


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of quality as reducing overuse, misuse, and underuse.
2  medical delivery systems also contribute to underuse.
3  vulnerable populations are needed to reduce underuse.
4 actice and referral patterns associated with underuse.
5 95% CI, 0.9 to 4.0) were at greater risk for underuse.
6 ome populations, potentially contributing to underuse.
7 elp clinicians overcome the problem of organ underuse.
8 reast cancer, yet prior literature documents underuse.
9 onpersistent with therapy contribute to this underuse.
10               Even so, AIT is still severely underused.
11 been difficult to attain, and HCV therapy is underused.
12 eases-ninth revision code for anaphylaxis is underused.
13 entricular ejection fraction, they are often underused.
14 ect undiagnosed tuberculosis in children are underused.
15  thrombosis in hospitalized patients remains underused.
16      Cognitive behavior therapy was markedly underused.
17 ac rehabilitation, cardiac rehabilitation is underused.
18  therapy remains incompletely understood and underused.
19 tem cell biology and biomedical sciences was underused.
20 gnostic yield for peripheral lesions but was underused.
21 rategies, but some recommended therapies are underused.
22 ensive drugs can prevent strokes, but may be underused.
23 h HCV genotype 1 infection; this regimen was underused.
24 d antigen detection and molecular assays are underused.
25 g-term blood transfusions, are available but underused.
26                 Medications are considerably underused.
27  with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation but is underused.
28  adjuvant treatments (relative risk [RR] for underuse = 0.2; 95% CI, 0.1 to 0.3).
29  about treatment efficacy and do not suggest underuse among elderly women with early-stage breast can
30 s overuse among negligible-risk patients and underuse among moderate-risk patients was common.
31 ance colonoscopy among low-risk subjects and underuse among subjects with AAs.
32 ho undergo procedures while increasing their underuse among those who never reach such centers.
33 l services transportation to the hospital is underused among contemporary ST-segment-elevation myocar
34 us thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis remains underused among hospitalized patients.
35                           Statins seem to be underused among Medicare patients with peripheral artery
36 revention of bacteremia alone and is greatly underused among the elderly population, on both health a
37 r data and computing power should facilitate underused analytic approaches, such as instrumental vari
38 c medications, alarmingly high rates of both underuse and excessive filling of antipsychotic prescrip
39                           From 2004 to 2013, underuse and misuse of AET have decreased for patients w
40                             The criteria for underuse and overuse derived from these ratings were the
41                         There is substantial underuse and overuse of antibiotic prophylaxis.
42 ding papers in this Series have outlined how underuse and overuse of health-care services occur withi
43 te a range of levers for eliminating medical underuse and overuse.
44                    Anticoagulants seem to be underused and misdirected in treatment of AF, according
45 Vitamin K antagonists, such as warfarin, are underused and often poorly managed.
46 a diagnostics in Zambia, they continue to be underused and patients with negative test results freque
47 at anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation is underused and that nonclinical factors influence the use
48                                         This underused and unregulated part of the spectral range off
49 o as necessary or not necessary (to evaluate underuse) and inappropriate or not inappropriate (to eva
50 , it can substantially decrease the overuse, underuse, and misuse of health care services.
51                      Active surveillance was underused, and a significant proportion of the variance
52 art disease-related events are significantly underused, and attempts to improve adherence have often
53 eases; they are critical but underfunded and underused, and many practices persist without much evide
54               Colorectal cancer screening is underused, and primary care clinicians are challenged to
55 liefs, and experiences of pregnant women who underuse antenatal services.
56 s with broader goals of sustainability is an underused approach that can provide a pathway toward sca
57     Percutaneous jejunostomy is a useful and underused approach to managing bowel and biliary obstruc
58 e fields support this claim and suggest many underused approaches for identifying and experimentally
59  screening practices, especially overuse and underuse, are low value.
60 hetic biology efforts to valorize previously underused aromatic compounds.
61 vascularization procedures has been studied, underuse as defined clinically has not been examined bef
62 ltural or psychosocial factors contribute to underuse as well.
63  chemicals from biomass, lignin is typically underused as a feedstock and burned for process heat bec
64               Nevertheless, pea products are underused as a protein source in human food because of t
65  system-level factors that drive overuse and underuse, as well as the various incentives at work duri
66         Palliative care consultations may be underused at the end of life.
67  been made to exploit parallelism, massively underuse available processing power.
68                        The approach has been underused because of the complexity of analysis and the
69                   NHBD renal transplants are underused because of the concern of poor quality graft f
70                            These berries are underused because their nutritional properties are relat
71 nsive rehabilitation is widely available but underused because, in part, of social attitudes that und
72 is an argument that epilepsy surgery remains underused, but the evidence to support this assertion is
73                          Epinephrine is also underused by parents, day-care centers and schools.
74 a well-understood biochemical process, it is underused by the synthetic organic chemistry community.
75      Colorectal cancer screening is the most underused cancer screening tool in the United States.
76 llulose loss, and ants in choice experiments underused Cl (as KCl, MgCl(2), and CaCl(2)) relative to
77 rk diffusion is intensive while annihilating underused connections.
78 Consequently trying to improve the uptake of underused cost-effective care or reduce the overuse of n
79 ot been researched extensively, resulting in underused data and missed opportunities.
80    Therapies with proven benefit for AMI are underused despite strong evidence that their use will re
81 rticosteroids for fetal maturation have been underused, despite evidence for their benefits in cases
82 increasing rates of performance, echo may be underused during critical cardiovascular hospitalization
83                                 One third of underuse episodes were attributable to surgeons' percept
84 d their QA programs to include monitoring of underuse, especially for patients with chronic disease.
85 er coronary revascularization procedures are underused, especially among African-Americans and uninsu
86 xis in atrial fibrillation, warfarin remains underused, especially among the elderly (75 years and ol
87 tual beliefs and experiences is likely to be underused, especially when attendance generates increase
88     However, VTE prophylaxis continues to be underused even after physician notification, especially
89 olorectal cancer (CRC) screening is the most underused evidence-based cancer screening test in the Un
90                                The extent of underuse for different interventions varies by country,
91  Oral anticoagulation (OAC) with warfarin is underused for atrial fibrillation (AF).
92 sis of signs and symptoms; however, they are underused for patients' care.
93 d methods, reporter gene technology has been underused for this application.
94                           Most research into underuse has focused on measuring solutions to the probl
95          Traditional approaches to measuring underuse have relied on patient surveys and chart review
96 at project organizers may be able to draw on underused human resources to advance research at relativ
97 d privately insured patients, in addition to underuse in disadvantaged populations, is unknown.
98 illance colonoscopy continues to suffer from underuse in high-risk patients and overuse in average to
99                                  We compared underuse in models before and after controlling for the
100 determine whether there is overuse in FFS vs underuse in prepaid settings.
101 itional Medicare fee-for-service system with underuse in the regionalized Department of Veterans Affa
102 bstantial proportions of men and women, with underuse in those at moderate-to-high risk of stroke and
103 hat coronary revascularization appears to be underused in blacks.
104   beta-Blocker therapy remains substantially underused in cardiac patients despite its proven mortali
105  and suggest that this approach is currently underused in clinical practice.
106  with atrial fibrillation (AF) but are often underused in community practice.
107                                 CAPT remains underused in daily practice, although it is a safe and s
108 ein IIb/IIIa inhibitor therapy appears to be underused in early management of NSTE MI patients.
109                            beta-Blockers are underused in elderly AMI survivors, leading to measurabl
110                         Influenza vaccine is underused in groups targeted for vaccination.
111        Epinephrine (adrenaline) treatment is underused in health care and community settings.
112 Unfortunately, both preventive therapies are underused in low-income and high-burden settings.
113 h services are absent or of poor quality and underused in many countries because discussion of issues
114  zooplankton counterparts, coccoliths remain underused in palaeo-reconstructions.
115  of anticoagulant drugs, prophylaxis remains underused in patients admitted to hospital at moderate r
116 e treatment of breast cancer, and AI remains underused in patients at high risk for local regional re
117                                      OMT was underused in patients treated with coronary revasculariz
118                            beta-blockers are underused in patients who have myocardial infarction (MI
119                      Oral anticoagulation is underused in patients with atrial fibrillation.
120 h-intensity statin therapy in particular, is underused in patients with established ASCVD.
121  significance, published CAGE data are still underused in promoter analysis due to the absence of too
122 tic methodologies to interpret evidence were underused in published reviews on SSBs and health.
123       Diagnostic and therapeutic methods are underused in the community.
124 heses suggests that mechanical valves may be underused in the elderly.
125 ain much important information that has been underused in the estimation of global and regional burde
126 ed support in eukaryotic systems, it remains underused in the mapping of bacterial transcriptional re
127    Clopidogrel prescription is significantly underused in the medically managed NSTEMI population and
128              Medical therapies are currently underused in the treatment of black, female, and poor pa
129                             Needle biopsy is underused in the United States, resulting in a negative
130                                 Vaccines are underused in the United States, resulting in needless mo
131                                  Statins are underused in these patients, compared with those with va
132 eta-blockers, and lipid-lowering agents, are underused in these women, especially those at highest ri
133   However, clopidogrel has historically been underused in this population.
134 lly, palliative care (PC) services have been underused in this population.
135                      However, XRF imaging is underused, in part, because of the difficulty in interpr
136 Delphi method to develop clinically detailed underuse indicators likely to be associated with avoidab
137                     New house designs are an underused intervention and hold promise to reduce malari
138 erapy, and surveillance for tuberculosis are underused interventions in contacts, particularly adults
139 he burden of cancer and as such will promote underused interventions that have the potential to save
140                                 Prescription underuse is associated with poorer clinical outcomes.
141                                              Underuse is especially pronounced among African-American
142                  A significant proportion of underuse is owing to primary nonadherence, defined as th
143 the VA and Medicare systems, but the rate of underuse is significantly higher in the VA.
144   Sperm cryopreservation is an effective but underused method to safeguard spermatozoa.
145 vascularization procedures are substantially underused, no variations in rate of use by sex, ethnic g
146                                              Underuse occurs at every point along the treatment conti
147 ch as high rates of hospital readmission and underuse of ACE inhibitors.
148                                  Reasons for underuse of adjuvant breast cancer treatments appear mul
149                                              Underuse of adjuvant therapy is a potentially important
150  sought to measure a racial disparity in the underuse of adjuvant treatments for early-stage breast c
151                         It unravels a strong underuse of adrenaline by emergency physicians, not refl
152                        Prior studies suggest underuse of aldosterone antagonists in eligible patients
153 l, we found no significant difference in the underuse of angiography among VA patients as compared wi
154 rs to be associated with poorer survival and underuse of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor ther
155                     Previous studies suggest underuse of anticoagulant therapy in patients with AF.
156  address unmet needs and reduce the systemic underuse of anticoagulation because of the fear of bleed
157                                          The underuse of anticoagulation might also be related to unc
158 ed forty-five (21%) of 677 women experienced underuse of appropriate adjuvant therapy: 16% in whites,
159  life, with unrealized health gains from the underuse of available evidence.
160            Understanding the consequences of underuse of beta-blockers is important because of the im
161 ge and calcium channel blocker use predicted underuse of beta-blockers.
162      Emerging evidence suggests considerable underuse of certain health services for arthritis among
163          In fact, a major current problem is underuse of cholesterol-lowering medications, even in pa
164  the expert panel, we identified substantial underuse of coronary revascularization among patients wh
165                                              Underuse of coronary revascularization procedures is mea
166      The three-way kappa statistic to detect underuse of coronary revascularization was 0.83.
167         Studies exploring the reasons behind underuse of dementia services by minority ethnic groups
168 aging practices at our institution confirmed underuse of echo among patients who died during hospital
169                                          The underuse of echocardiography appears to be associated wi
170 mistrust are mutable factors associated with underuse of effective adjuvant therapies.
171 counseling regarding medications, as well as underuse of efficacious therapy for osteoarthritis.
172 n into the nature and causes of the presumed underuse of epilepsy surgery and the elaboration of stra
173                                              Underuse of eplerenone in patients with HF-REF may be du
174                                          The underuse of evidence-based treatments and delayed reperf
175                                  Significant underuse of evidence-based treatments for depression per
176                                          The underuse of generic medications is an important example.
177 references, contributing to both overuse and underuse of health care resources.
178           The global ubiquity of overuse and underuse of health-care resources and the gravity of res
179 ublic and private payers continue to measure underuse of high-value services(for example, preventive
180                                              Underuse of implantable defibrillators has been previous
181 es in clinical appropriateness or overuse or underuse of inappropriate care.
182 nderlying this paradoxical effect may be the underuse of insulin, but also that hyperglycemia indicat
183 sults suggest suboptimal asthma control with underuse of long-term control medications, overuse of qu
184                    To assess the overuse and underuse of medical procedures, various methods have bee
185 pharmaceutical sales and both helps to avert underuse of medicines and leads to potential overuse.
186                                          The underuse of mental health services among black Americans
187 l oncologists were less likely to experience underuse of necessary adjuvant treatments (relative risk
188  efforts must incorporate safeguards against underuse of necessary care.
189                                     There is underuse of needed angiography after acute myocardial in
190                              We compared the underuse of needed angiography after acute myocardial in
191 eliable, valid tool for monitoring trends in underuse of needed care for older patients and for compa
192 delivery system make it essential to monitor underuse of needed care, even for relatively well-insure
193           Numerous studies have demonstrated underuse of other beneficial treatments for patients wit
194 nd 10.1%, respectively), which supported the underuse of palliative care at the end-of-life.
195 the first study to characterize the striking underuse of pancreatectomy in the United States.
196                                      Indeed, underuse of potentially curative local therapy among old
197 hildren, recent studies have critiqued their underuse of prescribed analgesics to treat pain in their
198                               They monitored underuse of preventive services more than follow-up serv
199 imarily on age, is inefficient, resulting in underuse of screening for some and overuse of screening
200 he workshop that highlighted the overuse and underuse of screening, treatments, and technologies thro
201        We identified factors associated with underuse of surveillance mammography and examined whethe
202 r these differences or whether they indicate underuse of the procedures in blacks or overuse in white
203 e identified in advance, and reasons for the underuse of these beneficial treatments need to be clari
204 uthors speculate on multiple reasons for the underuse of these mechanisms and exhort IRBs and researc
205 owever, reports from the 1980s showed marked underuse of these therapies.
206 bated, and studies point to both overuse and underuse of this operation in the management of the dise
207 ely unmet, especially in light of the severe underuse of thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke.
208  that affect appropriateness as well as from underuse of transplantation among blacks and overuse amo
209 ndustry trials, a perception that has led to underuse of treatments that are effective.
210 est that its diagnosis is often missed, with underuse of tryptase measurement; its treatment is delay
211 that merely tinker at the policy edges after underuse or overuse arises.
212  the needs of a local population to minimise underuse or overuse.
213  not be fully achieved: generic drugs may be underused or misused in comparison to prescription drugs
214                    Although CRC screening is underused overall, important problems of overuse and mis
215                            PET appears to be underused overall, whereas BS demonstrates continued ove
216   These problems, which may be classified as underuse, overuse, or misuse, occur in small and large c
217 uggests that CRC screening is simultaneously underused, overused, and misused and that adequate patie
218     However, its effectiveness is limited by underuse, particularly among racial/ethnic minorities an
219 ds are improving, SLN biopsy continues to be underused, particularly in the elderly and minority popu
220       However, anticoagulant therapy remains underused, particularly in the elderly, who probably hav
221               Colorectal cancer screening is underused, particularly in the Veterans Affairs (VA) pop
222                          Long-term travelers underuse personal protective measures and adhere poorly
223 rtant procedure with substantial, if largely underused, potential to advance medical knowledge and im
224  terms, suggesting that autistic individuals underuse predictive information or priors.
225 ing for colorectal cancer is a substantially underused preventive health strategy in the United State
226 his claims-based method detected substantial underuse problems likely to result in negative outcomes
227                           Significantly more underuse problems were detected in populations known to
228 d effort and resources can overcome specific underuse problems, comparatively little is spent on work
229 olicies, but mass media campaigns are widely underused, provision of services for smokers trying to q
230  revascularization had CABG surgery or PTCA (underuse rate, 26%).
231  and corresponding metadata provides a vast, underused resource for the microbiology field as a whole
232 nt tragedy, an "anticommons" in which people underuse scarce resources because too many owners can bl
233                       Overall, investigators underuse simple randomisation and overuse fixed-block ra
234                              Families are an underused source of data about errors, particularly prev
235 rrest have been hypothesized to represent an underused source of potential organ donors; however, the
236 ilding and spontaneous wildlife comebacks as underused sources of information.
237 in clinical practice may be an important and underused strategy to improve ovarian cancer outcomes.
238        Cellulosic biomass is an abundant and underused substrate for biofuel production.
239 ngioplasty rates, more than areas subject to underuse, such as childhood immunization rates and perfo
240             Cities may be an appropriate but underused system for developing and testing hypotheses a
241 ces of rapid response team undertreatment or underuse that may have affected the mortality findings.
242 ausing many contemporary designs to severely underuse the technology's full potential.
243                                              Underuse-the failure to use effective and affordable med
244 ubstance abuse services for older adults who underuse these services.
245 aging assemblages of predators represents an underused tool for the management of human and wildlife
246 surfacing, represents a promising and vastly underused tool in the multidisciplinary treatment of tra
247 creased development and application of these underused tools will be vital in meeting current and fut
248 ac rehabilitation (CR) is an efficacious yet underused treatment for patients with coronary artery di
249 al Fund, and used for programmes for new and underused vaccines, HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and
250 are additionally amplified by the previously underused VEEV replication enzymes.
251 ls was limited to Ig-kappa and to the small, underused VH5 family.
252                                              Underuse was associated with adverse clinical outcomes.
253                           Primary reason for underuse was categorized as not recommended, recommended
254 d as appropriate candidates for angiography, underuse was common (57% according to panel A and 71.3%
255                                              Underuse was defined as omissions of radiation therapy a
256 ho are older, black, and unmarried, and this underuse was not explained by access to follow-up care.
257 ter adjustment for the need for angiography, underuse was present in both groups, but VA patients rem
258                                     However, underuse was significantly greater in hospitals that do
259      Dual kidney transplantation (DKT) is an underused way to expand the pool of ECD kidneys and to r
260  focus on improving quality to only reducing underuse, which in the short term increases costs, does
261 us thrombolysis for ischaemic stroke remains underused worldwide.

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