1 s spin-triplet ground states under realistic
uni- and bi-axial strain conditions; such states may be
2 tivator and inhibitor, and the conditions of
uni- and bi-directional responses, which are determined
3 er, within the PCR assays, it was found that
uni- and bi-molecular SERS primers performed very simila
4 ers by following standard guidelines for the
uni- and bidimensional measurements and by using the for
5 The
uni- and bidimensional measurements of RECIST (hazard ra
6 These results are inconsistent with
uni- and bidirectional tracts arising from one- and two-
7 aptic vesicles, substantial numbers of large
uni- and bilamellar vesicles and high levels of APP.
8 ves are rationalized as an interplay between
uni- and bimolecular processes.
9 totautomers 2-T and 4-T decayed by competing
uni- and bimolecular reactions.
10 alves, and mean values were compared between
uni- and bipediculate approaches by using a two-tailed S
11 Heritability analyses were performed using
uni- and bivariate Cholesky decomposition models.
12 the presence of electrolytes and showed that
uni- and divalent anions affect the nonequilibrium kinet
13 igned genomes with both linear and circular (
uni- and multi-) chromosomes is well studied, the only k
14 veloped and tested a computational model for
uni- and multi-sensory perceptual disambiguation that ti
15 nome and transcriptome analysis across eight
uni- and multicellular amoebozoan genomes, we find that
16 tations are evolutionarily conserved between
uni- and multicellular eukaryotes.
17 ion channels function as cellular sensors in
uni- and multicellular eukaryotes.
18 nges that occurred at the crossroads between
uni- and multicellular life.
19 are found in many different tissues and many
uni- and multicellular organisms.
20 an important contributor to cell polarity in
uni- and multicellular systems [1-3].
21 This ability to shift between
uni- and multicellularity makes the group ideal for stud
22 Histological analysis of
uni- and multidirectional ACT showed that cells differ i
23 pid membrane of small (approximately 100 nm)
uni- and multilamellar vesicles, which were composed of
24 ngomyelin (SM) colipid interactions in fluid
uni- and multilamellar vesicles.
25 noresponsiveness and transplant outcome in a
uni- and multilateral cohort analysis.
26 an absence in the c-myb(-/-) foetal liver of
uni- and multilineage CFUs.
27 C-rich r(GGCCCC)n RNA forms extremely stable
uni- and multimolecular parallel G-quadruplex structures
28 Whereas the MZ integrates
uni- and multisensory thalamocortical afferent streams,
29 tus and associated survival were assessed by
uni- and multivariable analyses.
30 On
uni- and multivariable analysis, no significant interact
31 Uni- and multivariable Cox regression analyses were used
32 Uni- and multivariate (with use of standard clinical var
33 Uni- and multivariate analyses for 10-year survival sugg
34 Uni- and multivariate analyses for predictors of surviva
35 Uni- and multivariate analyses for survival and relapse
36 Uni- and multivariate analyses of the relationship betwe
37 Uni- and multivariate analyses of these metabolites show
38 Uni- and multivariate analyses were also performed.
39 Uni- and multivariate analyses were performed to identif
40 Uni- and multivariate analyses were performed to identif
41 Uni- and multivariate analyses were performed to study t
42 Uni- and multivariate analyses were performed.
43 Uni- and multivariate analyses were used to test associa
44 time to LTP with the competing-risks model (
uni- and multivariate analyses).
45 In both
uni- and multivariate analyses, HBV DNA viral load (log1
46 sociated with dysfunction were analyzed with
uni- and multivariate analyses.
47 re risk factors for overall mortality in the
uni- and multivariate analyses.
48 cal and pathologic data were evaluated using
uni- and multivariate analyses.
49 , nuclear grade, and necrosis were tested in
uni- and multivariate analysis for association with risk
50 Uni- and multivariate analysis was performed to identify
51 In addition, in
uni- and multivariate analysis, SPECT-based calculation
52 associated with a better overall survival at
uni- and multivariate analysis.
53 Uni- and multivariate Cox models were used to determine
54 Uni- and multivariate Cox proportional hazard ratio mode
55 Hazard ratios were calculated with
uni- and multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression
56 ree and overall survival was evaluated using
uni- and multivariate Cox regression and Kaplan-Meier su
57 Uni- and multivariate data analysis approaches were inde
58 bility distributions, featuring more than 80
uni- and multivariate distributions with their defining
59 lated with histopathologic findings by using
uni- and multivariate linear regressions.
60 Uni- and multivariate logistic regression analyses were
61 After
uni- and multivariate logistic regression analyses, surg
62 Uni- and multivariate logistic regression were performed
63 Uni- and multivariate logistic regressions were used to
64 erative, and morbidity data were assessed in
uni- and multivariate models.
65 determine patterns of covariation from both
uni- and multivariate phenotypic characteristics in plan
66 by UPLC-Q-TOF mass spectrometry, followed by
uni- and multivariate statistical analyses, identified a
67 ntain the validity of conclusions drawn from
uni- and multivariate statistical analyses.
68 t response and recurrence were analyzed with
uni- and multivariate statistics, as well as internal va
69 patients and comparison subjects using both
uni- and multivariate statistics.
70 Uni- and multivariate survival analyses were performed u
71 fundamental developmental plasticity between
uni- and pluripotency.
72 Germ cells toggle between
uni- and pluripotent states as they exhibit their own 'l
73 tion of their mechanical behavior at multi-,
and subcellular scales.
74 We investigate
bi- and multivariate properties of sensor time ser
75 ysiological behavior in schizophrenia across
bi- and multivariate scales and lay the groundwork
76 Uni-,
bi-, and multiphasic injection schemes were tested
77 rn of skeletal FDG uptake was categorized as
bi-, or multifocal (>/= three lesions).
78 duced conversion tracts biased either mostly
uni- or bidirectional depending on the relative stranded
79 configuration, a variety coupling schemes, (
uni- or bidirectional positive or negative) were identif
80 ary transcripts (eRNAs) that are transcribed
uni- or bidirectionally from estrogen receptor binding s
81 Schizencephaly can be
uni- or bilateral and is divided into two morphological
82 Thirty consecutive patients with
uni- or bilateral lymphedema and lymph vessel transplant
83 erm novel sound stimuli together with either
uni- or bilateral tympanotomy so as to differentiate nov
84 was considered positive for BMI in cases of
uni- or multifocal bone marrow (18)F-FDG uptake that cou
85 stribution to assess the range and modality (
uni- or multimodal) of PMCA Vmax variation and the likel
86 c regression analysis revealed that the only
uni- or multivariate predictor of legal intoxication was
87 ons were associated with a poorer outcome by
uni- (
p = 0.001) and multivariate analysis (p < 0.016).
88 Uni- und multivariate survival analysis showed that Klat