


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  into fetal and neonatal mice, using control uninjected age-matched mice.
2 exhibited dysfunction similar to hearts from uninjected animals (P = NS, each time point).
3 ent in cone ERG amplitudes in treated versus uninjected animals.
4 blastomere at mitotic metaphase, whereas the uninjected blastomere progressed through mid- to late cl
5                                       First, uninjected blastomeres in whole-mounts reflect and scatt
6 owth in descendants of both the injected and uninjected blastomeres.
7 it mitosis after approximately 12 min, while uninjected cells remained in mitosis for at least 6 h, d
8 led to their engraftment in the injected and uninjected contralateral and ipsilateral glands.
9 jected knee joint are able to traffic to the uninjected contralateral knee joint.
10 k edema compared to mock antigen-injected or uninjected control corneas.
11                                           No uninjected control F-IX-deficient mice survived for >7 d
12 until 60 dpi, when they reached 75% of their uninjected control number.
13                                              Uninjected control rats were exposed to light at the sam
14 A groups with respect to their contralateral uninjected control sides.
15 ht eye only, with the left eye serving as an uninjected control.
16 l (median: >164 to >175 days) as compared to uninjected controls (median: 53 days).
17 m peripheral nerve graft twofold relative to uninjected controls and threefold if injections were del
18 d's adjuvant (CFA) into the TMJ or served as uninjected controls and were killed two days after CFA t
19 , stabilized at levels 2-fold higher than in uninjected controls for both P5 and P22 injections, and
20 82.3 +/- 9.3% (P < 0.00001) when compared to uninjected controls.
21 educed the level of muscle degeneration over uninjected controls.
22 s injected with NP and naked DNA compared to uninjected counterparts.
23 tially all injected tumors and a majority of uninjected, distant-site tumors.
24 response thresholds in injected ears than in uninjected ears or ears injected with control complexes
25  The result that T cells are observed in the uninjected eye as late as day 63 p.i. suggests that T ce
26                              However, in the uninjected eyes of KOSTNF-infected mice, TNF-alpha expre
27                                          The uninjected eyes were removed.
28                                  Some of the uninjected eyes were sectioned and stained for CD4+ and
29 n these mice, and the titers of virus in the uninjected eyes were significantly increased in KOSTNF-i
30 es of infiltrating inflammatory cells in the uninjected eyes.
31 yes injected with AAV-CBA-PEDF compared with uninjected eyes.
32 with levels in retinas isolated from normal, uninjected eyes.
33  with AAV-FGF-2 were increased compared with uninjected eyes; however, these amplitudes were not sign
34  injected into the contralateral, previously uninjected, eyes of 11 children and adults (aged 11-46 y
35  Pre-injection IOP was analyzed in study and uninjected fellow eyes from baseline to week 96.
36                                           In uninjected fellow eyes, only sustained IOP >21 mmHg even
37 ompared with the respective pressures of the uninjected fellow eyes.
38                         A second group of 10 uninjected female Lewis rats served as naive controls.
39 antly greater increase in temperature on the uninjected foot was seen during the phentolamine infusio
40                       The temperature of the uninjected foot was used to monitor the degree of alpha-
41             Both control (water-injected and uninjected) groups exposed to constant light maintained
42 inferior olive, and thalamus relative to the uninjected hemisphere.
43 typical neuroendocrine axis in the conscious uninjected horse, sheep, and human (i) illustrates proba
44 axis when transplanted to the animal pole of uninjected host embryos, indicating that nuclear beta-ca
45                            Control eyes were uninjected, injected with PBS, or AAV-LacZ.
46   MRI of arthritic tibiotarsal joints of the uninjected left hindpaws from AIA rats demonstrated 2 di
47 e rate, with durability in both injected and uninjected lesions including visceral sites, together wi
48 leens, as compared with isotype controls and uninjected mice (12% of CD4).
49 ualize the paravascular space (PVS) in naive uninjected mice, we show that a single wave of cortical
50  equal to or marginally greater than that in uninjected mice.
51 was significantly decreased when compared to uninjected neurons.
52 Ca(2+) channel facilitation when compared to uninjected neurons.
53 acilitation significantly when compared with uninjected neurons.
54                                              Uninjected normal mice served as negative controls, and
55  a 27% increase in strength as compared with uninjected old muscles.
56 the membrane currents to a similar extent in uninjected oocytes and in oocytes expressing AQP4, indic
57                  Crystals were not formed in uninjected oocytes, but were formed in oocytes expressin
58 Proton-activated current was not observed in uninjected oocytes.
59 essing SLC5A8 was severalfold higher than in uninjected oocytes.
60 led to some stimulation of glucose uptake in uninjected oocytes.
61  by extreme hyperpolarization (> -150 mV) of uninjected oocytes.
62 ytes compared with native (water-injected or uninjected) oocytes (-1.0 +/- 0.2 nA); the Na+-dependent
63 11b(+) peritoneal cells compared with 18% in uninjected or dextran-injected mice.
64  oocytes injected with TrkA cRNA, but not in uninjected or mock injected oocytes.
65 injected with TrkA receptor cRNA, but not in uninjected or mock-injected oocytes.
66 ultaneous elimination of the tumor at second uninjected sites.
67 zing dose of 2, 4-dinitro-1-fluorobenzene on uninjected skin.
68                                 Although the uninjected testis contains no detectable bacteria, it un
69 ses were observed among injected compared to uninjected Tmc1(Bth/+) mice.
70 were not found in either vehicle-injected or uninjected transgenic mice or in any nontransgenic mice.
71  human prostatic tumor and also of a distant uninjected tumor, without associated toxicity to the mic
72 o significant inhibition of growth of other, uninjected tumors in the same animal.
73 depleted vegetal masses by induction from an uninjected vegetal mass.
74 ty and suppressed both injected and distant, uninjected wild-type B16.F10 melanomas.
75  and studied in comparison with injected and uninjected WT zebrafish and heterozygotes.

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