


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                           This assumption is unrealistic.
2  results, and suspect it to be energetically unrealistic.
3                            This is obviously unrealistic.
4 using intuition alone to draw connections is unrealistic.
5 flux near the base of the flow, are probably unrealistic.
6 ns typically used in traditional methods are unrealistic.
7 ent that cures in this disease are no longer unrealistic.
8 ones making such a labeled-line organization unrealistic.
9  edge limit of 0.59 AU or less is physically unrealistic.
10 l testing of the mirror system in rodents is unrealistic.
11 th simple planar models becomes increasingly unrealistic.
12      Are claims exaggerated and expectations unrealistic?
13                                Substantially unrealistic Achilles tendon forces and moments generated
14 asy to implement and analyze, usually impose unrealistic aggregation assumptions about disease-relate
15 nd field systems with a hypothetical but not unrealistic AlCH3 ligand and sketch the consequences of
16 ific maximum number of patients cared for is unrealistic, an approach that uses the following princip
17 ific maximum number of patients cared for is unrealistic, an approach that uses the following princip
18                        The ubiquity of these unrealistic and highly idealized images has been linked
19 simple solution to such a complex problem is unrealistic and highly unlikely, the inclusion of metabo
20 f HIV-1 evolution, whereas simple models are unrealistic and inaccurate.
21 Fixing the number of conditions to binary is unrealistic and may distort the results of a DTE analysi
22 o bridge this gap, we presented monkeys with unrealistic and realistic synthetic monkey faces, as wel
23 en the study of emotion and cognition may be unrealistic and that an understanding of human cognition
24 especially when the null model in the LRT is unrealistic, and the test often mistakes recombination a
25 ectly comparing points on the two signals is unrealistic, as it cannot handle delays and speed variat
26      Previous models, however, relied on the unrealistic assumption of network homogeneity.
27 y 50% of the egg volumes predicted under the unrealistic assumption of perfectly efficient energy tra
28 costs, for example) corresponds to making an unrealistic assumption that all sequence relationships h
29  FoI are inaccurate because they rely on the unrealistic assumption that risk is constant over time.
30 nd physiological estimates may be due to the unrealistic assumption that speed is coded in the gross
31 ults in a waste of resources and might be an unrealistic assumption; with an exactly balanced excitat
32                                              Unrealistic assumptions about agents' information proces
33                      We argue that they make unrealistic assumptions about the cognitive abilities of
34 ios as they have limited accuracy and assume unrealistic assumptions of monogamy and synchronized gen
35 ic scoring matrix (PSSM) impose biologically unrealistic assumptions such as independence of the moti
36 nologies to anonymize clinical data may make unrealistic assumptions with respect to the capabilities
37 nsively validated in simulations (under many unrealistic assumptions), no empirical study of local an
38 s for proteins, lipids, etc., and/or equally unrealistic atomic radii.
39        Unfortunately, such models tend to be unrealistic because the dynamics of native proteins are
40 on in LixSi, based on plasticity theory, are unrealistic, because the yield strength of LixSi is much
41 and model or the splitting model, which make unrealistic biological assumptions.
42 le (many are 'strained' frameworks requiring unrealistic bond lengths and bond angles), and that an e
43 although this assumption is in some respects unrealistic, calculations that used apparently more real
44 oncern about taking away hope" (71.3%), and "unrealistic clinician expectations" (59.0%).
45 xic of the oxysterols but at physiologically unrealistic concentrations.
46  by providing information that may allay any unrealistic concerns recruits may have about the medical
47 racking enables our algorithms to avoid many unrealistic connections, often found in previous approac
48  on the availability of free space, an often unrealistic constraint.
49             These effects do not necessitate unrealistic correlation values, and can occur for popula
50 reement is only achieved by using physically unrealistic dielectric constants for proteins, lipids, e
51 or effect on Mapp and cannot account for the unrealistic disk thickness.
52 oil moisture on stomatal conductance yielded unrealistic diurnal and seasonal responses to drought.
53 ), but the surface-controlled model required unrealistic droplet radius values to obtain a good fit.
54 muscle as estimated by the model used may be unrealistic due to errors in estimating the changes in m
55 r, respectively, overcoming the reporting of unrealistic efficiency using average ZT values.
56 ggest that eradication efforts would require unrealistic efficiency; hence, management should focus o
57 he outcomes within those trials--can lead to unrealistic estimates of drug effectiveness and alter th
58  individual travel behaviors and may lead to unrealistic estimation of environmental impacts of fleet
59  notion that improved overall survival is an unrealistic expectation during evaluation of new antican
60 ysicians are partly responsible for parents' unrealistic expectations about cure.
61                                              Unrealistic expectations about the chances of discoverin
62 evaluation of recent research should prevent unrealistic expectations and allow improved design of fu
63 confidence also leads to faulty assessments, unrealistic expectations and hazardous decisions, so it
64 ine significance can be inflated and lead to unrealistic expectations for successful replication.
65  interested in using probiotics and may have unrealistic expectations for therapeutic benefit.
66  of hospital websites may be contributing to unrealistic expectations in patients who choose to under
67 hat are oversimplified, and this may lead to unrealistic expectations of the questions that can be an
68 as been used to describe the exaggerated and unrealistic fear of fever expressed by parents and carer
69  not offered treatment or decline because of unrealistic fears.
70 rotocols require a large sample size that is unrealistic for a clinically available sample.
71 ly simple dispersal scenarios that are often unrealistic for marine larvae [11-15], and recent landsc
72             Because such dilute chemistry is unrealistic for surface waters, theoretical baseline com
73 orted for other than the gas phase (which is unrealistic for these ionic species) that exhibit except
74  the example of Halley et al. is based on an unrealistic fragmentation model with an infinite number
75 er, is built on several assumptions that are unrealistic from a provider's perspective-the group that
76                                      This is unrealistic given that humans are continuously exposed t
77 cialist triggers were metastatic malignancy, unrealistic goals of care, end of life decision making,
78 were risk of toxicity, consent of the child, unrealistic hope, and coercion.
79 lication-competent forms of HIV-1, rendering unrealistic hopes of virus eradication with current anti
80 ision may lead the viewing public to have an unrealistic impression of CPR and its chances for succes
81 cted to relatively harsh treatments that are unrealistic in a natural context.
82  Even so, eyelid conditioning procedures are unrealistic in an important way.
83      Detractors opine that: 1) the trial was unrealistic in design and the findings were not unexpect
84 ing to communicate, difficult to understand, unrealistic in terms of timelines, and potentially infea
85 critical care providers, and would require a unrealistic increase in spending on physician training.
86     We propose a new method that relaxes the unrealistic independence assumption of the classical Fis
87  so large that it could be caused only by an unrealistic internal mass distribution or highly superso
88  extrapolate from functions determined under unrealistic laboratory conditions.
89 nce for some aquatic ectotherms, but only at unrealistic lethal temperatures and without field data t
90 d oral hygiene regimen that does not require unrealistic levels of interdental or subgingival home-ca
91 lower frequency will require higher, but not unrealistic, magnetic fields than those commonly employe
92  but only when the disorder was increased to unrealistic magnitudes.
93 g all microbes in drinking water have proven unrealistic, making a probiotic concept worthy of consid
94 egulatory processes, ruling out biologically unrealistic mechanisms.
95 run the risk of being strongly confounded by unrealistic model assumptions.
96                              This physically unrealistic model fails to account for the energetic dis
97 than a possible saturation effect due to the unrealistic nature of the model assumed.
98 Second, relaxing this constraint leads to an unrealistic network evoked activity, with systematic coa
99 show that population elimination might be an unrealistic objective in heterogeneous populations.
100 ary to findings in the literature related to unrealistic optimism and self-beliefs, it does not appea
101 nefit is indeterminate has the potential for unrealistic optimism by both physicians and families.
102                                              Unrealistic optimism is a pervasive human trait that inf
103                          How people maintain unrealistic optimism, despite frequently encountering in
104                 This well-known bias, termed unrealistic optimism, is observed across age, culture, a
105 based on loosely related past experiences or unrealistic optimism.
106       Most of these models, however, exhibit unrealistic oscillatory behavior and SOC insensitivity t
107                          Lastly, we observed unrealistic oscillatory SOC dynamics in the 2-pool micro
108 H gradient is possible in our system but for unrealistic parameter estimates-pointing to the possible
109 ertical profile of polar trends in ERA-40 is unrealistic, particularly above the troposphere.
110                                     Managing unrealistic patient expectations is paramount in reducin
111  barriers to quality EOL care reported were "unrealistic patient expectations" (97.3%), "clinician co
112 top barrier to quality EOL care reported was unrealistic patient expectations, which may be best addr
113 e included patient/family factors, including unrealistic patient/family expectations 2.5 (1.0), inabi
114 cate that the ERA-40 trends are increasingly unrealistic polewards of 62 degrees N; (2) that the two
115       Patients' hopes for healing were often unrealistic, posing challenges for the clinicians caring
116  Animal research is shifting from the use of unrealistic, pressure-controlled, hemorrhagic shock mode
117          Generalized linear models gave very unrealistic projections far away from the training regio
118 GHGEs but included only 7 food items, all in unrealistic quantities.
119 veloping a model and its current form has an unrealistic response to light, then one must reexamine o
120 assumed logistic type proliferation leads to unrealistic results, predicting immediate recurrence.
121 nditioning during self-administration drives unrealistic reward expectations, ultimately producing re
122 eing questioned, either because they require unrealistic rheological behaviours of rocks and magmas,
123                                      Such an unrealistic scenario could underestimate potential inter
124  parameterizations have evolved from simple, unrealistic schemes into credible representations of the
125 rt models may ignore this process and induce unrealistic simulations.
126                It thus estimates risk in the unrealistic situation where death does not occur.
127 he mutation-centric model of cancer suggests unrealistic solutions to cancer and distracts the resear
128 e neurons were not sensitive to the sight of unrealistic substitutes for the arm and were able to dis
129 mness, simulations predict the occurrence of unrealistic switches between the Epi and the PrE cell fa
130 valley: They looked longer at real faces and unrealistic synthetic faces than at realistic synthetic
131                                It is usually unrealistic to assume a common variance for each gene.
132                                    It is not unrealistic to expect that in the next couple of decades
133                                     As it is unrealistic to expect the development of, say, a 'schizo
134 tcome of their deliberations was that it was unrealistic to expect trials of new PET radiopharmaceuti
135 f scientific reasoning have shown that it is unrealistic to prevent policy-relevant scientific resear
136 jor regulatory decisions are at stake, it is unrealistic to think that values can be excluded from sc
137 to use small sample sizes in anticipation of unrealistic treatment benefits, and difficulty in transl
138 ve and powered to identify what appear to be unrealistic treatment effects, particularly when using m
139  data, no standard approach to missing data, unrealistic uncertainty estimates, and the use of diseas
140  functional analyses that were previously an unrealistic undertaking.
141 lta T-cells to cancer cells within tissue to unrealistic values for having an intended therapeutic ef
142 ny" health benefits were more likely to have unrealistic weight loss expectations.
143 to the ecotoxicity of CNT releases under the unrealistic worst case scenario, while exceeding the res

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