


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ecting a positive time-order error (relative underestimation).
2 degree than those from IR images (20% vs. 5% underestimation).
3 nt (r=0.84; P<0.0001) with a systematic 4-mm underestimation.
4 of a low molecular weight sample also caused underestimation.
5 sessing MOI, despite the apparent problem of underestimation.
6 c hemorrhage were the key errors that led to underestimation.
7 tures and quick diagnostic tests suggests an underestimation.
8 all lesions and lead to significant activity underestimation.
9 counting only mutation events will result in underestimation.
10  assessment of stenosis severity is prone to underestimation.
11 the right adapts large numbers, resulting in underestimation.
12  was incorrect, with both overestimation and underestimation.
13 , it has many assumptions leading to over or underestimations.
14  the arm curvature resulted in a significant underestimation (~-20%) for the noncontact measurements
15 l formulas have a stronger correlation, less underestimation and better accuracy than the two-dimensi
16 ng studied, marked potential exists for both underestimation and overestimation of cancer risk when t
17 ative hospital caused varying degrees of SSI underestimation and substantially impacted hospitals' re
18 orescence measurements result in substantial underestimations and/or overestimations, depending on in
19 ration + clinical) were 4% and 15% (fourfold underestimation), and 8% and 37% (fivefold underestimati
20                      This may result in risk underestimations, as the typical exposure is toward mult
21 here were no sex-specific overestimations or underestimations at the extremes of the distributions.
22 ination it is recommended that the amount of underestimation be assessed in the same sample.
23                  The latter result may be an underestimation because of charge delocalization.
24 s suggest, among other factors, a systematic underestimation bias in intake data.
25       As aggregated fertilizer data generate underestimation bias in nonlinear models, high-resolutio
26 ound 2.2 for caudate and 2.9 for putamen, an underestimation by 35% and 28%, respectively, according
27 as used to adjust GOM concentrations, due to underestimation by KCl-coated denuder measurements.
28 ation is still not completely controlled) or underestimation by the enzymic method.
29 es in the simulated biomass and in k (severe underestimations by all models except JeDi and VISIT com
30 all was small but a certain degree of effect underestimation due to random error cannot be ruled out.
31 riate regressions, these overestimations and underestimations for each dietary factor further varied
32 he bone tissue attenuation can lead to large underestimations (&gt;20%) of the radiotracer concentration
33 iofrequency coil attenuation can cause large underestimations (i.e., <or=50%) in the reconstructed im
34           However, this approach can lead to underestimations if the capacity of the fluids is insuff
35 The Poisson-Plus Model accommodates for this underestimation, if statistics of the volume variation a
36 methanol levels although still with a 3-fold underestimation in acetaldehyde.
37                      Conclusion The rates of underestimation in ADH and DCIS diagnosed at MR imaging-
38 oparietal junction damage showed a congruent underestimation in both their travelled distance (percei
39 uld be calculated and used to adjust for the underestimation in disease prevalence because of the use
40 resence would also be expected to lead to an underestimation in levels of relatedness, and thus kin s
41 correction represents the true tumor T1, 41% underestimation in the left breast and 10% overestimatio
42  +/- 1.6 for the four facilities, indicating underestimation in the reported VOC emissions.
43 s in atmospheric water vapour, leading to an underestimation in the shortwave absorption increase and
44 to be included in the same study, causing an underestimation in their functional similarity.
45 s treated with a TKI, at the cost of a small underestimation in uptake changes or the need for a bloo
46 nder strongly absorbing conditions can cause underestimations in the measured absorption, and these p
47 comitant positive time-order error (relative underestimation) in the perceived duration of subsecond
48                Several additional sources of underestimation, including nonresponse bias and the unde
49 d the risk for other histologies (P < .001), underestimation increased as age at diagnosis decreased
50  all 4 parameters were incorrectly assessed, underestimation increased to almost 1 in 2.
51                                The degree of underestimation increases with the rarity of disease, th
52 und area around the target leads to distance underestimation, indicating that a relatively wide expan
53 ume during a meal or during the day, calorie underestimation is especially extreme among overweight p
54                                      Calorie underestimation is related to meal size, not body size.
55                                         Such underestimation may also perpetuate a lack of services f
56                                              Underestimation may occur when a gene is redundantly enc
57                                         This underestimation needs to be considered for clinical inte
58         For bony tissue, the -25.5% +/- 7.9% underestimation observed with Dixon was reduced to -4.9%
59 cation using ME normal limits resulted in an underestimation of %ID, as compared with well-counted %I
60 n optimized determination of CMRGlc, with an underestimation of 6% +/- 7%.
61 s with reduced noise levels, it may cause an underestimation of absolute quantitative MBF.
62  white versus black patients, leading to net underestimation of absolute risk in blacks.
63                                    The model underestimation of acetaldehyde concentrations all year
64                                              Underestimation of acetaldehyde concentrations is respon
65                                    Potential underestimation of achievement of the Millennium Develop
66 development was hindered by a 16- to 32-fold underestimation of activity against staphylococci and en
67 onstraints on residual heterogeneity; and an underestimation of actual false positive rate by Benjami
68 <1 mm), and this has probably resulted in an underestimation of actual microplastic concentrations.
69 iction errors in the critic, resulting in an underestimation of adverse consequences associated with
70 pe in genetic research, as well as potential underestimation of alcohol dependence when surveys cover
71 y during summer rainfall events, may lead to underestimation of annual nitrogen losses.
72 y in the longitudinal direction result in an underestimation of aponeurosis stiffness as well as its
73 tity was often misdiagnosed, thereby causing underestimation of AS severity and inappropriate delays
74                Purpose To assess the rate of underestimation of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) and
75 -peptide clearance, which may lead to modest underestimation of beta-cell secretory response when usi
76 chemicals (HOCs) such techniques can lead to underestimation of bioaccessibility when the capacity of
77                   With regard to a potential underestimation of bioconcentration factors (BCF) in flo
78                   The presence of MAT led to underestimation of BMD, and this bias increased with inc
79 ed in concert (Omega = 1.0), but resulted in underestimation of both parameters when they varied inde
80 ing to account for these factors leads to an underestimation of bottleneck sizes.
81                                              Underestimation of breathlessness was not associated wit
82                                      Greater underestimation of calories by overweight persons is a c
83 unt in the available risk scores, leading to underestimation of cardiovascular risk in the HIV popula
84 ration variability leading to both over- and underestimation of cell numbers.
85 CFR estimated with (13)N-ammonia revealed an underestimation of CFR with (82)Rb compared with (13)N-a
86 ng detector (ELSD) will normally bias toward underestimation of chromatographically resolved impuriti
87 riteria are ambiguous and often result in an underestimation of CIMP frequencies in CRCs.
88 nfluent and effluent solids may cause slight underestimation of ciprofloxacin removal efficiency.
89 ersion correction or blood sampling, with an underestimation of CMRGlc of 7% +/- 16% as compared with
90 r recovery in some individuals, resulting in underestimation of cognitive capacities.
91 m protein electrophoresis assays may lead to underestimation of complete response.
92  sold annually in the UK revealing a drastic underestimation of currently accepted trade figures.
93 lyceline at 30 degrees C, which indicates an underestimation of D by employing the Nicholson equation
94      Recently, it was demonstrated that this underestimation of D can be corrected by taking diffusio
95                      Considering the typical underestimation of DFT excitation energies, these states
96 d corrections, which typically result in the underestimation of differential expression.
97 ted from FRAP postbleach intensities prevent underestimation of diffusion, which can arise from the i
98      Failure to capture these cases leads to underestimation of disease burden and difficulty in meas
99            In particular, MK-801 produces an underestimation of duration when animals are tested with
100 ding site was found to be responsible for an underestimation of E2 gene copies for the African-2 vari
101 culography, is present, which is a result of underestimation of EDV from count-poor ED frames.
102   Bland-Altman analysis confirmed systematic underestimation of EF and EDV by PET versus CT but did n
103                                     However, underestimation of EF by (82)Rb PET, compared with CT ve
104 tuations leads to consistent and large-scale underestimation of encounter rates between particles and
105 panic/Latino background were associated with underestimation of energy (P<0.05).
106  equations for individuals may result in the underestimation of energy requirements for a significant
107 restricted to primary diagnoses, leads to an underestimation of event rates.
108 ed in the calculation; this translates to an underestimation of experimentally measurable single chan
109 ue is susceptible to both overestimation and underestimation of extinction date.
110 that arise using traditional methods lead to underestimation of extinction risk in normally distribut
111  a stationary climate assumption may lead to underestimation of extreme precipitation by as much as 6
112                                          The underestimation of eye eccentricity predicted a pattern
113 nal fidelity across brain areas and a modest underestimation of eye eccentricity.
114                 This last method can lead to underestimation of false-positive rates.
115 holds observed were not mainly because of an underestimation of field exposure or confounding factors
116                 Although the fraction of the underestimation of fungicide MFC values was generally lo
117 h which to assess and correct for systematic underestimation of GA by early ultrasound in women with
118 V (40%) and GBV disclosure (7%), implying an underestimation of GBV that ranges from 11- to 128-fold,
119 n all 4 features were inaccurately assessed, underestimation of glaucoma likelihood increased to 43.0
120 f disc-related factors to overestimation and underestimation of glaucoma likelihood.
121 age, or rim loss were most likely to lead to underestimation of glaucoma.
122 e goods and service estimates, implies gross underestimation of global costs.
123 ons of cortical neuronal loss, a significant underestimation of gray-matter radioactivity concentrati
124 ation of lifelong abstainers could result in underestimation of harmful effects of heavy drinking and
125  and was associated with a 14% (CI: 7%, 21%) underestimation of ID.
126 Correct denominators prevent the substantial underestimation of incidence.
127     This oversight contributes to persistent underestimation of infectious disease risk and consequen
128 ses subject to misclassification resulted in underestimation of influential SNPs and failed to estima
129     To determine the factors associated with underestimation of invasive cancer in patients with a cl
130 vated nonpolar sediment fractions to prevent underestimation of its toxic potency.
131 nd 3.9% in or near lung lesions (n = 23) and underestimation of less than 5% for soft tissue and in o
132         Single-peak modeling of fat leads to underestimation of liver fat.
133 nation may be a major contributing factor in underestimation of LOH and copy number loss events.
134 ate that exclusion of N dynamics leads to an underestimation of LULUC emissions by around 70% in the
135 needle type were not associated (P>.05) with underestimation of malignancy at excision.
136 size, there was no significant difference in underestimation of malignancy between cores with and wit
137 ce values correlated well with MBF-W with no underestimation of MBF (y = 0.91x + 0.35; n = 24, r = 0.
138                A concern in these methods is underestimation of metabolite levels due to incomplete e
139 es were 5-30 times lower leading to a strong underestimation of methane fluxes from aquatic systems.
140 th (13)N-ammonia, resulting in a substantial underestimation of MFR.
141                     A slight but significant underestimation of MRI derived RV volumes by 3D echocard
142    Single-point PISA methods yielded greater underestimation of MRSV (mean error: -13.3 +/- 10.2 ml [
143 measure broader regional patterns causing an underestimation of N inputs in urban areas.
144                    BM estimates are prone to underestimation of net primary production and overestima
145  post-infection, resulting in the systematic underestimation of neutralization titers.
146 stematic overestimation of acute angles, the underestimation of obtuse angles, and the misperceptions
147 on inventories indicate that there may be an underestimation of on-road NH3 emissions in both NJ and
148      We quantify the potentially substantial underestimation of organic aerosol O/C, commonly used as
149 es/jurisdictions surveyed, there was 42%-55% underestimation of pediatric MDR-TB cases when using onl
150                       To ascertain potential underestimation of pediatric MDR-TB, we surveyed high-bu
151       MR-based attenuation correction led to underestimation of PET activity for most parts of the br
152                            For bone lesions, underestimation of PET standardized uptake values was fo
153   Social approval was weakly associated with underestimation of physical activity on the 24-hour PAR
154             This suggests that corresponding underestimation of population rates of alcohol consumpti
155 ion-based average k), likely contributing to underestimation of positive feedbacks of the northern fo
156 or DNA signature prediction, but may lead to underestimation of predicted protein signatures.
157 evalences reported in this study might be an underestimation of prevalence in the entire HD populatio
158 e for quantitative imaging, resulting in the underestimation of protein levels and incorrect localiza
159  association between lower SWB and clinician underestimation of QOL impairment (P =.0025).
160 for the latter due to X-ray crystallographic underestimation of r(N-N).
161 s in 3D, where they manifested as a striking underestimation of radiotracer concentration that became
162                                              Underestimation of rCMR(glc) by (18)F-FDG in normoglycem
163 n when the DAGs included nonconfounders, but underestimation of regression-based standard error might
164                        We provide bounds for underestimation of reporting of GBV to formal and inform
165 libration of the model indicated significant underestimation of risk in decile 5 and 9.
166 libration of the model indicated significant underestimation of risk in decile 7 and significant over
167 ar risk, particularly to take account of the underestimation of risk in particular groups such as Sou
168  perceived overestimation of the benefit and underestimation of risk of bleeding with warfarin in cli
169 ow detection of mild disease and may lead to underestimation of severity.
170  self-reported smoking status are subject to underestimation of smoking prevalence, especially among
171 ents some limitations that may result in the underestimation of some conjugates.
172         For severely dilated kidneys, a mean underestimation of SRF split renal function of 4% should
173 their corresponding psi-values, the apparent underestimation of structure formation is difficult to r
174  summertime concentrations that suggested an underestimation of summertime carbon uptake.
175 gesting that three-section protocols lead to underestimation of TA assessment in patients with CF whe
176      Violations of this assumption result in underestimation of target quantity, when using Poisson m
177 levations of dopaminergic activity producing underestimation of temporal intervals.
178 t studies are examined (e.g., the systematic underestimation of the 2B(1u) and 3B(1u) modes in artifi
179 se therapies may reduce edema, leading to an underestimation of the AAR by T2-CMR.
180  also reduced myocardial edema leading to an underestimation of the AAR by T2-mapping.
181  of follow-up angiography led to substantial underestimation of the absolute benefit of PES implantat
182 e from the linear accumulation regime and an underestimation of the actual species concentration in s
183  may be suppressed, leading to a significant underestimation of the analyte concentrations.
184        These results can be explained by the underestimation of the angle of gaze of the right eye wh
185 because of the high injected tracer mass and underestimation of the binding parameters due to high di
186 e, the difference was 12.6%, possibly due to underestimation of the block effect from the low-resolut
187                                      Despite underestimation of the BPND, the SBR can be used in a cl
188          Our findings also suggest a crucial underestimation of the burden of Buruli ulcer in Africa
189 ed with the B3LYP approach to its consistent underestimation of the C-C bond energy.
190 ameterization of TBMs resulted in a two-fold underestimation of the capacity for leaf-level CO2 assim
191 arby residues, thereby resulting in over- or underestimation of the catalytic contribution, respectiv
192 benefit analysis models, which may result in underestimation of the chance of bleeding in the subset
193 uring day-to-day activities could lead to an underestimation of the daily dose by a factor of 0.08-1.
194 zero-field splitting parameter D can lead to underestimation of the delocalization length, unless com
195  of the (15)N relaxation alone would lead to underestimation of the dynamics of the protein backbone
196 on of heritability of the complex traits and underestimation of the effects of alleles identified thr
197 ffects, normalization may further worsen the underestimation of the error rate; and (3) balanced assi
198                                         This underestimation of the extent of allopolyploidy is due i
199 tification of the MVO zone but can result in underestimation of the extent of myocardial damage compa
200  similar sequences, leading to a significant underestimation of the false discovery rate.
201 ences the accuracy of this model, because of underestimation of the fermentation defects that are als
202 ternal egg-investment strategies can lead to underestimation of the force of selection acting on help
203                                     To avoid underestimation of the frequency of celiac disease, 3 ad
204 to an overestimation of the gating swing and underestimation of the gating spring stiffness by an ord
205 isolated GHG contribution-may have led to an underestimation of the GHG influence on recent warming.
206 cal marine atmosphere may result in up to 8% underestimation of the global methane lifetime due to mi
207 tion was developed to address the systematic underestimation of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
208 time-scale study, and minimizes the in vitro underestimation of the GSH:GSSG ratio arising from the d
209 cting this mechanism may lead to substantial underestimation of the impact of source reduction of aqu
210 undisturbed ecosystems might thus lead to an underestimation of the impacts of climate change.
211 tional hazard model are violated, leading to underestimation of the importance of dialysis dosage.
212 ites in routine examination, resulting in an underestimation of the incidence of amoebic appendicitis
213  at the freshwater side might have led to an underestimation of the influence of trophic position.
214  surrounding fluid and hence resulting in an underestimation of the known particle height.
215                             It results in an underestimation of the measured ambient scattering coeff
216  large amount of trapped charges leads to an underestimation of the measured effective mobility and t
217  sensitivity, which is possibly linked to an underestimation of the modeled increase in incoming long
218 g mutagenicity of NPAHs and may result in an underestimation of the mutagencity of the novel NPAHs id
219  for such among-site heterogeneity and cause underestimation of the nonsynonymous rate and omega, wit
220           We found a systematic bias towards underestimation of the number of gaps, which leads to th
221  results in overmatching of sequences and an underestimation of the number of insertion events.
222 op severe symptoms, which likely leads to an underestimation of the number of people infected and an
223  organ injuries and lethal wounds but led to underestimation of the number of wounds if comingling pa
224 (2) is identified as a basis for significant underestimation of the O-O distance at high temperature.
225 rence during process sizing could lead to an underestimation of the PAA dose required by as much as 1
226 es, for example, EPA-16, which may result in underestimation of the PAH-related toxicity of a sample.
227 red by an incomplete volcanic history and an underestimation of the potential reach of distant erupti
228 a suggest that the use of GTIs results in an underestimation of the presence of type 2 cytokine-secre
229 e due to self-selection, false positives, or underestimation of the prevalence of these conditions.
230  1) overestimation of restenosis benefit, 2) underestimation of the risk for stent thrombosis, 3) ove
231 opulation as a reference might cause serious underestimation of the risk of cancer in working populat
232                                              Underestimation of the risks of HBV exposure and transmi
233 s species' ranges could lead to an important underestimation of the risks.
234 raction announcements have led to a previous underestimation of the role of fraud in the ongoing retr
235 r = 0.86, P < 0.0001) demonstrating that the underestimation of the slope could be attributed to the
236           Ignoring the latter may lead to an underestimation of the substantive impact of VI on morta
237 bal warming, which resulted in a significant underestimation of the TC destructive potential.
238 nd during mammalian digestion, leading to an underestimation of the total aflatoxin content.
239 the PAH CALUX will result in a lower risk of underestimation of the toxicity of a sample than chemica
240 ssion projections, suggesting an appreciable underestimation of the traffic related atmospheric NOx i
241 zed controlled trials can result in over- or underestimation of the treatment effect size (ES).
242 red effective mobility also leads to a large underestimation of the true band mobility and the potent
243                             This may lead to underestimation of the true burden of AC.
244 ch results in system boundary truncation and underestimation of the true impact.
245 criptions are inconsistent), there may be an underestimation of the true number of infections.
246 s in the United States, which may lead to an underestimation of the true prevalence of the problem.
247 tion cannot be excluded but would lead to an underestimation of the true preventive effects of AIT.
248         Intratumor heterogeneity can lead to underestimation of the tumor genomics landscape portraye
249 lation coefficient (+0.528) as the result of underestimation of the values in the former ELISA.
250 ten go unmeasured, potentially leading to an underestimation of their full impact.
251 ed in source investigations, resulting in an underestimation of their importance.
252 like murine leukemia virus (MLV), led to the underestimation of their rates of recombination.
253  of oxyanions in our data set and structural underestimation of their reactive concentrations warrant
254  species, which may be subject to systematic underestimation of threat when there is insufficient inf
255 cantly smaller when compressed, which led to underestimation of TNM classification (P < .001).
256 ad culture-confirmed TB, likely resulting in underestimation of true pediatric MDR-TB burden in the U
257      There was a 50% overestimation and a 7% underestimation of tumor T1 in the left breast and the r
258                   This finding could lead to underestimation of tumor thickness as the tumor bows bac
259 ith choroidal nevus is essential to avoid an underestimation of tumor thickness.
260 ias with overestimation of tragic deaths and underestimation of unknown or forgotten surgical causes
261 ferences are often significant with over- or underestimation of up to 90%, likely due to chemical int
262 may lead to blurring in resulting images and underestimation of uptake parameters.
263 andard toxicity test) would lead to a severe underestimation of uranium toxicity at the population le
264                                              Underestimation of vertical cup-disc ratio and failure t
265  a Likert score of 5, with a tendency toward underestimation of Vh; accuracy was poor in small (<0.5
266 raw vegetables, such as spinach or broccoli, underestimation of vitamin E in nutrient databases canno
267                For bone lesions, significant underestimations of -16% and -11% occurred for methods i
268 reas of high flux) could lead to significant underestimations of CH4 emissions from localized areas a
269 radients of precursor enrichment can lead to underestimations of fractional lipogenesis calculated fr
270                       For lesions near bone, underestimations of lower magnitude were observed (SEG1,
271 with less effective governance could lead to underestimations of the extent of the current biodiversi
272 y representations of AOD leads to systematic underestimations of the predicted long-term DNI up to 10
273                           This suggests that underestimation or 'tarnishing' may be influenced by non
274  without resulting in clinically significant underestimation or overestimation of the tumour extent (
275 variable setting can result in a significant underestimation or overestimation of water impacts.
276 lated strongly with TKVs, without systematic underestimation or overestimation.
277                            That is, illusory underestimations or overestimations of perceived rate ch
278 panic/Latino background were associated with underestimation (P<0.05).
279 d underestimation), and 8% and 37% (fivefold underestimation) (P < 0.001), respectively.
280 d women, which avoids the overestimation and underestimation problems at the upper and lower ends of
281 studies reported on the progression risk and underestimation rate of a CNB diagnosis of CCL, there is
282      On the basis of the (in situ) carcinoma underestimation rates of patients with a CNB diagnosis o
283                             The ADH and DCIS underestimation rates were 25.8% (17 of 66) and 23.1% (2
284                   The anatomic correlates of underestimation (right rostral anterior cingulate cortex
285                                   The pooled underestimation risks for (in situ) carcinoma were as fo
286 us exaggerating deficits, overestimation and underestimation scores were analysed separately, control
287 ly infected; additional sources of potential underestimation suggest that the true prevalence could w
288 ncreasing ionic strength led to considerable underestimation (up to 67%) of Al concentration.
289     Results showed that GC analysis provides underestimation (up to five times) of isofuranodiene lev
290 s using the C2-to-C5 ratio and the latter an underestimation using the C3-to-C2 ratio.
291   Using incidence rates, we studied how this underestimation varied according to subtypes of cancer b
292 evalence of periodontitis, and the amount of underestimation varies depending on the number and type
293                 In bone lesions, the average underestimation was -7.4% +/- 5.3% and -2.9% +/- 5.8% fo
294 s, 29% in PD patients, whereas in the SN the underestimation was 22% in controls and 15% in PD patien
295                                              Underestimation was 5.6-fold (odds ratio [OR] = 5.6; 95%
296                                              Underestimation was because of focal LV hypertrophy (n=1
297                           The degree of such underestimation was modeled in vitro, and the data are r
298                 With MR imaging, significant underestimation was observed of intrahepatic flow veloci
299 with (82)Rb compared with (13)N-ammonia; the underestimation was within +/-1.96 SD.
300 le was also an independently associated with underestimation when a diagnosis of ADH was made at MR i

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