


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                          A distinct layer of undiluted acid secretion was present on top of gastric c
2 hem useful for the assessment of chloride in undiluted and 10-fold-diluted blood at pH 7.4.
3 d minnows) were exposed in the laboratory to undiluted and 1:10 diluted runoff for 48 h, then transfe
4 e independent counts of two investigators of undiluted and diluted samples, reported as colony formin
5 e, we evaluated dose-response effects, using undiluted and diluted smallpox vaccine.
6                                     Both the undiluted and diluted vaccines were reactogenic.
7                                              Undiluted and diluted vitreous were collected for aerobi
8 sor for the direct detection of adenosine in undiluted and unprocessed serum, by taking advantage of
9                                              Undiluted aqueous and vitreous samples were taken at the
10 2 ng/mL) were coincubated with 100 microL of undiluted aqueous dental resin extracts.
11 ed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and in undiluted artificial urine at clinically relevant concen
12 eus in buffer medium and Escherichia coli in undiluted ascitic fluid from cirrhotic patients.
13                             Sera were tested undiluted, at 1:20 dilution to detect high-level IgG, an
14 e a unique opportunity to examine relatively undiluted authigenic clay.
15  reliable sensors for chloride monitoring in undiluted biological fluids.
16 ion design, which produces 100.0% purity for undiluted blood at 9% yield.
17                                              Undiluted blood plasma was used to test the nonfouling p
18 yCBAA surface was very low (<3 ng/cm (2) for undiluted blood plasma).
19 kinetics of antigen-antibody interactions in undiluted blood plasma.
20 loroethane and an aqueous buffer solution or undiluted blood plasma.
21 ich immunoassay biosensor, measuring cTnI in undiluted blood plasma.
22 ry was demonstrated for the first time in an undiluted blood sample.
23 possible to directly detect total calcium in undiluted blood samples.
24  type of sensor probe for use in seawater or undiluted blood samples.
25 ree system can detect tobramycin in filtered undiluted blood serum, measuring concentrations down to
26 l molecule in the complex matrix of filtered undiluted blood serum.
27 d femtomolar detection limit are possible in undiluted blood serum.
28 n 1000-fold diluted blood (1-100microg/mL in undiluted blood).
29 state specific antigen (PSA) in 10 microL of undiluted calf serum, a mass detection limit of 40 fg.
30 ivity and reproducibility, was studied using undiluted calf serum, and excellent recoveries in the ra
31 (-1) to 1 microg mL(-1)) for IgY antibody in undiluted calf serum.
32  were 300-500f gmL(-1) for the 3 proteins in undiluted calf serum.
33  of the interleukins IL-2, IL-6, and IL-8 in undiluted cerebrospinal fluid in an assay format that is
34                     Patients received either undiluted contrast medium, 1:1 normal saline dilution, o
35 , immunoglobulin-G, immunoglobulin-M, and an undiluted crude human milk preparation were tested in vi
36                         LFA performed on 465 undiluted CSF samples had a sensitivity of 91%.
37 quantitation in CSF using 150 microliters of undiluted CSF, sample digestion, dot blotting, Perls' hi
38  1:10 diluted serum and 0.01-30 microg/mL in undiluted CSF.
39                    Test organisms exposed to undiluted CT runoff samples collected during the 3 days
40 0 years, received one of five doses of CCSV (undiluted, diluted 1 in 5, 1 in 10, 1 in 25, and 1 in 50
41 espiratory specimens were run in triplicate: undiluted, diluted 1:2 with BACTEC 12B medium, or dilute
42 rameters that we evaluated include dilution (undiluted, diluted 1:5, and diluted 1:10), diluent (orig
43 tutions were randomized to receive either an undiluted direct injection of 0.56 mg of iron per kilogr
44  the case of optimized devices containing an undiluted donor layer.
45  was not significantly different between the undiluted Dryvax vaccine and either of the 2 diluted for
46 ted for dilution using urea concentrations), undiluted edema fluid from acute lung injury subjects ha
47 nd Exosurf (n = 5) with controls (n = 6) and undiluted Exosurf (13.5 mg phospholipid/ml; n = 6).
48 e case of tea: 1.6 mg) was injected with the undiluted extracts.
49 d not adsorb any detectable serum protein in undiluted FBS.
50 ations of unknown samples in both buffer and undiluted fetal bovine serum.
51 cid sequence and that can be interrogated in undiluted form on microelectrode arrays.
52                 In vitro, the attenuation of undiluted gadodiamide (3,069 HU) was equivalent to that
53              In three pigs, 50-mL boluses of undiluted gadodiamide were injected intravenously at 2 m
54 ral inguinal lymph node injection of 2 mL of undiluted gadopentetate at a rate of 1 mL/min, and 60 mi
55 rteriography was also performed with 5 mL of undiluted gadopentetate dimeglumine hand injected into e
56 atient with suspected renal artery stenosis, undiluted gadopentetate dimeglumine was administered in
57 aive participants had major reactions in the undiluted group, 90% in the 1:3.2 dilution group, 81% in
58 A) and in the direct detection of calcium in undiluted heparinized and citrated blood.
59 early as well as its parent during growth in undiluted, highly viscous cecal mucus isolated directly
60 of protamine (and, by titration, heparin) in undiluted human blood in the therapeutic concentration r
61        Here, we investigated adsorption from undiluted human blood plasma to three different polymer
62  sensitive detection of target analytes from undiluted human blood plasma.
63 parin-protamine titrations were performed in undiluted human blood samples, mimicking the final appli
64 ion of protamine in the therapeutic range of undiluted human blood.
65 orded at physiological concentrations and in undiluted human blood.
66 g between mucin fibers (pore sizes) in fresh undiluted human cervicovaginal mucus (CVM) obtained from
67                                     In fresh undiluted human cervicovaginal mucus (CVM), which has a
68 rapid nanoparticle penetration through fresh undiluted human mucus.
69 ody functionalization on protein arrays from undiluted human plasma and indicates the great potential
70 ithium and potassium were also determined in undiluted human plasma in the therapeutic concentration
71        The nonspecific protein adsorption to undiluted human plasma on both the antibody immobilized
72 lyte at clinically relevant sensitivities in undiluted human plasma.
73 or the label-free detection of an analyte in undiluted human plasma.
74 its messenger RNA (IL-8 mRNA) associated, in undiluted human saliva samples is reported in this work.
75 nvalescent human serum, known-positive sera (undiluted human sera obtained 2 months to 13 years after
76 us determination of potassium and lithium in undiluted human serum and blood with attractive precisio
77 sfully applied for chloride determination in undiluted human serum as well as artificial serum sample
78 e rapid and sensitive glucose detection from undiluted human serum compared to bare cellulose and (b)
79 inum neurotoxins serotypes A, B, E, and F in undiluted human serum, undiluted human urine, assay buff
80 yte with the naked eye in buffer samples and undiluted human serum.
81 pes A, B, E, and F in undiluted human serum, undiluted human urine, assay buffer, and selected food m
82                                              Undiluted hydrolyzed urine was fed to the caustic-genera
83 bjects received three or four 1-L volumes of undiluted hyperpolarized (129)Xe, followed by breath-hol
84 strated with the detection of Neutravidin in undiluted, immunoglobulin-deprived human serum samples.
85          Hydrocodone, present in a sample of undiluted infant urine, was quantified with MAI using th
86  Six tests detected anti-HEV in > or =90% of undiluted known-positive sera.
87              Formation of the sigma phase in undiluted linear block copolymers (and certain branched
88                                     When the undiluted liquid DNA-or molten salt-is interrogated elec
89 tently greater for those who drank straight (undiluted) liquor than for those who usually drank mixed
90 7 days on a 0.4- to 0.8-mm thick mattress of undiluted Matrigel (mattress hiPSC-CMs) and compared wit
91  on fouling resistance from several types of undiluted media including blood plasma and food media.
92 ne in DNA by electrogenerated Fe(III) in the undiluted melt.
93                             Only 1 of the 37 undiluted midvitreous samples was culture positive, equa
94  of detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in undiluted milk were determined to be 6x10(4), 8x10(5), a
95 II) electron-transfer rate constants (ko) in undiluted molten salts of three cobalt tris(bipyridine)
96                                              Undiluted mouthwashes induced near-complete cell death 2
97 ecipients and between nonnaive recipients of undiluted or 1 : 10 diluted vaccine.
98  in a randomized, single-blinded trial of an undiluted or a 1 : 5 or 1 : 10 dilution of smallpox vacc
99 adults (n=91) receiving inoculations with an undiluted or diluted (1:5 and 1:10) suspension of the AP
100  1:1 when compared with the same iodine dose undiluted or diluted 3:1 (P < .01).
101                           The DNA was tested undiluted or diluted using the Amplicor HIV-1 DNA PCR (R
102 showed that much higher NA concentrations of undiluted OSPW were needed.
103 l, low micromolar concentrations directly in undiluted, otherwise unmodified blood serum.
104                                       Serial undiluted passage of a porcine rotavirus in MA104 cells
105 binants were not detected even after several undiluted passages.
106 ld [0.04192 (mug/mL)(-1)] in comparison with undiluted PBS.
107 including highly problematic samples such as undiluted plasma.
108 rted angiotensin I to angiotensin II even in undiluted plasma.
109 anti-seizure drugs, fructose and blood pH-in undiluted plasma.
110 ross-reactivity for antigens spiked into the undiluted plasma.
111 tivities in biological samples as complex as undiluted plasma/blood is described.
112 tandard results for dilute solutions and for undiluted polymers.
113                                        EA in undiluted preillness plasma did not correlate with subse
114  gene was achieved by adding 5 microliter of undiluted processed sample DNA to a 50-microliter PCR mi
115                                              Undiluted pulmonary edema fluid and plasma samples were
116                                              Undiluted pulmonary edema fluid and plasma were collecte
117 ssion of the Fas/FasL system was assessed in undiluted pulmonary edema fluid and simultaneous plasma.
118 eloped PhAIEI was successfully used to assay undiluted river water samples with no pretreatment and e
119              Mortality following exposure to undiluted runoff from unsealed asphalt pavement and UVR
120 cut-off of 600 pgmL(-1)) for IL-8 protein in undiluted saliva samples.
121 it of detection of 10.4, 18.4, and 36 muM in undiluted saliva, urine, and serum samples, respectively
122 r from 200 to 200,000 HBV DNA copies/ml with undiluted samples, and this range can be expanded throug
123 wn to induce significant morbidity when used undiluted; Sanofi Pasteur, Inc., later identified approx
124        The other used a limiting quantity of undiluted screen solution (Prep. 2).
125                 Sodium chloride at 1% Na and undiluted seawater cause only 2 to 29% losses of signal
126 and HS; however contact between the layer of undiluted secretion and the EGJ is prolonged in patients
127 IgG-SAB MFI and C1q-SAB MFI was lowest using undiluted sera and SAB with greater than 30% denatured H
128                                              Undiluted sera from long-term nonprogressors (LTNP) had
129                                          For undiluted sera, Luminex mean fluorescence intensity (MFI
130 onance (SPR) quantification of IgG spiked in undiluted serum ( approximately 75 mg/mL protein) was ac
131        To achieve detection of biomarkers in undiluted serum (72 mg/mL total protein concentration),
132 le at dilutions as great as 24,300-fold, and undiluted serum from most control subjects showed no mea
133 rker (TNF-alpha) detection and estimation in undiluted serum indicated that the immunosensor system c
134 rfaces are protein resistant when exposed to undiluted serum or plasma.
135                The system was validated with undiluted serum samples collected from trauma patients a
136 including detection to at least 0.9 pg/ml in undiluted serum samples.
137 cally relevant concentrations of lysozyme in undiluted serum samples.
138            Cim-F-alb remained more stable in undiluted serum than Abraxane, a commercial albumin-base
139  estimating protein biomarker (TNF-alpha) in undiluted serum using Anti-TNF-alpha/FNAB/PMMA/Au reveal
140 lecule (ALCAM), a model cancer biomarker, in undiluted serum with a limit of detection of 10 ng/mL.
141 of HER2 from 1pM to 100nM in both buffer and undiluted serum with limits of detection lower than 1pM.
142  were quantified at biological levels and in undiluted serum without sample pretreatment using surfac
143 nsor function in nuclease-rich environments (undiluted serum) without the need for prior sample prepa
144 and are able to work in complex media (e.g., undiluted serum), electrochemical aptamer-based (E-AB) s
145 ould be achieved in buffer and also in neat, undiluted serum, representing a 160-fold improvement ove
146  a clinically important protein biomarker in undiluted serum, using carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) as
147 cant nonspecific binding and false signal in undiluted serum.
148  the target even in complex mixtures such as undiluted serum.
149 in direct measurement of these biomarkers in undiluted serum.
150 osensors for protein biomarkers detection in undiluted serum.
151 ent with low background was even possible in undiluted serum.
152  mass, which corresponds to 0.65 ng/mL As in undiluted serum.
153  2 (HER2), a biomarker for breast cancer, in undiluted serum.
154 angiopoietin-2 with high affinities, even in undiluted serum.
155 ible nonspecific binding and false signal in undiluted serum.
156 otein and was even functional for targets in undiluted serum.
157 affinity directly in complex samples such as undiluted serum.
158 analytes in complex biological media such as undiluted serum.
159                                        Using undiluted single-cell cDNA reaction mix directly as temp
160                         Human urine samples (undiluted) spiked with E. coli or N. gonorrhoeae were in
161 per detection limit suitable for analysis of undiluted sweat.
162 s allow the monitoring of lactate content in undiluted sweat.
163 t the BB variant of PDGF at 1 nM directly in undiluted, unmodified blood serum and at 50 pM (1.25 ng/
164 detection of specific antibodies directly in undiluted, unprocessed blood serum.
165 t interpretation of treatment objectives for undiluted urine and dry feces and macroenvironmental fac
166 of pentosan polysulfate concentrations in an undiluted urine sample is successfully demonstrated via
167            The measurements obtained in real undiluted urine samples fell within the reference concen
168 eloped in 19 of the 20 subjects who received undiluted vaccine (95 percent), 14 of the 20 who receive
169 ated intradermally by bifurcated needle with undiluted vaccine (dose, 10(7.8) plaque-forming units [p
170  Anti-B5 antibodies were strongly boosted by undiluted vaccine (geometric mean titer [GMT], 151 vs. 1
171 immunized were inoculated intradermally with undiluted vaccine (mean titer, 10(8.1) pfu per millilite
172 onses that were similar to those elicited by undiluted vaccine.
173 ion that were comparable to those induced by undiluted vaccine.
174 zing-antibody titers than did subjects given undiluted vaccine.
175 , of 10 vaccinia-naive participants received undiluted vaccine.
176 iamcinolone acetonide levels in experimental undiluted vitreous and serum samples from 57 patients un
177                                              Undiluted vitreous samples were obtained at the time of
178                                              Undiluted vitreous samples were taken at the time of sur
179 asurement of specific antibodies directly in undiluted whole blood at clinically relevant low-nanomol
180 often-severe baseline drift when deployed in undiluted whole blood either in vitro or in vivo.
181 ity for the direct detection of protamine in undiluted whole blood samples.
182 physiological pH and Cl-levels as well as in undiluted whole blood with no loss of heparin response.
183 ng 275 +/- 33.5 muL of plasma from 1.8 mL of undiluted whole blood within less than 7 min.
184 ing a relatively large volume of plasma from undiluted whole blood within minutes.
185 drift observed for these sensors in flowing, undiluted whole blood, reducing drift of up to 50% to le
186 centration well below clinical relevancy for undiluted whole blood.
187 ten-severe baseline drift when challenged in undiluted whole blood.
188 y kinetics of dilute fluorescein directly in undiluted, whole blood as a function of pH under two-pho
189  HSQC) nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of undiluted wine samples were observed at natural abundanc
190 us) from mothers that had been exposed to an undiluted WwTW effluent from early life to sexual maturi
191 rved under physiological conditions, both in undiluted Xenopus oocyte extract and in intact oocytes.

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