コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 nteracts with SMCR8 (a protein of previously unknown function).
2 sity, many tectiviral proteins are ORFans of unknown function.
3 ule, and a C-terminal unclassified module of unknown function.
4 eins, among which YDR089W is the only one of unknown function.
5 in fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells with unknown function.
6 d oligodendrocytes express NMDA receptors of unknown function.
7 ncodes at least 44 miRNAs, most of them with unknown function.
8 thyl uridine; and RSAD1 and viperin, both of unknown function.
9 inases, protein phosphatases and proteins of unknown function.
10 ch encodes a PLP-binding protein of hitherto unknown function.
11 nthocytes deficient in chorein, a protein of unknown function.
12 tions among 24 proteins, of which 12 have an unknown function.
13 , an overlapping open reading frame (ORF) of unknown function.
14 ed in neurodevelopmental disorders or are of unknown function.
15 work for characterizing bacterial systems of unknown function.
16 utrients and secreting conserved proteins of unknown function.
17 es XPD, XPB or TTDA, and in TTDN1, a gene of unknown function.
18 fant hospitalization, encodes a viroporin of unknown function.
19 d orphan genes, and the vast majority are of unknown function.
20 a C-terminal PX-associated B (PXB) domain of unknown function.
21 on FAU, a poorly characterized protein with unknown function.
22 prising 37 annotated Arabidopsis proteins of unknown function.
23 , an ATPase-domain protein, and a protein of unknown function.
24 , which encodes a conserved division gene of unknown function.
25 bindin is a novel retina-specific protein of unknown function.
26 irion set; the fifth subunit is a protein of unknown function.
27 esided in Samd14, which encodes a protein of unknown function.
28 ipts have been identified, the majority with unknown function.
29 Pet10p is a yeast lipid droplet protein of unknown function.
30 imately 80-residue-long surface extension of unknown function.
31 Hitherto, membralin has been a protein of unknown function.
32 highly expressed in differentiated ILCs with unknown function.
33 ain can display somatic genomic mosaicism of unknown function.
34 unusual rotating intracellular structure of unknown function.
35 KEL is formed by TMEM175, a protein with unknown function.
36 cell costimulatory molecule with a currently unknown function.
37 cyanobacterium Microcoleus sp PCC 7113 with unknown function.
38 (odds ratios, 0.60-2.0), and are of largely unknown function.
39 (encoding p.Glu167Lys) in TM6SF2, a gene of unknown function.
40 lanosome-specific transmembrane protein with unknown function.
41 ins three NEAr transporter (NEAT) domains of unknown function.
42 rd of LGT are genes for putative proteins of unknown function.
43 omain and an N-terminal domain of previously unknown function.
44 N terminus and a dormant peptidase domain of unknown function.
45 le disrupted by a 250 amino acid sequence of unknown function.
46 y for transcript levels of DEXI, a gene with unknown function.
47 he putative substrate binding domain with an unknown function.
48 which encodes a serine/threonine kinase, of unknown function.
49 e tissue, and may predict roles for genes of unknown function.
50 Acidothermus cellulolyticus is a protein of unknown function.
51 onB-dependent receptors and many proteins of unknown function.
52 n outer layer of flattened periderm cells of unknown function.
53 y from IR exposure, including eight genes of unknown function.
54 d DNA motor ATPase fused to a HARP domain of unknown function.
55 tif (LysM) domain and a C-terminal domain of unknown function.
56 m Clostridium acetobutylicum is a protein of unknown function.
57 hogens, is encased in a membranous sheath of unknown function.
58 SAD6 is a member of the SAD family of as yet unknown function.
59 and eukaryotic organisms but are of largely unknown function.
60 as several structural modules of previously unknown function.
61 c enzymes, ion transporters, and proteins of unknown function.
62 The last three are domains of unknown function.
63 genomes and encode proteins with previously unknown function.
64 s of malaria parasites contain many genes of unknown function.
65 nce was noted, of which 200 were proteins of unknown function.
66 evant model for the screening of variants of unknown function.
67 s, about 14,000 of which involve proteins of unknown function.
68 roteases, or excretory-secretory proteins of unknown function.
69 Many of the differential proteins were of unknown function.
70 (PLD) domain, a DUF1998 domain and a gene of unknown function.
71 _3827 as putative targets of the series with unknown function.
72 pgf) that can encode immunogenic proteins of unknown function.
73 nd its substrate Sip5, a protein of hitherto unknown function.
74 secretory cell-specific Munc13-4 paralog of unknown function.
75 h to investigate WipB, a Dot/Icm effector of unknown function.
76 to the presence of three loop insertions of unknown function.
77 generating a variety of RNA classes, most of unknown function.
78 is coding for a small Ras GTPase with so far unknown function.
79 regulation, as well as predicted proteins of unknown function.
80 structures present on alpha-dystroglycan of unknown function.
81 s in 5'UTRs, the vast majority of which have unknown function.
82 ) encodes a tetra-transmembrane protein with unknown functions.
83 l-established motor activity, or additional, unknown functions.
84 cid-long unique N-terminal region with still unknown functions.
85 heir C-terminal peptide exert indispensable, unknown functions.
86 from NPCs to the chromatin region to fulfill unknown functions.
87 RFB) encoding two hypothetical proteins with unknown functions.
88 As that are joined head to tail with largely unknown functions.
89 rtually all nucleated cells, but with mostly unknown functions.
90 complex and includes six protein subunits of unknown functions.
91 non-canonical CTD, which performs completely unknown functions.
92 activity against E. coli and/or to other yet unknown functions.
93 ng protein 6 (RanBP6), a protein of hitherto unknown functions.
94 ng for over one hundred thousand proteins of unknown functions.
95 s and miscellaneous RNAs, which have largely unknown functions.
96 liary proteins, MlaD and MlaB, of previously unknown functions.
97 ith frequently precise regulation but mostly unknown functions.
99 el glycosyltransferase fold from a domain of unknown function 1792 are contrasted with common propert
100 e of a previously uncharacterized 'domain of unknown function' 1792 (DUF1792) and show that the domai
104 eus SufT is composed solely of the domain of unknown function 59 (DUF59) and has a role in the matura
105 tive myosin receptors containing a domain of unknown function 593 (DUF593) and binds via its DUF593 t
107 n pathogens, have a fourth conserved gene of unknown function adjacent to the canonical permease, ATP
108 the modulated genes were hypothetical or of unknown function, although some are known to participate
109 integral mitochondrial membrane protein with unknown function, although we now show that high-level e
110 es thetaiotaomicron VPI-5482 is a protein of unknown function and a member of a large protein family
111 d virus 2 (SIRV2), both encoding proteins of unknown function and forming an operon with ORF207 (gp19
112 ADH dehydrogenases, transcription factors of unknown function and genes for iron uptake were differen
113 ated genetic variants, especially those with unknown function and located outside protein-coding regi
114 rticularly useful in characterizing genes of unknown function and potential targets for novel small m
115 h symbiosis-induced, taxon-specific genes of unknown function and reduced numbers of plant cell wall-
116 homologous to two other Arabidopsis genes of unknown function and to FRIENDLY, which was previously s
117 al domain ( approximately 500 residues) with unknown function and two Hel308-like modules that are re
118 ction, (iii) relationships among proteins of unknown function and various types of experimental data,
119 te that many bacteria encode BMC clusters of unknown function and with diverse combinations of shell
120 ast majority of these RNA editing sites have unknown functions and are in noncoding regions of the ge
122 lammatory responses, and identify previously unknown functions and mechanisms of action of these cyto
123 works, we chose targets that broadly covered unknown functions and report here experimental results c
125 odomain protein-1 (Chp1), Tas3 (protein with unknown function), and Argonaute (Ago1), plays an import
126 ain known to bind Hsp90, a Central domain of unknown function, and a C-terminal UCS domain known to i
127 ctional inference for superfamily members of unknown function, and facilitate rational redesign of th
129 ing protein; GATOR2, a positive regulator of unknown function; and Sestrin2, a GATOR2-interacting pro
132 main protein, and other membrane proteins of unknown function as well as a RING U-box protein and pos
133 ein 119 (Tmem119), a cell-surface protein of unknown function, as a highly expressed microglia-specif
134 we identify Stonin1, an endocytic adaptor of unknown function, as a regulator of FA dynamics and cell
135 MKv), a pseudokinase of the CaMK family with unknown function, as a synaptic protein crucial for dend
137 of a four-transmembrane protein family with unknown function, as essential for hypotonicity-induced
138 sults demonstrate that Bub3 has a previously unknown function at the kinetochore in activating APC/C-
139 arallel enrichment of PM20D2, a peptidase of unknown function belonging to the metallopeptidase 20 fa
142 highly recurrent TERT promoter mutations of unknown function but specific to two nucleotide position
144 ast diversity of noncoding RNAs with largely unknown functions, but few have examined interspersed re
146 t encode p.C284R and p.I254V in a protein of unknown function (called 'FAMIN' here) are associated wi
147 molybdopterin biosynthesis and two genes of unknown function (clrE, clrF) had fitness defects in poo
150 that deletion of lamA, a gene of previously unknown function, decreases heterogeneity in the populat
151 de-responsive proteins, two peptides with an unknown function (designated ARACIN1 and ARACIN2) have b
152 Chp chemosensory system accessory protein of unknown function, directly links the integral component
153 FAM136A encodes a mitochondrial protein with unknown function, DTNA encodes a cytoskeleton-interactin
154 he toxin of the system (DarT) is a domain of unknown function (DUF) 4433, and the antitoxin (DarG) a
155 e ALDHs contain an uncharacterized domain of unknown function (DUF) near the C terminus of the polype
156 _3603, consisting of an N-terminal domain of unknown function (DUF1989) and a C-terminal tetrahydrofo
157 ning a putative membrane-localized domain of unknown function (DUF21) and a cystathionine-beta-syntha
158 a pneumoniae bind c-di-GMP via the domain of unknown function, DUF2819, which is hereby designated GI
159 o a superfamily of proteins with a domain of unknown function (DUF3237), of which no member has a pre
160 opeptide repeat domain-containing protein of unknown function encoded by a single Arabidopsis gene.
161 HopAF1 is a type III effector protein of unknown function encoded in the genomes of several strai
164 mily member 2 (TM6SF2), a gene with hitherto unknown function, expressed predominantly in liver and i
165 05, a conserved membrane-spanning protein of unknown function, fails to evoke detectable antibody res
174 ss the function of the N-terminal, domain of unknown function/frizzled-like sequences unique to mediu
175 of identified genes are annotated as having unknown functions, further underscoring our incomplete u
176 la hepatica, previously reported as MF6p, of unknown function (gb|CCA61804.1), and as FhHDM-1, consid
177 combinational DNA repair) and cjj81176_1449 (unknown function) genes were highly variable in all 81-1
178 phage repressor (gp47), and six proteins of unknown function (gp34, gp35, gp54, gp56, gp64, and gp65
182 More than 20 protein families, previously of unknown function, have been ascribed anti-CRISPR functio
183 The majority of archaeal viral genes are of unknown function hindering our understanding of the viru
184 wo independent mutations in LORF2 (a gene of unknown function) improved survival time of birds but di
186 t encode transcriptional regulators, some of unknown function in CD8(+) T cells, and that were differ
188 e the reaction kinetics between a protein of unknown function in Leishmania infantum (hypothetical C1
191 d the full fiber structure of SadA, a TAA of unknown function in Salmonella and other enterobacteria.
193 ibody response against SPAG16-a protein with unknown function in the CNS-and its expression in MS pat
194 plicating several new proteins of previously unknown function in the P1 dar antirestriction system.
197 and defines a role for CPAMD8, a protein of unknown function, in anterior segment development, imply
199 l number of abundant novel proteins with yet unknown functions, in addition to enzyme inhibitors and
200 roteome identified several viral proteins of unknown functions, including a protein encoded by the UL
203 factor SUI1 family protein, and two genes of unknown function) is controlled by both CER7 and trans-a
204 2212, annotated as a hypothetical protein of unknown function, is a 10.3-kDa protein with a cysteine
205 hat PvdP, a periplasmic enzyme of previously unknown function, is a tyrosinase required for the matur
206 uperfamily member 2), a polytopic protein of unknown function, is associated with the full spectrum o
208 in-interacting protein), a unique protein of unknown function, is required for proper cardiac adaptat
209 dem repeats and a C-terminal basic domain of unknown function, localizes to the connecting cilium whe
210 ether with another polypeptide of previously unknown function, MmoD, play key roles in regulating exp
211 comprising an outer membrane lipoprotein of unknown function, NlpI, and a periplasmic protease, Prc
217 1 define AR cistrome and reveal a previously unknown function of FOXA1 in inhibiting AR signalling an
218 , we provide direct evidence of a previously unknown function of HCPro in which the viral factor enha
219 e for understanding retinal circuitry is the unknown function of most of the approximately 30-40 amac
224 us particles, which constitutes a previously unknown function of VP24 and a potential antiviral targe
227 his approach allowed us to reveal previously unknown functions of genes in behavioral regulation.
229 ce of NAA-derived acetate, or absence of any unknown functions of the ASPA enzyme is responsible for
230 s simultaneously, thus suggesting previously unknown functions of these effector molecules in endosom
232 some cases, the mutations occur in genes of unknown function or without understanding of molecular p
233 associations on 2p24 near FAM49A, a gene of unknown function (P = 4.22 x 10(-8)), and 19q13 near RHP
235 highly enriched in mature erythrocytes, with unknown functions pertaining to erythrocyte physiology.
236 ers of the DUF1537 protein family (domain of unknown function; Pfam families PF07005 and PF17042) and
238 uberculosis lacking three different genes of unknown function previously shown to be necessary for op
241 ere uncovered for many genes with previously unknown function, providing a powerful basis for hypothe
242 tein 2 (MOSPD2), a protein with a previously unknown function, regulates monocyte migration in vitro.
243 results show how proteins of both known and unknown function relate to each other across the entire
246 reD(2,6,7), as well as a membrane protein of unknown function (SPD_0768) that we have named CozE (coo
247 a stable complex with p24, a Wip1 protein of unknown function, suggesting that the latter is involved
248 calyceal processes, which are microvilli of unknown function surrounding the base of the photorecept
249 roteomics analysis yielded seven proteins of unknown function (termed SiMat proteins) together with f
250 g1), as well as Thg1-like proteins (TLPs) of unknown function that are broadly distributed, with fami
251 harbor one or more redox-inactive domains of unknown function that are highly homologous to ketoreduc
253 perons encode up to 10 different proteins of unknown function that are not present in conventional AB
254 1, two homologous, secreted glycoproteins of unknown function that are predominantly expressed in bra
256 a widely conserved outer membrane protein of unknown function that has previously only been studied i
258 nd function of a widely conserved protein of unknown function that is an important regulator of antim
259 uter segment (OS) disc-specific protein with unknown function that is associated with retinitis pigme
260 ins a conserved N-terminal region (RH5Nt) of unknown function that is cleaved from the native protein
262 CLYBL is a human mitochondrial enzyme of unknown function that is found in multiple eukaryotic ta
263 t allele of a gene that encodes a protein of unknown function that is homologous to two other Arabido
264 f Neisseria meningitidis is a lipoprotein of unknown function that is included in the novel 4CMenB va
265 encodes a conserved hypothetical protein of unknown function that is predicted to contain a tetratri
266 a is a mast cell (MC)-restricted protease of unknown function that is retained on the outer leaflet o
268 by IreK and IreP is IreB, a small protein of unknown function that is well conserved in low-GC Gram-p
269 e coexpression analysis to identify genes of unknown function that may contribute to both conserved a
270 . tuberculosis Rv1422 is a conserved gene of unknown function that was found in a genetic screen to i
272 g16550, which is a plant-specific protein of unknown function that we termed LDIP (LDAP-interacting p
273 nriched with unique processes and genes with unknown functions that hold the potential to improve str
274 are composed of a mix of microbes with often unknown functions, the construction of synthetic microbi
275 BAC was discovered as a cellular activity of unknown function, there are now many lines of evidence c
276 e-1 (Nos1)-expressing (Nos1(PVH)) neurons of unknown function; these represent a subset of the larger
277 many of the EIEC lineage-specific genes have unknown functions, those with predicted functions includ
278 etic and lipid analyses to link a protein of unknown function to tetrahymanol synthesis in bacteria.
279 creen we found pals-22, a gene of previously unknown function, to be a repressor of the cul-6/cullin
281 roughput screening of 177 protein modules of unknown function was used to determine the complete CBMo
284 pstS, and pstS and its adjacent gene g247 of unknown function were the only phage genes that were enr
286 tabases (ORFans), being putative proteins of unknown function, which hinders the understanding of the
287 urface-exposed ribosomal RNA (rRNA) shell of unknown function, which may create an interface for yet
288 operons, iron-regulated genes, and genes of unknown function, which may or may not be controlled by
289 lic capacity with 55% of the proteins having unknown function, which reflects unique adaptations to a
291 Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genes of unknown function whose expression is correlated with sec
292 omosome 1, encode a family of 18 proteins of unknown function, whose expression is largely restricted
293 abidopsis thaliana) that encodes proteins of unknown function with four predicted transmembrane domai
294 primary transcript, demonstrating a hitherto unknown function with possible roles in myeloid leukosis
295 notation to prioritize mutations in genes of unknown function with potential effects on the immune sy
296 We also propose that PduV, a protein of unknown function with remote homology to the Ras-like GT
298 binding may occur via additional domains of unknown function within the nonrepeat region, one of whi
299 We also establish that an ABC transporter of unknown function, YadH, together with the Mla system pre
300 n be found at a single position in a gene of unknown function (yhiN) in various bacteria as well as i
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