コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 not fully rate limiting (KIEs approximately unity).
2 bserved with native AADH (KIEs approximately unity).
3 fluorescence (i.e., quantum yields approach unity).
4 rate determining, displays a solvent KIE of unity.
5 n molecular diodes with values of R close to unity.
6 on relative to the expected Poisson slope of unity.
7 nsistent with a Ge-P bond order greater than unity.
8 ocess, resulting in a fuel gain greater than unity.
9 ic reductions, which may disrupt the biofilm unity.
10 omycin catalytically with a stoichiometry of unity.
11 il-water partitioning coefficient well below unity.
12 izers, and exhibit quantum efficiencies near unity.
13 o-backward nonlinear emission ratio close to unity.
14 rating cAMP, the open probability approaches unity.
15 ma and squamous cell carcinoma remained near unity.
16 probability of the channel must be close to unity.
17 cy in RDBPC trials; the rate ratio was below unity.
18 the triphenyl amine to be tuned from zero to unity.
19 maximum repair efficiency which is close to unity.
20 a power law in time with exponent less than unity.
21 that the ratio of these two terms approached unity.
22 of lower energy for quantum yields exceeding unity.
23 ond within the RepD active site, is close to unity.
24 (2) evolution in 1.0 M HClO(4)(aq) of nearly unity.
25 ost by supernova-driven outflows is close to unity.
26 minant eigenvalue of G0) must be larger than unity.
27 mula: see text] and branching parameter near unity.
28 the 515 nm region with a quantum yield near unity.
29 ond order is generally less than or equal to unity.
30 iometry of lactate and H+ production is near unity.
31 ge chemical reaction with a probability near unity.
32 d the maximum Reynolds number is larger than unity.
33 sidues with experimentally determined psi of unity.
34 ual preferences with a desire for collective unity.
35 nd-dimension peak capacity is much less than unity.
36 ratio of inhibitor to enzyme complex reaches unity.
37 he enzymes supporting a pathway could exceed unity.
38 wo power laws separated by f/f(eq), which is unity.
39 u as the [product]/[enzyme] ratio approaches unity.
40 ng probability of Ca on MgO(100) at 300 K is unity.
41 dded within the E ring approximate or exceed unity.
42 d independently with a Hill coefficient near unity.
43 th cleft palate) or to exceed (cleft palate) unity.
44 th the DeltaAG/DeltaHCO(3)(-) ratio close to unity.
45 d into atomic motion with a probability near unity.
46 , with an apparent equilibrium constant near unity.
47 , 0.98; 95% CI, 0.95-1.01) also approximated unity.
48 d of nanocrystals, both dots and flowers, to unity.
49 ng of the voltage step with a probability of unity.
50 zed by Schild slopes significantly less than unity.
51 0 M(-1) cm(-1)), and quantum yields of up to unity.
52 uantities of material if E/Z ratios are near unity.
53 ls and at surfactant-to-oil ratios exceeding unity.
54 ult that the coefficients are not bounded by unity.
55 tosonic Mach (hereafter Mach) number exceeds unity.
56 ch occurs with a quantum efficiency close to unity.
57 ive spin-orbit relaxation parameter of order unity.
58 that would result from maintaining dx:dy at unity.
59 OO with HO2 to that with NO of approximately unity.
60 are the same; i.e., the Prandtl number Pr is unity.
61 red with partner controls, ORs attenuated to unity.
62 s with trait means ranging from zero to near unity.
63 LH2s showed funneling efficiencies close to unity.
64 e (continuous or noncontinuous) was close to unity.
65 ding and final drug to polymer ratios around unity.
66 UCC-normalized amount of Cs was greater than unity.
67 th a modeled gate coupling parameter, xi, of unity.
68 nd referrals from other hospitals and health unities.
70 and uniform activity rod phantoms were near unity (0.97 +/- 0.06 and 1.03 +/- 0.03, respectively).
71 igh for blood (12.2) and lungs (2.7), almost unity (0.99) for bone marrow, and slightly lower for kid
75 y kinetic isotope effect to a value close to unity, 1.05 +/- 0.08, whereas the equilibrium isotope ef
76 and reverse commitments for each step i plus unity, 1/(C(fi)+C(ri)+1), equivalent to the sensitivity
77 gle-group, uncontrolled international study (UNITY-1) conducted at 66 sites in the United States, Can
78 OP setup is demonstrated here to obtain near-unity (129)Xe polarization values in a 0.5 L optical pum
80 by a branching parameter oscillating around unity, a critical exponent close to -3/2 and a long tail
82 ts and simulations, we demonstrate that near-unity absorption at one or more target wavelengths of in
85 cation implies that the reduction of R below unity alone is not enough to eradicate malaria, except w
86 in contrast to slopes with values less than unity (alpha approximately 0.6) for normal synovial flui
88 d a normal Schild plot with a slope close to unity and a Kb similar to its Ki value in binding, osane
90 uminescence quantum yields much greater than unity and can be understood in terms of increased radiat
95 h a Kd of about 5 muM and a stoichiometry of unity and that binding is driven by solvation entropy an
96 ion rate times a prefactor that is less than unity and that depends on the concentrations of basic ga
97 cients of the constituent steps are equal to unity and the most abundant adsorbed species are in quas
98 ich generate antifogging efficiency close to unity and water departure of droplets smaller than 2 mum
99 osters mutual trust, support and a 'sense of unity', and this should be encouraged in a targeted fash
100 e areas constitute anatomical and functional unities, and how these areas correspond between monkeys
101 ere the (129)Xe hyperpolarization approaches unity, and (iii) "cool"-where hyperpolarized (129)Xe gas
102 ature, a cation transference number close to unity, and an electrochemical stability window up to 5 V
103 , external quantum efficiencies greater than unity, and current densities double those for silicon fi
104 (0.5 glucose) values, Hill coefficients near unity, and enhanced equilibrium binding affinities for g
107 7 and 1.03 eV, low ideality factors close to unity, and state-of-the-art dark current densities for G
108 fractional inhibitory concentration index of unity, and the extent and mechanism of leakage is measur
109 om red meat, and heme iron were all close to unity, and there were no increasing trends with increasi
110 ic Arrhenius prefactor ratios (A(H)/A(D)) of unity are generally ascribed to a semiclassical mechanis
112 why these large efficiencies (often close to unity) are achieved across this entire class of triads w
114 niversal common ancestor, and the biological unities, as well as the rules of taxonomic nomenclature.
115 er than unity at 37 degrees C and well above unity at 25 degrees C, suggesting different temperature
116 on order in [H2O2] was somewhat greater than unity at 37 degrees C and well above unity at 25 degrees
119 ent kinetic deuterium isotope effect is also unity at low AcCoA, but is 1.7 at high AcCoA, consistent
120 ope effect for hydride transfer was close to unity at physiological temperatures but increased with d
122 n measured with a dust-to-gas ratio of about unity, at which the effect of hydrodynamics on the struc
124 nomics revolution has revealed an underlying unity between the cells and tissues of eukaryotic organi
125 final imaging session, with a slope close to unity but a significantly negative intercept (relative a
126 tantially limited by diffusion (eta close to unity), but many are on the brink of rather substantial
127 gen exchange protection factors are close to unity, but with slightly elevated values in the beta1-be
128 f steps with stoichiometric numbers equal to unity by calculating the maximum rates of the constituen
129 ndex, which usually has a value greater than unity, can have a value less than unity in an artificial
130 n volume deviated from the expected value of unity, causing discrepancy between k3 maps and total (18
133 s: when this dimensionless ratio falls below unity, conductivity is suppressed by Anderson localizati
134 Polymer-polymer partition coefficients near unity confirmed identical absorption capacities of sever
135 Solvent isotope effects on V and V/K were unity, consistent with a catalytic cycle in which chemis
137 le deviation of relationship line slope from unity could be used as additional evaluation parameter.
138 nerates a higher transconductance (g m ) and unity current gain cut-off frequency (f T ) than GFETs.
139 lar distance but with an aspect ratio around unity (cylinders and diamonds).This increase in performa
140 optical-gain media are complicated by a non-unity degeneracy of band-edge states, because of which m
141 alyses produced a trend line with a slope of unity demonstrating that methods produced statistically
143 These results are explained in terms of the unity effect; that is, the Colavita visual dominance eff
148 (obs)/k(D(2)O)(obs) = 0.54), the larger than unity equilibrium isotope effect (K(H(2)O)/K(D(2)O) = 2.
150 Keldysh parameter could be much smaller than unity even at relatively modest laser intensities, enabl
153 monstrated outstanding durability and nearly unity Faradaic efficiencies for both H2 and FDCA product
158 system, single atoms are detected with near-unity fidelity on individual sites of a Hubbard-regime o
159 oatom and the 2,7-substituents, and approach unity for a number of the di(phenylethynyl) derivatives.
160 arity of the REFER plots and Phi values near unity for all ligands tested implies that CFTR channel g
165 cancer (HR, 1.02, 1.06, and 1.05) but nearer unity for cardiovascular deaths (1.00, 1.00, and 1.04).
168 uce 2 simple criteria that must be less than unity for saturation of both tumors and micrometastases.
169 tion with time lag had slopes with values of unity for simple HA solutions and for synovial fluid fro
170 fer to a solvated molecule does not approach unity for small droplets and depends on the identity of
173 sotope effects on V and V/K(MgHIc) were near unity for the K206M mutant enzyme but approximately 2.2
177 eported (13)C polarization level approaching unity (>15.6%), long lifetime of (13)C hyperpolarized 1-
179 al information for an (*)OH yield much below unity has been obtained by a product analysis of the rea
181 rospray ions with charge states z reduced to unity have shown a singular ability to analyze large pro
182 sex ratio did not differ significantly from unity (i.e., 50% female) among (i) Storm Petrel chicks a
184 a Peclet number is found to be far less than unity, implying that the aforementioned enhancement and
186 of work better illustrates the principle of "unity in diversity" that marks comparative physiology.
190 cle phase were often close to or higher than unity in summer, indicating that these polar species are
192 This trend for odds ratios to be closer to unity in the delirium and dementia group was observed fo
193 ments reveal a spin-state purity approaching unity in the excited state, highlighting the potential o
195 hermodynamic equilibrium constant (Keq) near unity in the temperature range between 20 and 30 degrees
196 s with a low toroidal mode number (typically unity) in the pedestal ingrained with quasi-stable edge-
197 the triplet yield increases 60-fold to near unity, independent of the site of sulfur atom substituti
202 strength NIR absorptivity up to 850 nm, near-unity intersystem crossing (ISC) quantum yields (PhiISC)
204 local reproduction numbers R0 be larger than unity is neither necessary nor sufficient for outbreaks
205 membrane, a partition coefficient of nearly unity is obtained between the membrane and solution conc
208 tation in a population will eventually reach unity, is a fundamental quantity in evolutionary genetic
211 increases, the reactivity ratios depart from unity, leading to an increase in gradient tendency.
216 ow activation barrier and the deviation from unity of the ratio of the pre-exponential factors (AH/AD
218 e achievement of fusion fuel gains exceeding unity on the US National Ignition Facility using a 'high
220 ly tunable delay of 50 nanoseconds with near-unity optical transparency, and superluminal light with
222 osters mutual trust, support and a 'sense of unity' (organizational social capital) can reduce an emp
223 ow that the transfer efficiency remains near unity over a distance variation of approximately one met
224 in arid environments may reduce dx:dy below unity owing to climate-specific functional adaptations o
225 rease in RBC folate were significantly below unity (P <or= 0.008), which indicated that the relative
228 photoluminescence quantum yields approaching unity (PhiPL = 0.90-0.97 vs. 0-0.83 for Au3 and Cu3 prec
230 ll in self-persistence in each path, exceeds unity plus extra terms, which only appear if there are f
232 icantly the high output resistance makes the unity power gain cut-off frequency (f max ) of GKTFETs c
233 s for the majority of elements were close to unity providing evidence that indoor metal-bearing PM2.5
234 cular wire due to high yield synthesis, near-unity purification, and nanoscale self-organization.
235 on, the copper doping into CQWs enables near-unity quantum efficiencies (up to approximately 97%), ac
237 ing photoenergy to chemical energy with near unity quantum efficiency and under high light intensitie
238 t photoactivated charge separation with near unity quantum efficiency is not fundamentally understood
243 p-blue fluorescent emission at 470 nm with a unity quantum yield (99.9 +/- 0.5%) under Ar, representi
246 tem for unprecedentedly efficient (with near-unity quantum yield) light-driven reduction of methylvio
248 igands for CdSe core nanocrystals to achieve unity radiative decay of excitons in single channel in c
252 eversible, with an internal equilibrium near unity, such that the amount of product observed is less
255 sludges showed enrichment factors (EFs) near unity, suggesting dust or soils as likely dominant sourc
256 resulting from this QC pipeline converged on unity, suggesting no global frequency difference in rDEL
257 tion number (R0) for malaria is greater than unity, the disease will persist; otherwise, the disease
258 otypic and genetic correlations are far from unity, the genetics of schizophrenia are clearly not mer
259 The strength of the undulator can reach unity, the period can be less than a millimeter, and the
262 mean ratio in selected patients is close to unity, this ratio also has a wide range, making its use
265 s and introduce a software package called mz.unity to detect these relationships in accurate mass dat
267 tion ratio of a molecular diode (from nearly unity to ~1.0 x 10(2)) by minimizing the leakage current
268 round state and low triplet yields, the near-unity triplet yields in the thiothymine series account f
269 te among bio-organic molecules and have near-unity triplet yields, whereas the triplet yields of cano
270 ral elements that lead to ultrafast and near-unity triplet-state population in thiobases in general.
272 metry for bromocriptine was determined to be unity using isothermal titration calorimetry and equilib
273 d n-nitrosopiperazine (MNPZ) yields close to unity, validating the slow nitrosation rates hypothesize
274 oA (AcCoA-d(3)) in the presence of Mg(2+) is unity (value 1.0) at low concentrations of AcCoA, wherea
275 e inclusion of the restricted set of zero or unity values, but not fractional ones, provided useful c
276 a complementary inverter with a larger-than-unity voltage gain by vertically stacking graphene, Bi(2
277 oichiometry of proton translocation close to unity was observed using the oxygen pulse method, but so
279 force collector efficiencies to remain below unity, we herein develop a different saturation factor b
280 MS materials, whereas larger deviations from unity were indicated within the group of silicones and b
281 results confirmed that the BSR was close to unity when the conventional method was used (little or n
282 ed scatterers can be significantly less than unity when the electron wavelength is smaller than the s
284 room temperature vary between near zero and unity, whereas all emit with high efficiency at low temp
285 54]+/[M + 54 - 32]+ (loss of methanol) near unity, which distinguishes them from homoallylic FAME ha
286 in protein unfolding is predicted to exceed unity, which explains the maximum in thermal stability o
287 y 70%) to within measurement error (2-3%) of unity, while simultaneously maintaining the shape, size,
288 ectively, and >15% of disulfide lowered R to unity, while the yield in nonshorting junctions remained
289 the D2(O)kred values were not different from unity with choline or 1,2-[2H4]-choline, while the Dkcat
292 redicted to be at an e(g) occupancy close to unity, with high covalency of transition metal-oxygen bo
295 lly impacted soil, all BAF values were above unity, with the highest being for perfluorohexanesulfona
296 ompound and the tetramethyl variant are near unity, with values of 95 and 92%, respectively, in CH2Cl
297 pH 7.0 and 8.3 at 25.0 +/- 0.1 degrees C is unity within experimental error in all three cases, indi
298 ate the oxidized dye molecules with close to unity yield at driving force potentials as low as 0.1 V.
299 ons and all excitons can be dissociated with unity yield by electron transfer to adsorbed methylviolo
300 esulting nanocrystals stable and with nearly unity yield regardless of their size, shape, and size/sh
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