


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ivated than when it was expressed earlier in undifferentiated cells.
2 however, indicating the presence of residual undifferentiated cells.
3 ecting against survival of differentiated or undifferentiated cells.
4 lls: the boundary between differentiated and undifferentiated cells.
5 ed cells compared to its hypermethylation in undifferentiated cells.
6 alance the creation of lineage-committed and undifferentiated cells.
7  localization at cell-cell contact region in undifferentiated cells.
8 age commitment and cause the accumulation of undifferentiated cells.
9 r Sp1 in differentiated cells and for Sp3 in undifferentiated cells.
10 ced within 24 h in vegetative tissues and in undifferentiated cells.
11 e secretory poly(A) site is not expressed in undifferentiated cells.
12 ly in TPA-differentiated HL-60 cells than in undifferentiated cells.
13  and maintenance of the viral copy number in undifferentiated cells.
14  cycle and proliferate to generate a mass of undifferentiated cells.
15 ) site and inhibits poly(A) tail addition in undifferentiated cells.
16 ncreases in the frequency of morphologically undifferentiated cells.
17 its GTP loading returned to a level found in undifferentiated cells.
18 fficient to activate late gene expression in undifferentiated cells.
19 wer or similar in differentiated compared to undifferentiated cells.
20  in differentiated keratinocytes compared to undifferentiated cells.
21 ng in heterogeneous populations that contain undifferentiated cells.
22 ter and negatively regulates its activity in undifferentiated cells.
23 e masses supported by a column of apparently undifferentiated cells.
24 vation without abolishing Xist expression in undifferentiated cells.
25 ives rise to the unstable Xist transcript in undifferentiated cells.
26 vels of read-through into the late region in undifferentiated cells.
27 rogeneous series of polyadenylation sites in undifferentiated cells.
28 he developmental fate of a broad spectrum of undifferentiated cells.
29 ntiated cells were 17 mV more polarized than undifferentiated cells.
30 chaperone complex predominantly expressed in undifferentiated cells.
31 d cells metabolized 2-fold more ROL than did undifferentiated cells.
32  the CLAVATA1 (CLV1) locus accumulate excess undifferentiated cells.
33 e detectable in similar amounts within these undifferentiated cells.
34 ing that sdk is necessary in the surrounding undifferentiated cells.
35 fold in PMA-differentiated cells compared to undifferentiated cells.
36 sis has been compared for differentiated and undifferentiated cells.
37 howed a membrane staining pattern typical of undifferentiated cells.
38  were blocked by Joro spider toxin (JSTx) in undifferentiated cells.
39 xternal Ca2+ (2 mM) was 292% greater than in undifferentiated cells.
40 ed the miRNA signature of differentiated and undifferentiated cells.
41 iciently processed in differentiated than in undifferentiated cells.
42 ted human airway epithelial cells but not in undifferentiated cells.
43 s in significant increases in cell growth of undifferentiated cells.
44 d hiPSCs), is teratoma formation by residual undifferentiated cells.
45 he regulator of vesicular sorting ESCRT-0 in undifferentiated cells.
46 fe in differentiated MEL cells compared with undifferentiated cells.
47 pical death of identifiable neurons, glia or undifferentiated cells.
48 differentiated Caco2-BBE cells compared with undifferentiated cells.
49 on of molecular asymmetries across fields of undifferentiated cells.
50                                           In undifferentiated cells, a 2day exposure to the OPs had n
51 he patterns of PECAM expression suggest that undifferentiated cells, a prevascular cell type, and vas
52 ely express Id-2 retained characteristics of undifferentiated cells: (alpha)1 integrin expression was
53 erentiated 3T3-L1 cells but had no effect in undifferentiated cells, although ET-1 stimulated phospha
54 tly or indirectly regulated by GRHL2 in both undifferentiated cells and air-liquid interface cultures
55 24 reduced both the levels of HPV genomes in undifferentiated cells and amplification upon differenti
56 d1/5/8 activation via ALK2/3/6 is blocked in undifferentiated cells and becomes activated upon differ
57 nuous organogenesis by maintaining a pool of undifferentiated cells and directing descendant cells to
58 aling is required to maintain a reservoir of undifferentiated cells and ensure continuity of adult hi
59 hitectural factors expressed in embryonic or undifferentiated cells and highly associated with transf
60 is known about how chromosomes are packed in undifferentiated cells and how nuclear organization chan
61 ncreased the HSP70 staining intensity in the undifferentiated cells and less so in the differentiated
62 immunoreactivity is uniformly distributed in undifferentiated cells and located at the inner surface
63 ts robustly activates expression of Pparg in undifferentiated cells and permits cells to undergo adip
64 87.5%) were stably inherited both within the undifferentiated cells and post-differentiation.
65 y protein DNMT3L, which is only expressed in undifferentiated cells and recruits DNMT3A to initiate D
66 esent in adult marrow, that can replicate as undifferentiated cells and that have the potential to di
67 t P(0) is dispensable for Xist expression in undifferentiated cells and that P(1) can be used in both
68          Transduction efficiency was high in undifferentiated cells and was enhanced in well-differen
69 egion devoted to a slow rate of growth among undifferentiated cells, and an anterior region in which
70 chief cells, increased numbers of mucous and undifferentiated cells, and an increase in the number of
71 ion patterns, its promoter is most active in undifferentiated cells, and depletion of HIPSTR in HEK29
72 roliferation, upregulation of the numbers of undifferentiated cells, and extended lag phase.
73 essor that regulates the epigenetic state of undifferentiated cells, and showed that Plzf is coexpres
74                 LIN28 expression was high in undifferentiated cells, and was downregulated rapidly up
75 l cardiac differentiation, avoid introducing undifferentiated cells, and will likely require immune m
76 Decapentaplegic (Dpp), acts at long range on undifferentiated cells anterior to the furrow, causing t
77                                              Undifferentiated cells are eliminated in the first two p
78 stem cells (MSCs).New vascular networks from undifferentiated cells are essential for repair/regenera
79       From these experiments it appears that undifferentiated cells are more sensitive to the oncogen
80  Recent studies have demonstrated that these undifferentiated cells are multipotent stem cells, sugge
81 tured epidermal cell sheets (CES) containing undifferentiated cells are useful for treating skin burn
82 hesis in a concentration-dependent manner in undifferentiated cells at both preconfluent and confluen
83 erior progression, driven by a population of undifferentiated cells at the posterior-most end of the
84 CLV2 and CLV3) result in the accumulation of undifferentiated cells at the shoot and floral meristems
85 hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are the most undifferentiated cells at the top of the hematopoietic h
86 characterized by sequential proliferation of undifferentiated cells, basal body production, Foxj1 exp
87               We sought to determine whether undifferentiated cells block the trafficking of tegument
88 t protein (CDP), a factor which is active in undifferentiated cells but inactive in terminally differ
89 es to negatively regulate gene expression in undifferentiated cells but not in differentiated cells.
90  its metabolites accumulated in the Golgi in undifferentiated cells but targeted to unique vesicular
91 ntiation, CHF1 mRNA was barely detectable in undifferentiated cells but was induced highly in differe
92  endogenous SMC marker genes in chromatin in undifferentiated cells, but it did in differentiated A40
93 ly, we have reconstituted functional GSVs in undifferentiated cells by double transfection of Glut4 a
94 flow at low, nontoxic concentrations through undifferentiated cells by providing buffering storage fo
95 erated structures are formed from a mound of undifferentiated cells called a blastema, found just bel
96 ganisms depends on the activity of groups of undifferentiated cells called stem cells.
97 of homeotic genes, originate from a group of undifferentiated cells called the floral meristem.
98 sful feeder-free hES culture system in which undifferentiated cells can be maintained for at least 13
99 ormed teratomas more efficiently, from which undifferentiated cells can be recovered.
100                     Thus, Xist expression in undifferentiated cells can be separated genetically from
101 esized that PBGs are populated by mature and undifferentiated cells capable of proliferation in patho
102 oral structural fluctuations of chromatin in undifferentiated cells characterize the stem cell state.
103 fficulties in deriving endodermal cells from undifferentiated cell cultures, applications using lung
104  of adult stem cells focus on the relatively undifferentiated cells dedicated to the renewal of rapid
105 dies have shown that differentiated, but not undifferentiated, cells develop prolonged SINV replicati
106 ation was enhanced 5-fold by DEX, whereas in undifferentiated cells, DEX enhanced replication approxi
107  type I, BSP, and osteocalcin indicated that undifferentiated cells did not express BSP or osteocalci
108 d cells robustly expressed Le(x), relatively undifferentiated cells did not, and the expression level
109                                              Undifferentiated cells displayed a short lifetime indica
110 ewly induced Th2 population was derived from undifferentiated cells distinct from the Th1 cells prese
111             Forced expression of sortilin in undifferentiated cells does not recruit IRAP into the ve
112 thought to contribute to stable silencing in undifferentiated cells due to its enrichment on the inac
113  blocks the expression of let-7 microRNAs in undifferentiated cells during development, and functions
114 cell lines and are abundantly distributed in undifferentiated cells during development.
115 onsecutive generations of differentiated and undifferentiated cells during Th2 polarization in vitro.
116 ental flexibility by (1) eliminating damaged undifferentiated cells early in development and then (2)
117                                           In undifferentiated cells, ectopic expression of CHE-1 resu
118 (translational and rotational strain) to the undifferentiated cells embedded in a collagen gel.
119 d in pancreatic ductal cells and clusters of undifferentiated cells emerging from the ductal epitheli
120                                              Undifferentiated cells expressing little ACE2 were poorl
121        A hyperplastic pancreas consisting of undifferentiated cells expressing Pdx1, Nkx6.1, and cell
122  Y chromosome can be used to detect migrated undifferentiated cells expressing stem-cell antigens and
123 ed in repair between SY5Y differentiated and undifferentiated cell extracts.
124 global gene expression profiling showed that undifferentiated cells fell into two clusters delineated
125 tic differentiation and permits expansion of undifferentiated cells, findings consistent with the kno
126 genitors, remaining phenotypically stable as undifferentiated cells for months with a cell division i
127 ndant in cauliflower meristematic tissue and undifferentiated cells from Arabidopsis, soybean, and ca
128  the N pathway to prevent a subpopulation of undifferentiated cells from choosing a neuronal fate.
129 ic oral ectoderm is specifically retained in undifferentiated cells from the pars intermedia of the a
130 ization of p50 was seen in areas where basal undifferentiated cells give rise to differentiated cell
131 TX, where MTX is methotrexate) compared with undifferentiated cells (HT-29/p), whereas no differentia
132                                           In undifferentiated cells, hypersensitive regions exist in
133 c differentiation and permitted expansion of undifferentiated cells in 32D myeloid progenitors.
134                        This model holds that undifferentiated cells in a zone of fixed size at the di
135    The MLS-2 protein is present in nuclei of undifferentiated cells in the early M lineage and in a s
136 show that CD44 labels a population of small, undifferentiated cells in the gastric unit isthmus where
137                 To maintain a steady pool of undifferentiated cells in the SAM while continuously gen
138 ained mitotic activity to maintain a pool of undifferentiated cells in the SAM.
139 Isl1, a transcription factor associated with undifferentiated cells in the secondary heart field in o
140 ons: c1v1 and Clv3 mutants accumulate excess undifferentiated cells in the shoot and floral meristem,
141 so required for the continued maintenance of undifferentiated cells in the shoot meristem and for pro
142                                Metaplasia of undifferentiated cells in the terminal airways was also
143 ls that exhibit characteristics of primitive undifferentiated cells, including a high nucleus/cytopla
144 the blockade of PI3K activity in human fetal undifferentiated cells induced morphological and functio
145 that were transcriptionally either active in undifferentiated cells, induced during differentiation,
146 ye imaginal disc and transforms thousands of undifferentiated cells into a precisely ordered repetiti
147 nd eye is formed by selective recruitment of undifferentiated cells into clusters called ommatidia du
148 ion might transform an initial population of undifferentiated cells into more regular populations of
149  This was due to an increased recruitment of undifferentiated cells into striated muscle, rather than
150  primary buds, that harbor a small number of undifferentiated cells, into mature zooids containing fu
151  cells from a group of seemingly equivalent, undifferentiated cells is a central paradigm of developm
152  suggesting that the block to replication in undifferentiated cells is at the step of viral entry.
153 se regulation of Bar expression in the basal undifferentiated cells is crucial for neural patterning
154            High expression of these genes in undifferentiated cells is maintained by activation of th
155 ow evidence that Bar expression in the basal undifferentiated cells is regulated by at least three di
156 progenitor cell population as a reservoir of undifferentiated cells is required for organ development
157 fferentiate from among a field of equipotent undifferentiated cells is the process of R8 photorecepto
158 lium from the skin and the presence of trace undifferentiated cells left in the dermis.
159                                          The undifferentiated cell line SW480 and undifferentiated Ca
160 nduce cell apoptosis in a mitotic competent, undifferentiated cell line, PC-12.
161                                              Undifferentiated cell lines developed that exhibited dia
162 pression was found to be highest in the most undifferentiated cell lines, and this was related with a
163                                           In undifferentiated cells, LIPs act as dominant-negative re
164 oping photoreceptors located posteriorly and undifferentiated cells located anteriorly.
165     Cell division was stimulated fourfold in undifferentiated cells located in the proliferative comp
166                                     Thus, in undifferentiated cells, loricrin expression is suppresse
167 , large interior cell patches expressing the undifferentiated cell marker LHX9, and a loss of differe
168              Slow catecholamine secretion in undifferentiated cells may be caused in part by a lack o
169 t that EBV(+) cancers usually contain mostly undifferentiated cells may be due in part to these cells
170            However, recent studies show that undifferentiated cells may shape their environment throu
171 Stat3, Raf1, MEK, and ERK), proliferation of undifferentiated cells (MEK and ERK), and proliferation
172      In addition to its ability to eliminate undifferentiated cells, miR-302a switch also holds great
173           As a result, tumor-like growths of undifferentiated cells (neoplasms) develop beneath the e
174                                              Undifferentiated cell nuclei are easily deformable, with
175 n of cells expressing markers for stem cells/undifferentiated cells (Oct4, SSEA4), neurons (Neurofila
176 molecular similarities between neoblasts and undifferentiated cells of other organisms raise the poss
177 er restrict gene expression to predominantly undifferentiated cells of the M lineage.
178 istence by establishing latent infections in undifferentiated cells of the myeloid lineage, such as C
179 , are associated with the NE specifically in undifferentiated cells of the root tip.
180 meristem, while stm mutants fail to form the undifferentiated cells of the shoot meristem during embr
181 ter of the meristem divide slowly and remain undifferentiated, cells on the meristem periphery divide
182  differentiated vertebrate cells, but not in undifferentiated cells or cancer cells.
183 educing the numbers of colonies derived from undifferentiated cells or hematopoietic precursor cells.
184 ells either reacquire epigenetic features of undifferentiated cells or maintain an epigenetic signatu
185           Moreover, the results suggest that undifferentiated cells outside the facet continue to inf
186                 A2B5(+) cells, maintained as undifferentiated cells over multiple passages, can subse
187 lity of transcriptionally inactive genes: In undifferentiated cells, PBX1 is bound to the H1-compacte
188 rphology observations supported retention of undifferentiated cell phenotype at 12 degrees C, transit
189 y human oral keratinocytes as a small-sized, undifferentiated cell population capable of retaining th
190 Hh activity also induced the expansion of an undifferentiated cell population expressing progenitor m
191                         We identified a rare undifferentiated cell population that is intermingled wi
192                    When Sens is expressed in undifferentiated cells posterior to the morphogenetic fu
193 FZD7 expression is significantly elevated in undifferentiated cells relative to differentiated cell p
194             Neoblasts, originally defined as undifferentiated cells residing in the adult parenchyma,
195  embryos of an interspecific cross, in which undifferentiated cells show biallelic expression and acq
196 o differentiate through serum starvation and undifferentiated cells show differing distributions of b
197                   Overexpression of ezrin in undifferentiated cells showed a Triton-insoluble ezrin c
198                                Proliferating/undifferentiated cells showed higher C16:0 (1.7-fold) an
199 over in vivo requires genetic tagging of the undifferentiated cells so that the clonal marker of indi
200  ANCR lncRNA is thus required to enforce the undifferentiated cell state within epidermis.
201  progenitor differentiation and maintain the undifferentiated cell state.
202 activity during neurogenesis to maintain the undifferentiated cell state.
203 umber of photoreceptors in a facet to eight, undifferentiated cells surrounding assembling facets sen
204                                           In undifferentiated cells, SV induced a rapid shutdown of c
205 cayed at similar rates in differentiated and undifferentiated cells (t(12) approximately 4.6 days), b
206  a property of pluripotent cells, but not of undifferentiated cells that are already lineage committe
207 es a cardiac stem cell pool characterized by undifferentiated cells that are self-renewing, clonogeni
208                     In root tips, relatively undifferentiated cells that contain vacuoles labeled sep
209 cell niches, maintain a pool of multipotent, undifferentiated cells that divide and differentiate to
210 t apical meristem (SAM) comprises a group of undifferentiated cells that divide to maintain the plant
211    Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent-undifferentiated cells that have a great interest for th
212 lge in the human follicle is a collection of undifferentiated cells that is prominent only in the fet
213 T3-dependent proliferation of phenotypically undifferentiated cells that nevertheless functioned as c
214 nts are accomplished by meristems, groups of undifferentiated cells that persist as stem cells and in
215                                           In undifferentiated cells the enhancer activity is represse
216 6H1) expression is restricted to flowers and undifferentiated cells, the CYP71D351 (T16H2) expression
217 iomyogenesis, including the specification of undifferentiated cells, the establishment of heart patte
218                            We found that, in undifferentiated cells, the TGFbeta/activin/nodal branch
219                                         Each undifferentiated cell then acquired either primary or se
220 rated through the rearrangement of a pool of undifferentiated cells, there is nonetheless proliferati
221 ate gland has proceeded from a solid mass of undifferentiated cells to a stage in which differentiate
222 ance incoming FT signals, allowing a pool of undifferentiated cells to be maintained despite strong d
223 ignaling is blocked, Hh signaling can induce undifferentiated cells to become pre-proneural but does
224 type specification relies on the capacity of undifferentiated cells to properly respond to specific d
225                                           In undifferentiated cells, total beta-catenin protein conte
226 programming factors (POU and HB4), directing undifferentiated cells toward neural fate in vivo.
227                             In comparison to undifferentiated cells, twice the amount of bound STb (a
228 f specific signaling pathways operational in undifferentiated cell types.
229 LP67A in the localization of mitochondria in undifferentiated cell types.
230                        This suggests that in undifferentiated cells vesicle transport from the Golgi
231 ic proteins, we show that in contrast to the undifferentiated cells, Vpr did not down-regulate the ex
232                                While Bin1 in undifferentiated cells was localized exclusively in the
233 19 neuronal cells, and to a lesser extent in undifferentiated cells was observed.
234  the "lysosomal/mitochondrial" fraction from undifferentiated cells was responsible for the modificat
235            Sortilin ectopically expressed in undifferentiated cells was translocated to the plasma me
236 wed that alpha6B, which is characteristic of undifferentiated cells, was expressed by the lens epithe
237                                          The undifferentiated cells were characterized by high scores
238                                              Undifferentiated cells were negative for markers of bone
239                                      Initial undifferentiated cells were positioned randomly, subject
240          DNMT1 protein was found enriched in undifferentiated cells, where it was required to retain
241 transcript lacking exon 9 was predominant in undifferentiated cells, whereas a transcript bearing exo
242 campal progenitors, nicotine is cytotoxic to undifferentiated cells, whereas it spares the same cells
243 factor (PCAF) complex to the TR2 promoter in undifferentiated cells, whereas it triggers recruitment
244                   Binding is not detected in undifferentiated cells which express Id3 but peaks durin
245 subventricular zone (SVZ) contains a pool of undifferentiated cells, which proliferate and migrate al
246                  Furthermore transfection of undifferentiated cells with calbindin results in dramati
247 from LL and TZ cultured in DMEM give rise to undifferentiated cells with high growth capacity, and he
248 t stem cells represent unique populations of undifferentiated cells with self-renewal capacity.
249 ond class ('stable') were pre-established in undifferentiated cells, with enhancers constitutively ma
250 n plants depends on the continuous supply of undifferentiated cells within meristems.

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