


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 arge surface area ( 10 mum(2)), is in effect underutilized.
2 ported that palliative care consultation was underutilized.
3 -management behaviors for osteoarthritis are underutilized.
4 urgical patients, thromboprophylaxis remains underutilized.
5              Since then it has been severely underutilized.
6 ive caries prevention treatment, but remains underutilized.
7 o prevent falls have been identified but are underutilized.
8 , cardiac rehabilitation services are vastly underutilized.
9 ural product total synthesis remains largely underutilized.
10 for anaphylaxis, yet studies show that it is underutilized.
11 source for medical education that is grossly underutilized.
12 influenza in the United States, but they are underutilized.
13  is imperative; however, unfortunately it is underutilized.
14 show that these interventions continue to be underutilized.
15 dicate that specific cardiac medications are underutilized.
16 tunate that surgery for obesity is seriously underutilized.
17 lorectal cancer screening is still generally underutilized.
18 remain mostly untapped, uncharacterized, and underutilized.
19 dition, one splice acceptor site was at best underutilized.
20 ng, but lipid screening remains particularly underutilized.
21 ing lifestyle modification, is important but underutilized.
22 ated applications, but they are functionally underutilized.
23 ethane comprises about 10 % and reserves are underutilized.
24 ill and knowledge; however, it often remains underutilized.
25  exposure conditions, but they are currently underutilized.
26 other sexually transmitted infections, it is underutilized.
27 rgery, surgical repair for FTR appears to be underutilized.
28 or pain in nonsurgical pain patients remains underutilized.
29 inary tract problems, but the procedures are underutilized.
30 providing cellular and subcellular detail is underutilized.
31 tation (CR) decreases mortality rates but is underutilized.
32 apy, either neoadjuvant or adjuvant, remains underutilized.
33 r transplantation but has been significantly underutilized.
34                      However, they are often underutilized.
35 ne sets, such as pathway crosstalk, is often underutilized.
36 perhaps remaining unrecognized and certainly underutilized.
37 pite their apparent benefits, statins remain underutilized after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
38 targeted genetic modification, applied to an underutilized agricultural byproduct, provides a mechani
39                               Observation is underutilized among men with localized, low-risk prostat
40                                 Statins were underutilized among veterans infected with HIV, HCV, and
41 RNA-seq) expression studies in plants remain underutilized and inaccessible due to the use of dispara
42 cologic approaches to manage sickle pain are underutilized and more studies are needed to determine t
43            Finally, we discuss prospects for underutilized and novel approaches to identify the elusi
44                           Anticoagulation is underutilized and often contraindicated.
45 acy of many vaccines after BMT, vaccines are underutilized and schedules vary widely at US transplant
46 rm, the majority of response categories were underutilized and thresholds disordered.
47                 Persea schiedeana Nees is an underutilized and very little known species whose fruit
48 evel of variety, cultivar and breed, and for underutilized and wild foods.
49 gs are effective but are often underdosed or underutilized, and caution must be taken in patients wit
50 sult, many deployments become short-lived or underutilized, and many new scientific developments that
51 of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), but TH is underutilized, and regional systems of care for OHCA tha
52 n the storage roots of Mirabilis expansa, an underutilized Andean root crop.
53                              Six ancient and underutilized apple varieties (Mantovana, Mora, Nesta, C
54 tailed studies showed the dependence of this underutilized approach for the synthesis of lactones on
55 n the sparse literature addressing the still underutilized area of crystal identification.
56       Vast world reserves of methane gas are underutilized as a feedstock for the production of liqui
57  Our findings suggest that exercise is being underutilized as a treatment for chronic back and neck p
58  oncologists felt that radiation therapy was underutilized as a treatment modality (mean [SEM] Likert
59 ght alkanes and alkenes are abundant but are underutilized as energy carriers because of their high v
60 uced to interact with chloride ions that are underutilized as hydrogen bond acceptors.
61                           Aspirin therapy is underutilized as the first intervention in patients who
62 circumstances in which proven treatments are underutilized as well as investigate new therapies that
63 ion people per year; however, it is woefully underutilized because of the presence of toxic gossypol
64 bility measurements as a functional probe is underutilized, because such experiments traditionally re
65 th lifestyle-limiting claudication are often underutilized before referral for revascularization.
66 nd evolutionary origins, which makes them an underutilized but highly suitable group for quantitative
67 ntial for Fc donor moieties, which have been underutilized, but also demonstrates that experimental c
68        Furthermore, a wealth of data is left underutilized by analyzing each newly targeted species a
69 s, but epinephrine auto-injectors (EAIs) are underutilized by patients and their families.
70 potentiate the tuberculocidal activity of an underutilized class of antimicrobial agents.
71 udinal designs are a particularly viable and underutilized class of designs in psychiatry that repres
72  Carboranes represent a potentially rich but underutilized class of inorganic and catabolism-inert ph
73 nd fluid material systems still represent an underutilized class of materials in the optical engineer
74 ienes represent a powerful yet synthetically underutilized class of reactions.
75 here X is any heteroatom) are a powerful yet underutilized class of transformations.
76 gional anesthesia is an increasing but still underutilized clinical tool for the trauma patient outsi
77                  Planar chirality remains an underutilized control element in asymmetric catalysis.
78 s highlight the potential health benefits of underutilized crops and the need for in vitro or in vivo
79 cal need in drug development by tapping into underutilized data commonly available in most large drug
80  and may increase transplant numbers from an underutilized donor pool.
81                           Antifolates are an underutilized drug class in tuberculosis (TB) therapy, c
82 ndary prevention of ASCVD, it remains vastly underutilized due to significant barriers.
83 lt tolerance in rice germplasm exist but are underutilized due to the difficulty in capturing the dyn
84                This vast repository is still underutilized due to the lack of methods for fast, accur
85 n plant accessions in gene banks are largely underutilized due to various resource constraints, but c
86 ions, but economic performance was harmed by underutilized equipment during slow-growth periods.
87                                              Underutilized fish species showing higher endogenous pro
88 in crude muscle extracted from 16 Australian underutilized fish species.
89 ity by incorporating cultivars/varieties and underutilized foods.
90                          This therapy may be underutilized for a condition that can be difficult to m
91 r circulatory death (DCD) donor pool remains underutilized for liver transplantation (LT).
92 longs survival in community settings, but is underutilized for persons with advanced NSCLC.
93          Currently, horseshoe kidneys may be underutilized for transplantation because of the greater
94                 However, this information is underutilized for uncovering population specific and fun
95                   Herein we have combined an underutilized fragment screening method, native state ma
96                   Among the selected fruits, underutilized fruit cultivar gooseberry showed the highe
97                                              Underutilized genetic resources including landraces and
98 us, numerous loci remain uncharacterized and underutilized in biofortification approaches.
99                            PTx appears to be underutilized in both asymptomatic and symptomatic patie
100 eglaciation, but records of hydroclimate are underutilized in defining the event.
101 onments, these technologies have so far been underutilized in developing abundance estimations.
102 NAC use in patients suggests that NAC may be underutilized in eligible patients desiring breast conse
103 e medications improve outcomes in HF but are underutilized in HF patients with renal dysfunction beca
104  The authors' findings indicate that TAVR is underutilized in high and prohibitive surgical risk pati
105 own that pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis is underutilized in hospitalized patients with cancer.
106 rostate cancer overtreatment, but it remains underutilized in many countries.
107       Evidence-based discharge therapies are underutilized in older patients who underwent CABG durin
108 cated pharmacological treatments are greatly underutilized in PAD, underscoring the need for improvem
109                           IABP appears to be underutilized in patients presenting with cardiogenic sh
110                           VTE prophylaxis is underutilized in patients undergoing oncologic surgery.
111    Evidence suggests that ACE inhibitors are underutilized in patients with cardiovascular diseases.
112                     (18)F-FDG PET imaging is underutilized in patients with gynecologic malignancies,
113              Adjunctive steroid treatment is underutilized in pneumococcal meningitis, where it has s
114 trospective review demonstrates that GHRT is underutilized in survivors of medulloblastoma and is use
115                    However, it still remains underutilized in the perioperative management of critica
116    Colorectal cancer (CRC) screening remains underutilized in the United States.
117                   Reperfusion therapy may be underutilized in the United States.
118 ch to the T1 renal mass, it remains markedly underutilized in the USA and abroad.
119           Effective cardiac therapies remain underutilized in these patients, and the reasons for thi
120 cation-pi interaction has been comparatively underutilized in this context since its discovery in the
121  aggregate; however, the data remain largely underutilized, in part, due to the poor structure of the
122 eries, focused in particular on a previously underutilized interaction in a shallow cleft on the MDM2
123         The pharmacy may be an important and underutilized intervention point to prevent contraindica
124 that anesthesia time that would otherwise be underutilized is released for use by services that would
125 al stewardship who has been unrecognized and underutilized is the "staff nurse." Although the role of
126                                           An underutilized late-stage SmI(2)-mediated macrocyclizatio
127 ntributing to bitterness in marama beans, an underutilized legume, especially when roasted, was inves
128 netic origins, which introduces a previously underutilized level of analysis to components involved i
129 insights into the future development of this underutilized ligand class are discussed.
130 tes using mass spectrometry (MS) presents an underutilized method for understanding the covalent cata
131                    Two relatively simple but underutilized methods of intraoperative graft assessment
132 results suggest the potential application of underutilized millets as functional food ingredients for
133 ne meningioma is a clinically meaningful but underutilized model for preclinical testing of novel str
134 fibroblasts are a simple, relevant, and much underutilized model for studying molecular processes of
135 on Although findings suggest that banking is underutilized, modifiable adolescent, parent, and provid
136 overall goal of inspiring new uses for these underutilized nucleophiles.
137                    Other recommendations are underutilized: Only 9% undergo percutaneous endoscopic g
138 se efforts, bacteriophage therapy remains an underutilized option in Western medicine due to challeng
139                          The authors discuss underutilized options, including research that need not
140 assess the effect of these interventions are underutilized or not readily available where they are mo
141 sed energy sources, including those that are underutilized or otherwise nuisance species such as Chin
142       As a result, this palliative option is underutilized or used in less-than-optimal disease setti
143 gher risk disease and more prior therapy but underutilized overall.
144 s have suggested that they are substantially underutilized, particularly in older patients.
145  donor kidney transplantation (LDKT) remains underutilized, partly resulting from the challenges many
146 er religious organizations are effective but underutilized partners in CVD prevention in blacks.
147 curation, research, and breeding programs of underutilized plant genetic resources, however, even low
148 y arising lymphomas in pet dogs represent an underutilized resource that could be used to complement
149  improved management practices represents an underutilized resource with the ability to improve human
150                                          One underutilized resource worthy of further exploration is
151  to this day 3D structure data may remain an underutilized resource.
152 ugh program and review officers are the most underutilized resources.
153 ntibodies, remains a not-so-widely known and underutilized site.
154 ees of succinylation on starch from Acha, an underutilized source is scanty.
155 t, haplotype sharing currently represents an underutilized source of information for population-genet
156  well described but potentially represent an underutilized source of renal allografts.
157 e for systems that deliver recycled water to underutilized stormwater spreading basins.
158      We propose that postmortem tissue is an underutilized substrate that may be used to translate ge
159 puted tomography fistulography (MDCTF) is an underutilized technique for defining perianal fistulas.
160 ctrospray ionization mass spectrometry is an underutilized technique for fragment screening.
161 representation of signaling pathways that is underutilized: the hypergraph.
162 ocated time, there will be substantial extra underutilized time (time during which procedures are not
163                        Healthcare claims are underutilized to identify factors associated with high o
164 nomer sequence is a potentially powerful but underutilized tool for the control of copolymer properti
165             The results demonstrate that the underutilized UNAs have enormous potential for miRNA det
166 his result is very important for ancient and underutilized varieties that are not consumed on large s
167  Initiation Site (DIS) is an intriguing, yet underutilized, viral RNA target for potential antiretrov
168 ne-permeabilizing peptide antibiotics are an underutilized weapon in the battle against drug-resistan
169 ion of postoperative atrial fibrillation are underutilized, which offers an opportunity for improveme
170  rehabilitation continues to be considerably underutilized with poor referral and enrollment rates.
171 with chronic respiratory diseases, yet it is underutilized worldwide.
172 om studying humans, whom we think provide an underutilized, yet critical, animal model for olfaction.

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