


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ctionally, while cells behind this group are undirected.
2 high-throughput protein interaction data are undirected.
3  mining multiple networks, both directed and undirected.
4  an exuberant outgrowth of neurites that was undirected.
5           Dispersal of the consumer has both undirected and directed components that are functions of
6  and the levels depend on social contexts of undirected and directed singing.
7 ophoresis, show great promise for both broad undirected and targeted highly sensitive measurements.
8           However, these treatments do cause undirected axon outgrowth.
9 nly-containing neurons expressed egr1 during undirected but not during directed singing.
10              NEAT can be applied not only to undirected, but to directed and partially directed netwo
11                            Mutant ENCCs show undirected cellular protrusions and disrupted directiona
12                                              Undirected cluster analysis of six paired experiments re
13 -infectious-removed (SIR) epidemic models on undirected contact networks.
14  act because birds sang in both directed and undirected contexts.
15 orrelation analysis to construct approximate Undirected Dependency Graphs from such large-scale bioch
16 ersal is required for the instability, while undirected diffusive dispersal sets a lower bound to the
17 ompletely general approach can be applied to undirected, directed, and bipartite networks, yielding v
18 ation model" for populations of directed and undirected dynamics on the ultrafast time scale, reflect
19 for these models are purely directed because undirected edges disappear in the limit of a large popul
20 network datasets with 22002, 22469 and 22607 undirected edges respectively, are used.
21 ditional independence graphs, which use only undirected edges.
22 ells within the dorsolateral SVZ moved in an undirected fashion but migrated radially and tangentiall
23  connectivity mapping (MCM), that integrates undirected functional connectivity (FC) with local energ
24                        ELMM reconstructs the undirected graph of a regulatory network using empirical
25 um-spanning tree calculated from a weighted, undirected graph.
26                 We describe a discriminative undirected graphical model to label gene-expression time
27                          Markov networks are undirected graphical models that are widely used to infe
28 twork; (2) graphical Gaussian models (GGMs): undirected graphical models with constraint-based infere
29 ious work on graph randomization has studied undirected graphs and directed but unsigned graphs.
30 m and employ independent component analysis, undirected graphs of partial spectral coherence, and spa
31 as been the Star graph, and the existence of undirected graphs with stronger amplification properties
32 em of exact and inexact matching of weighted undirected graphs, in which a bijective correspondence i
33                       One approach is to use undirected graphs, such as median networks, to visualise
34                             In the regime of undirected graphs, the strongest amplifier known has bee
35 used this information to construct weighted, undirected graphs, which were then compared to variables
36 w type of clustering that is not feasible in undirected graphs.
37 mmetric population structures represented as undirected graphs.
38 resent the Comet and Comet-swarm families of undirected graphs.
39 esenting protein-protein-interaction data as undirected graphs.
40                       Thus, a combination of undirected growth and mutual repulsion results in the fo
41          Two radiologists performed routine, undirected, hard-copy consensus review for official inte
42  shown to utilize both directed (tactic) and undirected (kinetic) movements during different stages o
43 he brain's default network during passive or undirected mental states.
44                                      Because undirected microtubule growth through dendrite branch po
45 ization likely proceeds through a process of undirected migration, proliferation and tissue expansion
46 ally general hypothesis for the existence of undirected motility in bacteria: it enables bacteria to
47 onsible for the evolution and maintenance of undirected motility in bacteria?
48                            While for largely undirected motion or long observation times the dynamics
49 e whether such pairing occurs by directed or undirected motion, we analyzed the pairing kinetics of h
50 utant aggregates, without obvious effects on undirected movement.
51 logous surfaces to spare self-cells from the undirected nature of AP activation.
52 ed whether mouse ES cells undergoing largely undirected neocortical differentiation in monolayer cult
53 hes, the proposed method first constructs an undirected network based on mutual information between t
54 n the improved performance on estimating the undirected network graphical structure by incorporating
55 e show how to build causal direction into an undirected network of phenotypes by including causal QTL
56 mework to determine the control efficacy for undirected networks of arbitrary topology.
57                 Current methods mostly yield undirected networks that connect phenotypes without caus
58                               Recent work on undirected networks with diffusive interaction revealed
59 etworks, directed networks are more SSC than undirected networks, and sparse networks are typically m
60 r network enrichment analysis deal only with undirected networks, they can be computationally slow an
61 r control centrality than an average node in undirected networks.
62 chronization properties in both directed and undirected networks.
63                          Vesicle movement is undirected, occurs without the use of axonal transport m
64 nd SLT-1 induces a multipolar phenotype with undirected outgrowths.
65                              Here, we review undirected pairwise maximum-entropy probability models i
66 re or is a child of a collider on a relevant undirected path.
67 ns between the conformations of directed and undirected population playing a role in the O(2) binding
68  context of curated, predicted, directed and undirected regulatory interactions.
69 re, we develop a generative model to produce undirected, simple, connected graphs with a specified de
70 regulation in males that sing by themselves (undirected singers) but not in males that sing to female
71                                 Directed and undirected singing emerged concurrently; directed singin
72 ctivation is higher and more variable during undirected singing relative to directed singing to other
73 f the transporter caused dopamine levels for undirected singing to increase to levels similar to that
74 gnificantly higher with directed relative to undirected singing.
75 hes display two song behaviors: directed and undirected singing.
76 d-U shaped relationships between measures of undirected song and mu-opioid receptor labeling in the P
77 tochemistry to examine relationships between undirected song and mu-opioid receptors in male starling
78 eptor activity associated with high rates of undirected song cause mu-opioid receptor down-regulation
79                              We propose that undirected song is facilitated and maintained by opioid
80                       Past studies show that undirected song is tightly coupled to analgesia and posi
81            Although the precise functions of undirected song may differ across species, this type of
82      These results suggest that low rates of undirected song may stimulate and/or be maintained by mu
83 tic nucleus (POM) correlates positively with undirected song production.
84 clearly directed towards another individual (undirected song) when alone or in flocks.
85 y underlie previous links identified between undirected song, analgesia, and affective state.
86 on whether the bird sings female-directed or undirected song.
87 uently, and to compare it with the alone or "undirected" song (Undir) predominantly produced during l
88                                             "Undirected" song is not accompanied by the dance and is
89 ther a directed search of known genes, or an undirected survey of unknown genes.
90         In contrast, when males sing alone ("undirected"), the same LMAN neurons exhibit prominent bu
91  contact networks in which some contacts are undirected-the probability of transmission is symmetric
92 nd timing vary substantially across repeated undirected trials.
93 ies of social-ecological systems use simple, undirected, unweighted networks.
94                          An ACG is a simple, undirected, weighted and complete graph in which a node

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