


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ated, and SAG-CUL5-betaTrCP1 forms a complex under physiological condition.
2 ion precision at single hippocampal synapses under physiological conditions.
3 solution structures from biological material under physiological conditions.
4 ated to yield multiuse selective PSA sensing under physiological conditions.
5 h of a second, biomolecular binding reaction under physiological conditions.
6 show that RNS60 promotes OPC differentiation under physiological conditions.
7 wine composition on oral-mucosa interactions under physiological conditions.
8 plified through an energy-transfer mechanism under physiological conditions.
9 lls in photopolymerized coacervate hydrogels under physiological conditions.
10 togenesis program that is usually suppressed under physiological conditions.
11  observe for the first time to our knowledge under physiological conditions.
12 s in the cochlea, did not reduce ATP release under physiological conditions.
13 que for visualizing dynamics of biomolecules under physiological conditions.
14 only be quantified by gating on viable cells under physiological conditions.
15 ar lateral wall almost abolished ATP release under physiological conditions.
16 aliana) proteins modified by S-sulfhydration under physiological conditions.
17 (Ft) that display enhanced iron accumulation under physiological conditions.
18 pH in the range 5.5-9.0 and other metal ions under physiological conditions.
19 Orai1 interaction, providing a brake to SOCE under physiological conditions.
20 nd immediately after, repetitive stimulation under physiological conditions.
21 lFFF, making it feasible to measure proteins under physiological conditions.
22 nable them to recover their functional state under physiological conditions.
23 on has not been considered to be significant under physiological conditions.
24 panied by a significant decline in bone mass under physiological conditions.
25 ay not interact efficiently with this moiety under physiological conditions.
26 hat lack secondary and/or tertiary structure under physiological conditions.
27 oncentrations have important signaling roles under physiological conditions.
28 e polymers starting from a native-like state under physiological conditions.
29 p targets Gria1 and regulates its expression under physiological conditions.
30 al changes correlated with kinase activation under physiological conditions.
31  imply that stable G-triplexes may be formed under physiological conditions.
32 the active structure of the mutant ribozymes under physiological conditions.
33 se systems are optimized to capture sunlight under physiological conditions.
34 ification affecting a wide range of proteins under physiological conditions.
35 resenting lipids via iminoboronate formation under physiological conditions.
36 k-actin) monomers and prevent polymerization under physiological conditions.
37 m for the p53 regulator network in the heart under physiological conditions.
38 ns can now be studied one molecule at a time under physiological conditions.
39 uch complexes facilitate the formation of Fh under physiological conditions.
40 eby ensuring a high rate of Ca(2+) transport under physiological conditions.
41  poor biocompatibility and non-degradability under physiological conditions.
42 ntribute mannose to N-glycans in fibroblasts under physiological conditions.
43 ed to the pole and does not cause cell lysis under physiological conditions.
44 embrane are notoriously challenging to study under physiological conditions.
45 s-elements to facilitate prolonged signaling under physiological conditions.
46 veal that phenanthriplatin rapidly racemizes under physiological conditions.
47 e characterization of biomolecular complexes under physiological conditions.
48 role in protecting alphaSyn from aggregation under physiological conditions.
49 stability, and aggregation is that populated under physiological conditions.
50 ion in the thin filament-myosin head complex under physiological conditions.
51 ortunity to measure cross-synaptic synchrony under physiological conditions.
52 e antigenic peptide can produce crosslinking under physiological conditions.
53 tural stability with atomic force microscopy under physiological conditions.
54 ides the required stability for measurements under physiological conditions.
55 enabling synchronous efficient entry control under physiological conditions.
56 he regression of skeletal muscle capillaries under physiological conditions.
57 f naive and memory B cells in the same mouse under physiological conditions.
58 ivates TrkB in hippocampal mossy fiber axons under physiological conditions.
59 NIR light emission that are suitable for use under physiological conditions.
60 luence measurably cytosolic [Ca(2+)] signals under physiological conditions.
61 xerts a broad spectrum of biological effects under physiological conditions.
62 ntaneously form covalent isopeptide linkages under physiological conditions.
63 gaps between Okazaki fragments are not found under physiological conditions.
64 m of rHb Kirklareli to denature very rapidly under physiological conditions.
65 t probes via rapid and spontaneous reactions under physiological conditions.
66  a unitary conductance of 70-100 picosiemens under physiological conditions.
67  dynamics that govern cholinergic signalling under physiological conditions.
68 e multiparametric imaging of native proteins under physiological conditions.
69  to support the measured hydrogen production under physiological conditions.
70  unlikely to exist as a stable macromolecule under physiological conditions.
71          They are continuously produced also under physiological conditions.
72 n be effective in LDL-C oxidation inhibition under physiological conditions.
73 pproximately 5-20%) participate in recycling under physiological conditions.
74  energy required for rapid electron transfer under physiological conditions.
75 urs regularly in aging CA1 pyramidal neurons under physiological conditions.
76 adenine nucleotide gradients in the myoplasm under physiological conditions.
77 of novel intermediates and stability studies under physiological conditions.
78 s, but their characterization is challenging under physiological conditions.
79 gnificant dynamic buffer of cytosolic Ca(2+) under physiological conditions.
80 artner SpyCatcher and forms isopeptide bonds under physiological conditions.
81 ulation of qseBC gene transcription by PmrAB under physiological conditions.
82 ytic activity of FXN(42-210) and FXN(81-210) under physiological conditions.
83 s is formed spontaneously from 3-oxo-C12-HSL under physiological conditions.
84  of degradation rates and related properties under physiological conditions.
85  be completed in a reasonable amount of time under physiological conditions.
86 t kinetics in the cell/tissue spatial domain under physiological conditions.
87 eripherally-derived inflammatory macrophages under physiological conditions.
88 d by BACE1 and PS/gamma-secretase activities under physiological conditions.
89 ional, does not adopt a defined folded state under physiological conditions.
90 ghly ordered and less ordered configurations under physiological conditions.
91 characterization of macromolecular complexes under physiological conditions.
92 rsion of carbon dioxide (CO2) to bicarbonate under physiological conditions.
93 ns known to be released by endothelial cells under physiological conditions.
94 sure in cell membranes are largely invariant under physiological conditions.
95  transients evoked by single synaptic events under physiological conditions.
96 graded potentials control postsynaptic cells under physiological conditions.
97 enzene-BODIPY, or "MBo") that can detect MGO under physiological conditions.
98 +) and Na(+) into inverted membrane vesicles under physiological conditions.
99 etween STAT5A and PDC subunits in adipocytes under physiological conditions.
100 -bound full-length bitopic protein complexes under physiological conditions.
101 nisms that contribute to cardiac dysfunction under physiological conditions.
102 f interactions between BSA and azo colorants under physiological conditions.
103 spectroscopic and molecular modeling methods under physiological conditions.
104 gen is presented to T cells in the periphery under physiological conditions.
105 ivity and ability to retain and protect SOD1 under physiological conditions.
106 constructs of CXCR1 in phospholipid bilayers under physiological conditions.
107 ce of Tau's static-dynamic state equilibrium under physiological conditions.
108 w-growing fungi from high doses of deuterons under physiological conditions.
109 rolled exclusively by the enzyme redox state under physiological conditions.
110 lent to decades of exposure to free radicals under physiological conditions.
111 this is the main enzyme for their production under physiological conditions.
112 clization and shunting AA to the LOX pathway under physiological conditions.
113 o been implicated in inflammasome activation under physiological conditions.
114 indicates the presence of TCP-LPS aggregates under physiological conditions.
115 uman genome may fold into i-motif structures under physiological conditions.
116 ever, its activity was substantially reduced under physiological conditions.
117 may adopt a functionally active conformation under physiological conditions.
118 al relaxation at a low protein concentration under physiological conditions.
119          These structures may be very stable under physiological conditions.
120 cs of miR-132 activation in cortical neurons under physiological conditions.
121  major role in maintaining neuronal function under physiological conditions.
122 sated for by the canonical NF-kappaB pathway under physiological conditions.
123 ural polymers are synthesized and decomposed under physiological conditions.
124 ining human tissue for over a month in vitro under physiological conditions.
125 mphasis on controlling initial C3 activation under physiological conditions.
126 ion and reversibility can be both controlled under physiological conditions.
127  factors that lead to oocyst wall disruption under physiological conditions.
128 redominantly from experimental data recorded under physiological conditions.
129 ognize specific mixed-sequence dsDNA regions under physiological conditions.
130 al transduction and translational regulation under physiological conditions.
131  accidental activation by host nucleic acids under physiological conditions.
132            These modes can both be populated under physiological conditions.
133 was necessary and sufficient for aggregation under physiological conditions.
134 s are needed to validate these relationships under physiological conditions.
135  their contribution to N-glycans synthesized under physiological conditions (5 mm glucose and 50 mum
136 ary erythrocytic nitrite reductase operating under physiological conditions and accounts for nitrite-
137 s system and central nervous system neurites under physiological conditions and after exposure to mic
138 trols the maintenance of the HSC compartment under physiological conditions and causes the outcompeti
139 e redox signaling and regulation of proteins under physiological conditions and during adaptation to
140 ence for visual pigment dimerization in vivo under physiological conditions and for its role in pigme
141 ms of aggregation-prone proteins are present under physiological conditions and have the propensity t
142 ies on capsid assembly and RNA encapsidation under physiological conditions and identification of ant
143 asomal degradation in differentiated neurons under physiological conditions and identify Casein Kinas
144  is central for de novo fatty acid synthesis under physiological conditions and in the context of non
145               Resulting surfaces were stable under physiological conditions and in the presence of hi
146  as mediators of intercellular communication under physiological conditions and in this context also
147 irely clear, with most individually inactive under physiological conditions and many preferentially t
148 tute an important part of immune repertoires under physiological conditions and may play essential ro
149               Panx1 channels can release ATP under physiological conditions and play critical roles i
150 6N, can readily convert into genuine fibrils under physiological conditions and primes in vitro the f
151 hat EE alters microglia in the dentate gyrus under physiological conditions and robustly prevents mic
152  in the hippocampus and cortex express CSF1R under physiological conditions and that kainic acid-indu
153 w the long channel does not hinder catalysis under physiological conditions and the possible roles of
154 ion propensities just low enough to function under physiological conditions and thus that a small num
155 in phosphorylation is occupied by arrestin-1 under physiological conditions and will not signal upon
156  for osteoclast formation in cancellous bone under physiological conditions, and RANKL production by
157 orphyrins in its subepithelial pigment cells under physiological conditions, and that this leads to p
158 A1 mutations all caused inward leak currents under physiological conditions, and the CACNA1D mutation
159 Remarkably, docked connexons are inseparable under physiological conditions, and we and others have s
160                            Here we show that under physiological conditions, application of low conce
161 ing its structural properties and regulation under physiological conditions are poorly studied.
162 oteins, which lack unique tertiary structure under physiological conditions, are enriched in phosphor
163 d for endocrine differentiation from the IPD under physiological conditions as well as in the diabeti
164 on both spherical and rod-like plasmonic NPs under physiological conditions, as bench-marked against
165 lowed for the creation of hydrogel materials under physiological conditions at low laser excitation e
166 ere studied in myocardial strip preparations under physiological conditions at stimulation rates of 6
167 ese organelles drives mitochondrial activity under physiological conditions at the cost of increased
168 istent coherence in photosynthetic complexes under physiological conditions at the level of individua
169 lexible segments have no secondary structure under physiological conditions but can fold in a stimulu
170           The resulting cross-link is stable under physiological conditions, but can be readily disso
171  Ac4 ManAz-loaded MBs showed great stability under physiological conditions, but rapidly collapsed in
172 allergens have been evidenced in breast milk under physiological conditions, but the kinetic and the
173 n between ODC and SPR proteins was confirmed under physiological conditions by co-immunoprecipitation
174 t a protective role for transmembrane mucins under physiological conditions by masking viral entry me
175  in liquid crystalline phospholipid bilayers under physiological conditions by Rotationally Aligned (
176 Wnt signalling over non-canonical signalling under physiological conditions by specifically facilitat
177  stabilities and monitored their aggregation under physiological conditions by thioflavin T fluoresce
178 tive analysis yields four clear results: (i) under physiological conditions, Ca(2+) influx into the m
179                                              Under physiological conditions, Ca(2+) transfer from the
180 e concentration of a red blood cell solution under physiological conditions can be determined by elec
181 n of any BAR-domain protein dynamics in vivo under physiological conditions consistent with the oligo
182  muscle growth factor receptor that, in vivo under physiological conditions, contributes much more to
183            The present data demonstrate that under physiological conditions, CorA is a multioccupancy
184 ich dynein was inhibited or integrin blocked under physiological conditions demonstrated increased no
185 ed by K(+) ions in their selectivity filters under physiological conditions, demonstrating the channe
186  HLA-DR1-restricted self-peptidome presented under physiological conditions derives from a variety of
187 s with varying counteranions that are stable under physiological conditions, display excellent fluore
188                    We establish further that under physiological conditions, Drp1 coexists as two mor
189 oA transport function of PXN can be excluded under physiological conditions due to its low affinity f
190 sets measured from the same species (rabbit) under physiological conditions: dynamic current-voltage
191 plexation of STAT3 with SF-1-066 or BP-1-102 under physiological conditions enabled the mapping of th
192         Furthermore, gelation occurs rapidly under physiological conditions, enabling encapsulation o
193                                              Under physiological conditions, endogenous FVIIa engages
194 rt that binding of histone H4 to prothrombin under physiological conditions generates thrombin by aut
195                                              Under physiological conditions, glutamatergic vesicles a
196 tablishing tautomerism of nucleic acid bases under physiological conditions has been challenging beca
197                     In vitro synthesis of Fh under physiological conditions has been challenging.
198 trategy to detect alkaline phosphatase (ALP) under physiological conditions has been developed.
199 tribution to action potential repolarization under physiological conditions has been unclear.
200 ured regions or entirely disordered proteins under physiological conditions has led to the realizatio
201 ion of prefoldin against protein aggregation under physiological conditions has never been elucidated
202  activity is widespread in signaling systems under physiological conditions, has phenotypic consequen
203 knockout mice (ogr1(-/-)) are grossly normal under physiological conditions, however, reduced melanom
204 to generate reactive oxidative species (ROS) under physiological conditions; however, information on
205                SecA is predominately a dimer under physiological conditions; however, its oligomeric
206  (P4) inhibits primordial follicle formation under physiological conditions; however, P4 receptor tha
207 tial and thus remains predominantly oxidized under physiological conditions, implying that the highly
208 p25 is generated following neuronal activity under physiological conditions in a GluN2B- and CaMKIIal
209 ct as important dynamic buffers of [Ca(2+)]i under physiological conditions in heart.
210 ement of vascular targeting is also observed under physiological conditions in lungs and brain for na
211 s, based on the native, non-mutated, protein under physiological conditions in solution demonstrate s
212 ique for studying dynamic assembly processes under physiological conditions in solution.
213 lack stable secondary and tertiary structure under physiological conditions in the absence of their b
214 stream mitochondrial biogenesis (MB) targets under physiological conditions in the kidney cortex and
215 pparent paradoxical roles of GLP-1 and GLP-2 under physiological conditions in the Syrian golden hams
216  and its necessity for oxidative aggregation under physiological conditions in vitro Mining the simul
217 V-variant, which is remarkably fibrillogenic under physiological conditions in vitro producing typica
218 chloride, NaCl) concentrations found locally under physiological conditions in vivo markedly boost th
219 t to which the chaperone function is crucial under physiological conditions in vivo remained unknown.
220  GSK3beta activity did not alter axon growth under physiological conditions in vivo, blocking it usin
221  investigate antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells under physiological conditions in vivo.
222 es of techniques needed to image the embryos under physiological conditions, including how to hold mo
223 a substantial body of evidence showing that, under physiological conditions, intracellular mixtures c
224 mics of live cells with nanometer resolution under physiological conditions is highly desired, but ch
225  of biological thiols with Michael acceptors under physiological conditions is needed for the design
226 l activity regulates these functions acutely under physiological conditions is not clear.
227 and secretomotor functions of the intestines under physiological conditions is not clear.
228 ation of sequences with the capacity to fold under physiological conditions is required.
229                   The function of most PARPs under physiological conditions is unknown.
230 hondrial protein oxidation, but the kinetics under physiological conditions is unknown.
231                                              Under physiological conditions it may contribute to the
232                     The results showed that, under physiological conditions, LAIR-1 links more closel
233 erein exhibit non-native tertiary structures under physiological conditions, leading to a variety of
234 orphogen TGF-beta in tempering these signals under physiological conditions, limiting both growth and
235              Increasing evidence shows that, under physiological conditions, low concentrations of am
236                                              Under physiological conditions, LTP of synaptically evok
237 remely simple in nature and can be performed under physiological conditions, making it suitable for i
238 synuclein to enhance ATP synthase efficiency under physiological conditions may be of importance when
239 etal muscle glycogen phosphorylation in vivo under physiological conditions, mice were subjected to g
240                                              Under physiological conditions, muscle TRIB3 also influe
241                             We conclude that under physiological conditions, nNOS is the most relevan
242                             We propose that, under physiological conditions of cell stimulation, EGFR
243                                              Under physiological conditions, Oxtr(PBN) neurons were a
244                        Upon reduction by GSH under physiological conditions (pH 7.4 in buffer), the s
245  necessary to drive flux through the pathway under physiological conditions, preventing a buildup of
246 asparaginyl residues can occur spontaneously under physiological conditions principally when a glycyl
247                                              Under physiological conditions, protein oxidation and mi
248 ed DDS with fusible and degradable behaviour under physiological conditions provides a new strategy f
249 ion of models calibrated using data obtained under physiological conditions quantitatively predicts t
250 stranded DNA with synthetic oligonucleotides under physiological conditions remain a challenge.
251 his Ca2+-independent activation (CIA) occurs under physiological conditions remains unclear, as does
252 ut reduction of the disulfide bond framework under physiological conditions represents a potential li
253 h surface charge properties close to neutral under physiological conditions reside in macromolecular
254 genomic recombination is frequently violated under physiological conditions, resulting in unanticipat
255 et photocurrents increased more than 15-fold under physiological conditions, reversal potential furth
256                                              Under physiological conditions, S-nitrosylation can be a
257 acellular concentrations of K(+)versus Na(+) under physiological conditions, should strengthen select
258                                              Under physiological conditions, T-cell activation involv
259                                              Under physiological conditions that augment insulin and
260 um albumin (Kd = (5.62 +/- 0.93) x 10(-7) M) under physiological conditions that is statistically equ
261 RNA targets, important global regulators and under physiological conditions that were considered to b
262                                              Under physiological conditions the CE fraction in blood
263                        Our results show that under physiological conditions, the C-terminus is indeed
264                                     However, under physiological conditions, the heart rate exhibits
265 lack of knowledge about the behavior of RBCs under physiological conditions, the link between RBC dyn
266 nitial velocity to the enzyme concentration) under physiological conditions, the mitochondrial MDH (m
267                                              Under physiological conditions, the probe exhibits a sta
268                                              Under physiological conditions, the voltage-gated sodium
269 oach could not be used for studying proteins under physiological conditions-the very conditions which
270  iron(III), except that it cannot be reduced under physiological conditions, therefore gallium has th
271                                              Under physiological conditions these two secondary DNA s
272                                              Under physiological conditions, these compounds generate
273                                              Under physiological conditions, these mice displayed enh
274 strated in living epithelial cell monolayers under physiological conditions, this new method allows d
275                                              Under physiological conditions, this short latency pathw
276 w hours when incubated on polystyrene plates under physiological conditions through a pathway dominat
277 ws for the extraction of dynamic information under physiological conditions thus inaccessible via X-r
278 hromatin fiber compaction that is propagated under physiological conditions to form centromeric chrom
279   Kynoxazine as well as erythrulose degraded under physiological conditions to generate 3-deoxythreos
280 to whether this process is sufficiently slow under physiological conditions to impact its DNA-binding
281 eres and the protein will remain immobilized under physiological conditions until the protein is enzy
282 eous conformational switching of nucleosomes under physiological conditions using single-molecule FRE
283  a unique method to study organ regeneration under physiological conditions using the imaginal discs
284 yze the formation of organosilicon compounds under physiological conditions via carbene insertion int
285                        Our data suggest that under physiological conditions voltage regulates the act
286 the reaction steps, the stability of the NCs under physiological conditions was ensured.
287 is study, high salt (sodium chloride, NaCl), under physiological conditions, was demonstrated to incr
288     Using ChIP-seq analyses on intact tissue under physiological conditions, we found that highly exp
289                 To explore complex formation under physiological conditions, we generated an alpaca s
290 nstitution and analysis of vertebrate APC/Cs under physiological conditions, we show how cyclin-depen
291 ants seem to properly incorporate metal ions under physiological conditions when assisted by the copp
292                                 In contrast, under physiological conditions where cells have only one
293 acial interactions between the two I44 faces under physiological conditions, whereas K63-linked diUbq
294                        SUMO-1 modifies c-Myb under physiological conditions, whereas SUMO-2/3 conjuga
295 markably, this high efficiency is maintained under physiological conditions, which include thermal fl
296  a functional assembly of FUS in the nucleus under physiological conditions, which is different from
297 XBP-1 activation and ER chaperone expression under physiological conditions, which may in turn activa
298 pe and function of corneal endothelial cells under physiological conditions, while little is known ab
299 a new standard tool to analyze hematopoiesis under physiological condition without transplantation.
300 ound to be the exclusive activator of MASP-2 under physiological conditions, yet the predominant olig

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