


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 % reported not attending NEP but did attend (underreported).
2 ome common workflows, and therefore probably underreported.
3 hown to be systematically and differentially underreported.
4  carcinoma risk after index surgery is still underreported.
5 ics were not included, and counseling may be underreported.
6 ence helped demonstrate that TRALI is likely underreported.
7 ough it is probably still underdiagnosed and underreported.
8 report, while women who noted long durations underreported.
9 ss more than 3 out of 4 cases were initially underreported.
10 m cat or dog bite wound infections have been underreported.
11 odalities are available, these tumors remain underreported.
12 ality, but it is probably underdiagnosed and underreported.
13   Such adverse effects of herbs are probably underreported.
14 untary, HBV-R associated with DAAs likely is underreported.
15 ion, alcohol and tobacco use both tend to be underreported.
16  may be difficult to diagnose and are likely underreported.
17 , but donor and recipient morbidity might be underreported.
18 methods suggest that their true incidence is underreported.
19 from library preparation has previously been underreported.
20 ountries, where such incidents are too often underreported.
21                          Harms may have been underreported.
22  myriad adverse health effects but is vastly underreported.
23 magnitude and determinants of suspected NVSS underreporting.
24  children when adjusted for potential energy underreporting.
25 istricts in 2005 had more than 90% levels of underreporting.
26                    This suggests a degree of underreporting.
27 ic fluid embolism, leading to both over- and underreporting.
28 for energy intake that may be used to assess underreporting.
29  and provide the first empirical estimate of underreporting.
30 ective reporting, duplicate publication, and underreporting.
31 s revealed similar levels of concordance and underreporting.
32 mmunity (95%), adverse vaccine reactions are underreported (95%), and vaccination policy is motivated
33 dies, controls are more likely than cases to underreport a history of induced abortion.
34         Model estimates are used to generate underreporting adjusted incidence rates.
35 der and maternal diethylstilbestrol use were underreported among cases and reported accurately among
36                        Severe neutropenia is underreported and is generally not associated with incre
37              Its overall incidence is likely underreported and poorly characterized.
38                    Safety outcomes have been underreported and require further study.
39      Both the percentage by which energy was underreported and the percentage of subjects classified
40 cal laboratories has been proposed to reduce underreporting and delays.
41                 Potential biases derive from underreporting and from changes in the proportion of her
42 ecific features of the data (large amount of underreporting and variation of reporting with time sinc
43                   Energy intake is generally underreported, and both the magnitude of the error and t
44 ea with fecal incontinence (FI) is a severe, underreported, and intractable problem in many patients
45     Among the factors that may contribute to underreporting are that many consumers presume supplemen
46                                A bias toward underreporting, as well as stronger agreement at the lev
47 elevance for SRS and highlight a potentially underreported aspect of this disorder.
48        This type of mutation is likely to be underreported because of the difficulty of deletion dete
49                      Results show that LD is underreported by 10- to 12-fold in Maryland, that 80% of
50                                 The relative underreporting by male respondents relative to females w
51 eported energy intake (350 kcal/d; 15%), and underreporting by overweight individuals (~400 kcal/d; 1
52            Our a priori hypotheses were that underreporting by the NVSS would exceed that by the news
53  Specifically, self-interviewed patients may underreport cancer in their first-degree relatives.
54 ion, changes in HIV virulence, and end-point underreporting cannot fully explain the decline in AIDS
55 odels to infer epidemiologic parameters from underreported case data.
56 ived expression) show that the proportion of underreported cases declined from an average of 88% in 2
57                          Social outcomes are underreported compared to measures of psychopathology, p
58 ely, the onset and effects of ADEs are often underreported complicating timely intervention.
59 odular panniculitis without septicemia is an underreported condition, with only 3 cases reported to d
60 eloping on skin with altered sensation is an underreported condition.
61 tellectual disability come into frequent and underreported contact with the legal system.
62            Domestic violence is an extremely underreported crime and a growing social problem in the
63                                              Underreporting decreased with age for the PAR and PHQ.
64 0 to IL12(p40)2 is an equally important, yet underreported, determinant of IL-12 bioactivity.
65 mpared to medical examiners, and the odds of underreporting did not vary by race/ethnicity.
66 tory may help to identify subjects likely to underreport dietary intake.
67  Eight cases and seven controls who over- or underreported dietary intake were excluded from analysis
68 e likely to pose identifiability problems in underreported diseases.
69 ncy virus (HIV)-infected patients but may be underreported due to its similarity with Candida albican
70 hese values may be underestimates because of underreporting due to confidentiality concerns and lack
71 ive psychology literature leads us to expect underreporting, economic theory suggests that underrepor
72 subjects [body mass index (in kg/m(2)) < 25] underreported EI by <3%.
73                        Overall, the subjects underreported EI by 11% compared with TEE.
74  regression, fatter boys were more likely to underreport energy intake than were fatter girls.
75                    Individuals significantly underreported energy intake (350 kcal/d; 15%), and under
76                              On average, men underreported energy intake compared with total energy e
77                                        Women underreported energy intake on 24HRs by 16-20% and on FF
78                                 Participants underreported energy intake on the FFQ by 20.8%; this er
79 n model showed that 86.4% of the variance in underreporting error was explained by dietary fat (g), B
80                                   Because of underreporting, esthetic results and patient outcome did
81                          Despite a degree of underreporting, eYFP expression was detectable in nonimm
82                                              Underreporting for reasons of confidentiality and a fail
83 measure of disease prevalence, and levels of underreporting for the 21 most affected districts of Bih
84 , and whether we can measure the impact this underreporting has on systematic reviews of adverse even
85 ly, it has been asserted that this entity is underreported in children.
86                               PNI is grossly underreported in CRC and could serve as an independent p
87 e bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei and is underreported in many countries where the disease is end
88 s a cause of liver abscesses which is likely underreported in Northern European populations and which
89      TRALI was frequently underdiagnosed and underreported in recipients of blood products from a don
90 timates suggest that melioidosis is severely underreported in the 45 countries in which it is known t
91 timates suggest that melioidosis is severely underreported in the 45 countries in which it is known t
92 rd, cocaine and heroin use were considerably underreported in the survey.
93 rge scale resource extraction are frequently underreported in underdeveloped regions.
94 f minor operations, possibly attributable to underreporting in control subjects.
95 ociation, reverse causality, or differential underreporting in heavier individuals.
96 im of this study was to assess the degree of underreporting in the estimates of prevalence of periodo
97 ically significant difference in the odds of underreporting in the NVSS for deaths certified by coron
98 by non-firearm mechanisms had higher odds of underreporting in the NVSS than those injured by firearm
99  energy from fat were the best predictors of underreporting in women (R(2) = 0.09); body mass index,
100 of meals per day were the best predictors of underreporting in women (R(2) = 0.22); social desirabili
101                                         High underreporting, inappropriate post-exposure practices an
102 ight by 0.86 kg on average, and this rate of underreporting increased over early adulthood.
103                                 The level of underreporting increased significantly with increases in
104 r to compensate for observational biases and underreporting inherent in the surveillance data.
105 iture, it has been shown that obese children underreport intake significantly more than do lean child
106  Our observations also draw attention to the underreported interference of different unanticipated co
107                    Knowing the degree of the underreporting is essential to the accurate evaluation o
108 -m resolution were used to locate previously underreported island building activities, as well as to
109 t their performance, whereas women generally underreport it.
110 bjects had amnesia for most of the abuse and underreported it.
111 alence, especially among pregnant women, and underreporting may vary by demographic characteristics.
112 e of BPG shortages when surveyed or may have underreported medication substitutions due to desirabili
113                         Blacks and Hispanics underreported more than did Caucasians.
114 review to assess whether we can quantify the underreporting of adverse events (AEs) in the published
115 omen were probably biased upwards because of underreporting of amniocentesis on birth certificates, t
116 tions include study heterogeneity, potential underreporting of both IPV and TOP in primary data sourc
117 me disease incidence reasonably well despite underreporting of cases.
118                                 Limitations: Underreporting of clinical variables limited exploration
119 s the new 2000 standard for adjusting rates; underreporting of CNS tumor rates resulting from the exc
120 ture behavior among consumers, and potential underreporting of consumption in dietary recall data use
121 ence and cumulative mortality, adjusting for underreporting of death and background causes of death.
122 eported 7.5%, consistent with the concept of underreporting of deaths in police and hospital level da
123                                The increased underreporting of dietary intake with increasing body we
124                       Younger women had more underreporting of energy (p = 0.02) and protein (p = 0.0
125 creasing body mass index predicted increased underreporting of energy and overreporting of percentage
126                                   Systematic underreporting of energy and protein intakes and overrep
127                                              Underreporting of energy consumption by self-report is w
128                                              Underreporting of energy intake is associated with self-
129  determine which factors are associated with underreporting of energy intake on food-frequency questi
130                                              Underreporting of energy intake was correlated with all
131                                              Underreporting of energy intake was highest in women and
132 spective 3-month recall of falls resulted in underreporting of falls by as much as 25% compared with
133                                The extent of underreporting of GBV also varied according to personal
134 rreporting of weight increased with age, and underreporting of height decreased with age.
135                                              Underreporting of height, not overreporting of weight, g
136                               Despite likely underreporting of intake, for men in the special interve
137 equences of other measurement errors such as underreporting of intake.
138 lysis and (2) an assessment of correlates of underreporting of law-enforcement-related deaths (demogr
139                     In addition, substantial underreporting of Lyme disease by physicians' offices wa
140  3.3 per 100 000; however, evidence suggests underreporting of MDS to centralized cancer registries.
141 sensitivity analysis assessing the impact of underreporting of methadone overdose deaths.
142                                              Underreporting of milder illnesses and delayed and inade
143                                  The rate of underreporting of more than 30% of calories was lower wi
144 ere widespread, it would imply a substantial underreporting of mortality from both circulatory diseas
145 nterval: 43, 95), depending on the amount of underreporting of pertussis that was assumed to have occ
146                                 There was an underreporting of PLC diagnosed by noninvasive methods;
147 was to study the completeness and assess the underreporting of PLC to the CR and to produce a more ac
148 longed gaps in AFP surveillance and a likely underreporting of polio cases.
149  markedly lower than expected, suggesting an underreporting of psychiatric disorders at delivery.
150 e main limitations of this study result from underreporting of safety incidents and variable data qua
151 mulatively, these findings indicate a severe underreporting of Salmonella outbreaks in Israel and pro
152                    This most likely reflects underreporting of sexual activity, and it is possible th
153                                 Limitations: Underreporting of SLE on death certificates may have res
154        This underascertainment may be due to underreporting of SLE on death certificates, but may als
155        Higher body mass index was related to underreporting of sodium.
156 g users (IDUs), some have questioned whether underreporting of syringe sharing, a stigmatized behavio
157                             There was little underreporting of the percentage of energy from protein
158 nsitivity of detection methods may result in underreporting of the presence of P. carinii in breeding
159                                              Underreporting of the structural content of the transiti
160 gnant adults aged > or = 20 y to investigate underreporting of total energy intake.
161 more effective than rush protocols; however, underreporting of unsuccessful procedures is very probab
162                                              Underreporting of weight increased with age, and underre
163 t be tempered with the limitations (possible underreporting) of a passive reporting system.
164        Comorbid conditions are significantly underreported on Form 2728, but diagnoses are not falsel
165 e final models were significantly related to underreporting on both the FFQ and the 24HR, the amount
166          Body mass index was associated with underreporting on the AAFQ and PHQ but overreporting on
167  models for prediction of the probability of underreporting on the FFQ and 24HR.
168                    Statistically significant underreporting or overreporting of hearing loss was obse
169 te and national data were compared to assess underreporting or overreporting.
170      The most likely explanation for this is underreporting or underconsumption the day before the re
171 definitions of EMVI are variable and lead to underreporting particularly after CRT.
172 heless, its incidence in humans is generally underreported, particularly in tropical and subtropical
173 eport surveys, medical records substantially underreported performance on quality measures.
174 associated mortality events have likely been underreported, perhaps by an order of magnitude, because
175 sk factors but may be an underrecognized and underreported phenomenon on long-haul flights.
176 lso suggested that individuals significantly underreported physical activity (~400 kcal/d; 17%; P < 0
177                         Blacks and Hispanics underreported physical activity levels on the AAFQ and P
178 oncern has been raised that hospitals may be underreporting physicians with performance problems to t
179 on 24HRs by 16-20% and on FFQs by 34-38% and underreported protein intake by 11-15% on 24HRs and 27-3
180 re by 12-14% on 24HRs and 31-36% on FFQs and underreported protein intake compared with a protein bio
181                     Medicare Advantage plans underreport rates of high-risk prescribing, suggesting a
182                   Approximately 95% of plans underreported rates of high-risk prescribing relative to
183 eed that by the news media sources, and that underreporting rates would be higher for decedents of co
184 ore likely than STI-negative participants to underreport risk behavior in the face-to-face interview.
185            Pregnant women disproportionately underreport smoking and smokers tend to have lower follo
186                   Nevertheless, institutions underreport such procedures, and the medical literature
187 for what is a common, often distressing, but underreported symptom.
188 an be challenging, as they may deny disease, underreport symptoms, abandon medication regimens, and e
189                                 Food records underreported TEE(DLW) by 35 +/- 20%.
190         Cats and dogs were more likely to be underreported than overreported, from as few as 1.8-fold
191 her accelerometer values were more likely to underreport the actual levels.
192 East Asia Region, and because of substantial underreporting the estimated polio burden was probably 1
193 intervention schools may have systematically underreported their dietary intake relative to children
194                         Possibly, the donors underreported their psychologic symptoms before donation
195                             Adolescent girls underreported their weight by 0.86 kg on average, and th
196  In contrast, we found no evidence that boys underreported their weight either in adolescence or over
197 , participants >/=60 years old, participants underreporting their energy intake and participants with
198   Sexual abuse of boys appears to be common, underreported, underrecognized, and undertreated.
199 reviously estimated, suggesting undercoding, underreporting, undertreating, or differing demographics
200                                The impact of underreporting using district-level reported incidence d
201                                              Underreporting varied according to smoking status, level
202        There was no evidence suggesting that underreporting varied by death investigator type (medica
203 rate of concordance was 81%-84%; the rate of underreporting was 15%-17%; and the rate of underdetecti
204                                      Average underreporting was 5%-6% with an FFQ and 0%-4% with a si
205                                              Underreporting was addressed by computing a ratio of ene
206 ]: 68.2; 95% CI: 15.7, 297.5; p < 0.01), and underreporting was also more likely outside of the highe
207                                Additionally, underreporting was associated with diets lower in fat (P
208                                              Underreporting was more of a problem for cocaine than fo
209                       For the NVSS, rates of underreporting were higher in lower income counties and
210                         The major reasons of underreporting were low risk source (40.2%) and belief t
211 nderreporting, economic theory suggests that underreporting will increase over time, and statistical
212 ses of legionellosis in Australia and may be underreported worldwide due to the lack of L. longbeacha

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