


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nant of infant growth even in the absence of undernutrition.
2  in areas currently vulnerable to hunger and undernutrition.
3 icting mortality in adults with severe acute undernutrition.
4 nes with high baseline levels of poverty and undernutrition.
5 en its own growth is compromised by maternal undernutrition.
6 be more effective for reduction of childhood undernutrition.
7  edematous and nonedematous severe childhood undernutrition.
8 synthesis is reduced, as in severe childhood undernutrition.
9 c pain, diarrhoea, exercise intolerance, and undernutrition.
10  fraction of deaths by cause attributable to undernutrition.
11 erive cause-specific RRs of dying because of undernutrition.
12 njection and that avoids maternal stress and undernutrition.
13 ion and low birth weight induced by maternal undernutrition.
14 on period of development by maternal protein undernutrition.
15 fetal growth restriction induced by maternal undernutrition.
16 PARalpha and FXR are dysregulated in chronic undernutrition.
17 d obesity, despite continuing high levels of undernutrition.
18 eight is at least 3-fold higher than that of undernutrition.
19 nsumed fruit, especially in areas of rampant undernutrition.
20 ally high incidence of diarrheal disease and undernutrition.
21 or obesity, with the predominant emphasis on undernutrition.
22  control conditions following the episode of undernutrition.
23 es exploring placental responses to maternal undernutrition.
24 ntion and care of diabetes with reduction of undernutrition.
25 ip between gut microbiota and weight loss in undernutrition.
26 C threshold for the diagnosis of acute adult undernutrition.
27 n with very severe pneumonia (11.8%), severe undernutrition (15.4%), severe acute malnutrition (34.8%
28 p to examine the effect of moderate maternal undernutrition (60 d before to 30 d after mating) and tw
29                       Both overnutrition and undernutrition affect energy metabolism, with overnutrit
30                                        Child undernutrition affects millions of children globally.
31 s the hazard of poor outcome associated with undernutrition after acute stroke needs to be determined
32                The prevalence of wasting and undernutrition among children and adults, respectively,
33 and middle-income countries encompasses both undernutrition and a growing problem with overweight and
34 lammatory cytokines IL-1 and IL-6, HF causes undernutrition and anemia.
35  measures included principal determinants of undernutrition and childhood stunting, which was defined
36 nvironmental enteropathy, which is linked to undernutrition and chronic infections, affects the physi
37  driven by a range of environmental factors, undernutrition and coinfections such as measles, malaria
38 e but persistent morbidities such as anemia, undernutrition and diminished performance status.
39  we observed an association between prenatal undernutrition and elevated total cholesterol concentrat
40 diabetes, overweight and obesity, as well as undernutrition and food insecurity.
41 maturing oocytes in vivo to maternal protein undernutrition and identify both behavioural and cardiov
42 nvestigated the association between prenatal undernutrition and immunocompetence in adolescence and h
43 s population that it is beginning to replace undernutrition and infectious diseases as the most signi
44  no apparent association between the risk of undernutrition and intensity of S. haematobium infection
45 than 16 is the most severe category of adult undernutrition and is associated with substantial morbid
46 a crucial window of opportunity for reducing undernutrition and its adverse effects.
47 y is causally related to the pathogenesis of undernutrition and its lingering sequelae.
48                  Although genetics, maternal undernutrition and low birth weight status certainly pla
49 rehensive update of interventions to address undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies in women a
50 ic interventions to avert maternal and child undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies through co
51                                              Undernutrition and micronutrient malnutrition remain pro
52 ith the highest burden of maternal and child undernutrition and mortality.
53 , and diarrhoea), programmes to reduce child undernutrition and mother-to-child transmission of HIV,
54 on was associated with indicators of chronic undernutrition and multiple micronutrient deficiencies.
55                                     Maternal undernutrition and newborn stunting [birth length-for-ag
56  West Africans are in the early stage, where undernutrition and nutrient deficiencies are prevalent.
57                                     Although undernutrition and obesity coexist in the region, polici
58 opulations represent the middle stages, with undernutrition and obesity coexisting.
59                         The co-occurrence of undernutrition and obesity in low-income and middle-inco
60                                              Undernutrition and overnutrition are epidemics of the im
61 rmal gonadotropin levels in adults, and both undernutrition and overnutrition suppress gonadotropins:
62 urrent challenge of high burden of childhood undernutrition and overweight and obesity among women of
63 ears a nutritional double burden composed of undernutrition and overweight or obesity.
64 ticle shows the coexistence of high rates of undernutrition and OW/OB at the individual, household, a
65                                              Undernutrition and physical inactivity are both associat
66 ce in low- and middle-income countries where undernutrition and poor child development remain signifi
67 rrhoeal diseases, and risks factors, such as undernutrition and poor sanitation, which were mainly as
68 microbiota immaturity is causally related to undernutrition and reveal potential therapeutic targets
69 f zinc action in the setting of diarrhea and undernutrition and support the use of zinc to prevent th
70 relevant pathways involved in the effects of undernutrition and their contribution to environmental e
71 vestigate the combined effects of early-life undernutrition and urbanized lifestyles in later life on
72 , malaria, HIV/AIDS, the underlying cause of undernutrition, and a small group of causes leading to n
73 es in fertility rates, water and sanitation, undernutrition, and coverage of indicators of reproducti
74 m other causes (other communicable diseases, undernutrition, and injuries).
75 icies in most countries favour prevention of undernutrition, and only a few countries have implemente
76 In conclusion, twinning and periconceptional undernutrition are associated with epigenetic changes in
77 mentation--most countries with high rates of undernutrition are failing to reach undernourished mothe
78                            Overnutrition and undernutrition are major concerns in the short and long
79 ognitive abnormalities seen in children with undernutrition are related in part to their persistent g
80         Although the complex determinants of undernutrition are well recognized, few studies have eva
81 ry glucose and lipid consumption, as well as undernutrition, are observed across numerous organs and
82   Other key issues include the importance of undernutrition as an underlying cause of child deaths as
83 orly defined, is likely to be exacerbated by undernutrition as well as being responsible for permanen
84 orexia nervosa (AN) is a condition of severe undernutrition associated with altered regional fat dist
85          Seven key challenges for addressing undernutrition at national level are defined and reporte
86 med to compare the prevalence of obesity and undernutrition between the cancer groups and investigate
87 mass index for body shape, the prevalence of undernutrition (body mass index <18.5 kg/m(2)) among adu
88               Reducing food intake to induce undernutrition but not malnutrition extends the life spa
89 occur not only in states of life-threatening undernutrition, but also in response to less severe ener
90 sessment tools are available to assess adult undernutrition, but few are practical in poorly served a
91 low socio-economic status, HIV infection and undernutrition, but when GBS-colonized, they were more p
92 that enteropathogen infection contributes to undernutrition by causing intestinal inflammation and/or
93  to study the pathophysiology of obesity and undernutrition by guaranteeing substantial weight loss m
94 h correction of pancreatic insufficiency and undernutrition by multidisciplinary teams, have resulted
95  suggest that children with severe childhood undernutrition can increase their de novo glycine synthe
96            Here, we have shown that maternal undernutrition causes dramatic changes in heart structur
97                       Because both over- and undernutrition confer risks in later development, indivi
98                                     Maternal undernutrition contributes to 800,000 neonatal deaths an
99                                     Maternal undernutrition contributes to fetal growth restriction,
100 microbiota and brain metabolism in childhood undernutrition could provide insights about responses to
101                                At both ages, undernutrition decreased expression of the placental spe
102 IBD) are at risk for osteoporosis because of undernutrition, delayed puberty, and prolonged corticost
103 ty of muscles to recover following perinatal undernutrition depends on developmental age as this esta
104  in the countries with the highest burden of undernutrition, drawing on systematic reviews and best-p
105      We investigated the association between undernutrition during childhood and young adulthood and
106 velopmental origins hypothesis proposes that undernutrition during early development is associated wi
107  health and disease hypothesis that suggests undernutrition during gestation and infancy predisposes
108  investigated the effects of moderate global undernutrition during gestation in the rat on the blood
109 a, that a short period of moderate or severe undernutrition during postnatal development increases ty
110                                     Maternal undernutrition during pregnancy (F(0)) programs reduced
111                                              Undernutrition during pregnancy is implicated in the pro
112                                              Undernutrition during pregnancy reduces birth weight and
113 pproach offers a novel method to control for undernutrition during the preweaning period in rodents.
114            Our results suggest that relative undernutrition early in life in children born preterm ma
115 r-head GDP and reductions in early childhood undernutrition, emphasising the need for direct health i
116                                              Undernutrition, for example, affects 20% of children in
117                           Once the degree of undernutrition has been assessed, successful dietary int
118                                              Undernutrition has been associated with half of all deat
119 , political discourse about the challenge of undernutrition has increased substantially at national a
120  unique case study: despite economic growth, undernutrition has not improved when compared to other i
121              Progress on child mortality and undernutrition has seen widening inequities and a concen
122  Low body-mass index, indicative of maternal undernutrition, has declined somewhat in the past two de
123 ing new microbiota-directed therapeutics for undernutrition highlights the need to simultaneously con
124 ince The Lancet Series on Maternal and Child Undernutrition in 2008.
125 e objective was to examine the prevalence of undernutrition in a subacute-care facility.
126                          A large decrease in undernutrition in adults was observed from 1974-1975 to
127 and 3 years later), we tested differences in undernutrition in children aged 12-41 months (roughly 15
128          Enteric infections, enteropathy and undernutrition in early childhood are preventable risk f
129                 To determine consequences of undernutrition in early gestation and/or immediately fol
130                                              Undernutrition in early life underlies 45% of child deat
131 port efforts to eliminate maternal and child undernutrition in high-burden countries.
132 rbanization that has exacerbated poverty and undernutrition in large slum areas.
133 ssociated with reductions in early childhood undernutrition in low-income and middle-income countries
134                                              Undernutrition in neonatal mice, as well as in weaned mi
135  These findings support the role of maternal undernutrition in nonaffective psychosis pathogenesis.
136  widely for the prevention and management of undernutrition in older people.
137 anding of the complex effects of obesity and undernutrition in persons with ESRD and advanced chronic
138                            Moderate maternal undernutrition in rat gestation adversely affects cardio
139  a new worker in areas with a high burden of undernutrition in rural eastern India did not significan
140                             We estimate that undernutrition in the aggregate--including fetal growth
141 ports on an assessment of actions addressing undernutrition in the countries with the highest burden
142 ieved that overweight is less prevalent than undernutrition in the developing world, particularly in
143 ties and a concentration of child deaths and undernutrition in the most deprived communities, threate
144 eterminants of bone mass than was early-life undernutrition in this population.
145        This study found a high prevalence of undernutrition in urban homebound older adults and sugge
146 h efforts must focus not only on eradicating undernutrition in West Africa and the Caribbean but also
147 ssociation was seen between per-head GDP and undernutrition in young children from the poorest househ
148  contributors to long-term sequelae of early undernutrition, including cognitive, growth, and metabol
149 provides benchmark data on the prevalence of undernutrition, including more than half a million patie
150                                     Maternal undernutrition increased basal cortisol and altered HPA
151 ht to determine whether rehabilitation after undernutrition increases the risk of obesity and metabol
152      Human studies have suggested that early undernutrition increases the risk of obesity, thereby ex
153 increased expression of FGF21 during chronic undernutrition inhibits GH action on chondrocytes by act
154                                              Undernutrition is a common complication of disease and a
155                                    Childhood undernutrition is a major global health challenge.
156                                        Child undernutrition is a major public health challenge, estim
157 vely promote healthy growth of children with undernutrition is a pressing global health goal.
158                                              Undernutrition is a risk factor for increased mortality
159       The data indicate that early long-term undernutrition is associated with increased susceptibili
160                          Maternal and infant undernutrition is associated with poor infant developmen
161 childhood diarrhea and malnutrition in which undernutrition is both a risk factor and an outcome of d
162                                              Undernutrition is common in hospital patients with strok
163                           Protein and energy undernutrition is common in older people, and further de
164                                              Undernutrition is common in patients admitted with strok
165 y growth of fetal LV in response to maternal undernutrition is concluded to be associated with increa
166                                        Fetal undernutrition is hypothesized to program blood pressure
167 ing in this community is high, whereas acute undernutrition is relatively uncommon.
168 tes, whereas slow growth as a consequence of undernutrition is thought to have a beneficial effect.
169                                              Undernutrition is widely perceived to affect the develop
170                  Even though obesity, unlike undernutrition, is not generally an indicator of poor ou
171 pment is known to be susceptible to maternal undernutrition, leading to a disease-related postnatal p
172 overnutrition raising energy expenditure and undernutrition lowering it.
173 d-depleted maternal environment generated by undernutrition may act as an early mechanism of programm
174 s of glucose uptake following late gestation undernutrition may constitute a short-term compensation
175                                    Childhood undernutrition may have prenatal origins, and the impact
176                                              Undernutrition may in part explain the lower rotavirus V
177 hout addressing the simultaneous presence of undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and overweig
178 contributes to a large share of global child undernutrition, morbidity, and mortality.
179 among adults with extremely severe grades of undernutrition, MUAC and edema were better indicators of
180 ortfalls, independent of known predictors of undernutrition of family income and baseline height and
181                                          The undernutrition of older Serbian adults in Kosovo should
182 cient power to precisely estimate effects of undernutrition on malaria mortality.
183 xamined the effects of maternal intrauterine undernutrition on offspring birth weights in a cohort of
184 gated the effect of early and late gestation undernutrition on structure and markers of growth and gl
185 mine the effects of developmental hypoxia or undernutrition on the expression of insulin-signaling pr
186   Dutch hospitals are required to screen for undernutrition on the first day of admission.
187 he effects of repeated enteric infection and undernutrition on the immune response to childhood vacci
188 effects of early postnatal overnutrition and undernutrition on the maturation of hypothalamic circuit
189 f prenatal stress and malnutrition (over and undernutrition) on perinatal programming of the CNS and
190 licies in Colombia currently focus on either undernutrition or obesity, with the predominant emphasis
191 n average changes in the prevalence of child undernutrition outcomes and average growth of per-head G
192 changes in per-head GDP and changes in child undernutrition outcomes.
193 or the impact of climate change on childhood undernutrition (particularly stunting) in subsistence fa
194             In conclusion, moderate maternal undernutrition profoundly modifies heart structure and H
195 hat maternal hypoxia independent of maternal undernutrition promotes maternal and placental indices o
196 ific interventions has achieved a halving of undernutrition rates, but despite these intensive interv
197                     In females, post-weaning undernutrition reduced pituitary output (ACTH) but incre
198                                   At day 16, undernutrition reduced placental, but not fetal, weight
199 meostatic mechanisms in response to maternal undernutrition remain to be determined.
200                                              Undernutrition remains a significant problem worldwide,
201 ale rats with pubertal arrest due to chronic undernutrition rescued VO (in approximately 50% of anima
202 trast to Hoe 140 treatment, neonatal protein undernutrition resulted in a generalized reduction in ki
203 biota assembly is perturbed in children with undernutrition, resulting in persistent microbiota immat
204 eas children with edematous severe childhood undernutrition (SCU) can maintain production rates of gl
205 of the nonedematous form of severe childhood undernutrition (SCU) during food deprivation are not cle
206 matous but not nonedematous severe childhood undernutrition (SCU) have lower plasma and erythrocyte-f
207 matous but not nonedematous severe childhood undernutrition (SCU) have lower plasma and erythrocyte-f
208  describe the prevalence and distribution of undernutrition (stunting, anemia, and zinc deficiency),
209 rtly because of shared risk factors, such as undernutrition, suboptimum breastfeeding, and zinc defic
210 e not been proven to have a direct effect on undernutrition, such as stand-alone growth monitoring or
211 ore effective for the reduction of childhood undernutrition than the traditional recuperative model.
212  given the global health burden of childhood undernutrition, the effects of changing eating practices
213  infection that causes growth shortfalls and undernutrition, thus worsening infection.
214 ntal nutrient transporters may link maternal undernutrition to restricted fetal growth.
215  Few studies in humans have related maternal undernutrition to the size of the adult offspring.
216 e model of LBW, produced by maternal caloric undernutrition (UN) during late gestation.
217 eaths in young children were attributable to undernutrition, varying from 44.8% for deaths because of
218 ), compared to those with moderate or severe undernutrition (VE, -28% [95% CI, -309% to 60%]) (P= .02
219 was significantly higher in children with no undernutrition (VE, 75% [95% CI, 41%-89%]), compared to
220 versus prevention priorities, and a focus on undernutrition versus overnutrition.
221                                              Undernutrition was a risk factor for symptomatic norovir
222                              Early gestation undernutrition was associated with increased adrenocorti
223                                              Undernutrition was defined separately for each trimester
224 hereas a major decrease in the prevalence of undernutrition was detected from 1996 to 2006-2007.
225                                              Undernutrition was found in 11.2% (95% confidence interv
226                                              Undernutrition was found to perturb several biochemical
227                            The prevalence of undernutrition was high in both groups with 48% (95% CI:
228                        Focusing on childhood undernutrition, we highlight gaps in current understandi
229 t accelerated, causes of neonatal deaths and undernutrition were not addressed, and stock shortages o
230  factors for disease burden in 1990, such as undernutrition, were replaced by high fasting plasma glu
231 8) and nonedematous (n = 9) severe childhood undernutrition when they were infected and malnourished
232 he next generation, of maternal intrauterine undernutrition which do not correspond to the effects on
233 ripheral tissues by early and late gestation undernutrition which may be mediated by a decrease in ca
234 exia nervosa is a disease of severe acquired undernutrition with a high and increasing prevalence amo
235  that critically ill patients suffering from undernutrition with a limited nutritional reserve have a
236 approaches for preventing maternal and child undernutrition within a community-based health program.
237  of the highest levels of child and maternal undernutrition worldwide, but little information about g
238 duration >/=14 days) are important causes of undernutrition, yet the epidemiology and nutritional imp

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