendations; 23% reported that th
185          Investigators and participants were unaware of the treatment allocation status.
186 s was satisfactory when rated by an assessor unaware of the treatment assignment.
187              Patients and investigators were unaware of the treatment assignments and microbiologic t
188 dy coordinators, and all care providers were unaware of the treatment assignments.
189                               Assessors were unaware of the treatment assignments.
190 91% of the infants by investigators who were unaware of the treatment assignments.
191 tment or evaluation of the participants were unaware of the treatment group assignments.
192                    Control participants were unaware of the trial.
193 oup and participants not yet randomised were unaware of their allocation status.
194  attitudes, which suggests that spouses were unaware of their automatic attitudes.
195 s suggest that many postmenopausal women are unaware of their bone density and could benefit from scr
196         A total of 945 women were previously unaware of their bone density, although, for 344 (36.4%)
197 0s, many infectious disease personnel remain unaware of their clinical importance.
198 y planning, most FX premutation carriers are unaware of their condition.
199 r the identification of affected individuals unaware of their condition.
200 half of those at borderline-high risk remain unaware of their condition.
201 is study demonstrated that many patients are unaware of their current medical status and a significan
202 cy virus (HIV) in the United States, 20% are unaware of their diagnosis.
203 f 164) of those diagnosed with glaucoma were unaware of their diagnosis.
204       Seventy-eight individuals (89.7%) were unaware of their disease.
205                  Most affected subjects were unaware of their disease.
206 orming an unrelated cognitive task, and were unaware of their existence.
207 lstones cause clinical events among subjects unaware of their gallstone status.
208   The median detection rate of PWID who were unaware of their HCV infection was 2.5 per day.
209 infected persons, of whom 2,325 (57.4%) were unaware of their HIV infection and 2,816 (69.5%) were HI
210 treatment cascade, starting with the percent unaware of their HIV infection in a population and linka
211         The overall detection rate of people unaware of their HIV infection was 0.5 persons per day,
212 wly diagnosed cases and imputing for persons unaware of their HIV infection.
213 e means to identify high-risk youths who are unaware of their HIV status.
214 women younger than 40 years, 62 (78.5%) were unaware of their HIV-positive status, 76 (96.2%) were no
215 alence of HIV, roughly 280,000 Americans are unaware of their human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infe
216                 Patients who were relatively unaware of their illness had smaller brain and intracran
217                At baseline, women were often unaware of their increased risk of breast cancer; 40% (3
218               Most HCV-infected subjects are unaware of their infection, remaining at risk for transm
219 roximately 50% to 75% of infected adults are unaware of their infection.
220 approximately 16% and 50%, respectively, are unaware of their infection.
221                   Most of those affected are unaware of their lack of iron, in part because detection
222            Two hundred and sixty-one persons unaware of their mutation status enrolled in the Dominan
223 ults at risk for HD who had chosen to remain unaware of their mutation status.
224  because young and severely ill children are unaware of their ocular problems.
225 ding to health care costs, most surgeons are unaware of their operating room costs.
226 oners, practice staff, and SSS advisers were unaware of their patients' allocation.
227 nodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected youths are unaware of their serostatus (approximately 60%) and ther
228 y HIV- and HCV-infected PWID and MSM who are unaware of their status and those who are viremic across
229  prevalence of HIV-infected persons who were unaware of their status increased with sampling depth, f
230                Most HCV-infected persons are unaware of their status yet are at risk for life-threate
231  people living with HIV in Latin America are unaware of their status, are diagnosed late, and enter i
232  poor access to HIV testing services and are unaware of their status.
233 uals, and 50%-75% of infected persons remain unaware of their status.
234 itis C virus (HCV) infection and 50%-70% are unaware of their status.
235 r measles or immunization, and 97 (35%) were unaware of their status.
236  13,043 HIV-infected adults, 4932 (38%) were unaware of their status.
237 gative and HIV-positive individuals who were unaware of their status; aware, but not in HIV care; in
238       Yet, city officials are largely either unaware of their upstream emissions or doubtful about th
239 val [CI], 15%-40%) reported being completely unaware of their vision loss.
240      However, many practicing physicians are unaware of these disorders in their pediatric and adult
241                  The ancient Roman world was unaware of these risks.
242 ic kidney will go through his/her whole life unaware of this condition, unless it is discovered durin
243  and show that even university students seem unaware of this fact.
244                   Although participants were unaware of this gaze-contingent manipulation, their choi
245 d the world medical community remain largely unaware of this problem.
246 rs (including those assessing outcomes) were unaware of treatment allocation throughout the study.
247         Both investigators and patients were unaware of treatment allocation.
248 de 3-5), 6 months after enrollment, measured unaware of treatment allocation.
249 were done by an independent assessor who was unaware of treatment allocation.
250            Study staff and participants were unaware of treatment allocations, and masking was achiev
251              Assessors and participants were unaware of treatment allocations.
252 d of 4 cycles of chemotherapy by a clinician unaware of treatment assignment, and device safety.
253  done in a central laboratory by technicians unaware of treatment assignment.
254 ssessed by an independent endpoint committee unaware of treatment assignment.
255 articipants, parents, and nursing staff were unaware of treatment.
256  two gastrointestinal radiologists, who were unaware of tumor prevalence and findings at gross pathol
257 mages were assessed by two neuroradiologists unaware of ultrasonographic findings or case or control
258 nt process keeps clinicians and participants unaware of upcoming assignments.
259 l studies have shown that subjects are often unaware of visual stimuli presented around the time of a
260                        The interviewers were unaware of what group the participants were assigned to.
261 d either benign or malignant tissue but were unaware of which voxels had been labeled benign or malig
262  for parents who may otherwise have remained unaware of, or unwilling to engage with such provision.
263                          Patients are either unaware or aware of the visual stimuli, which they are a
264                                 Hypoglycemia-unaware patients were asymptomatic during hypoglycemia,
265 were revealed in minimally conscious but not unaware patients.
266 awareness campaigns should be made to target unaware population.
267 ween the functioning of implicit, relatively unaware, schematic cognitions and relatively aware, expl
268                               Both aware and unaware subjects showed fear-potentiated startle.
269                   Overall, 45% of women were unaware that CVD is the number 1 killer of women; only 1
270                     Several respondents were unaware that disease in a vaccinated person is infectiou
271 any policymakers and commissioners are still unaware that effective programmes exist, or that when im
272                 Thus, many investigators are unaware that extensive sequence data from Dictyostelium
273 easons for gaps included feeling well, being unaware that follow-up was required, and complete absenc
274                      However, most women are unaware that inconsequential disease can also be detecte
275 ay have an adverse outcome if the surgeon is unaware that it will affect both pattern strabismus and
276                           The public appears unaware that such standards have existed for some time.
277 cinated cases with comorbidities were mostly unaware that the child required PPV23 and/or expected pe
278 on of a health care professional, and may be unaware that the FDA regulates them.
279                        Participants who were unaware that the scene had been altered looked at the ch
280 w weeks of infection, when most patients are unaware that they are infected.
281 itis B virus (HBV), and up to two thirds are unaware that they are infected.
282 w weeks of infection, when most patients are unaware that they are infected.
283                       These individuals were unaware that they had been infected because they were sp
284 ed proportion 49%) of respondents previously unaware that they had hepatitis C.
285       Consequently, the target computers are unaware that they have performed computation for the ben
286 infected persons, of whom 5,337 (92.4%) were unaware that they were infected with HCV and 4,728 (81.8
287 s may arise because autistic individuals are unaware that they will also gain or lose reputation in t
288                 However, many clinicians are unaware that tranexamic acid causes seizures.
289 availability quartile were more likely to be unaware they had ARMD (PM, 93.8%; 90% CI, 90.6%-97.0%; v
290 ic retinopathy, and whether individuals were unaware they had ARMD.
291 availability quartile were less likely to be unaware they had diabetic retinopathy (predictive margin
292 n in the past year, whether individuals were unaware they had diabetic retinopathy, whether diabetic
293  sub-Saharan Africa, and individuals who are unaware they have the disorder are at very high risk of
294  that were more active in the aware than the unaware trials.
295 rain activity during individual 'aware' and 'unaware' trials, corrected for the confounding effects o
296 ndication that eye movements could reveal an unaware (unconscious) form of memory.
297  of 18 patients diagnosed to be vigilant but unaware (Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome) and 17 patie
298 In this fMRI study, we instantiated reliable unaware visual perception conditions by means of continu
299          In this fMRI study, we instantiated unaware visual perception conditions, by dynamically sup
300 visual afterimages of stimuli of which he is unaware when they are presented.

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