


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rounding positions at 199, 222, and 298 were unglycosylated.
2 about half of triadin-1 in the heart remains unglycosylated.
3 the sugar binding site is mutated or CPY* is unglycosylated.
4 to the medium in a hydrophilic form that was unglycosylated.
5  falciparum proteins that remain essentially unglycosylated.
6 glycosylation, induced the appearance of the unglycosylated 115-kDa CaR form, which was further incre
7                                   Similarly, unglycosylated ACET synthesized in HeLa cells, by using
8 ariant is not significantly altered over the unglycosylated analogue.
9 ing prion diseases, in which a patient's own unglycosylated and anchorless PrP is used to inhibit PrP
10 ull-length human PrP (rHuPrP23-231) (that is unglycosylated and lacks the glycophosphatidylinositol a
11 in E. coli and Pichia pastoris, resulting in unglycosylated and mannosylated proteins, respectively.
12 cted to have molecular masses of ca. 61 kDa (unglycosylated) and high isoelectric points (pI 9.3-9.5)
13  kidney) identified six glycosylated and one unglycosylated Asn.
14 ibodies raised against both glycosylated and unglycosylated baculovirus-expressed RII recognized P. f
15  in the lateral membrane were substituted by unglycosylated beta(1) subunits displayed a decreased ab
16 it ACET cDNA resulted in the synthesis of an unglycosylated but inactive protein.
17 triadin-1 that indicated active breakdown of unglycosylated, but not glycosylated, triadin-1.
18 uced PrP fragments, namely, glycosylated and unglycosylated C2, within different central nervous syst
19 less affinity were processed equally well by unglycosylated cathepsin D-HEL and HEL-Ld.
20                             In contrast, the unglycosylated cathepsin D-HEL was retained in ER/Golgi
21                                  We prepared unglycosylated cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) substrate
22 s indicates that the rate of delivery of the unglycosylated channel to the cell surface is slower tha
23 e wild-type glycosylated and the N259Q+N263Q unglycosylated channels.
24 e significantly more lytic compared with the unglycosylated control.
25 sed thermostability in comparison with their unglycosylated counterparts expressed in Escherichia col
26  were found to be higher than those of their unglycosylated counterparts from RNase A.
27 t Pichia pastoris and compared them to their unglycosylated counterparts produced in Escherichia coli
28 ction, and blocks apparent Ly-49A binding to unglycosylated Dd.
29                        Circular dichroism of unglycosylated diptericin indicated that the peptide lac
30 y spectrum was compared to that of synthetic unglycosylated drosocin, which shares strong sequence ho
31  the third glycosylation site available, was unglycosylated, enzymatically inactive and rapidly degra
32          Thus, secretion of glycosylated and unglycosylated ferritin is a regulated and not a stochas
33 unogenic structure even when expressed in an unglycosylated form in Escherichia coli.
34 ifferent acid hydrolases: cathepsin D, to an unglycosylated form of cathepsin D, and to pepsinogen.
35                                  The smaller unglycosylated form of chondromodulin-I was only observe
36  the ERAD of alphaENaC was selective for the unglycosylated form of the protein.
37  mobility of approximately 19-21 kDa for the unglycosylated form, and a ragged N terminus between res
38 ters (including helix I), in glycosylated or unglycosylated form, in combination with the expression
39 al of mature chondromodulin-I and a smaller, unglycosylated form, were identified using antipeptide a
40 on disease by favoring the production of the unglycosylated form.
41 s shown that the amounts of glycosylated and unglycosylated forms of LHBs and MHBs proteins are all g
42 quantitative sensitivity of glycosylated and unglycosylated forms of LHBs and MHBs proteins, with sel
43  TCR responded to diversely glycosylated and unglycosylated forms of mycoketide when presented by DCs
44      With this system, both glycosylated and unglycosylated forms of pro-alpha factor were stable thr
45 at 6 h and was expressed in glycosylated and unglycosylated forms.
46 30, derive from both glycosylated as well as unglycosylated forms.
47                                          The unglycosylated G generated high protective immunity and
48 his study suggests that bacterially produced unglycosylated G protein could be developed alone or as
49                     The bacterially produced unglycosylated G protein could be developed as a protect
50 rotective efficacy of the RSV A2 recombinant unglycosylated G protein ectodomain (amino acids 67 to 2
51 rotective efficacy of the RSV A2 recombinant unglycosylated G protein ectodomain produced in E. coli
52              Therefore, bacterially produced unglycosylated G protein holds promise as an economical
53      Moreover, p22(phox) coprecipitated with unglycosylated gp91(phox) primary translation product ma
54 ssion from glycosylated EP-procyclins to the unglycosylated GPEET-procyclin.
55 lex between the Ly49A NK receptor domain and unglycosylated H-2D(d).
56                      As distinct from vIL-6, unglycosylated hIL-6 is as potent as glycosylated hIL-6
57 sponds to the calculated molecular weight of unglycosylated hSPO.
58 ral isoforms of glycosylated EP, but not the unglycosylated isoform EP2.
59 pulation of CD4(+) T cells that expressed an unglycosylated isoform of IL-4.
60 ion, PrP(M) showed impaired transport of the unglycosylated isoform to the cell surface.
61                                              Unglycosylated K10 bound to wild type but not psrP defic
62 at the post-translational site, resulting in unglycosylated KCNE1 subunits that cannot reach the cell
63          The expression of a fully acylated, unglycosylated lipid A indicates that lipid A biosynthes
64 s showed similar binding of glycosylated and unglycosylated lipid A to CD14/TLR4-MD-2.
65 ve bacteria, can survive and synthesize only unglycosylated lipid A.
66 g experiments showed that newly synthesized, unglycosylated M protein interacted with N protein in a
67 as many sites for gp70 binding as cells with unglycosylated mCAT-1.
68 ete intermediates that are not observed when unglycosylated molecules are degraded.
69 lular populations of the MUC5AC polypeptide (unglycosylated monomer and dimer, GalNAc-substituted dim
70 e turnover rates of wild-type protein and an unglycosylated mutant (N259Q,N263Q) were compared in pul
71 n Deltascj1 cells, the transport rate for an unglycosylated mutant carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) is marked
72 -type mCAT-1 and complete down-modulation of unglycosylated mutant mCAT-1.
73                            Expression of the unglycosylated mutant on the cell surface, assessed usin
74  quantitatively similar in the wild-type and unglycosylated mutant proteins.
75                             In contrast, the unglycosylated mutant was rapidly degraded (t(1/2) = app
76        Consistent with this, we observe that unglycosylated N259Q+N263Q mutant channel forms oligomer
77 ontrast, the heterodimer formed by expressed unglycosylated Na,K-ATPase beta(1) subunit and the endog
78 dicated that megakaryocyte NMDAR1 was either unglycosylated or only glycosylated to low levels, and o
79 enzymatically active ACET proteins which are unglycosylated or underglycosylated.
80 al membrane glycoprotein, whereas F13L is an unglycosylated, palmitylated protein with a motif that i
81 d glycopeptides (mono- or disaccharides) and unglycosylated peptide controls were measured in human r
82                                          The unglycosylated peptide was purified to homogeneity by co
83 t CRT molecules can be complexed in vitro to unglycosylated peptides and used to elicit peptide-speci
84 osylation, we have prepared glycosylated and unglycosylated peptides derived from the 175-195 fragmen
85                                          The unglycosylated PK-resistant PrP(Sc) of CWD migrated at 2
86  the disulfide bridge favor formation of the unglycosylated prion protein.
87 on of glycosylation led to the production of unglycosylated pro-alpha factor (p alpha F), a processed
88 to a non-hydroxylated residue yielded mostly unglycosylated protein and a small fraction of mono-N-gl
89 R interaction is the first example of a GAL1/unglycosylated protein interaction in the extracellular
90 um of the GAL1/glycan lattice involving GAL1/unglycosylated protein interactions.
91 eering glycosylation motifs into a naturally unglycosylated protein, we are able to bring about site-
92                    Moreover, mice expressing unglycosylated PrP did not develop clinical disease, and
93    Most importantly, we found that, in vivo, unglycosylated PrP does not acquire the characteristics
94 ion of diglycosylated, monoglycosylated, and unglycosylated PrP in spreading of infectivity to the br
95 rafficking to the cell membrane, whereas the unglycosylated PrP localization is mainly intracellular.
96 Both RML- and 301C-derived prions containing unglycosylated PrP(Sc) molecules were infectious to wild
97 produce RML and 301C mouse prions containing unglycosylated PrP(Sc) molecules.
98 on and by differing ratios of di-, mono- and unglycosylated PrP(Sc).
99                                Conversion of unglycosylated PrP-sen appeared to alter both the amount
100 tructured at low concentrations, recombinant unglycosylated PrP106 (rPrP106) undergoes a concentratio
101                        The results show that unglycosylated PrPC molecules are required to propagate
102 bited by substoichiometric levels of hamster unglycosylated PrPC molecules.
103                                          The unglycosylated PrPCTF 12/13 migrate at 12 and 13 kDa and
104 s of PrPM reach the cell surface whereas the unglycosylated PrPM is also under-represented in the bra
105                 Normal levels of RDS and the unglycosylated RDS binding partner rod outer segment mem
106                                              Unglycosylated recombinant gpA inhibited secretion, sugg
107 ies: ELISA and Western blotting assays using unglycosylated recombinant hLAMP-2 expressed in Escheric
108 hways of amyloid formation in vitro, we used unglycosylated recombinant PrP corresponding to the prot
109 way, and drastically delays maturation of an unglycosylated reporter protein in the RER.
110 afety and protective efficacy of recombinant unglycosylated RSV G protein ectodomain produced in E. c
111 tion of complexes containing a dimer of SCF (unglycosylated SCF1-165) plus two molecules of sKit.
112                 Functional expression of the unglycosylated SERT mutant, SERT-QQ, was also increased
113 oteasome inhibitors cause accumulation of an unglycosylated, signal peptide-bearing form of PrP on th
114                                              Unglycosylated Sil1 is not only functional but is more e
115 an ER protein can exist in the cytosol as an unglycosylated species and impair cellular functions.
116 sent study, we have identified an additional unglycosylated species, with an apparent molecular mass
117 nnel alpha subunits (bCNGA3) convert from an unglycosylated state, at 90 kDa, to two glycosylated sta
118  selective binding of PS1 holoprotein to the unglycosylated subunit and the Sec61alpha/oligosaccharyl
119 hese systems indicated that mEHg was largely unglycosylated, suggesting that expression in the ER was
120 eptide of 100 amino acids, representing five unglycosylated tandem repeats, presented by dendritic ce
121 stantial increases in the relative levels of unglycosylated triadin-1, proteasome inhibition led to a
122 t channels in HEK293 cells we found that the unglycosylated TRPM8 mutant (N934Q) displays marked func
123                      Both N-glycosylated and unglycosylated TRPV1 was detected in extracts of periphe
124 his protein while Ect SMCs elaborate only an unglycosylated type II TGF-beta receptor.
125 at Tyr(369)(N) fails to be presented because unglycosylated tyrosinase is degraded rapidly and relati
126  glycosylation, compromising the delivery of unglycosylated V0a1 to lysosomes, ultimately impairing V
127 ses of 38-54 (glycosylated), 30, and 27 kDa (unglycosylated) were apparent.
128                          Both FGFR2C278F and unglycosylated wild type FGFR2 signal through phospholip
129  not required for proper targeting, although unglycosylated wild-type receptors did not localize prop
130 cipitation of beta(1) was also less with the unglycosylated YFP-beta(1) than with glycosylated YFP-be
131 -precipitation both with rat YFP-beta(1) and unglycosylated YFP-beta(1) was associated with decreased

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