


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nitial burst release of each drug is usually uncontrollable.
2                      While initial trauma is uncontrollable, a valuable opportunity exists in the hou
3 anterior insula and medial PFC (mPFC) in the uncontrollable and increased negative connectivity betwe
4                                We found that uncontrollable and inescapable stress induced behavioral
5 ility in the aforementioned systems leads to uncontrollable and irreproducible results, making conclu
6 essure in rabbits permits the measurement of uncontrollable artifacts that occur with tonometric meas
7 e disorder (OCD) is a disorder of automatic, uncontrollable behaviors and obsessive rumination.
8 ted cohort design" was not able to eliminate uncontrollable bias.
9 mal placenta (n = 11), hysterectomy owing to uncontrollable bleeding (n = 1), and placenta accreta (n
10 ations within their first year of life, with uncontrollable bullous pemphigoid, colitis, and proteinu
11                  These studies revealed that uncontrollable, but not controllable, tail shock impaire
12 cally ubiquitous factor that, when perceived uncontrollable by humans and animals, can have lingering
13          We hypothesized that some medically uncontrollable cases with only one K(ATP) mutation might
14 anent dimerisation and subsequently leads to uncontrollable cell division and tumour formation.
15 instability toward oxidation, which leads to uncontrollable changes in optical and electronic propert
16                                              Uncontrollable, compared with controllable, painful stim
17 ting disorder is characterized by excessive, uncontrollable consumption of palatable food within brie
18                  Mitigating the impact of an uncontrollable decline in immune function is no longer t
19 curred, including hemodynamic instability or uncontrollable decreases in hematocrit.
20  show that, in most rats, the unpredictable, uncontrollable delivery of cocaine protects against the
21 dary batteries has been inhibited because of uncontrollable dendrite growth during cycling.
22                               Unfortunately, uncontrollable dendritic lithium growth inherent in thes
23 polysulfides, volume expansion of sulfur and uncontrollable deposition of lithium sulfide are three o
24 llections revealed that clinically relevant, uncontrollable differences in the amount of blood interv
25 ystalline materials due to the occurrence of uncontrollable dislocations or defects.
26 acterial infections, are often attributed to uncontrollable DNA replication.
27  (e.g., studying) but give up if failure was uncontrollable (e.g., unfair exam questions).
28 tivity in a swim test after being exposed to uncontrollable electric tail-shock.
29 ging due to extensive cellular branching and uncontrollable environmental conditions in conventional
30 ar/random mechanical actions in variable and uncontrollable environments is an effective approach for
31 l expression and regulation characterized by uncontrollable episodes of laughing and crying that ofte
32 r and crying (PLC) are subject to relatively uncontrollable episodes of laughter, crying or both.
33 disorder (PTSD), manifests as inappropriate, uncontrollable expression of fear in neutral and safe en
34 es of the spin-glass phase without requiring uncontrollable extrapolations to infinite times or syste
35 ioning the breast for a mammogram is also an uncontrollable factor in measuring tissue density.
36 ore age 50 included six variables reflecting uncontrollable factors: parental social class, family co
37  laboratory experiments to better understand uncontrollable fear and anxiety.
38 ther impulsivity predates the development of uncontrollable feeding is unknown.
39        Rats who remained sedentary following uncontrollable foot shock demonstrated robust conditione
40 eels for 6 weeks, but not 2 weeks, following uncontrollable foot shock reduced the expression of cond
41 star-Kyoto rats were exposed to inescapable, uncontrollable footshocks.
42 n in their behavioral phenotypes (such as in uncontrollable gambling or eating).
43 efficacy, but have been primarily studied as uncontrollable growth systems in immune incompetent mice
44 ic stability and the presence of potentially uncontrollable hemorrhage (e.g. deep truncal injury) ver
45 d resuscitation preoperatively in those with uncontrollable hemorrhage (e.g. those with penetrating t
46 on (>/=6 cm), organ or limb ischemia, or new uncontrollable hypertension or pain.
47                  The idea that one's pain is uncontrollable in itself leads to stress.
48 sma HDL levels, SR-BI-null mice displayed an uncontrollable inflammatory cytokine response and a mark
49 ld be limited in conditions with potentially uncontrollable internal hemorrhage, and particularly in
50 e: a) helping to save victims of temporarily uncontrollable (internal) traumatic (e.g., combat casual
51 ost common reported causes of attrition were uncontrollable lifestyle (range, 12%-87.5%) and transfer
52 ping, typically thought to be related to the uncontrollable morphology evolution of the Li anode duri
53 otor function (hypokinesia), but can develop uncontrollable movements known as dyskinesia upon treatm
54 ogressive cerebellar degeneration, seizures, uncontrollable movements, and premature death by postnat
55 ergy, we offer strategies to turn physically uncontrollable networks into physically controllable one
56         These pathways include reflexive and uncontrollable neurohormonal responses to food images, c
57                  Furthermore, preexposure to uncontrollable (noncontingent) shock to the leg or tail
58 rk of narcolepsy characterized by the sudden uncontrollable onset of muscle weakness or paralysis dur
59                                              Uncontrollable or inescapable shock (IS) produces behavi
60 y confers an increased propensity to develop uncontrollable overeating of palatable food.
61  a pain-facilitating role of the mPFC during uncontrollable pain and a pain-inhibiting role of the dl
62  complicated by poor perfusion, aneurysm, or uncontrollable pain and hypertension.
63 t, cancer patients are surviving longer, but uncontrollable pain creates a poor quality of life for t
64 nput, intensity ratings increased during the uncontrollable pain trials.
65            In contrast, sensitization during uncontrollable pain was mediated by increased connectivi
66 cts of strong general control beliefs during uncontrollable pain.
67                                              Uncontrollable polymerization has prevented the structur
68 rol were controlled, depression was the only uncontrollable predictor variable that affected the qual
69 ition, neither accelerated HSC depletion nor uncontrollable proliferation occurred during epo-stimula
70 at intra-amygdalar muscimol infusions before uncontrollable restraint-tailshock stress effectively bl
71 ansferring undefined living bacteria entails uncontrollable risks for infectious and metabolic or mal
72 ices provide useful palliation for otherwise uncontrollable seizures, but with a different risk profi
73 CNS damage, a phenotype that is presented by uncontrollable seizures.
74  persistence, whereas VMPFC signal change to uncontrollable setbacks mediated the relationship betwee
75  persistence in the face of controllable and uncontrollable setbacks.
76 ET), a movement disorder characterised by an uncontrollable shaking of the affected body part, is oft
77 gonist administration did not substitute for uncontrollable shock exposure.
78 y, administration of an NK1 agonist prior to uncontrollable shock prevented the induction of the defi
79                                              Uncontrollable shock produces a constellation of behavio
80 reater disturbance of the LC-NE system after uncontrollable shock.
81 that are independent of limb position (e.g., uncontrollable shock; peripheral inflammation) produces
82 o attenuate the effects of stressors such as uncontrollable shocks.
83 atients on long-term dialysis with otherwise uncontrollable SHPT to generate data on the rate of recu
84 lly effective for the treatment of otherwise uncontrollable SHPT.
85 manifest in ways that are consistent with an uncontrollable state of fear.
86 ned brain activation during controllable and uncontrollable stimulation to answer these questions.
87 atments that block the behavioral effects of uncontrollable stress also blocked 5-HT(1A) receptor des
88             The hippocampus is vulnerable to uncontrollable stress and is enriched with oxytocin rece
89 by the mPFCv, and the behavioral sequelae of uncontrollable stress are blocked.
90 t time points when the behavioral effects of uncontrollable stress are present.
91 s to test the hypothesis that the effects of uncontrollable stress are produced by desensitization of
92 data indicate that the behavioral effects of uncontrollable stress are sensitive to the duration of p
93 nged KOR signaling in response to chronic or uncontrollable stress can lead to persistent expression
94  suggest that the behavioral consequences of uncontrollable stress depend on hypersensitivity of sero
95 mptoms in healthy humans experiencing acute, uncontrollable stress during U.S. Army survival training
96                                      Chronic uncontrollable stress has been shown to produce various
97                           Exposure to acute, uncontrollable stress increases catecholamine release in
98    Last, Western blot analysis revealed that uncontrollable stress leads to desensitization rather th
99                However, traumatic or chronic uncontrollable stress promotes the onset of major depres
100                        Mice exposed to brief uncontrollable stress showed impaired within-session ext
101 n experience with controllable stress before uncontrollable stress that prevents the behavioral outco
102 ess that prevents the behavioral outcomes of uncontrollable stress, also blocked functional desensiti
103               The behavioral consequences of uncontrollable stress, or learned helplessness (LH) beha
104 e nucleus that would normally be produced by uncontrollable stress, providing a mechanism for behavio
105      DRN 5-HT neurons are hyperactive during uncontrollable stress, resulting in desensitization of 5
106 s of wheel running was required to attenuate uncontrollable stress-induced 5-HT neural activity, inde
107 voluntary freewheel running on LH behaviors, uncontrollable stress-induced activity of DRN 5-HT neuro
108  of wheel running prevents LH and attenuates uncontrollable stress-induced c-Fos expression in DRN 5-
109 t when administered at the time of the later uncontrollable stress.
110 well as at the time of the later exposure to uncontrollable stress.
111  contribute to DRN 5-HT hyperactivity during uncontrollable stress.
112 d attenuates DRN 5-HT neural activity during uncontrollable stress.
113 nditioned fear, induced by acute exposure to uncontrollable stress.
114 desensitization of DRN 5-HT(1A) receptors by uncontrollable stress.
115 sponsible for the behavioral consequences of uncontrollable stress.
116 s, and weaken working memory function during uncontrollable stress.
117 hich did not differ between controllable and uncontrollable stress.
118 sion did not differ between controllable and uncontrollable stress.
119 rference with shuttle box escape produced by uncontrollable stress.
120 Indeed, these subjects respond as if a later uncontrollable stressor is actually controllable.
121 examined the effects of brief exposure to an uncontrollable stressor on (1) fear conditioning and fea
122 ol alters the vmPFC in such a way that later uncontrollable stressors now activate the vmPFC circuitr
123 le tailshock, supporting the hypothesis that uncontrollable stressors preferentially activate seroton
124                      These data suggest that uncontrollable stressors produce a desensitization of DR
125                                              Uncontrollable stressors produce behavioral changes that
126 a potent modulator of the stressor's impact; uncontrollable stressors produce numerous outcomes that
127 of the neural substrate by which exposure to uncontrollable stressors produces poor escape responding
128          These findings indicate that acute, uncontrollable stressors reduce participants' ability to
129                                     However, uncontrollable surface properties of a fabricated nanopo
130 ape deficit and exaggerated fear produced by uncontrollable tail shock in sedentary rats.
131 ggerated conditioned fear that is induced by uncontrollable tail shock in sedentary rats.
132  behavioral changes that follow inescapable, uncontrollable tail shocks (ISs) in Sprague Dawley rats.
133                                       In the uncontrollable task, the temperature time courses of the
134                             When chronic and uncontrollable, the adverse effects of stress on human h
135 d to experimentally address the challenge of uncontrollable thermal conditions by the stabilization o
136    Generally, a fracture is considered as an uncontrollable thus useless phenomenon due to its highly
137 tinued on therapy until disease progression, uncontrollable toxicity, or withdrawal of consent.
138 ght or during sleep, which often leads to an uncontrollable urge to move them for relief.
139 agnostic criteria for drug addiction include uncontrollable urges to obtain drugs and reduced behavio
140 months) 1 patient died suddenly, 2 died from uncontrollable VT, and 5 died from heart failure.
141         Specialty lifestyle (controllable vs uncontrollable) was classified using earlier research.
142 high-risk patients with VT that is otherwise uncontrollable with antiarrhythmic drugs and standard pe
143 GAD) is characterized by the core symptom of uncontrollable worry.

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