


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  composing the dyad symmetry seem relatively unimportant.
2 owever, the exact structure of the bubble is unimportant.
3 olism has not been defined but appears to be unimportant.
4 s proof that this class of genetic effect is unimportant.
5 About 40 residues at the C-terminus are also unimportant.
6 en the branch point and 3'-splice site AG is unimportant.
7 s methyl and methoxy groups) was found to be unimportant.
8 MT, but the base composition of the stem was unimportant.
9 ng in individual granule cells is relatively unimportant.
10 terol were small and judged to be clinically unimportant.
11                            Fruit size seemed unimportant.
12 ptide or the calcium binding loop by Ctrc is unimportant.
13  interaction, while one site was found to be unimportant.
14 g mechanisms, but were later concluded to be unimportant.
15 ered ring, whereas steric effects seem to be unimportant.
16 he sequence of which is generally considered unimportant.
17 ility and expression of type 1 fimbriae were unimportant.
18  amino acid at the N-terminus was relatively unimportant.
19  401 to 450, 550 to 707, and 751 to 800 were unimportant.
20 pe (wt) growth, and only aa 507 to 727 to be unimportant.
21 by the deletion is likely to be functionally unimportant.
22 in contexts where an adjustable frequency is unimportant.
23 ot be rigorously concluded that tunneling is unimportant.
24 soforms expressed in an individual neuron is unimportant.
25 ant, whereas therapeutic characteristics are unimportant.
26 t surface spalling due to bubble collapse is unimportant.
27 as either clinically important or clinically unimportant.
28 ts indicate that the second mechanism may be unimportant.
29 ng the true and important from the untrue or unimportant.
30 ut the observed difference may be clinically unimportant.
31 ther buried in EL4 structure or functionally unimportant.
32 8 and Cys79 is structurally and functionally unimportant.
33 r dye concentration, whereas dye affinity is unimportant.
34  between the ions and the graphite sheets is unimportant.
35 mics when quantum effects are expected to be unimportant; (3) obtain the correct classical dynamics p
36 he view that antibody-mediated protection is unimportant against intracellular pathogens is not suppo
37 ral complications were limited to clinically unimportant air embolus (n = 2).
38  wild-type EBNA3A, amino acids 1 to 124 were unimportant, amino acids 1 to 277 were insufficient, and
39 onships, and also for discriminating between unimportant and disease mutants.
40 tem of the substituted benzene is relatively unimportant and substituent effects arise from direct th
41 ure, the subunit substituents are relatively unimportant and that it is the unique sandwiched arrange
42 ntropy maximization assumption is relatively unimportant and that the high accuracy is due largely to
43 ngth solutions showed that electrostatics is unimportant and that the interactions are dominated by t
44  not being informed, considering vaccination unimportant, and long distances to vaccination sites.
45           Epistasis appears to be relatively unimportant as a source of variation.
46 (-1) at 298 K) that reaction with O((1)D) is unimportant as an atmospheric removal mechanism for SF(5
47   However, the exact peptide sequence may be unimportant as individual alanine mutations or simultane
48 ematic ESSs, where the precise appearance is unimportant as long as it is highly visible and shared b
49 acterial sulfate reduction was geochemically unimportant at this time.
50  However, GPI hydrolysis has been considered unimportant because (i) GPI-PLC null mutants are fully v
51 ic protein-protein interactions are probably unimportant because bovine serum albumin and the physiol
52                      For Sec-TRs the ring is unimportant because the lower pK(a) of the selenol relat
53 s neurodevelopment is sometimes dismissed as unimportant because the magnitude of the impairments are
54                Early pattern vision appeared unimportant because these cortical maps developed identi
55 ry, whereas richness changes were relatively unimportant because they primarily involved rare species
56 e preference of a thymidine stretch appeared unimportant, because with yeast ARS1 derived sequences,
57 s occurred not because membrane proteins are unimportant but rather because they present many theoret
58                           M247 appears to be unimportant, but 2-aminopurine fluorescence measurements
59 sequence of these RNA extensions was largely unimportant, but a strong secondary structure within the
60 atures >400 K, where tunneling is relatively unimportant, but also around 170 K, where tunneling by b
61 ra, such as the leaf economics spectrum, are unimportant, but that many important axes of variation w
62 tion, storage, and handling were regarded as unimportant, but this work provides valuable information
63  an antibody directed against a functionally unimportant component of a chimeric receptor protein.
64  lineS group to give a thiol is a relatively unimportant component.
65 bromophenoxys/bromobenzenes were found to be unimportant corridors for the formation of PBDD/Fs.
66  difference in interpretation; 2, clinically unimportant difference in detection; 3, clinically unimp
67 rtant difference in detection; 3, clinically unimportant difference in interpretation; 4, clinically
68 were similar with statistical but clinically unimportant differences in median age, weight, and prepr
69 nals from DAN to VAN suppress and filter out unimportant distracter information, whereas signals from
70 e humidity and reactive VOC were found to be unimportant factors in the instrument's performance.
71 r the 43 patients with unimportant or likely unimportant findings, the false detection rates were 15%
72  but nonessential (fingers 1, 2, 3, and 11); unimportant (fingers 5 and 12); and inhibitory (finger 4
73 ting that the protonation state of Tyr 55 is unimportant for 9,10-PQ turnover.
74 and the alpha1 helix are shown to be largely unimportant for alpha1 helix function.
75 ng potential of the 2'-OH at position U73 is unimportant for aminoacylation.
76                     By contrast, Lys(865) is unimportant for aminophospholipid sensitivity.
77                                      PAR was unimportant for DNA binding when a third finger was adde
78                    Although activity appears unimportant for establishing many aspects of the gross m
79            Stochastic effects are considered unimportant for evolutionary dynamics in HIV-infected pe
80 uence of the nucleotides within the loop was unimportant for function.
81 steine 164 and cysteine 189 are functionally unimportant for heparinase II.
82 enge the paradigm that humoral responses are unimportant for immunity to such organisms.
83    The fast phase desorption process becomes unimportant for lipophilic compounds.
84                            First, PKMzeta is unimportant for LTP or memory.
85 ined evolutionarily, and thus are relatively unimportant for myosin function.
86  Beside confirming that magnetic cues appear unimportant for oceanic navigation by seabirds, our resu
87                 Although this interaction is unimportant for overall protein stability, it is essenti
88      Increased C/EBPbeta concentrations were unimportant for p40 induction, however, as transcription
89  acids of st, which have been reported to be unimportant for PP2A binding in vitro.
90  the alpha E-beta D surface loop sequence is unimportant for protein folding or stability and can be
91 he cytoplasmic domain of RIDalpha is largely unimportant for receptor internalization and degradation
92 roadly similar, suggesting that diversity is unimportant for reef development.
93 w that the presence of the cro gene might be unimportant for the lysogenic to lytic switch during ind
94 mammalian cells suggested that this motor is unimportant for the maintenance of spindle bipolarity.
95             Aircraft have been comparatively unimportant for the transport of mosquito invaders.
96 ies implies that host factors are relatively unimportant for their transposition.
97              We conclude phonon coherence is unimportant for thermal transport in silicon nanomeshes
98 HLH partners of SCL (E12/E47), while others, unimportant for this property, are still crucial for the
99 u-74, Glu-101, and Glu-332, were found to be unimportant for transport activity.
100 egions of a molecule that are important (and unimportant) for biological activity against even unknow
101  size of the polyamine bridge was relatively unimportant, for catalysis, while replacement of the amm
102                 While HefF and HefI appeared unimportant, HefC was shown to play a critical role in t
103  also find that clay minerals are relatively unimportant ice nuclei.
104  important in animals with NK-like cells and unimportant in animals without NK cells, suggesting that
105 in D(2)O-H(2)O demonstrated that (1)O(2) was unimportant in freshwater, but accounted for 42% of NOM-
106 epetitive elements that have been considered unimportant in polymerase I transcriptional activation.
107 product rule are sufficiently small as to be unimportant in practical work.
108 s challenge current views that punishment is unimportant in small-scale societies and that human coop
109              The serine phosphorylations are unimportant in the C-terminal domain context even though
110   Hybrid sterility and inviability have been unimportant in the early stages of speciation of these t
111 herogenesis in Apobec-1/LDLR DKOs but appear unimportant in the maintenance of established disease.
112  that binding of specific peptides to B27 is unimportant in the pathogenesis of B27-associated diseas
113 evidence that electrostatic stabilization is unimportant in these anions.
114  and (2) control of one's own ventilation is unimportant in these circumstances.
115                   The terminal pathway seems unimportant in this regard.
116 at the older visual system is less stable to unimportant information than the younger visual system.
117  ape voiceless calls are explicitly rendered unimportant, leaving the proposed model deprived of beha
118 t histopathologic examination, 80 clinically unimportant lesions (<5 mm; Gleason score, 3+3) were exc
119 tors, benign colonic findings, or clinically unimportant lesions (diminutive adenomas, hyperplastic p
120                    A significant, clinically unimportant longer length of stay was found for high ine
121 tification, through screening, of clinically unimportant lung cancer lesions-may occur when screening
122 schizophrenia often have difficulty ignoring unimportant noises in the environment.
123 signal-to-noise ratio and thereby filter out unimportant or amplify important information.
124 ation and underestimation are expected to be unimportant or balanced.
125 ile decreases may imply that a region became unimportant or developed a more efficient representation
126 ms or processing in the system by preventing unimportant or irrelevant information from being learned
127                     For the 43 patients with unimportant or likely unimportant findings, the false de
128 n view of hybridization as an evolutionarily unimportant process.
129 ntities of individual bases in the stem were unimportant provided base pairing was intact.
130 ic states; the motional state of the ions is unimportant provided that they remain in the regime in w
131 the primary RNA sequence in the stem-loop is unimportant, provided that the overall structure is main
132  the ocean, have until recently been thought unimportant regarding particle transport.
133  two late-onset patients affect functionally unimportant regions of cystinosin, which accounts for th
134 us, although only 12% thought prevention was unimportant relative to treatment.
135                         Despite the apparent unimportant role of RalB in tumorigenic growth, it was n
136                Here we show that if haste is unimportant, sending messages inscribed on some material
137 of the two elements within the transgene was unimportant, since chromosomal insulation was equally ap
138 sidue in order to distinguish important from unimportant sites.
139 al state, possibly promoting deactivation to unimportant sounds, and may be cholinergic in nature.
140  many investigators that such reciprocity is unimportant, stimulating consideration of alternative ex
141  then we are not finding enough; if they are unimportant, then we are finding too many that we may fe
142 uence was examined in detail and found to be unimportant to helper functions.
143         When UV light is not available or is unimportant to organisms, the SWS1 gene can become nonfu
144 s governing sustained reentry are relatively unimportant to the dynamics of VF.
145 far as to suggest that the cation(s) becomes unimportant to the function as the lipids are removed.
146 DRG cells require NT-3 activation of TrkA is unimportant to these early NT-3 survival-promoting actio
147 L indicate that cis-regulation is relatively unimportant versus trans-regulation.
148  P. acnes isolates believed to be clinically unimportant were recovered after 13 days of incubation.
149 plate base at position -11 became relatively unimportant when the duplex in the vicinity of this posi
150  that CD28/B7 interactions appear relatively unimportant, whereas CD40/CD40L interactions provide cri
151 y sequence of the loop of LPL are relatively unimportant (wild-type LPL loop and pancreatic lipase lo
152 s, it is useful to be able to filter out the unimportant works so that the significant ones can be id

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