


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  Liver Cancer (BCLC) very early-stage HCC is undetermined.
2 riven lymphoma development in vivo are still undetermined.
3  direction of the corresponding effects were undetermined.
4 nction of renal Claudin-10 in humans remains undetermined.
5  significance of C4d in C3 glomerulopathy is undetermined.
6 genic emissions in the atmosphere is largely undetermined.
7  initiation (pre-ictal spikes; PSs) is still undetermined.
8 iate protective effects in vivo, however, is undetermined.
9 y of undetermined significance (MGUS) remain undetermined.
10 air and checkpoint mechanisms are relatively undetermined.
11 repair, how glycated DNA is repaired remains undetermined.
12 r function and regulation of ATP13A2 remains undetermined.
13 y environment at the molecular level remains undetermined.
14 usal genetic defect in many patients remains undetermined.
15 tween compression rate and survival is still undetermined.
16 ying avian influenza pathogenicity are still undetermined.
17  their effects on microbiota composition are undetermined.
18 ontext of biological networks remains mostly undetermined.
19      The function of HKU1-HE remains largely undetermined.
20                      Its safety in humans is undetermined.
21  on subsequent immune reconstitution remains undetermined.
22 te and macrophage activation changes remains undetermined.
23 mechanisms that drive this phenomenon remain undetermined.
24  glucose level in nondiabetic adults remains undetermined.
25 nced subcortical auditory processing remains undetermined.
26 ure of the Gag-PI(4,5)P2 interaction remains undetermined.
27 23) for preventing all-cause pneumonia still undetermined.
28 he limits of adipose tissue expansion remain undetermined.
29 wever, the temporality of the association is undetermined.
30 ies to mediate protective effects in vivo is undetermined.
31 cause key steps in glutamate handling remain undetermined.
32 he best indicator of responsiveness is still undetermined.
33 ; however, the sources of IP25 have remained undetermined.
34  the role of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) is undetermined.
35 wever, the underlying mechanisms are largely undetermined.
36  diverse and the mechanism behind it remains undetermined.
37 r, in critically ill patients with sepsis is undetermined.
38 ographic characteristics of SCAD are largely undetermined.
39 ation for ERAF after cryoballoon ablation is undetermined.
40 hich MSI1 regulates cell migration are still undetermined.
41 sis of cellular and molecular dysfunction is undetermined.
42  large fraction of cases remains genetically undetermined.
43 tegorised as definite, possible, unlikely or undetermined.
44 al health concerns, but their interaction is undetermined.
45 ance of the possible mechanisms has remained undetermined.
46 rly-onset colorectal cancer (CRC) is largely undetermined.
47 isk of T2D in the general population remains undetermined.
48 opathology, or a combination of both remains undetermined.
49 ural systems that promote these benefits are undetermined.
50 lying mechanisms of this relationship remain undetermined.
51 ir physiological relevance have been largely undetermined.
52 m through which UBR2 is up-regulated remains undetermined.
53 ry consequences of asexuality remain largely undetermined.
54 he malignant potential of SSIM cells remains undetermined.
55 viremia whereas its clinical significance is undetermined.
56 diopulmonary bypass in the elderly are still undetermined.
57 hogenesis, but the precise mechanisms remain undetermined.
58 n regulator in the absence of the HSFA1s was undetermined.
59 ole of CMT1C-linked SIMPLE mutations remains undetermined.
60 (NA) therapy in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is undetermined.
61  role of tau in synapse loss remains largely undetermined.
62 undamental synaptic parameters have remained undetermined.
63  persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) remains undetermined.
64 h disease susceptibility but its function is undetermined.
65 ever, the mechanism of AgNP toxicity remains undetermined.
66 fectiveness for the treatment of CDI remains undetermined.
67 cancer, but its pathogenic contributions are undetermined.
68 iologies of the majority of CVM cases remain undetermined.
69  of renal inflammation and fibrosis, remains undetermined.
70 tasis in nonobese conditions remains largely undetermined.
71 ion in interneurons remain, however, largely undetermined.
72 ausal directions of this relationship remain undetermined.
73 s, the cellular sources of these factors are undetermined.
74 rpinning beta-cell dysfunction in T2D remain undetermined.
75 n making and action selection remain largely undetermined.
76 ma, but its role in normal vision is largely undetermined.
77 etastatic state of the cancer cells remained undetermined.
78 dditional contributing factors have remained undetermined.
79 cellular carcinoma (HCC) development remains undetermined.
80 nisms underlying this regulation are largely undetermined.
81 ulating this metabolic switch remain largely undetermined.
82 ated disease phenotypes still remain largely undetermined.
83 ssing; yet, the impact of nicotine on TDE is undetermined.
84 intrinsic physiological roles remain largely undetermined.
85 ayer causing DNA repair dysfunction is still undetermined.
86 ce of the monoclonal gammopathy is no longer undetermined.
87 B competence in sporadic ALS (SALS) is still undetermined.
88 ory support, but their cost-effectiveness is undetermined.
89  of patients with coronary artery disease is undetermined.
90 per se contributes to cancer remains largely undetermined.
91 iled mechanism by which it functions remains undetermined.
92  for lymphatics in hantavirus disease remain undetermined.
93 ns in PCa development and progression remain undetermined.
94  for pathogenic mucus production are largely undetermined.
95 The cellular basis for such sequelae remains undetermined.
96 but what triggers the female's immobility is undetermined.
97 minin anchoring to cancer progression remain undetermined.
98 dysfunction, but causal relationships remain undetermined.
99 of most members of this family still remains undetermined.
100  between NuMA and nucleolar function remains undetermined.
101  density (BMD) and risk of bone fractures is undetermined.
102 psychosis in secondary mental health care is undetermined.
103  the underlying genetic architecture remains undetermined.
104 n persistence and progression to GWs remains undetermined.
105 tima formation after arterial injury remains undetermined.
106 ocesses underpinning decision making remains undetermined.
107 nal TR because of chronic AF (AF-TR) remains undetermined.
108 pe and influence response to therapy remains undetermined.
109 nts (4%) the cause of fourth nerve palsy was undetermined.
110 on of single-gene disorders in this group is undetermined.
111 in tumorigenesis and metastasis has remained undetermined.
112 g these pathways, fundamental details remain undetermined.
113 umber deriving from cortical layers II-IV is undetermined.
114  condensed phase postblast particles remains undetermined.
115 echanism underlying Chtop expression remains undetermined.
116 with suboptimal cytogenetic response remains undetermined.
117 ose physiological roles have been previously undetermined.
118 ver, the precise localization of ABA remains undetermined.
119 B virus (HBV) surface antigen (anti-HBs), is undetermined.
120 regulation of this cleavage event is largely undetermined.
121 l distribution of oligomeric states remained undetermined.
122 ectomy or rates of emergency surgery remains undetermined.
123 on of CD4(+) cells in HIV infections remains undetermined.
124 cation whose manner was an "accident" or was undetermined.
125 ble, but the underlying genes remain largely undetermined.
126 ate its pathophysiologic characteristics are undetermined.
127 tage of total CD4(+) cells was either low or undetermined.
128 hese or other tectal neural elements remains undetermined.
129 ty of the findings to other settings remains undetermined.
130 hanisms in other paramyxoviruses also remain undetermined.
131 ulation of inflammatory lymphangiogenesis is undetermined.
132 ver, its structural characterization remains undetermined.
133 Rqc1 in this quality control process remains undetermined.
134 possibly autoimmune, and 15 were unlikely or undetermined; 1 was given immunotherapy unsuccessfully.
135 stically significant differences were found (undetermined, 16 of 89; cardioembolic, 6 of 40; steno-oc
136 cardiac and vascular), noncardiovascular, or undetermined according to the trial protocol.
137                                    Stroke of undetermined aetiology or 'cryptogenic' stroke accounts
138 e or TIA within the previous 6 months (cause undetermined after standard tests, including 24-hour ele
139 cant health consequences that remain largely undetermined and could have a significant impact on the
140 in the generation of REM sleep is ultimately undetermined as the critical test of this hypothesis (lo
141 net charge and this elusive property remains undetermined--at any pH--for nearly all proteins.
142 ubstitutes low quality base calls with 'N's (undetermined bases), whereas trimming removes low qualit
143 h dynamics under climate change is, however, undetermined because direct tests comparing the performa
144 put, short read length, high error rate, and undetermined bias of multiplex PCR method have hindered
145  bioinspired, and may also inform the as-yet undetermined biosynthesis of several congeners.
146 entile within the different stroke subtypes (undetermined, cardioembolic, steno-occlusive arteriopath
147                                          The undetermined cases at PET/CT were correctly diagnosed at
148  attacks (TIAs) and ischaemic strokes are of undetermined cause (ie, cryptogenic), potentially underm
149                 Recurrent ischemic stroke of undetermined cause occurred in 10 patients in the PFO cl
150 o-proxamol receiving verdicts of suicide and undetermined cause of -21 deaths (95% CI -34 to -8) per
151 , children, and young adults are assigned an undetermined cause of death after postmortem investigati
152 us complications, 1.8%; and complications of undetermined cause, 2.4%.
153 wave excited fluorescence intensities is the undetermined cell refractive index (RI).
154 d testing sensitivity and specificity remain undetermined, cerebrospinal antibody testing should also
155 mbolism; 1.5% women, 0.2% men); and class 5, undetermined classification (0.8% women, 0.2% men).
156 (Q110X, V204I, K224R and M230I) and seven of undetermined clinical relevance (Q110E, T112A, A120S, D1
157 values for "atypia (or follicular lesion) of undetermined clinical significance," "follicular neoplas
158   Targeted analysis of a larger, genetically undetermined cohort of patients with PEO with suspected
159 nd multivalent states (comprising previously undetermined combinations of activating and repressive h
160 hemorrhage, other serious complications, and undetermined complications.
161 stitution, 1p deletion (absent vs present vs undetermined), contrast enhancement (yes vs no), age (<4
162 ontributing to these benefits remain largely undetermined, despite offering the potential to reveal n
163                                Children with undetermined diagnosis have lower spontaneous survival a
164 her A. baumannii does the same through a yet undetermined DNA damage response akin to the E. coli par
165  a nonhysteretic transition that leads to an undetermined DNA structure.
166 of heterodimerization (DeltaGHet) all remain undetermined, due to analytical challenges in measuring
167      Nineteen natural cases of etiologically undetermined encephalitides in free-ranging cetaceans we
168 pioids, tramadol, and botulinum toxin A, and undetermined for lidocaine patches.
169 We report that JadX, a protein of previously undetermined function coded for in the jadomycin biosynt
170 d possess a well defined ATP-binding site of undetermined function.
171 s a unique C-terminal "insert" domain of yet undetermined function.
172             These data reveal the previously undetermined genetic basis for a well-known family of al
173  majority of calcium stone formers remain of undetermined genotype.
174 d on animals and humans, probably due to the undetermined healing process of colorectal anastomoses.
175 isms linking ATM to neurodegeneration remain undetermined, hindering therapeutic development.
176 ties can affect plant health, but it remains undetermined how plant domestication may influence these
177                       The cause of fever was undetermined in 3.2% of the children.
178 al opacities in 3, retinal disease in 3, and undetermined in 5) that prevented refractive correction.
179   Etiologic agent and vehicle are frequently undetermined in FBDOs.
180 monia (55%), possible pneumonia (28.6%), and undetermined infection (16.3%).
181  birth cohort may have resulted from the yet undetermined infectious agent responsible for encephalit
182  driven by a reduction in self-inflicted and undetermined injuries.
183 5.0-E955.4), legal intervention (code E970), undetermined intent (codes E985.0-E985.3), and war (code
184 e to attempted suicide (P-trend = 0.002) and undetermined intent (P-trend = 0.0029)-declined moderate
185  in cell culture, dense and often previously undetermined interactions among cancer genes were reveal
186 idents, 19 interns, and 4 physicians with an undetermined level of education.
187 which is a predicted kinase, functions in an undetermined manner through CovRS to alter gene expressi
188 g BLM protein levels, but via another as-yet undetermined mechanism.
189 enger RNA stimulates viral translation by an undetermined mechanism.
190 to protect parasites from nitric oxide by an undetermined mechanism.
191 reatitis-related diabetes [CPRD]) through an undetermined mechanism.
192 ic mucocutaneous candidiasis, through as yet undetermined mechanisms involving an inhibition of the d
193                               Through as yet undetermined mechanisms, circulating and dietary phospha
194 ce from lethal doses of chemotherapy through undetermined mechanisms.
195 tegorised as definite, possible, unlikely or undetermined (modified from Zuliani et al 2012).
196                         The etiology remains undetermined, most patients were children and young adul
197 B virus B (GBV-B), both viruses with largely undetermined natural host ranges.
198 flicting phylogenetic results, along with an undetermined number and pattern of endosymbioses, and th
199 y in childhood cancer survivors with ALVD is undetermined (or unknown).
200 ients with bifascicular block and syncope of undetermined origin implanted with permanent pacemaker.
201 ients with bifascicular block and syncope of undetermined origin, the use of a dual chamber pacemaker
202 alitis, which was initially attributed to an undetermined origin.
203         For other symptoms, efficacy remains undetermined owing to high ROB among studies.
204                                          The undetermined parameters in the new Kirchhoff matrix were
205 y this approach we demonstrate that the long-undetermined position of m(6)A in mammalian 28S rRNA is
206 e that may predict later dementia are as yet undetermined, posterior- versus frontal-type assessments
207 en together, these results show a previously undetermined role of MGL1 in controlling neutrophilia du
208 solated from embryonic and postnatal mice of undetermined sex.
209      There was a predominance of variants of undetermined significance (97.7%).
210 ges the gap between monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (a mostly premalignant disorde
211  in patients with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) and patients negative
212 olving women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) or low-grade squamous
213 olving women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) or low-grade squamous
214 ult classified as atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) or more severe was co
215 ytology result of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US), a cervical scrape sp
216 esults indicating atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US), CT values provided a
217 n enrolled in the atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) and low-grade squamous
218 r three outcomes: atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS), low-grade squamous in
219 ndings; 1784 with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS); 2173 with low-grade a
220  cytology showing atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (hereafter ASC-US cytology).
221  with MDS, 15% with idiopathic cytopenias of undetermined significance (ICUS) and some evidence of dy
222 ith WM, 77 with IgM monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (IgM-MGUS), 84 with splenic ma
223 tiple myeloma (MM), monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and healthy individuals
224 l dyscrasia such as monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and smoldering multiple
225       Patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) are at increased fractu
226  that patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) have increased cortical
227                     Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is an asymptomatic prem
228                     Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is present in approxima
229                     Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is, in many ways, a uni
230 lassified as either monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) or asymptomatic multipl
231 ursor states termed monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) or smoldering myeloma (
232 unoglobulin M (IgM) monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) patients.
233 osis secondary to a monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) referred to our hospita
234 unoglobulin-M (IgM) monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) remain undetermined.
235 ore consistent with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) than with multiple myel
236 k of progression of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) to lymphoplasmacellular
237 al progression from monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) to multiple myeloma (MM
238                     Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), a precursor to multipl
239 et of patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), asymptomatic myeloma (
240 28 Swedish cases of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), followed up to 30 year
241 scrasias, including monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), multiple myeloma (MM),
242 et (paratargs) in monoclonal gammopathies of undetermined significance (MGUS), multiple myelomas (MM)
243 stently preceded by monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), which is usually only
244  condition known as monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS).
245 he precursor state, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS).
246 ts precursor state, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS); however, to our knowle
247 ermined significance or follicular lesion of undetermined significance (n = 16), suspicion for follic
248 7.86; P = .018) and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (OR, 5.94; 95% CI, 1.08-32.48;
249 re seen rarely as a monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and are present in 1%-2% of pa
250 al abnormalities (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance and low-grade squamous intraep
251 between AL and both monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and MM PCs.
252 CHIP), analogous to monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and monoclonal B-cell lymphocy
253 olvement similar to monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance at diagnosis, the probability
254  distinguished from monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance by a much higher risk of progr
255 rome is found, the term hypereosinophilia of undetermined significance is introduced.
256 ine-needle aspiration diagnosis of atypia of undetermined significance or follicular lesion of undete
257 istent infection, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance or greater (ASCUS+), and cervi
258  efficacy against atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance or greater associated with HPV
259 transformation from monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance or smoldering multiple myeloma
260 gic result of >/= atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance were tested by the Hybrid Capt
261 ntify patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance who are developing AL amyloido
262  fine-needle aspiration report of "atypia of undetermined significance" or "follicular lesion of unde
263 , multiple myeloma, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, and non-paraproteinemia relat
264  glandular cells, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance, atypical squamous cells, cann
265 typia of undetermined significance/lesion of undetermined significance, follicular neoplasm, and susp
266 ultiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, immunoreactive proteins corre
267 rovisional diagnosis of hypereosinophilia of undetermined significance, reclassifying some of these c
268 mia in a setting of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, smoldering plasma cell myelom
269 G/IgA (but not IgM) monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, supporting a role for disease
270 pathic cytopenias or clonal hematopoiesis of undetermined significance, the identification of a commo
271 mined significance" or "follicular lesion of undetermined significance," "suspicion for follicular ne
272 ative disorder, and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance.
273 lled, a condition termed clonal cytopenia of undetermined significance.
274 nts with indeterminate (follicular lesion of undetermined significance/follicular or oncocytic neopla
275 classified as indeterminate (i.e., atypia of undetermined significance/lesion of undetermined signifi
276 n enrolled in the Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance/Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithe
277                                  Variants of undetermined significances in CPVT-associated genes in W
278 ordingly, we propose that embolic strokes of undetermined source are a therapeutically relevant entit
279 r secondary prevention of embolic strokes of undetermined source are warranted.
280  the recent formulation of embolic stroke of undetermined source as a distinct target for investigati
281 trials have indicated that embolic stroke of undetermined source may often stem from subclinical atri
282  may explain many cases of embolic stroke of undetermined source, and oral anticoagulant drugs may pr
283 revention in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source, including specifically those with a
284 mbranes forming homo- or hetero-complexes of undetermined stoichiometry.
285  isolated patent foramen ovale), and 11% had undetermined stroke etiology.
286 h a time constant of 36 +/- 10 ps with a yet undetermined structure.
287 ause the quaternary structure of ENaC is yet undetermined, the bases of pathologically linked mutatio
288  pathophysiologic mechanisms involved remain undetermined, the current study rules out severe hyperte
289        In such limit, because varphi is left undetermined, the Von Neumann entropy of the central spi
290 of Apl Cav2 recruitment to secretion remains undetermined; therefore, we used capacitance tracking to
291 o vitamin K requirements and inflammation is undetermined.This study aimed to quantify fecal menaquin
292 nsport can be both fast and specific remains undetermined, through lack of atomic-scale information o
293 hat the RAG complex itself cooperates (in an undetermined way) with ATM to facilitate repair of these
294                                   It remains undetermined whether and how CD40 on DCs impacts the pat
295                          However, it remains undetermined whether increased Jagged1 expression reflec
296                                   It remains undetermined whether resting activity predicts activatio
297 s occluded in the active kinase, it remained undetermined whether targeting the SH2-kinase interface
298                          However, it remains undetermined whether TEAD proteins play a broader role i
299 cal thrombectomy (MT) in acute stroke but is undetermined whether the two scores translate equivalent
300 se diagnosed incorrectly, and two cases were undetermined with PET/CT.

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