


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  these variables; however, the remainder was unexplained.
2 cond half of life and is genetically largely unexplained.
3 of the genetic basis of the disease is still unexplained.
4 but the immunological basis for this remains unexplained.
5 spite large holes in the filter, also remain unexplained.
6 tal cancer, but much of heritability remains unexplained.
7 d craniofacial anomalies (CFAs) are entirely unexplained.
8 riation persists in most populations remains unexplained.
9    However, its phenotypic variation remains unexplained.
10 rapid changes in atmospheric CO2 that remain unexplained.
11 t least 20% of disease, but most CHD remains unexplained.
12 into its regulation, yet many aspects remain unexplained.
13 he disease, most of the genetic risk remains unexplained.
14 es, substantial disease heritability remains unexplained.
15 ar grooves and crater chains whose origin is unexplained.
16 function that remains perplexing and largely unexplained.
17 ong species, but this variation is currently unexplained.
18  from most non-sex-specific cancers, remains unexplained.
19 echanism of cell death during crisis remains unexplained.
20 o-thirds of the overall familial risk remain unexplained.
21 is, or both caused by Candida species remain unexplained.
22 e variation attributable to genetics remains unexplained.
23 n of the genomic islands between strains are unexplained.
24 fected and diabetic states remain relatively unexplained.
25 aracteristic of citrullination by Pg remains unexplained.
26 R) brings about any metabolic changes remain unexplained.
27 membrane (PM) throughout development remains unexplained.
28 , although the vast majority of cases remain unexplained.
29  of function on synaptic activity is largely unexplained.
30 y (65%) and readmission (50%) rates remained unexplained.
31 bility in ACT susceptibility remains largely unexplained.
32 have left important aspects of many proteins unexplained.
33 anisms of identified gene sets are typically unexplained.
34  the effects of advancing age remain largely unexplained.
35 RC), much of the heritability of CRC remains unexplained.
36 ene's broad association with disease remains unexplained.
37 rikes otherwise healthy children and remains unexplained.
38 ich most of the genetic contribution remains unexplained.
39 ist muscles, a long-standing observation yet unexplained.
40 a significant proportion of the variance was unexplained.
41 ne diseases, but the underlying mechanism is unexplained.
42  fast and diverse molecular messages remains unexplained.
43 lence of brain tumors in males is common but unexplained.
44  of the estimated trait heritability remains unexplained.
45 cant proportion of families with SCA remains unexplained.
46  the possible risk factor for stillbirth was unexplained.
47 mical differences between them have remained unexplained.
48  (enucleation), but the mechanism is largely unexplained.
49 te overall CVD risk, however, remain largely unexplained.
50  regional variation in both outcomes remains unexplained.
51 or the most severe form of Alzheimer disease unexplained.
52  of the heritability for lung cancer remains unexplained.
53 nspicuous within angiosperms, but is largely unexplained.
54 TGCTs), but much of the heritability remains unexplained.
55 ved globally within open waters that remains unexplained.
56  conditions, a behavior that remains largely unexplained.
57            This property of viral genomes is unexplained.
58 sia versus Poland or Check Republic remained unexplained.
59 e ocean surface, an observation that remains unexplained.
60 antial part of the estimated heritability is unexplained.
61 etic basis of MADD, a number of cases remain unexplained.
62 ma exacerbations that remain mechanistically unexplained.
63                     This paradox is, as yet, unexplained.
64 ine herpete (P < .01), 6 of 11 patients with unexplained abdominal pain (P < .001), and 0 of 8 patien
65 cyte DNA from 102 unrelated individuals with unexplained adenomatous polyposis.
66 fficile incidence in long-term care remained unexplained after importation from acute care facilities
67                However, many features remain unexplained and a parsimonious model that more fully acc
68 beneficial effects in the fetal liver but an unexplained and concerning alteration in fetal pancreati
69 s among extremely preterm infants is largely unexplained and may reflect differences in hospital prac
70  The low BMD observed in younger MSM remains unexplained and needs further study.
71                                           An unexplained and perplexing observation about Escherichia
72            These patients are referred to as unexplained anemia or idiopathic cytopenia of unknown si
73 clearance may be a significant factor in the unexplained anemias seen in critically ill patients.
74 rol (MRC) where the etiology of the LVSD was unexplained, apart from the presence of AF.
75 unctional interpretation for many previously unexplained architectural features of the central comple
76  woman with normal renal function developing unexplained ARF without hypovolemia after administration
77 e causation, therefore leaving the remaining unexplained association as an open question.
78 5% and 44% of the variation in PROs remained unexplained at the hospital level.
79 nd an important number of cases still remain unexplained at the molecular level.
80 CA3, or SCA6 and with progressive, otherwise unexplained ataxia who were aged 18 years or older from
81 6O, and its presence accounts for previously unexplained bands in the experimental Raman spectrum.
82 ng neural circuit connectivity that remained unexplained based on adult structure and function alone.
83 ricted allopeptide, but this process remains unexplained, because the target epitopes for CD4 and CD8
84 r ferromagnetism may account for much of the unexplained behaviour of CeB6, and should lead to a re-e
85 otype data from 2042 cases in pedigrees with unexplained bleeding or platelet disorders to data from
86 ted view that irritable bowel syndrome is an unexplained brain-gut disorder.
87 I (rs-fcMRI) could predict the variance left unexplained by age and behavior (follow-up latency and b
88 rs, but with persistent geographic variation unexplained by differences in potential patient eligibil
89                             Somatic symptoms unexplained by disease are common in all medical setting
90                   The patients with symptoms unexplained by disease reported higher symptoms count sc
91 t be used to identify patients with symptoms unexplained by disease.
92 s ability to identify patients with symptoms unexplained by disease.
93 /3781 new outpatients had symptoms that were unexplained by disease.
94 stance, and some in vitro resistance remains unexplained by gyr mutations alone, but the implications
95 tion in referral rates is significant and is unexplained by insurance coverage.
96           We selected families whose AMD was unexplained by known variants and performed whole exome
97 s, reflecting significant practice variation unexplained by patient case mix.
98 y high for this glacial interval, and remain unexplained by previous models of ice age adjustment or
99 haracterized by left ventricular hypertrophy unexplained by secondary causes and a nondilated left ve
100 e to the overall change in feedback, but are unexplained by stability.
101  most of the variance in functioning remains unexplained by such factors.
102 majority of the remaining 33% of connections unexplained by the best trade-off model were long-distan
103 kali metal cations, a situation that remains unexplained by the lack of transport of any known cargoe
104  consistent with many food web patterns left unexplained by the simplest prey-dependent models.
105  response, nor the interneuronal correlation unexplained by the stimulus ("noise-correlation").
106 ated with the animals' perceptual decisions (unexplained by the stimulus).
107                                              Unexplained cardiac arrest (UCA) may be explained by inh
108 ry (CASPER) enrolls patients with apparently unexplained cardiac arrest and no evident cardiac diseas
109                   The first 200 survivors of unexplained cardiac arrest from 14 centers across Canada
110                                              Unexplained cardiac arrest may be because of an inherite
111          Obtaining a diagnosis in previously unexplained cardiac arrest patients requires systematic
112                    Nearly half of apparently unexplained cardiac arrest patients ultimately received
113 genic variant in a significant proportion of unexplained cardiac arrest survivors.
114 and performing abdominal CT in patients with unexplained cardiogenic shock may allow an earlier diagn
115 ss of KLF1 should be considered in otherwise unexplained cases of severe neonatal NSHA or hydrops fet
116 rtance of microarray analysis in adults with unexplained childhood-onset epilepsy and intellectual di
117 used to evaluate a cohort of 143 adults with unexplained childhood-onset epilepsy and intellectual di
118 ne diseases, with major depression, and with unexplained chronic fatigue.
119 r DNA methylation, but there are significant unexplained clinical differences between IDH1- and TET2-
120 is a common myopathy with marked but largely unexplained clinical inter- and intra-familial variabili
121 ns such as Pneumocystis murina pneumonia and unexplained comorbidities, including bone marrow dysfunc
122 rative neoplasm (MPN), MDS/MPN, or otherwise unexplained cytopenia (for >6 mo).
123 f mutations encountered in 144 patients with unexplained cytopenias.
124 ratio [HR]: 0.22; p = 0.004), cardiovascular/unexplained death (1.1 vs. 2.3 events/100 PY; HR: 0.48;
125 a significant reduction in cardiovascular or unexplained death (hazard ratio 0.48, P=0.004); (3) more
126 s in a large, demographically diverse sudden unexplained death cohort that underwent thorough investi
127 ath syndrome defines a sudden unexpected and unexplained death despite comprehensive pathological and
128 e, systemic embolism (SE), or cardiovascular/unexplained death did not achieve noninferiority (poster
129 ings at autopsy were autopsy-negative sudden unexplained death in 16 (25%), and definitive evidence f
130 lepsy including those associated with sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP), we propose that d
131 y failure is the most common cause of sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP).
132 tations in </=30% of autopsy-negative sudden unexplained death in the young (SUDY) cases with highest
133 similar for family members of UCA and sudden unexplained death victims (31% versus 27%; P=0.59).
134 ssed first-degree relatives of UCA or sudden unexplained death victims to screen for cardiac abnormal
135 t-degree family members (186 UCA, 212 sudden unexplained death victims' relatives; mean age, 44+/-17
136 % of first-degree relatives of UCA or sudden unexplained death victims, with a clear working diagnosi
137 , systemic embolism [SE], and cardiovascular/unexplained death) was 0.064 in the device group versus
138 roke, disabling/fatal stroke, cardiovascular/unexplained death, all-cause death, and post-procedure b
139 troke, systemic embolism, and cardiovascular/unexplained death, analyzed by intention-to-treat.
140  rates of hemorrhagic stroke, cardiovascular/unexplained death, and nonprocedural bleeding compared t
141 inding at autopsy is autopsy-negative sudden unexplained death.
142 esting yield differences reported for sudden unexplained death.
143 eurodevelopmental disorder, including sudden unexplained deaths and audiogenic seizures.
144 as the most common cause of SCD, followed by unexplained deaths.
145 phalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is an unexplained debilitating disorder that is frequently ass
146  based on the following triad: (i) otherwise unexplained decrease of renal function together with sev
147 ome sequencing (WGS) in 197 individuals with unexplained DEE and pharmaco-resistant seizures and in t
148 parently healthy infants and remains largely unexplained despite thorough investigation.
149 esonide-deep vein thrombosis (16 mg/day) and unexplained deterioration in renal function in follow-up
150 ogramming has the potential to shed light on unexplained developmental mechanisms and, conversely, a
151                                  This so far unexplained difference could result in a dissimilarity i
152                                   There were unexplained differences among HCV population subgroups i
153 V) of global concern, H5N1 and H7N9, exhibit unexplained differences in age distribution of human cas
154 ge of variation between ICUs attributable to unexplained differences.
155 H1 type but there are some subtle and as-yet-unexplained differences.
156 ffers a potential unifying framework for the unexplained discrepancies in current findings.
157 ucture and myogenesis that may contribute to unexplained disorders of MD.
158  In previously healthy adults with otherwise unexplained disseminated/extrapulmonary Nocardia infecti
159 -alanine dehydrogenase, were associated with unexplained drug resistance.
160 oracic echocardiography in 118 patients with unexplained dyspnea who underwent right heart catheteriz
161                             In patients with unexplained dyspnea, E/e' ratio neither accurately estim
162 entricular filling pressure in patients with unexplained dyspnea.
163 in modulation, we can explain the previously unexplained effects observed at the sensor level.
164 steoporosis, arthritis, neurologic problems, unexplained elevation of transaminase levels, and female
165 A-Seq presents a valuable diagnostic tool in unexplained encephalitis.
166 ular mechanism of activation remains largely unexplained, even after decades of research.
167                         However, a number of unexplained exceptions to this rule are described.
168 nvasive cardiopulmonary exercise testing for unexplained exertional intolerance.
169                                 The hitherto-unexplained experimental behavior of sulfonylallenes was
170  stochastic response accounts for previously unexplained experimental data.
171 is consistent with a vast body of previously unexplained experimental results.
172                                 CNEs exhibit unexplained extreme levels of sequence conservation, wit
173 developed new-onset depression, sustained an unexplained fall, and started walking cautiously.
174 y progressed and further included occasional unexplained falls.
175     Although the risk of CRC associated with unexplained familial CRC is in general moderate, in some
176 newly described mechanism may elucidate some unexplained fetal losses in humans, where thrombosis is
177 ethal effects and may account for previously unexplained findings.
178    The same wave motion can also account for unexplained fluctuations in the dipole field.
179 se symptoms and pathophysiology that remains unexplained following routine clinical investigation.
180 ividual variation in human sociality remains unexplained from a biological perspective.
181                                This hitherto unexplained function of SMAR1 signifies the potential of
182  tumorigenesis and is linked to a previously unexplained gene expression program associated with anti
183 n most men the origin of infertility remains unexplained, genetic causes are increasingly being disco
184 in has increased, with marked, and currently unexplained, geographic variability and variability by h
185 eptor (CD71)-positive reticulocytes remained unexplained, given the constitutive expression of DARC d
186 nal assays are needed to further unravel the unexplained heritability and biology of this disease.
187 oding variants account for a minority of the unexplained heritability of CRC.
188 erturbed during the disease, but with as-yet-unexplained heterogeneity among IBD subtypes and individ
189                          Limitations include unexplained heterogeneity and residual confounding.
190 tly identified as a mechanism for previously unexplained high rates of litter mass loss in arid lands
191                                 Although the unexplained higher incidence of hospitalization for deng
192 rst week of mechanical ventilation and large unexplained hospital variation, without clear benefits.
193  the helicase, lymphoid-specific genes in 10 unexplained ICF cases.
194 common causes of ID, accounting for 1%-3% of unexplained ID in females.
195                                 Outbreaks of unexplained illness frequently remain under-investigated
196 ortance of using systematic methods in other unexplained illness outbreaks.
197 as and cerebellar ataxias remain genetically unexplained, implicating novel genes and unrecognized mu
198 nd provides the rationale for the previously unexplained implication of the APOE2 isoform as a risk f
199 ependent activities that are mechanistically unexplained, including NLRP3 inflammasome activation in
200     Individuals on hemodialysis, who have an unexplained increase in atherosclerotic risk, had signif
201        Importantly, the previously reported, unexplained increase in TV replication by oligosaccharid
202 th CAD thus far, most of the heritability is unexplained, indicating that additional susceptibility l
203 oung man with autoimmune enterocolopathy and unexplained infections revealed evidence of immunodefici
204                     We enrolled couples with unexplained infertility in a multicenter, randomized tri
205          The standard therapy for women with unexplained infertility is gonadotropin or clomiphene ci
206 012 with respect to male factor infertility, unexplained infertility, maternal age 38 years or older,
207                                In women with unexplained infertility, ovarian stimulation with letroz
208 of whisker-evoked spiking responses after an unexplained initial delay, but no homeostasis of deprive
209                                       Marked unexplained inter-regional variations in the occurrence
210 ing vitamin K; however, there is still large unexplained interindividual variability in vitamin K sta
211  previously healthy children and adults with unexplained invasive disease of the CNS, digestive tract
212 y should thus be considered in patients with unexplained invasive Exophiala species disease, even in
213 nd p.Gln113Glu) in 6 unrelated patients with unexplained iron overload (9% of our cohort).
214  missense mutations in BMP6 in patients with unexplained iron overload.
215 evidence of gastrointestinal blood loss, and unexplained iron-deficiency anemia), and the performance
216 ith patent foramen ovale (PFO) and otherwise unexplained ischemic stroke, in a propensity scored stud
217                   There remains, however, an unexplained link between hyposialylation and the muscle
218 s thus establish causality between currently unexplained, long timescale emission intermittency in a
219      Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is the unexplained loss of maternal cardiac systolic function i
220 actone, which may account for the previously unexplained low-signal phenotype of a ainR mutant, altho
221                      There is a striking and unexplained male predominance across many cancer types.
222 omidepsin) because of its unique and largely unexplained mechanism of sustained intracellular action.
223 artitioning to particle-phase water or other unexplained mechanisms are needed to explain our results
224 lubilization power and allow strange but yet unexplained membrane enzyme activity.
225 tting process that may account for otherwise unexplained memory lapses following trauma.
226 racts emerged as the trigger of a previously unexplained mental condition.
227 with intellectual developmental disorder and unexplained metabolic abnormalities led to a diagnosis i
228 with intellectual developmental disorder and unexplained metabolic phenotypes.
229 s recommended only in selected patients with unexplained, mild, chronic iron-deficiency anemia.
230 icosteroids (i.e., an adverse effect plus an unexplained mitigating effect).
231 ortion within the samples, and the amount of unexplained mixture-using whole genome sequence (WGS) da
232                              In a screen for unexplained mutation events we identified a previously u
233                                      Chronic unexplained nausea and vomiting (CUNV) is a debilitating
234                                  Most of the unexplained NEP variability was related to persistent, s
235 nt in approximately 0.1% of individuals with unexplained neurodevelopmental disorders.
236  transplant recipients in case of persistent unexplained neutropenia as it allows effective treatment
237                                       Sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome (SUNDS) remains an
238                                           An unexplained observation is that gut species composition
239  samples from A-positive individuals, and an unexplained observation of synthetic oligosaccharide blo
240         Our analysis rationalizes previously unexplained observations and makes experimentally testab
241 anscribed genes, and reveals that previously unexplained observations concerning relative isoform exp
242 e, and also offer new mechanisms to hitherto unexplained observations.
243 s of IM-ADR pathogenesis to address multiple unexplained observations; discuss the implications of th
244 nts referred for hematologic evaluation with unexplained or refractory IDA, screening for celiac dise
245 ravis (MG) with thymoma, show intriguing but unexplained parallels.
246 h-efficiency solar cells, which also show an unexplained photocurrent hysteresis dependent on the dev
247 diac dysfunction may account for some of the unexplained premature mortality of alternating hemiplegi
248    A significant proportion of children have unexplained problems acquiring proficient linguistic ski
249 il-in-water double emulsions by a previously unexplained process of self-emulsification.
250 oth these activities in Icp55 elucidates the unexplained processing of the mitochondrial cysteine des
251                                 There was an unexplained rapid, transient down-regulation of glycolyt
252 biliary in alcoholic chronic pancreatitis 5, unexplained recurrent 20.
253 nrolled 258 pregnant women with a history of unexplained recurrent miscarriage (>/=2 consecutive misc
254                          We demonstrate that unexplained recurrent miscarriage is associated with sig
255 fer antithrombotic medications to women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage, in the presence or ab
256  a live birth in nonthrombophilic women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage.
257 births and newborn survival among women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage.
258 of live births among women with a history of unexplained recurrent miscarriages is uncertain.
259 of live births among women with a history of unexplained recurrent miscarriages.
260 rin (LMWH) is often prescribed to women with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), although evi
261            Conversely, knowing that there is unexplained residual phylogenetic information should spu
262                  However, the presence of an unexplained, residual increase suggests behavioral facto
263 derived length-adjusted FM and FFM values as unexplained residuals after regressing each FM and FFM a
264  management of pregnant women in settings of unexplained respiratory illness potentially due to MERS-
265          Vitamin A has essential but largely unexplained roles in regulating lymphopoiesis.
266  pregnancy or live-birth rates in women with unexplained RPL.
267 te-onset hemochromatosis, many patients have unexplained signs of iron overload.
268 gamma2 subunit exhibit a phenotype including unexplained slowing of heart rate (bradycardia).
269 ance in tropical savannas exhibits large and unexplained spatial variability.
270                            The proportion of unexplained stillbirths is high and can be addressed thr
271 terface quality indicate that the previously unexplained sub-gap leakage current is strongly influenc
272 20 years of age had the highest incidence of unexplained sudden cardiac death (0.8 cases per 100,000
273                                              Unexplained sudden cardiac death (40% of cases) was the
274  at night were independently associated with unexplained sudden cardiac death as compared with explai
275 d three consecutive families who experienced unexplained sudden cardiac death before 45 years of age
276 n was identified in 31 of 113 cases (27%) of unexplained sudden cardiac death in which genetic testin
277 dentified in 13% of the families in which an unexplained sudden cardiac death occurred.
278 included toxicologic and histologic studies (unexplained sudden cardiac death), at least 59 cardiac g
279  performed in 64 families (230 relatives, 80 unexplained sudden cardiac death).
280 large number of cases of microcephaly remain unexplained, suggesting that many microcephaly syndromes
281 assess patients with celiac disease who have unexplained symptoms despite appropriate treatment, but
282                 Some patients with medically unexplained symptoms or alternative medical diagnoses su
283                        However, there was an unexplained system-wide improvement in return of spontan
284 hese experiments are prone to high levels of unexplained technical noise, creating new challenges for
285 ies a considerable proportion of CKD remains unexplained, termed CKDu.
286 re strictly confined in time and space by an unexplained termination mechanism.
287 public health threat, further complicated by unexplained treatment failures caused by bacteria that a
288               The relatively large amount of unexplained variability in eDNA transport reveals the ne
289 nally, we evaluated the potential effects of unexplained variability in mutation rates on false-posit
290 sessment is still complicated by a large and unexplained variation in ozone sensitivity among tree sp
291   We suggest that a substantial part of this unexplained variation of ecosystem functional properties
292  and develop blocking methods to help reduce unexplained variation.
293 d their abundance correlates with previously unexplained variations in phenotype.
294  identify in order to determine the cause of unexplained vision loss.
295 tive disorders such as VVAD in patients with unexplained visual complaints, in particular reading dif
296                     The pronounced cachexia (unexplained wasting) seen in Huntington's disease (HD) p
297 d as individuals with the greatest degree of unexplained weight gain during follow-up.
298  features (symptom onset after age 50 years, unexplained weight loss, family history of selected orga
299                                   It remains unexplained why picornaviruses evolutionarily conserve t
300                         It therefore remains unexplained why the lag-phase is adaptive.

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