


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 akiasis per year in Europe is a considerable underestimate.
2 laring in the energy industry may in fact be underestimated.
3  and the importance of this link is probably underestimated.
4 ence of these injuries is unknown but likely underestimated.
5 ing depression in adult traits may have been underestimated.
6  helps group performance - identification is underestimated.
7 e immunogenicity of stem cells may have been underestimated.
8 eight on US mortality have been consistently underestimated.
9 the effect estimates for depression might be underestimated.
10  the role of FHL-1 in AP regulation has been underestimated.
11 y, complications and procedure extent may be underestimated.
12 nce of surface-exposed lipoproteins has been underestimated.
13 longing battery lifetime, which is, however, underestimated.
14 e of permanent vision loss is probably still underestimated.
15 ort-term benefits of early aspirin have been underestimated.
16 n lake-water carbon levels has thus far been underestimated.
17 E1 as an environmental estrogen currently is underestimated.
18  potential of PoP and PoPx seems to be still underestimated.
19                    Size of eight lesions was underestimated.
20 ry production estimates may be significantly underestimated.
21 mportance and value of diagnostics cannot be underestimated.
22 ine environments and, as such, may have been underestimated.
23 d neurological disorders that have long been underestimated.
24 k carbon to past climate forcing may also be underestimated.
25  complex, the rate of infection is certainly underestimated.
26 rated in vegetation fires, likely leading to underestimates.
27                 Ambulatory impedance testing underestimates acid reflux compared to esophageal acid e
28           Validating systems either over- or underestimated actual %AAr with bias factors 0.80-1.20.
29 l trials in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia underestimates AE rates.
30              It is possible that the z-score underestimates AL severity in patients older than 60 yea
31 generally within a factor three, while Mo is underestimated and Co, Ni and Zn in soils with pH > 6 ar
32 h house dust mite allergies, which are often underestimated and difficult to diagnose, the efficacy o
33  that the global burden of mental illness is underestimated and examine the reasons for under-estimat
34 analysis of histamine and observed that they underestimated and overestimated the results, respective
35 ontrolling speech and language has been long underestimated and poorly studied.
36             Soil viral diversity is severely underestimated and undersampled, although current measur
37 , describing accuracy); at 100 km, up to 15% underestimates and nearly 20% MAE).
38 ational estimates differ substantially, both underestimating and overestimating effects, suggesting t
39 ian H7 influenza A viruses in mammals may be underestimated, and these viruses therefore pose a poten
40  syntheses of deglacial climate history have underestimated Antarctic warming and the models with low
41 upport concerns that beta-diversity has been underestimated as a driver of biodiversity change and un
42  competing reaction, which has hitherto been underestimated as a source of side products, can now be
43 e of plant catechol oxidases were previously underestimated, as they might hydroxylate their--so far
44 rgies and chronic airways diseases cannot be underestimated, as they represent the most frequently di
45    Consequently, microplastic amounts can be underestimated, as turbulence leads to vertical mixing.
46                                           An underestimated aspect is that because of age-related cha
47 t lesions can be missed or their size can be underestimated at MP MR imaging.
48 wever, Icare overestimates at IOP >/= 23 and underestimates at IOP <10 mm Hg.
49 northward, our analysis indicates this is an underestimate because it ignores common and larger shift
50                     These figures are likely underestimated because 23 critically endangered species
51 veraging across a session, may significantly underestimate behavioural performance.
52 n byproducts (DBPs) and hence likely tend to underestimate biological effects.
53 ering mixture toxicity, potentially over- or underestimating biological and ecological effects on eco
54                                Microbes with underestimated biomass MWs are overpredicted in the comm
55 ndex (BMI) decreasing) and one (near MTNR1B) underestimated (BMI increasing) associations among 11 ty
56                                    HealthLNK underestimated body mass index by 0.3 kg/m(2) (95% confi
57  generalized gradient approximation tends to underestimate both surface energies (by about 24%) and w
58             The prevalence of IP seems to be underestimated, but preneoplasia within IP is rare, whic
59 ac magnetic resonance measurements, yet more underestimated by 2DE versus 3DE (bias+/-SD: -17+/-16 ve
60                                     ColR was underestimated by Etest (very major error rate = 35%, ma
61  on decision making and performance is often underestimated by fatigued individuals and is only begin
62 uare sum of TVSS and the BDI at SNR >20 were underestimated by less than 1% and 10%, respectively.
63 erage annual PM2.5 population exposure to be underestimated by only 11%.
64 ecretion fluxes for glycerol and acetate are underestimated by our method, which indicate a need for
65 ere overestimated by SUVRWM (+4% +/- 2%) and underestimated by SUVRCB (-10% +/- 2%).
66  the mean rate of distribution change may be underestimated by this and other global syntheses.
67                          Conversely, the NEI underestimates by approximately 1 order of magnitude the
68                      Current models strongly underestimate (by 10 +/- 5 times) the total primary and
69 iation in bark thickness across tree species underestimated carbon losses in forests by ~50%, totalin
70  in resource-poor settings where we may have underestimated cases.
71                               The 2007 study underestimated children at risk of poor development.
72 ally capture the cloud radiative effect, but underestimate cloud cover and show an array of cloud ver
73 e summer jet trends, this cooling process is underestimated compared with observations and is insuffi
74             Anastomotic pseudoaneurysm is an underestimated complication of aorto-iliac grafts.
75 n Chicago and show that previous methods can underestimate concentrations of PCBs by up to 40%, espec
76 partment method showed substantial negative (underestimating) constant bias, and the air displacement
77                     Pharmacy purchasing data underestimated cost savings compared with EMR and PHIS d
78  other cell response-based approaches likely underestimate Cr(VI) genotoxicity when standard ATM-acti
79 ealistically small leaf area index (LAI) and underestimated cumulative leaf litter.
80  and has excellent reported reliability, but underestimated data acquired via more invasive muscle bi
81  and ethnically distinct municipalities, but underestimate differentiation when all four villages are
82 one, especially in a young population, might underestimate disease risk.
83 uggesting that previous estimates might have underestimated disease burden.
84 phalopathy with axonal spheroids, a probably underestimated disorder, is associated with a specific p
85                 This projection is likely an underestimate due to improving healthcare and economic c
86 al pesticides in surface water may have been underestimated due to a lack of comprehensive quantitati
87 the green lacewing divergences were probably underestimated due to false inferences of homology betwe
88  from Asia, and cases worldwide are probably underestimated due to incomplete case ascertainment.
89  directly screen fragment libraries is often underestimated, due to its supposed low-throughput and n
90 ic potential of targeting HER3 has long been underestimated, due to relatively low expression in tumo
91 models are too low, tending to significantly underestimate dust radiative impacts on the ISM system.
92 r primer pair 515F (515F-C) and 806R greatly underestimated (e.g. SAR11) or overestimated (e.g. Gamma
93  goals relying on measures of richness could underestimate ecological impacts of environmental change
94  importance of N recycling, an important but underestimated effect of NDEP is its influence on the ra
95 n entire sample, as is typically done, could underestimate efficacy because weaker effects on less su
96 used formulas in clinical practice appear to underestimate energy requirements of patients with SBS,
97 show that the Na(+)-counting method severely underestimates energy cost in the cable model by 20-70%.
98 to 0.12) was not associated with inflated or underestimated ES.
99 y risk in general surgery, and should not be underestimated even in patients with MELD 15 or less whe
100 ortality of pancreatoduodenectomy seem to be underestimated, even in the high-volume center setting.
101 ase identification may be incomplete and may underestimate events, particularly in the early study pe
102  with traditional approaches, systematically underestimated experimental responses to dynamic clamp p
103                            Notably, velocity underestimates exposure in mountainous regions where cli
104      q-value is a random variable and it may underestimate FDR in practice.
105                                           An underestimated FDR can lead to unexpected false discover
106              Modeled nitrous oxide emissions underestimated field measurement means for anaerobic lag
107 n the field, and found that it significantly underestimated field-derived estimates of thermal mortal
108 MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields tended to underestimate forest cover, while the Global Forest Chan
109 icians should be aware that BMD measurements underestimate fracture risk in people with type 2 diabet
110 no-3,4-epithiobutane, are important, but yet underestimated glucosinolate hydrolysis products that ar
111  one to up to 10 samples, and several others underestimated (&gt;3 log IU/mL) HDVL of African genotype s
112 vious measurement by this technique may have underestimated haem Fe content.
113  show that their genetic complexity has been underestimated, highlighting the need for greater conser
114 current global climate models systematically underestimate Holocene-epoch climate variability on cent
115 indicating that sexual dichromatism could be underestimated if analysed using skin specimens alone.
116 lence estimates.The prevalence of low TBI is underestimated if it is not adjusted by inflammation, pa
117 oring heavy-tailed process noise leads to an underestimate in the magnitude of population crashes.
118 ed in 26 (26%) patients, and lesion size was underestimated in eight (8%).
119 , the cause of bovine tuberculosis, might be underestimated in human beings as the cause of zoonotic
120  the overall influence of SLR may be greatly underestimated in many regions.
121 tual toll of killings and kidnappings may be underestimated in our data because of survival bias.
122      The DPD calculated in usual practice is underestimated in PH-LHD, which may classify Cpc-PH pati
123 ion to future sea level rise could have been underestimated in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on
124 chemoradiation in esophageal cancer has been underestimated in the literature.
125 ecting this phenomenon can cause significant underestimates in membrane permeability measurements whi
126 incidence based on surveys in children might underestimate incidence in adults.
127                                    We likely underestimated incidence in some contexts, due to limita
128            In eyes with IOP <10 mm Hg, Icare underestimated IOP (mm Hg; P = .01) compared to Goldmann
129 n is expected to be even higher as the model underestimates isoprene concentrations over urban forest
130  whereas the exponential-unclustered network underestimates it.
131 acting with an object caused participants to underestimate its stiffness.
132 apparent acceleration of desensitization and underestimating its potency; we show that diminazene ind
133 ng the hypothesis that our method would have underestimated [K(+)] in these patients.
134 ion inventories based on predictive modeling underestimate levels of atmospheric black carbon for the
135                         Conventional imaging underestimates LN involvement compared with PSMA molecul
136 onsider early life stages, and therefore may underestimate local adaptation and miss genetically base
137  pattern in mean annual GEP but consistently underestimated mean annual ET by 50%.
138 ployment, passive sampler TWA concentrations underestimated mean grab sampler (n = 258) derived conce
139 lvania CH4 emissions inventory substantially underestimates measured facility-level CH4 emissions by
140     When measured at imaging, tumor size was underestimated (median 23 vs 30 mm; P < 0.01) and did no
141 ow the approximations either overestimate or underestimate memory effects and quantum coherence.
142                          Using hospital data underestimates milder forms of TBI, but such misclassifi
143 space-based data reveal a severe model HCOOH underestimate most prominent over tropical burning regio
144     In 90 patients (92.8%), echocardiography underestimated (n=32; 33.0%) or overestimated (n=58; 59.
145 rity generated during a pre-vaccine era they underestimate negative outcomes in the modern post-vacci
146  on arousal effects and reflexes may grossly underestimate neonatal capacities.
147                              Both approaches underestimate observed filtration rates by more than an
148 mple, an overestimate of arm strength and an underestimate of the weight of a coffee cup can both lea
149  chemistry from diesel exhaust would lead to underestimates of both organic aerosol and gas-phase org
150  at 1 km resolution, up to approximately 45% underestimates of cropland (bias) and nearly 50% mean ab
151                          We correct previous underestimates of discrimination by including the slow P
152 E on death certificates may have resulted in underestimates of SLE ASMRs.
153  of the patients, in particular unacceptable underestimates of the absorbed dose to the kidneys.
154 nteractions with natural stressors may cause underestimates of the impact of pesticides, we also test
155 ates of sticking temperature and thus severe underestimates of the thermal hazard.
156 trate that, while common calibration methods underestimate Omega for native-like or unfolded membrane
157 as-carcinogen risk assessment paradigm might underestimate or miss the cumulative effects of exposure
158  immunomethods for gluten quantitation could underestimate or overestimate the net immunoactivity of
159 sts that the benefits of cell therapy may be underestimated or even overlooked if they are measured a
160  certain embedded chemical features has been underestimated or even overlooked.
161 ess to fast food, but these are likely to be underestimated owing to limitations of the food environm
162 iated with deliberate behaviors is seriously underestimated owing to misclassification of poisoning s
163 ars after the start of the DCCT, the benefit underestimated owing to more nonparticipants from the co
164 ndings suggest that HbA1c may systematically underestimate past glycemia in black patients with SCT a
165 mniote movement, highlighting the previously underestimated performance capability of the family.
166  via cross correlation, which sometimes even underestimates phase noise because of residual correlati
167 ical conventional development, significantly underestimate populations at risk.
168  assumed by most studies can overestimate or underestimate predictions of the net GHG sink strength o
169 uidewire, facilitates FFR assessment but may underestimate pressure wire-derived FFR.
170 Therefore, use of animal data may moderately underestimate radiation doses to organs in humans.
171  element to reactive surfaces the extraction underestimates reactive Cu, Cr, As, and Mo, that is, ele
172 nance imaging overestimates infarct size and underestimates recovery of dysfunctional segments acutel
173 ese trophodynamic patterns may significantly underestimate regional fisheries catch trends and hinder
174 ly provides a lower bound on reliability and underestimates reliability substantially in small datase
175 s, assays relying on one round of activation underestimate reservoir size.
176 erage was overestimated because the campaign underestimated resident numbers and seasonal migration f
177 es to overcome this important and frequently underestimated resistance mechanism.
178 derrepresented in cohort studies, which will underestimate risk of this and related psychiatric, cogn
179 ds should be revised as they currently could underestimate risk.
180 ated risk of CVD events, while PCE and D:A:D underestimated risk.
181     Mining poses significant and potentially underestimated risks to tropical forests worldwide.
182           They suggest that ESS has a so far underestimated role in promoting aggressive virulence an
183 awal, and survival data point toward a novel underestimated role of apoptosis in patients with ALD.
184 ted conditions, thus uncovering a previously underestimated role of root fungal microbiota in P cycli
185 , then they must be important but frequently underestimated sinks in the terrestrial carbon cycle.
186                           Given that imaging underestimates size by about 20%, perhaps tumors that me
187 risk connected to metabolic factors has been underestimated so far, and a poorer surveillance has pre
188 red with the 7DDRs, SFFQ responses tended to underestimate sodium intake but overestimate intakes of
189 he Nerbass, INTERSALT, and Tanaka equations, underestimating sodium excretion when intake was high.
190 nd that a regional air chemistry model often underestimates soil NOx emissions and NOx at the surface
191 ry-based models of species distributions may underestimate species resilience to climate change.
192 y single colonies are evaluated, which risks underestimating species diversity and transmission event
193  account for cortisol variability leading to underestimated standard errors.
194 elimination, respectively, and reveal so far underestimated strong bromine isotope effects.
195 omplete ascertainment and follow-up may have underestimated subsequent risk of treatment-associated m
196                    As the majority of models underestimate summer jet trends, this cooling process is
197 ts, the HMRS had marginal discrimination and underestimated survival post-LVAD implantation.
198 ve=0.62; P=0.122), but calibration was poor, underestimating survival across time and risk subgroups.
199                                        54 to underestimate the abundance of SAR11 in the ocean.
200                      Clinical criteria would underestimate the actual prevalence of individuals with
201                However, the calculated risks underestimate the actual risks of chemicals in these are
202 c source of CH4 in the tropics, consistently underestimate the atmospheric burden of CH4 determined v
203 survival analysis, conventional RECIST might underestimate the benefit of pembrolizumab in approximat
204 ncussion incidence based solely on ED visits underestimate the burden of injury, highlight the import
205                    Currently used approaches underestimate the burden of mental illness by more than
206             Therefore, these assessments may underestimate the carbon release from Arctic soils in re
207 ounds suggest that previous risk assessments underestimate the effects of real world contaminant expo
208 y showed that (1) cross-validation tended to underestimate the error rate when the data possessed con
209                        The IER estimator may underestimate the excess relative risk of cause-specific
210 ging after a single bolus administration may underestimate the extent and degree of inflammation with
211 t report self-reported adherence will likely underestimate the frequency of non-adherence.
212  dichotomized disability outcomes, which may underestimate the full effect of treatment.
213                     Our impact estimates may underestimate the full potential of such a multipronged
214 biodiversity monitoring data would therefore underestimate the full range of impacts of major anthrop
215           The Berlin definition is likely to underestimate the impact of ARDS in low-income countries
216 rials testing in constant pH immersion might underestimate the in vivo corrosion.
217         Existing surveillance mechanisms may underestimate the incidence of carbapenem-resistant gram
218 sorbent tubes containing DNPH, significantly underestimate the levels of formaldehyde.
219                                   The CR may underestimate the liver cancer incidence by 37%-45%, pri
220  factor estimates for prostate cancer likely underestimate the magnitude of bias found in other cohor
221 SL prior to regulatory sampling was found to underestimate the maximum monthly exposure to dissolved
222 without sensory feedback) caused subjects to underestimate the number of visual stimuli presented nea
223 elevated water levels due to waves, and thus underestimate the potential impact.
224 els, suggesting that existing network models underestimate the prevalence of cascading mutualism disr
225 viously thought and that dye angiography may underestimate the prevalence of neovascularization compa
226     Most risk analysis models systematically underestimate the probability and impact of catastrophic
227 ysis focused on outcome domains, which might underestimate the problem of inconsistent outcomes.
228 odel Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 models underestimate the rates of interannual tropical-mean dOL
229 where the current radiobiological models may underestimate the reported relative biological effective
230                Overall, physicians tended to underestimate the risk of recurrence for many patients w
231 xual violence, which could have caused us to underestimate the severity of exposure; the extended lat
232  proviruses; however, viral outgrowth assays underestimate the size of the reservoir.
233        Current climate models systematically underestimate the strength of oceanic fronts associated
234 gged analysis, which could have caused us to underestimate the strength of the association; and outco
235 etectable by (18)F-FDG uptake, these numbers underestimate the total amount of BAT.
236 ry toxicity tests that do not include UV may underestimate the toxicity of oil spills to early lifest
237         Traditional surveillance methods may underestimate the true burden of Clostridium difficile i
238 n temperature, culture-based counts begin to underestimate the true resilience of viable E. coli popu
239 ically and taxonomically restricted data may underestimate the true uncertainty, increasing the risk
240 nts 1) overestimate the cost of effort or 2) underestimate the value of potential awards.
241                                         FRAX underestimated the 10-year risk of hip fracture by 57% f
242                           FRAX significantly underestimated the 10-year risk of MOF by 29% and of hip
243                                      It also underestimated the 10-year risk of MOF by 36% for use of
244 didates, CASimK was <1 D in 22% of cases and underestimated the astigmatism magnitude, on average, by
245  in the past, Black respondents, on average, underestimated the degree of past racial economic equali
246 lthough non-trough concentrations might have underestimated the frequency of antibodies, their presen
247              The PlusOptix A09 photoscreener underestimated the hyperopia of 0.73 D and slightly over
248                       Prior studies may have underestimated the impact of SCM due to methodological s
249 ese results indicate that prior research has underestimated the importance of biodiversity for ecosys
250 ses to anthropogenic climate change (CC) has underestimated the importance of interannual population
251  of dichromatism in birds may, however, have underestimated the intensity and complexity of sexual se
252 s sampled to 1-meter depth to show that ESMs underestimated the mean age of soil carbon by a factor o
253                     FRET theory dramatically underestimated the observed energy transfer while NSET-b
254  to explain in detail how prior research has underestimated the potential benefit of 3D displays and
255 ner follicular surface, and therefore vastly underestimated the potential of the skin microbiome to h
256                           A single IS sample underestimated the presence of Mtb in children hospitali
257 ls that ignored imperfect detection severely underestimated the proportion of area occupied and sligh
258 owever, the office-based model substantially underestimated the risk among patients with diabetes.
259  SHFM was predictive of overall survival but underestimated the risk of clinical worsening and LVAD i
260       A surrogate, non-imaging-based, method underestimated the RM dose and did not show any correlat
261  that conventional assessments have probably underestimated the role of EFM in C flow and nutrient cy
262 of removal of electron-rich contaminants but underestimated the transformation rates of compounds tha
263 essment of 30 day same hospital readmissions underestimated the true incidence of readmission.
264 ived by the by SAX method, but significantly underestimated the volumes (all P < 0.001) and overestim
265  model biases, the CMIP5 ensemble as a whole underestimates the chance of future abrupt SPG cooling,
266          The SSLM data suggest that IAM-HPLC underestimates the DMW of ionized primary and secondary
267         Focusing only on HF hospitalizations underestimates the frequency of worsening and the seriou
268 ative Kohn-Sham (KS) potential substantially underestimates the fundamental gap, a major limitation o
269 e comparisons suggest resistive force theory underestimates the influence of cell body shape on speed
270          The results showed that 4D Flow MRI underestimates the maximum principal shear stress of lam
271 oreover, the uniform-flow algorithm severely underestimates the network throughput of congested netwo
272 These findings suggest we may be drastically underestimating the biochemical capabilities, strategies
273 ially in human genetics, likely to result in underestimating the effects of genotypic context.
274 under-reporting eruptions and the dangers of underestimating the long-term risk of widespread ash dis
275 athogens within multiple categories to avoid underestimating the prevalence and risk of waterborne pa
276                    However, the nomogram was underestimating the probability of BCR-free status in th
277 r epidemiological models may be dramatically underestimating the R0 of contagions.
278 ional Emission Inventory (NEI) overestimate (underestimate) the increase in the observed enhancement
279 k pressure measured by hydrophones is always underestimated, the laser deflection method is assumed t
280            Cyclisation of 2 to 4 and 5 would underestimate their degradation in mixtures.
281 s not published in peer-reviewed journals to underestimate them.
282             The amount by which a functional underestimates these surface properties correlates with
283 test-negative case-control approach slightly underestimated this estimate, but the absolute differenc
284 , suggesting that genomic studies might have underestimated this overlap.
285 e can lead to overestimation of TP and hence underestimated TMF.
286 at (1) surface samplers such as manta trawls underestimate total buoyant microplastic amounts by a fa
287 ondition of bone in humans may significantly underestimate trabecular bone damage sustained by ART.
288 , whilst minimising detection bias, may have underestimated treatment effects.
289 imates based on a single day of exposure may underestimate true effects for respiratory hospitalizati
290 r plane was assessed, treatment response was underestimated up to threefold or overestimated up to 57
291 tances where treatment effects may have been underestimated, valuable information may be lost if buri
292 iochar's environmental residence time may be underestimated when based on natural charcoal as a proxy
293 red as cerebral blood flow less than 30% was underestimated when brain coverage was 40 mm or less (P
294 hare 35 in highly competitive regions may be underestimated when examining the collective national ex
295   Chemical rate constants were significantly underestimated when not accounting for electron-transfer
296 ion of sulfamethoxazole may be significantly underestimated when not considering retransformation fro
297 with a delay time greater than 3 seconds was underestimated when the brain coverage was reduced to 80
298 uvant therapy if their risk of recurrence is underestimated, which can have an impact on their recurr
299 s may have caused these risk estimates to be underestimated, whilst lack of data on lipids may have r
300       For both readers, Vh was significantly underestimated with VT2 (P < .0001, both), VADC (P < .00

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