


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 a HR-HPV-positive test result (P < .0001, by univariate analysis).
2  increased likelihood of functional decline (univariate analysis).
3        Student t and chi tests were used for univariate analysis.
4 pervised learning method and by conventional univariate analysis.
5 performed by using parameters with P < .2 in univariate analysis.
6  were associated with fistula formation in a univariate analysis.
7  results predicted postoperative delirium on univariate analysis.
8 s with ESRD (73.9% versus 71.8%, P<0.001) on univariate analysis.
9 were associated with higher ABSITE scores on univariate analysis.
10 ) were associated with excellent outcomes in univariate analysis.
11 ginal multivariate phenotypic traits for the univariate analysis.
12 nization were significant predictors only by univariate analysis.
13 icantly associated with future events in the univariate analysis.
14  HR of CD49d for OS was 2.5 (2.3 for TFS) in univariate analysis.
15  factors independently associated with CR by univariate analysis.
16  associated with different LSF categories at univariate analysis.
17 sociated with longer hospitalization only on univariate analysis.
18  associated with reduced graft survival in a univariate analysis.
19 score is associated with shorter survival in univariate analysis.
20 roups of patients were compared using paired univariate analysis.
21  0.38; P = .03) were associated with LC1y on univariate analysis.
22  and they predicted survival (P < 0.0001) on univariate analysis.
23 7%), two of which were not identified by our univariate analysis.
24 nt association of any variable with P<0.1 on univariate analysis.
25 ditionally recovers genes not recoverable by univariate analysis.
26 04), PFS (P = 0.004), and EFS (P = 0.002) on univariate analysis.
27  with higher calprotectinemia (p = 0.019) in univariate analysis.
28 P (n = 157), CR linked to several factors in univariate analysis.
29 herapy interventions that was not evident by univariate analysis.
30 different between both outcome groups in the univariate analysis.
31 their impact on biomarkers was identified by univariate analysis.
32 were predictors of successful downstaging on univariate analysis.
33 ssociated with a lower CMV infection rate on univariate analysis.
34 cally significant variables as determined by univariate analysis.
35 eatures predicted unfavourable survival in a univariate analysis.
36  was associated with a low mortality rate on univariate analysis (0.7% vs 1.2%, P = 0.05), a shorter
37 ession model, the 2 covariates identified on univariate analysis (1 geometric and 1 stress) were foun
38 ognostic for median overall survival (OS) in univariate analysis (2.6 vs. 7.2 months (P<0.011) for pa
39 were most strongly predictive of survival on univariate analysis (2.6- and 2.5-fold increase in morta
40 ars did not differ between the groups in the univariate analysis (31.2% [95% CI 26.8-35.5] with intra
41 roved survival to hospital discharge on both univariate analysis (52% vs 33%, p = 0.054) and after co
42    Of 2,781 CF patients, 2,100 were used for univariate analysis, 764 for Kaplan-Meier survival funct
43 ositive or HER2-positive disease, however on univariate analysis a high RUNX1 protein was significant
44 other factors found to be significant in our univariate analysis, absolute PHE volume remained a sign
45                                           In univariate analysis, age >60 years, radiation dose, bila
46                                           On univariate analysis, age (hazard ratio [HR]: 1.05; 95% c
47                                           In univariate analysis, age, Acute Physiology and Chronic H
48                                           On univariate analysis, all 3 inflammatory and tumor marker
49                                           At univariate analysis, an anterior parietal adhesion, a fe
50                                              Univariate analysis and binary logistic regression analy
51                                  Afterwards, univariate analysis and clinical associations were condu
52  differences between groups were assessed by univariate analysis and confirmed using a multivariate m
53                                      We used univariate analysis and Cox proportional hazards models
54 ultivariate model, factors with p < 0.200 on univariate analysis and factors derived from the previou
55 observed to expected ratios were analyzed by univariate analysis and joinpoint regression, respective
56                                              Univariate analysis and multivariable Cox proportional h
57                                  We then did univariate analysis and multivariate analysis to investi
58                                              Univariate analysis and multivariate analysis were used
59 s in the occurrence of GDM is tested through univariate analysis and multivariate logistic and multin
60  Outcomes were compared in these cohorts via univariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression
61               PCR approached significance at univariate analysis and was not significant at multivari
62 d complete data on all factors identified in univariate analysis and were included in multivariate an
63 antly associated with both PFS and OS in the univariate analysis and were still statistically signifi
64 endence between the risk factors (P < 0.2 in univariate analysis) and SCH.
65 .0%) were lower in the intervention group on univariate analysis, and acceptance of an AST interventi
66 l (DCGS) rates, between the two groups using univariate analysis, and the impact of DGF and AR on gra
67 portance in projection) and the results of a univariate analysis (ANOVA), allowed the identification
68                                           On univariate analysis, ascites (P = .02), liver disease (P
69                                      Initial univariate analysis assessed potential associations betw
70                                           In univariate analysis, BCOR mutations were associated with
71                                           In univariate analysis, being married (OR = 1.57, 95%CI = 1
72                                           At univariate analysis, BMI (odds ratio, 1.12; 95% confiden
73 the primary outcome variable of mortality by univariate analysis (BNP: chi(2)=40.6; P<0.0001 and sTNF
74                                           On univariate analysis body mass index (r = 0.40, P = .005)
75                              On the basis of univariate analysis, body mass index, liver iron deposit
76                                           By univariate analysis, both PLN and LNR were significantly
77                                           On univariate analysis, bulky disease (>10 cm), extranodal
78 OP requiring treatment after keratoplasty in univariate analysis but not in multivariate analysis.
79  Baseline HOMA-IR was associated with SVR in univariate analysis, but not after adjustment for other
80 ) correlated with better seizure outcomes on univariate analysis, but only epilepsy duration remained
81                                           In univariate analysis, cases and controls were significant
82                                           By univariate analysis, cervical dystonia patients, compare
83                                           On univariate analysis, clearance <1.0 or <1.5 mm, pT stage
84                                           In univariate analysis, clustering was significantly associ
85                                              Univariate analysis compared patient and operative chara
86                                           In univariate analysis, compared to controlled HT, the RH g
87                                           On univariate analysis, compared with standard RT, fewer pa
88 ificant differences within the groups, using univariate analysis, concerning duration of hospitalizat
89                                              Univariate analysis confirmed incomplete adaptive coding
90                                           By univariate analysis, cotrimoxazole and antiretroviral th
91                                           In univariate analysis, death was associated with baseline
92                                              Univariate analysis demonstrated a survival benefit for
93                                              Univariate analysis demonstrated differences in QRS axis
94                                              Univariate analysis demonstrated that age greater than 6
95                                              Univariate analysis demonstrated that children who recei
96                                              Univariate analysis demonstrated that eyes with TTF at p
97                                              Univariate analysis demonstrated that pancreatic stone p
98                            A brain-wide mass univariate analysis demonstrated the significant correla
99 ighty-one HTx recipients were included, with univariate analysis demonstrating peak hazards of mortal
100  rim area loss in black persons found in the univariate analysis did not remain significant when base
101                                 In contrast, univariate analysis did not show changes of activation i
102                                           In univariate analysis donor type (mother) and GVHD prophyl
103                                   Results In univariate analysis, duodenal invasion and/or EPNI on pr
104                                           On univariate analysis elevated serum bilirubin (p = 0.046)
105                                           In univariate analysis, elevated MTV and TLG were significa
106                                           At univariate analysis, exercise ejection fraction, exercis
107                                           In univariate analysis, EZ "normalized" reflectivity was fo
108                                           On univariate analysis, factors significantly affecting sur
109                                           In univariate analysis, FibroScan values were slightly corr
110 can predict poor cancer specific survival on univariate analysis for locally advanced and metastatic
111                                           On univariate analysis for NHL, radiotherapy predicted infe
112 max correlated negatively with survival in a univariate analysis for the whole cohort (hazard ratio [
113 nomic, and clinical factors were analyzed by univariate analysis for their association with 30-day mo
114 ses compared with patients without CP in the univariate analysis for untreated patients (hazard ratio
115                                           At univariate analysis, FTV2 and RCB class had the stronges
116                                           At univariate analysis, FTV2, FTV4, and DeltaFTV4 had signi
117                                           In univariate analysis, FUT2 461 A/A genotype was associate
118                                           In univariate analysis, group 1 isolates were more likely t
119                                           On univariate analysis, habitual fruit intake was lower in
120                                           In univariate analysis, having stage 5 ROP (vs. stage 4 ROP
121 as not significantly associated with tSCC in univariate analysis (hazard ratio = 1.48; 95% CI, .95-2.
122 val in univariable and multivariable models (univariate analysis, hazard ratio [HR] for a one-fold in
123 ith an increased significant LVEF drop risk (univariate analysis: hazard ratio, 4.52; P < .001 and ha
124 owed a 58% reduction in risk of death in Cox univariate analysis (hazards ratio-HR = 0.42 confidence
125 A suite of statistical techniques, including univariate analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis, two-
126                                           On univariate analysis, high TRG and lymph node metastases
127                                         In a univariate analysis, higher age (p = 0.0018), male gende
128                                              Univariate analysis identified 3 statistically significa
129                                              Univariate analysis identified a history of dyslipidaemi
130                                              Univariate analysis identified admission-to-transplantat
131                                              Univariate analysis identified age (odds ratio [OR], 1.0
132                                              Univariate analysis identified as risk factors: electrop
133                                              Univariate analysis identified factors associated with I
134                                              Univariate analysis identified female donor to male reci
135                                              Univariate analysis identified history of eye disease or
136                                              Univariate analysis identified pre-extracorporeal membra
137                                              Univariate analysis identified preoperative factors asso
138 el of drainage amylase is of no use, whereas univariate analysis identified underlying disease, type
139                                           In univariate analysis impaired pulmonary function was sign
140 st and powerful alternatives to the standard univariate analysis in genome-wide association studies.
141  methylation signature predicted survival in univariate analysis in our and The Cancer Genome Atlas (
142                                              Univariate analysis included Kaplan-Meier survival curve
143                                              Univariate analysis including Mann-Whitney U test and Sp
144                                           On univariate analysis increasing age at enrolment, previou
145                                           On univariate analysis, increasing left atrial access time
146                                           On univariate analysis, increasing PP quartile was associat
147                                              Univariate analysis indicated viral load at admission, a
148                                              Univariate analysis indicates that both abiotic and biot
149  associated with different LSF categories at univariate analysis; infiltrative morphologic structure,
150                                           At univariate analysis, %LAA-950insp and %LAA-910exp values
151                                           On univariate analysis, large nerve invasion was associated
152                                           In univariate analysis, late TBN (P = 0.017) and acid inges
153                                           At univariate analysis, leakage was more common in patients
154 r risk of distant metastases at follow-up in univariate analysis (Log-rank P = 0.0084) but not in mul
155 ll survival (OS) by the Kaplan-Meier method, univariate analysis (log-rank test), and multivariate an
156                             Application of a univariate analysis (log-rank) and a multivariate Cox pr
157                                           In univariate analysis, log-creatinine, sex, age, race, and
158                                           In univariate analysis, lower GFR and higher levels of each
159                                           On univariate analysis, lower vitamin D was associated with
160                                           In univariate analysis, male sex, previous endocarditis, in
161                                           In univariate analysis, maternal factors associated with NA
162                                           At univariate analysis, mean pixel intensity with spatial s
163                                           In univariate analysis, means of parameters like total leuc
164                                           On univariate analysis, men with adverse pathology at radic
165 tide polymorphisms (SNPs) individually using univariate analysis methods.
166                                           In univariate analysis, mobile follow-up was equally cost-e
167                                           On univariate analysis, mortality was significantly higher
168                                           On univariate analysis, multiple factors were associated wi
169                                        After univariate analysis, multivariate logistic and linear re
170                                        After univariate analysis, multivariate population-averaged li
171                                           By univariate analysis, neither increasing maximum carbopla
172                                           In univariate analysis, neither the changes in the size nor
173                                       In the univariate analysis, neonates given O-SH-GA in the TV gr
174 associated with noninfectious uveitis in the univariate analysis (odds ratio, 2.53; 95% CI, 1.42-4.51
175 isk (odds ratio) > 1.2 and p </= 0.25 in the univariate analysis of all participants.
176 pared for pure DLB, DLB+AD and pure AD using univariate analysis of covariance and separate logistic
177                                            A univariate analysis of documented infertility, age at me
178                                              Univariate analysis of factors associated with the ICU p
179                                            A univariate analysis of HP prognostic biomarkers revealed
180                                   Unadjusted univariate analysis of morbidity showed no significant d
181                        However, a stratified univariate analysis of MSS for different thickness subgr
182 ping (SPM) is the dominant paradigm for mass-univariate analysis of neuroimaging data.
183                                          The univariate analysis of OCT parameters demonstrated signi
184                                              Univariate analysis of preoperative risk factors and 30-
185                                           In univariate analysis of unpaired images, color images wer
186                                           On univariate analysis, older age, female sex, postgraduate
187                          Flare predictors by univariate analysis on all 3 indices at weeks 24 and 52
188                                           In univariate analysis only the G/G genotypes of rs3024997
189 sfusion was shown to be a risk factor in the univariate analysis only.
190 (HR, 1.53; 95% CI, 1.04-2.24; P = 0.0297) on univariate analysis only.
191  CI, 0.28-0.71; p = 0.0007 and interleukin-6 univariate analysis only: odds ratio, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.36
192    Despite significance of recanalization at univariate analysis, only reperfusion, age, and National
193 en compared with premenopausal status in the univariate analysis (OR = 1.314, P = 0.043), and such re
194  with susceptibility to secondary DHF in the univariate analysis (OR = 1.60, 95% CI, 1.05-2.46), wher
195 ery were significant predictors of events in univariate analysis (P < .001 for all).
196 ectively; this difference was significant by univariate analysis (P < 0.001) but not by multivariate
197 ively, and the difference was significant in univariate analysis (P = .004) and in multivariate analy
198 ted with more perioperative complications on univariate analysis (P = .05), but multivariate regressi
199 or for increased treatment failure in either univariate analysis (P = .15) or multivariate analysis (
200 FR-1 (chi(2)=45.5) were highly predictive in univariate analysis (P<0.0001) and in multivariable anal
201 of systemic disease, was also significant on univariate analysis (P=.05).
202 ociation between FEV(1) and 25-OHD levels in univariate analysis (P=0.018), which remained significan
203 was found to be statistically significant on univariate analysis (P=0.034), with white patients havin
204                                         In a univariate analysis, pancreatic cysts were more prevalen
205                                           In univariate analysis, patients in the high PaO2 group had
206                                           In univariate analysis, patients with reactivation were mor
207                                           At univariate analysis, predictors of shorter LTPFS were tu
208                                           At univariate analysis, predictors of shorter OS were tumor
209                                 According to univariate analysis, predictors of survival in AL amyloi
210                                           On univariate analysis, presentation age, foveal retinoblas
211                                           In univariate analysis, prior suboptimal response or TKI re
212 < .001) and those with BRCA wild-type HGSOC (univariate analysis: reader 1, HR = 2.42, P < .001; read
213                                           On univariate analysis, receipt of HAI-FUDR (floxuridine) w
214                                           On univariate analysis recipient age, sex, model for end st
215                                  However, in univariate analysis, recipients receiving grafts from se
216                                              Univariate analysis revealed a number of features with a
217                                              Univariate analysis revealed age and race as significant
218                                              Univariate analysis revealed shorter hospital stay (11 +
219                                          The univariate analysis revealed significant correlations be
220                                              Univariate analysis revealed that increased VCDR (P = 0.
221                                              Univariate analysis revealed that TLR 2, 3, 4, 7, and 9
222                                              Univariate analysis revealed the following risk factors
223 of intention in both univariate and adjusted univariate analysis (salience/coherence beta = 0.59, 95%
224                                           In univariate analysis, SDMA was significantly associated w
225          In patients with pancreatic cancer, univariate analysis showed a negative impact on one-year
226                                              Univariate analysis showed an increased risk of both car
227                                              Univariate analysis showed diabetes mellitus (P = .00002
228                                              Univariate analysis showed effects of sex (P < 0.001), P
229                                              Univariate analysis showed statistically significant inc
230                                              Univariate analysis showed strong association of absolut
231                                              Univariate analysis showed that [TIMP-2][IGFBP7]>2.0 was
232                                              Univariate analysis showed that localized interictal epi
233                                              Univariate analysis showed that male sex, Caucasian race
234                                              Univariate analysis showed that patients with </= mild p
235                                              Univariate analysis showed that pretreatment body mass i
236                                              Univariate analysis showed that reward associations modu
237                                              Univariate analysis showed that several preoperative fac
238               On the basis of the results of univariate analysis, significant predictors of diverticu
239                                           In univariate analysis, stent age >/=48 months (Odds ratio
240                                              Univariate analysis suggested these children tended to b
241                                           On univariate analysis, the 72% cutoff for DeltaSUV1-3 was
242                                           In univariate analysis, the baseline factors that were sign
243                               In our primary univariate analysis, the continuous recurrence score (me
244                                           In univariate analysis, the difference in the rate of CD4 c
245                                           On univariate analysis, the factors age, WHO grade, O6-meth
246                                           In univariate analysis, the hazard ratio for VT recurrence
247                                      For the univariate analysis, the hazard ratios associated with e
248 s predictors of PFS and OS by using log-rank univariate analysis, the multivariate Cox proportional h
249                                           On univariate analysis, the need for mechanical ventilation
250                                           On univariate analysis, the odds ratio of donor consent in
251                                           On univariate analysis, the parameters associated with HCC
252                                           On univariate analysis, the rate of endophthalmitis was not
253                                           In univariate analysis, the starting dose of capecitabine (
254                                       In the univariate analysis, the sunitinib group had longer over
255                                           On univariate analysis, the use of neoadjuvant systemic che
256                                           In univariate analysis, the use of TBI did not modify OS or
257                                     Based on univariate analysis, there was less primary nonadherence
258                                           On univariate analysis, there was no association between IO
259                                           In univariate analysis, there was no difference in rim area
260                                           On univariate analysis, there were no tumor or dosimetric t
261                                      We used univariate analysis to identify factors associated with
262   PEEP did not have a large enough effect in univariate analysis to warrant inclusion in the multivar
263                                           In univariate analysis, tPA use increased over time, especi
264                                           At univariate analysis, tumor size, minimal margin size, an
265 mine, two methodologies have been developed; univariate analysis using CN emission band and multivari
266 as gene-gene interactions are ignored by the univariate analysis usually applied in these studies.
267 ensitivity troponin-T predicted mortality in univariate analysis (Wald = 8.4; p = 0.004), but not whe
268 tive incidence of grade III-IV acute GVHD on univariate analysis was 8%, 12%, and 17% in the haploide
269                                              Univariate analysis was by Mann Whitney U Test and Multi
270                                 In addition, univariate analysis was conducted to predict reduction o
271  OS, and relapse-free survival (RFS) seen in univariate analysis was even greater in the multivariate
272                                              Univariate analysis was performed between the 2 groups o
273                                              Univariate analysis was performed by using chi(2) tests.
274                                              Univariate analysis was performed to obtain P values des
275                                              Univariate analysis was performed using log-rank time-to
276 significant prognostic factors identified by univariate analysis was performed using step-up and step
277                                              Univariate analysis was performed with chi(2), Fisher ex
278                                              Univariate analysis was undertaken, comparing risk facto
279                                              Univariate analysis was used to compare postoperative mo
280                                              Univariate analysis was used to evaluate influences betw
281                                              Univariate analysis was used to identify covariates for
282 orresponding 1-year rates of chronic GVHD on univariate analysis were 13%, 51%, and 33%, respectively
283 nificant overall survival prognosticators on univariate analysis were albumin, bilirubin, ascites, tu
284                 Significant variables on the univariate analysis were analyzed by multivariate analys
285    Oral factors associated with death in the univariate analysis were decreased frequency of dental v
286 iables reaching the statistical threshold in univariate analysis were entered into a multivariable Co
287 iables with a significant association in the univariate analysis were entered into a multivariate log
288                      The SNPs significant in univariate analysis were further analyzed with multivari
289           Variables found to be important in univariate analysis were multivariate model candidates.
290 tudy, as well as variables identified by our univariate analysis, were used for adjusted analyses to
291 se (regression coefficient: 0.7; P = .04) on univariate analysis, whereas age (<70 years old) was the
292 f values were found for SUVmax or SUVmean at univariate analysis, whereas MTV60 was confirmed as an i
293 es typically employ independent and pairwise univariate analysis, which treats single nucleotide poly
294 icting melanoma specific survival (MSS) in a univariate analysis, which was also consistent with AJCC
295 ge and number of pulses) and more tightly in univariate analysis with both voltage and number of puls
296 uch unplanned pregnancies were associated in univariate analysis with more cognitive delay.
297 ous coronary intervention were associated in univariate analysis with occurrence of heart failure.
298                                              Univariate analysis (with results reported as effect on
299                                           In univariate analysis, younger age was associated with sup
300                                       In the univariate analysis, younger age, higher levels of gamma

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