


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1              We purified native P51 and Nsp3 under nondenaturing conditions.
2 bond (P449A/Y456T) being kinetically trapped under nondenaturing conditions.
3 ty of fluorophore-conjugated recombinant TTR under nondenaturing conditions.
4 or labeling of unique sequences within dsDNA under nondenaturing conditions.
5 f monomeric lambda repressor (MetO-lambdaLS) under nondenaturing conditions.
6  domains, nuclear proteins were fractionated under nondenaturing conditions.
7 ction of the intracellular protein component under nondenaturing conditions.
8  Ni(2+)-nitrilotriacetic acid affinity resin under nondenaturing conditions.
9 tion when mixed with normal brain homogenate under nondenaturing conditions.
10 under denaturing conditions and 82% of these under nondenaturing conditions.
11 e expressed in Escherichia coli and purified under nondenaturing conditions.
12 bind genomic DNA at a predetermined sequence under nondenaturing conditions.
13 n the position of monomers by gel filtration under nondenaturing conditions.
14       Likewise, DGAT1 also forms a homodimer under nondenaturing conditions.
15 ting fully and partially assembled complexes under nondenaturing conditions.
16 ation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions.
17 esis (PAGE) and agarose isoelectric focusing under nondenaturing conditions.
18 ycosylation (neuraminidase plus N-glycanase) under nondenaturing conditions.
19 ntified by high-resolution mass spectrometry under nondenaturing conditions.
20                                              Under nondenaturing conditions, a multimeric species wit
21      Immunoaffinity chromatography performed under nondenaturing conditions afforded the isolation of
22  antibody directly bound this 31-mer peptide under nondenaturing conditions and binding was sensitive
23             The 30 kDa fragment is a monomer under nondenaturing conditions and contains a Trx domain
24  fused His(6)-RocF was purified from E. coli under nondenaturing conditions and had catalytic activit
25 ied GlpF exists in multiple oligomeric forms under nondenaturing conditions and is highly permeable t
26  from rat liver using a monoclonal antibody, under nondenaturing conditions and reconstituted into un
27 om monomers by size exclusion chromatography under nondenaturing conditions and that the isolated, so
28 he reaction of Et 743 with DNA is reversible under nondenaturing conditions and that the rate of this
29 of both the apoE3 and apoE4 isoforms to CNTF under nondenaturing conditions, and (2) a higher avidity
30 is purpose, we have purified recombinant NS2 under nondenaturing conditions, and have investigated it
31     Purified OmpP2A and OmpP2B were isolated under nondenaturing conditions, and subsequent analysis
32 regates using size exclusion chromatography, under nondenaturing conditions, and the individual compo
33      Immunoprecipitation studies carried out under nondenaturing conditions, and using a variety of a
34 ylamide gel electrophoresis and is monomeric under nondenaturing conditions as measured by sedimentat
35 e nonlipoprotein fraction, where it existed, under nondenaturing conditions, as a 200-kDa complex and
36                                              Under nondenaturing conditions, both the glutathione S-t
37 vides high-resolution separation of proteins under nondenaturing conditions but requires high concent
38  used to infer residual structure in the DSE under nondenaturing conditions, but direct characterizat
39 yme and inhibitor, which could be visualized under nondenaturing conditions, but was dissociated by S
40 isolated the intermediate conformation of A1 under nondenaturing conditions by reduction and carboxya
41 factor domain at Asn-452, by a deglycosidase under nondenaturing conditions decreased the chemical an
42                                              Under nondenaturing conditions, electrophoresis of the F
43 ng protein A (rTbpA) and rTbpB were purified under nondenaturing conditions for use as ELISA antigens
44 ntrast, when NMDA receptors were solubilized under nondenaturing conditions, immunoprecipitation foll
45   Samples are introduced into the ESI source under nondenaturing conditions in order to observe intac
46                        Coimmunoprecipitation under nondenaturing conditions indicates that the C[129]
47 ptor subunits when membranes are solubilized under nondenaturing conditions, indicating an interactio
48 sponsive gel electrolyte that can be applied under nondenaturing conditions is demonstrated.
49                                              Under nondenaturing conditions, Nectarin I has an appare
50 l ions and complexes that hydrolyze peptides under nondenaturing conditions of temperature and pH hol
51                       Chemical modification, under nondenaturing conditions, of the histidines using
52                                              Under nondenaturing conditions on a gel filtration colum
53 ly, blue native PAGE (BN-PAGE) revealed that under nondenaturing conditions, P66 is found in large co
54 n of the disulfide bonds with dithiothreitol under nondenaturing conditions releases the central, his
55 cipitation of the V-ATPase from both strains under nondenaturing conditions revealed no defect in ass
56      Coimmunoprecipitation of NMDA receptors under nondenaturing conditions revealed that these chang
57                                  Immunoblots under nondenaturing conditions show that the mutant prot
58 usion high performance liquid chromatography under nondenaturing conditions; that dimer may be on the
59 s determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry; under nondenaturing conditions, the aggregation state of
60 activation of alpha with MgCl2 and GTPgammaS under nondenaturing conditions, the beta4 and gamma11 su
61 iron-free apoprotein has an identical A(280) under nondenaturing conditions, the difference between t
62                                              Under nondenaturing conditions, the intact zinc-containi
63                                              Under nondenaturing conditions, the M(r) was 68,000, sug
64                                              Under nondenaturing conditions, the two fragments remain
65 ied by affinity chromatography, and analyzed under nondenaturing conditions to resolve the multimer s
66                                              Under nondenaturing conditions, two Forster resonance en
67          The apparent molecular mass of GlpE under nondenaturing conditions was 22.5 kDa, indicating
68 eoprotein from the antisense oligonucleotide under nondenaturing conditions was achieved by a novel a
69 tem to be carried out on polyacrylamide gels under nondenaturing conditions was developed to efficien
70 t this DNA bound to nitrocellulose membranes under nondenaturing conditions, was sensitive to S1 nucl
71                    Using immunoprecipitation under nondenaturing conditions, we found that the GRalph
72                 Using a band-shift technique under nondenaturing conditions, we obtained evidence for
73                  Mass spectrometric analyses under nondenaturing conditions were used to investigate
74 ent molecular weight than did wild-type FVII under nondenaturing conditions, which is attributable to
75  biophysical properties of membrane proteins under nondenaturing conditions, which makes this technol
76 isolation of hapten-labeled immune complexes under nondenaturing conditions with hapten is broadly ap
77 traction of the MOMP from Chlamydia isolates under nondenaturing conditions yielded the trimeric conf

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