コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 Physical examination findings were unremarkable.
2 Initial cholangiography in both patients was unremarkable.
3 leukemia viruses (MuLVs) have been rare and unremarkable.
4 ith the anterior stroma remaining relatively unremarkable.
5 The associations with other carotenoids were unremarkable.
6 mis of the rest of the T7-PKCdelta mouse was unremarkable.
7 were minimal and gross necropsy results were unremarkable.
8 and biochemical investigations are generally unremarkable.
9 keletal muscle from the deceased sibling was unremarkable.
10 d to asbestos in inhalation experiments were unremarkable.
11 Her surgical history was otherwise unremarkable.
12 sts and arterial blood gas measurements were unremarkable.
13 lectroencephalographic (EEG) recordings were unremarkable.
14 Physical examinations were generally unremarkable.
15 other structures within the kidney remained unremarkable.
16 including that for pancreatic enzymes, were unremarkable.
17 The rest of the laboratory data were unremarkable.
18 Otherwise, the findings were unremarkable.
19 Routine serum metabolic profiles were unremarkable.
20 Laboratory test results were unremarkable.
21 Electrocardiographic findings were unremarkable.
22 e serum and cerebrospinal fluid studies were unremarkable.
23 Hematology and blood biochemistry were unremarkable.
24 ositive focal epilepsies, even if the MRI is unremarkable.
25 on studies for obesity have found this locus unremarkable.
26 nts, and molecular analysis of claudin 1 was unremarkable.
27 of flexor digiti brevis tendon entheses were unremarkable.
28 The patient's medical history was otherwise unremarkable.
29 The remaining ophthalmic examination was unremarkable.
30 logical assessment and cranial CT scans were unremarkable.
31 A conventional cerebral angiogram was unremarkable.
32 blood count and basic metabolic profile were unremarkable.
33 Protocol biopsies were unremarkable.
34 Responses of normal pancreas were unremarkable.
35 Neurologic examination results were unremarkable.
36 results of cerebrospinal fluid studies were unremarkable.
37 ases for which conventional OCT scans appear unremarkable.
38 xamination and nerve conduction studies were unremarkable.
39 ations, whereas other canonical targets were unremarkable.
40 Human leukocyte antigen typing was unremarkable.
41 and rarely systemic effects; most bites are unremarkable.
42 apillaris in treatment and control eyes were unremarkable.
43 ed 1 year prior to the current admission was unremarkable.
44 His medical and dental history was otherwise unremarkable.
45 The results of histopathologic analysis were unremarkable.
46 The brains were macroscopically unremarkable.
48 e antimicrobial susceptibility patterns were unremarkable; all isolates tested were susceptible to pe
49 fatty acid profiles of Elovl4(+/-) mice were unremarkable, although the concentration of several fatt
51 and kidney histopathology in these mice were unremarkable and identical to wild-type littermates for
53 he phylogenetic branch leading to humans was unremarkable and that other branches showed significantl
54 nd computerized tomographic angiography were unremarkable, and if they still wished to donate, a kidn
62 ing 21 of 21 specimens (100%) categorized as unremarkable bone marrows both morphologically and by fl
64 reviously been considered biomineralogically unremarkable but our new observations show that the true
69 topathology of PTEN-null glands is initially unremarkable, but with progression, they form distinctiv
71 p-644, His-675, Asp-714, and Asp-754) causes unremarkable changes in Mn(2+) or Mg(2+) support of cata
75 ndothelial cell activation, but changes were unremarkable considering the extent of viral replication
76 atients but not in those from neurologically unremarkable controls, suggesting the relocation and act
78 rentiated patients experiencing a clinically unremarkable course from those experiencing mild-to-mode
81 The transformation from a synapse that is unremarkable except for its giant size into a fast and r
84 findings from a neurological examination and unremarkable findings on diagnostic imaging, the diagnos
87 logic properties of the patient's virus were unremarkable, he had poor functional immune responses to
89 mission pair, coupled with infection with an unremarkable HIV-1 isolate, underscores the crucial impo
90 etable in 7 patients because of artifact and unremarkable in 2 patients who had elevated T2 values.
94 f resistant C57BL/6 mice were histologically unremarkable, in contrast to the severe inflammation obs
96 er present as a slow, diffuse, and initially unremarkable increase in sporadic cases, or as an explos
99 ever smoked and 10 samples of histologically unremarkable lung tissue from resection specimens served
100 lear-cut, especially in a young patient with unremarkable medical history, and because of the similar
103 onstrating abnormalities in individuals with unremarkable MRI results showed an operative outcome sim
106 Characteristic findings of HORV included unremarkable postoperative day 1 undilated examination,
109 His189 and have identified other previously unremarkable residues in the CD loop (such as Ser166, Ph
110 usters of deleterious mutations in otherwise unremarkable ribosomal sites were identified, suggesting
111 er from persistent memory impairment despite unremarkable routine clinical magnetic resonance imaging
115 chiroptical spectra of the free ligands are unremarkable, the CD spectra of the complexes are very i
116 ugh the mice developed normally and appeared unremarkable, the homozygous males unexpectedly proved i
118 oup 1 comprised 1 eye from 189 patients with unremarkable topography and Groups 2 and 3 included the
119 tect most subclinical keratoconus cases with unremarkable topography, but performance is not as good
120 ort (right ventricular systolic dysfunction, unremarkable transesophageal echocardiography study cons
121 line BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, and three had unremarkable transvaginal ultrasonography examinations w
122 type, SIRT3-deficient mice are metabolically unremarkable under basal conditions and show normal adap
123 Although each of these trends may be fairly unremarkable when taken in isolation, when considered as
124 regression on fundus photography was mostly unremarkable, with a majority of eyes (71%) demonstratin
125 e general physical examination findings were unremarkable, with a normal abdomen at both visual inspe
126 etardation, the neurological examination was unremarkable, with exception of 2 affected subjects who
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