


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n referred to as the master regulator of the undifferentiated state.
2 poxia reversibly arrests preadipocytes in an undifferentiated state.
3 quired for the maintenance of markers of the undifferentiated state.
4 iter sera, while allowing maintenance of the undifferentiated state.
5 tin 15-negative, suggesting their relatively undifferentiated state.
6 rker keratin 15, suggesting their relatively undifferentiated state.
7 nes and repressing genes associated with the undifferentiated state.
8 neages and maintain neural progenitors in an undifferentiated state.
9 Smad2/3 and expression of these genes in the undifferentiated state.
10 nts are also required for maintenance of the undifferentiated state.
11 checkpoint that ensures a return path to the undifferentiated state.
12 ed satellite cells to reacquire a quiescent, undifferentiated state.
13 elia indicate that Snail proteins promote an undifferentiated state.
14  Wnt signaling maintains preadipocytes in an undifferentiated state.
15 and leukemic hematopoietic progenitors in an undifferentiated state.
16 y of microglia within the brain remain in an undifferentiated state.
17 nd RPE65 toward levels characteristic of the undifferentiated state.
18 egulation forces myeloblasts to remain in an undifferentiated state.
19 sults suggest that these cells persist in an undifferentiated state.
20 tion plays a role in maintaining cells in an undifferentiated state.
21 ultured in the presence of 4HT maintained an undifferentiated state.
22           This tissue remained blocked in an undifferentiated state.
23 ns to maintain specified lens ectoderm in an undifferentiated state.
24 fate, Yan is required to maintain them in an undifferentiated state.
25 lls interact with their niche to maintain an undifferentiated state.
26 portant in maintaining embryonic cells in an undifferentiated state.
27 esponding decrease in gene expression in the undifferentiated state.
28 ion, differentiation, and maintenance of the undifferentiated state.
29 culture is the successful maintenance of the undifferentiated state.
30 sites exhibiting high DNA methylation in the undifferentiated state.
31 ity is required to maintain stem cells in an undifferentiated state.
32 lators, the silencing of which maintains the undifferentiated state.
33 onment to maintain adult stem cells in their undifferentiated state.
34 n both tumors and embryonic stem cells in an undifferentiated state.
35 ation, thereby maintaining progenitors in an undifferentiated state.
36 ds maintain germline stem cells (GSCs) in an undifferentiated state.
37 efront signal, which maintains the PSM in an undifferentiated state.
38 uroblastoma cells through maintenance of the undifferentiated state.
39 isolation and maintenance of XEN cells in an undifferentiated state.
40 he remaining progenitors to keep them in the undifferentiated state.
41 ory loop that is pivotal for maintaining the undifferentiated state.
42  defined somatic cell fates, and not only an undifferentiated state.
43 tiation, indicating a role in maintaining an undifferentiated state.
44 ich maintains host germline stem cells in an undifferentiated state.
45 s required for maintenance of TS cells in an undifferentiated state.
46 and in maintaining smooth muscle cells in an undifferentiated state.
47  make multiple cell types yet maintain their undifferentiated state.
48 bit a unique capacity for self-renewal in an undifferentiated state.
49 oliferation, survival, and persistence in an undifferentiated state.
50 essential role as a central regulator of the undifferentiated state.
51 maintains HSC self-renewal by preserving the undifferentiated state.
52 ocyte to reprogram somatic cell nuclei to an undifferentiated state.
53 toma (PC12) cells in both differentiated and undifferentiated states.
54 unctions to maintain neural precursors in an undifferentiated state and biases ectoderm toward a neur
55 tain expression of genes associated with the undifferentiated state and do not prematurely express ge
56 o chlorpyrifos, diazinon or parathion in the undifferentiated state and during neurodifferentiation;
57 rxG) complex, positively correlates with the undifferentiated state and is a regulator of ES cell sel
58 ant for maintaining mouse and human ES in an undifferentiated state and may represent a third, indepe
59 ony formation, and they could maintain their undifferentiated state and pluripotency without addition
60 in many tissues, is critical to maintain the undifferentiated state and poor prognostic status of NB
61  highly expressed in hESCs to maintain their undifferentiated state and prevent default neural fate.
62 cell lines expressed multiple markers of the undifferentiated state and shared significant homology i
63 plegic, to allow progenitors to divide in an undifferentiated state and subsequently breaks down and
64 dult maintains progenitor cells within their undifferentiated state and suggests that manipulation of
65 onic stem cells: the ability to maintain the undifferentiated state and the ability to differentiate
66  Virtually all neural stem cells maintain an undifferentiated state and the capacity to self-renew in
67 oxi3 maintains dental epithelial cells in an undifferentiated state and thereby regulates multiple st
68 Tcf3 may function in skin SCs to maintain an undifferentiated state and, through Wnt signaling, direc
69 ts, hPSCs can be maintained in culture in an undifferentiated state and, upon differentiation, genera
70 tive vasculature critical for maintenance of undifferentiated states and survival.
71 r ES cell self-renewal and maintenance of an undifferentiated state) and phospho-Erk levels were exam
72 n keratinocyte differentiation toward a more undifferentiated state, and expansion of the basal cell
73 g events that control the maintenance of the undifferentiated state are not well characterized and th
74 echanisms by which they are maintained in an undifferentiated state are unknown.
75   Cells grown in HESCO were maintained in an undifferentiated state as determined by using six differ
76  simple reprogramming process backward to an undifferentiated state as widely believed.
77 human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) in an undifferentiated state, based on their ability to prolif
78                                       In the undifferentiated state, both OCT4 and the OCT4-induced m
79 ese cells can be propagated in culture in an undifferentiated state but can be induced to differentia
80 nt manner, undergoing rapid apoptosis in the undifferentiated state but reduced and delayed apoptosis
81 cursors do not transmigrate the cortex in an undifferentiated state, but rather undergo progressive d
82 n, Prospero maintains glial precursors in an undifferentiated state by activating Notch and antagonis
83 ally isolated hFLMPCs, which were kept in an undifferentiated state by culturing on feeder layers.
84 ation and is thought to maintain cells in an undifferentiated state by inhibiting various transcripti
85  the mesenchymal progenitor population in an undifferentiated state by opposing the inductive signals
86  in satellite cells and acts to maintain the undifferentiated state by stimulating Pax7 expression an
87  provides a quantitative measure of a cell's undifferentiated state, defining its elevation in Waddin
88 RNA encoding ADNP/ADNP2 rescued the MEL cell undifferentiated state, demonstrating phenotype specific
89 uired for the maintenance of gonocytes in an undifferentiated state during fetal development.
90 -steroidogenic progenitor cells retain their undifferentiated state during fetal stage and become adu
91              Zeb2 deletion arrests SCs at an undifferentiated state during peripheral nerve developme
92             Progenitors remain trapped in an undifferentiated state even if Notch activation occurs l
93                                     In their undifferentiated state, fetal blood MSCs were CD29(+), C
94 intaining dividing cells in a proliferative, undifferentiated state for a longer period of time.
95 40 + 2) and can be maintained in vitro in an undifferentiated state for extended periods of time.
96 e generated prenatally and then remain in an undifferentiated state for long periods, being detectabl
97 an be expanded in vitro and maintained in an undifferentiated state for more than 100 population doub
98  is involved in maintaining stem cells in an undifferentiated state; however, it is often unclear whi
99 he effects of EGFR signaling by promoting an undifferentiated state in early stage cyst cells.
100 on of FGF signaling in the maintenance of an undifferentiated state in endbud cells by inhibition of
101 re cells, coincident with maintenance of the undifferentiated state in others to sustain a foundation
102 otential role for lncRNAs in maintaining the undifferentiated state in somatic tissue progenitor cell
103 at Tcf3 is a mediator of self-renewal and an undifferentiated state in stem and progenitor cells in s
104 at maintained proliferative potential and an undifferentiated state in stroma coculture and engrafted
105 ES) cells can proliferate indefinitely in an undifferentiated state in the presence of leukemia inhib
106 onic stem (ES) cells can be maintained in an undifferentiated state in the presence of leukemia inhib
107 c program in myoblasts and by maintaining an undifferentiated state in their sister cells through Not
108 essary for maintenance of the proliferative, undifferentiated state in vitro Characterizing successfu
109 hypoxia) maintained muscle progenitors in an undifferentiated state in vitro, although it remained un
110  expression of stem cell genes that mark the undifferentiated state, including Oct3/4, alkaline phosp
111 GATA-1, GATA-2 binding is associated with an undifferentiated state, intermediate level PU.1/Sfpi1 ex
112                Here we show that even in the undifferentiated state, iPSCs from dyskeratosis congenit
113 ls maintain their self-renewing capacity and undifferentiated state is by controlling the balanced an
114                                   Callisto's undifferentiated state is consistent with the apparent l
115 ll to divide repeatedly while maintaining an undifferentiated state, is a defining characteristic of
116 ine cell fate and simultaneously maintain an undifferentiated state, leaving a cell poised to differe
117                     In order to maintain the undifferentiated state, low O(2) levels block the phosph
118 hat beta-catenin-dependent maintenance of an undifferentiated state may be blocked by tankyrase inhib
119       When W12-E cells were maintained in an undifferentiated state mimicking the nonproductive stage
120 moval of culture conditions that maintain an undifferentiated state, mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs
121                      The maintenance of this undifferentiated state occurs despite the fact that this
122 he only clock gene necessary to maintain the undifferentiated state of CD34(+) cells.
123                                          The undifferentiated state of CSCs is coupled with the expre
124                         Meflin maintains the undifferentiated state of cultured MSCs and is downregul
125 o-line variability of gene expression in the undifferentiated state of ES and iPS cells, the variance
126 e required for self-renewal and maintain the undifferentiated state of ES cells.
127 n is required and sufficient to maintain the undifferentiated state of ES cells.
128 ch have been used as markers to indicate the undifferentiated state of ES cells.
129 t the lack of polarity establishment and the undifferentiated state of geranylgeranyltransferase type
130 dentified miR-125b as a key regulator of the undifferentiated state of hair follicle stem cells.
131 ously shown to be sufficient to maintain the undifferentiated state of hESCs.
132 /222 plays a crucial role in maintaining the undifferentiated state of mammalian spermatogonia throug
133 s, one mechanism by which Pax3 maintains the undifferentiated state of neural crest mesenchyme may be
134            Clustering analysis confirmed the undifferentiated state of patient MSCs, and pathway anal
135 ich appears to contribute to maintaining the undifferentiated state of pre-adipocytes by inhibiting a
136 a context-dependent manner by sustaining the undifferentiated state of progenitor cells and maintaini
137 ay a critical role in the maintenance of the undifferentiated state of the hematopoietic stem cell.
138                       After 20 passages, the undifferentiated state of the hES cells was confirmed by
139   The molecular mechanisms that maintain the undifferentiated state of the metanephric mesenchymal pr
140 ntitative, in-silico, readout of the average undifferentiated state of the profiled cells, recapitula
141  function for this tissue in maintaining the undifferentiated state of the underlying secretory epith
142 repression may be crucial in maintaining the undifferentiated state of these cells.
143 lation of genes in a manner essential to the undifferentiated state of these cells.
144 multiple genes important for maintaining the undifferentiated state of TS cells and as candidate sign
145 his global repression of miRNAs reflects the undifferentiated state of tumors or causally contributes
146 cing that is required for the maintenance of undifferentiated states of myogenic progenitor cells.
147              Mouse ES cells maintained their undifferentiated state on the surface coated with LIF-Fc
148 rise to progeny that either self-renew in an undifferentiated state or lose self-renewal capabilities
149 ayer cultures on HA), hESCs maintained their undifferentiated state, preserved their normal karyotype
150 that generates HSCs and maintains them in an undifferentiated state provides a valuable model to furt
151 lators are coordinated to keep the GSC in an undifferentiated state remains uncertain.
152           Instead, they remain in a sexually undifferentiated state similar to that of migrating PGCs
153 re to extinguish genes characteristic of the undifferentiated state such as Sox2, Jun, and Ccnd1.
154  The epiblast continues to proliferate in an undifferentiated state that lacks anterior-posterior neu
155  maintained zebrafish intestinal cells in an undifferentiated state that was released upon knockdown
156  Wnt signaling maintains preadipocytes in an undifferentiated state through inhibition of the adipoge
157 m one that maintains the pre-adipocyte in an undifferentiated state to a new transcriptional context
158 ls from all 4 cell lines progressed from the undifferentiated state to beta-tubulin III positive cell
159 utant neural progenitor cells remained in an undifferentiated state until gliogenic stimuli induced t
160  canonical WNT and maintains the cells in an undifferentiated state, whereas cytosolic WISP2 regulate
161 ically, Gsx2 maintains LGE progenitors in an undifferentiated state, whereas Gsx1 promotes progenitor
162  maintains pancreatic progenitor cells in an undifferentiated state, whereas suppression of Notch lea
163  epithelial progenitor cell population in an undifferentiated state, which was required for organogen
164 al pathways by which these cells maintain an undifferentiated state while preserving their capacity t
165 se factors maintain neural progenitors in an undifferentiated state while suppressing neuronal differ
166 ar, inactivation of p53 and Pten promotes an undifferentiated state with high renewal potential and d

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