


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 with low risk for recurrence are not treated unnecessarily.
2 inations which are most commonly carried out unnecessarily.
3 arly one third of patients underwent surgery unnecessarily.
4 ad to inappropriate policies and funds spent unnecessarily.
5 nts" treated with immunoglobulin replacement unnecessarily.
6 sed, therapeutic intervention may be delayed unnecessarily.
7 e undergone hysterectomy, are being screened unnecessarily.
8 enting health care facilities from expanding unnecessarily.
9 nts may receive chemotherapy or radiotherapy unnecessarily.
10                           An example was the unnecessarily and markedly prolonged review of the veter
11 entral vascular catheters (CVCs) are removed unnecessarily because current diagnostic methods for CVC
12  that may occur if statin therapy is stopped unnecessarily can be devastating.
13 if used when recovery chance was remote, may unnecessarily cause discomfort and increase cost of care
14 t with multiple reaction sites, producing an unnecessarily complex analyte mixture.
15 kinetic resolutions, but these equations are unnecessarily complex because it is enantiomer ratio, no
16                The P&G model also invokes an unnecessarily complex set of mechanisms.
17   The current AJCC staging system for HCC is unnecessarily complex.
18 s that the integrity of consumer research is unnecessarily compromised by the failure of the major sc
19                 A threshold as great as 4 is unnecessarily conservative if multipoint tests are used
20  downstream emissions to the environment and unnecessarily consumes natural resources, potentially af
21           I find these calls frustrating and unnecessarily decisive.
22 XM negative on final cross-match and will be unnecessarily denied a transplant.
23 oratory and systematic analysis of such data unnecessarily difficult.
24    This can obscure up to 30% of fusions and unnecessarily discards much of the data.
25  not consider the role of mean patch age may unnecessarily doom populations to extinction.
26 re concerned about the increasing demand for unnecessarily elaborate chairs.
27  achieve this goal without injudiciously and unnecessarily excising many benign lesions has led to nu
28 controlling healthcare costs and eliminating unnecessarily expensive hospital stays.
29 rts to identify and address situations where unnecessarily expensive therapies are used when less cos
30 tial number of thrombocytopenic patients are unnecessarily exposed to costly alternative anticoagulan
31 ove not to be infected, removal of catheters unnecessarily exposes patients to the risks associated w
32               Millions of children still die unnecessarily from pneumonia and diarrhoea, mainly in re
33 that the pulmonary alveolar surface restrain unnecessarily harmful inflammatory responses to the many
34      To reduce complications associated with unnecessarily high doses of steroids, steroid-treated IB
35 rfusion therapy could potentially reduce the unnecessarily high mortality rates observed in women, th
36 rder to maintain desired exposures and avoid unnecessarily high peak concentrations.
37 osages in the current EPA recommendation are unnecessarily high to ensure (1) maintenance of FCR for
38      The high rate of overtriage could cause unnecessarily high use of resources in the emergency dep
39 ents with chronic pain may suffer longer and unnecessarily if we prescribe and legislate badly.
40 uality of life, affect children's growth and unnecessarily impact on healthcare costs.
41  the adoption of data-sharing practices that unnecessarily impede research.
42 ve health conditions that are exacerbated by unnecessarily inadequate healthcare.
43 tients with acute respiratory failure may be unnecessarily limited in the acute intensive care settin
44 ps worldwide, the scope of this technique is unnecessarily limited.
45  antibiotic therapy, using short rather than unnecessarily long course therapy, reducing inappropriat
46 ak the transmission chain without leading to unnecessarily long periods of class interruption.
47 non-human primates and continued scrutiny of unnecessarily long prenatal ultrasound exposure.
48 underpinning accurate reporting should avoid unnecessarily misleading readers about the meaning of ep
49 usion is unjustified as the authors adopt an unnecessarily narrow definition of "number sense," negle
50 miting aesthetics to rather rare experiences unnecessarily narrows the scope of a science of art.
51 tients, implying that such patients could be unnecessarily overtreated.
52 e of health care dollars and could result in unnecessarily preventing many women from the contracepti
53 dical or surgical care may be futile and may unnecessarily prolong the suffering of families.
54 s about encouraging antibiotic resistance to unnecessarily prolonged treatment, defining the optimal
55 ctors, such as protecting right to life, not unnecessarily prolonging suffering, and individual prefe
56 lue (84.5%) and could lead to fewer patients unnecessarily receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics.
57 ormation, the use of these treatments may be unnecessarily restricted.
58 This study shows that this recommendation is unnecessarily restrictive and that quantitative guidelin
59 djunctive-therapy indications in epilepsy is unnecessarily restrictive.
60                         This strategy may be unnecessarily restrictive.
61 n a formal research advance directive may be unnecessarily restrictive.
62             Strict guideline adherence would unnecessarily stimulate broad-spectrum antibiotic use.
63                                These include unnecessarily strict US Food and Drug Administration (FD
64                            This condition is unnecessarily strong for selective amplification, since
65 tients with metastasis limited to the SLN is unnecessarily subjected to the morbidity of CAD.
66 nt can be made that our rejection constrains unnecessarily the liberty of a small number of patients.
67  admitted to hospital and received treatment unnecessarily; there was overuse of intravenous immunogl
68 are frequently patchy, sprays may be applied unnecessarily to disease-free areas.
69                    Many patients are triaged unnecessarily to intensive or intermediate cardiac care
70 k pain are too sensitive and expose patients unnecessarily to ionizing radiation.
71 loidosis patients and to avoid incorrect and unnecessarily toxic therapies.
72  that many of these patients would have been unnecessarily transfused had we adhered to any of the no
73        The use of T2DT reduced the number of unnecessarily treated patients by 98% relative to that w

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