


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                     Medication use suggested undertreatment.
2 he result of disease progression or possible undertreatment.
3  wheeze will likely be an important cause of undertreatment.
4  predictive of adherence, overtreatment, and undertreatment.
5  dosimetry is required to avoid toxicity and undertreatment.
6 classification, distorted communication, and undertreatment.
7 ich are leading to potentially inappropriate undertreatment.
8 fter breast-conserving surgery (BCS) suggest undertreatment.
9 nteractions can lead to either overdosing or undertreatment.
10 ier disease reactivation, perhaps because of undertreatment.
11 idual treatment regimens and avoid potential undertreatment.
12 icates substantial overtreatment and limited undertreatment.
13 vent asthma, this study suggests significant undertreatment.
14 have been the efforts in the past to redress undertreatment and how successful have they been?
15 risk of presentation with metastatic cancer, undertreatment, and death resulting from their cancer.
16 over time in order to avoid overtreatment or undertreatment, and the use of supportive care to preven
17                                Nontreatment, undertreatment, and treatment trends determined by the u
18  patients and the factors that contribute to undertreatment are not known.
19 s the result of various issues that include: undertreatment by clinicians with insufficient knowledge
20        Such a state of confusion may lead to undertreatment if combination therapy is indeed superior
21 ypic or due to phenocopying, are at risk for undertreatment if not recognized.
22  at 100 to 115 mg/dl may lead to substantial undertreatment in high-risk individuals.
23 ntly less marked in elderly patients in whom undertreatment is a concern.
24  guidelines from reliable leading societies, undertreatment is still frequent.
25  The cost to individuals and society of this undertreatment is substantial.
26 esterol targets of 2.6 mmol/l, may result in undertreatment of a large number of patients.
27                                              Undertreatment of acute pain is suboptimal medical treat
28 g and avoid overtreatment of indolent PC and undertreatment of aggressive disease are urgently needed
29 d from 2007 to 2013, there was a decrease in undertreatment of approximately 25% (from 43.4 to 31.8%)
30 place in pediatric pain management since the undertreatment of children's pain was first reported.
31 entable if the problem of underdiagnosis and undertreatment of depression can be overcome by psychoed
32  consensus conference on the reasons for the undertreatment of depression was organized by the Nation
33  depression used antidepressants, suggesting undertreatment of depression.
34  the overtreatment of frail patients and the undertreatment of fit patients.
35 t both overtreatment of low-risk disease and undertreatment of high-risk disease.
36 tion and medication change suggests possible undertreatment of higher risk patients.
37       This analysis from the LUNAR (Limiting UNdertreatment of lipids in ACS with Rosuvastatin) study
38 s treatment options and help avoid over- and undertreatment of noninvasive breast cancer.
39 ed by 2 reports; both documented significant undertreatment of PAD as a cardiovascular disease risk f
40                                The extent of undertreatment of pain in these patients and the factors
41 and Hispanic cancer patients are at risk for undertreatment of pain.
42 dividuals and avoidance of overtreatment and undertreatment of patients with conventional chemotherap
43                             Nontreatment and undertreatment of patients with psoriasis and psoriatic
44 f the mortality difference was caused by the undertreatment of patients without chest pain, particula
45 pression as well as the underrecognition and undertreatment of the problem.
46 of more than 5 letters, indicating either an undertreatment or that factors other than VA loss were c
47 evealed few instances of rapid response team undertreatment or underuse that may have affected the mo
48 avoid potentially inappropriate medications, undertreatment, or errors of omissions in older people.
49                                      Data on undertreatment, treatment use, and treatment satisfactio
50 in pain treatment adequacy, with the odds of undertreatment twice as high for minority patients.
51                                              Undertreatment was particularly prominent among minority
52 trend and identify potential determinants of undertreatment, we compared articles published before an
53 nition of angina by physicians may result in undertreatment with revascularization or medications tha
54  unclear, although some studies suggest that undertreatment with warfarin may be a cause.

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