


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g the fundamental assumptions used by models unchallenged.
2 described by Poskanzer and Kerr has remained unchallenged.
3  the claims of the organotherapists remained unchallenged.
4 comes and medications or devices will remain unchallenged.
5 ithically into dentin, leaving the interface unchallenged.
6 ceptor signalling stimulates neurogenesis in unchallenged adult mice.
7 2 is dispensable during embryogenesis and in unchallenged adult skin.
8                  However, life expectancy in unchallenged adults genetically depleted of prothrombin
9                                          The unchallenged and arsenite-induced phosphorylation of som
10 chea and large airways in antigen-sensitized unchallenged and challenged mice to MCs in skin and helm
11                       Microarray analyses of unchallenged and LPS-challenged BXD RI strains identifie
12 gs, namely CD25(hi)CD127(lo)CD39(hi) in both unchallenged and VZV challenged skin and did not secrete
13 e fish, while the other half were maintained unchallenged and were pair-fed with the infected fish.
14 ntial for a normal hemopoietic system in the unchallenged animal, but also involved in various specif
15               However, BMP/Smad signaling in unchallenged animals is determinant for the level of hep
16  without obvious phenotypic abnormalities in unchallenged animals, except for development of lipid-co
17 ll during development and in immunologically unchallenged animals, impairs the expansion of antigen-s
18                                In control or unchallenged animals, the plantaris mass was 11% greater
19 . coli not exhibited by serum collected from unchallenged animals.
20                      Escherichia coli stands unchallenged as biology's premier model organism.
21 latively new form of resistance is spreading unchallenged as there is a current lack of potent and se
22  devices (SQUIDs) operating at 4 K have been unchallenged as ultrahigh-sensitivity magnetic field det
23 votal role of p53 in cancer pathways remains unchallenged, because p63 and p73 are now implicated in
24 poptotic PMN by 50% compared with previously unchallenged BMDM.
25  known about the dynamics of neurogenesis in unchallenged brain.
26                 Zymography demonstrated that unchallenged cells produced predominantly MMP-2.
27  B promoter and for production of gfp RNA in unchallenged cells remain to be studied.
28 lian HELQ contributes to genome stability in unchallenged conditions through a mechanism distinct fro
29 t this is required for DNA replication under unchallenged conditions.
30 rrect functioning of client Fe-S proteins in unchallenged conditions.
31 n astrocytes challenged with LPS compared to unchallenged control cells.
32 0E+03, 5.0E+04, or 5.0E+05 CFU/animal or the unchallenged control) and natural history (12 RMs; targe
33  targeted dose of 2.50E+05 CFU/animal or the unchallenged control).
34                 Gingival temperatures in the unchallenged controls remained unchanged.
35         Experimental groups were as follows: unchallenged controls, 5-FU-challenged mice (450 mg/kg,
36      Residual MCh responses are identical to unchallenged controls, and although inflammation remains
37 ed remyelination were equivalent to those of unchallenged controls, and immunoelectron microscopy rev
38                    Pigs in group 1 served as unchallenged controls.
39  relative deficiency in lung NK cells in the unchallenged CXCR3-deficient lung and demonstrated produ
40                       We also report that in unchallenged DBA/1j mice, Ackr2 deficiency increases the
41 g that arteries crush veins remains somewhat unchallenged despite the lack of evidence other than fun
42         This assumption has remained largely unchallenged due to a paucity of methods to distinguish
43           The incidences of infection in the unchallenged ear or inner ear were 26 or 28% in the vacc
44                                           In unchallenged endothelial cells, fibrillar collagen induc
45  dispensable for the reproductive success of unchallenged females that have conceived naturally, but
46  the kidney, a concept that has been largely unchallenged for more than 4 decades.
47 cantly diminished in CIA-challenged and even unchallenged fXIIIA(-/-) mice relative to wild-type anim
48                                           In unchallenged GM-CSF-deficient mice, the apoptosis of cir
49                                              Unchallenged HAEC failed to elicit monocyte chemoattract
50                                              Unchallenged heterozygous LKB1-KO mice displayed normal
51 me extent) in wild-type cells as observed in unchallenged HR(-) cells.
52                              Although basal (unchallenged) IL-6 and IL-8 production was similar in al
53 ory seems to have survived--and proliferated-unchallenged in a time of contention between hypotheses
54 P-activated genes were also downregulated in unchallenged leaves of the peroxidase knockdown lines, s
55 formononetin) in vitro as well as in vivo in unchallenged leaves of transgenic alfalfa ectopically ex
56 f pathogen challenges, yet their role in the unchallenged lung is unknown.
57 FoxO1 or FoxO3 failed to induce apoptosis in unchallenged macrophages but exacerbated apoptosis in ma
58                                 Furthermore, unchallenged Met-KO cells displayed oxidative stress as
59                                      MAIN In unchallenged mice (n = 107), heparin at 100, 500, or 250
60                                              Unchallenged mice developed tumors in keratin 5-expressi
61 macrophages isolated by peritoneal lavage of unchallenged mice express P-selectin on the plasma membr
62 obial density and intestinal permeability in unchallenged mice, as well as the severity of DSS-induce
63                                           In unchallenged mice, we measured intestinal permeability b
64 pe CD8 T-cell subset found in lymphoreplete, unchallenged mice.
65 ected in the lung, lymph node, and spleen of unchallenged mice.
66 ntive role of antiplatelet therapies remains unchallenged, new data on genomics and variability in re
67 llenged mice and not from those derived from unchallenged normal mice.
68 the underlying assumptions remain imprecise, unchallenged, or unconfirmed.
69 ds, whereas they were absent from tissues of unchallenged oysters.
70                  Eight sham-challenged and 4 unchallenged rabbits were used as controls.
71  1:150 at 6 months and 1:100 at 12 months in unchallenged rabbits.
72 ter adoptive transfer in both challenged and unchallenged recipients.
73 number of stalled replication forks, even in unchallenged S phase in primary mouse fibroblasts derive
74 ted random breakage theory that has remained unchallenged since the mid-1980s.
75              The CD4(+)Foxp3(+) T cells from unchallenged skin had suppressive activity, because thei
76  were taken after 6 hours to 7 days and from unchallenged skin.
77                                           In unchallenged tissues, steady-state AtSGT1b levels are at
78 r ISC maintenance and tissue self-renewal in unchallenged tissues.
79 ne expression analysis of colon tissues from unchallenged TMF(-/-) mice revealed 5-fold elevated tran
80 e, exenatide, metoprolol, and esmolol) stand unchallenged to date in reducing infarct size in patient

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